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I am still praying for you and your family.  I am very happy that you went to the urgent care and  that they had you go to ER and you were admitted and treated.  All too many people die from strep because they wait to long to get care, including Jim Henson, creator of the Muppets.

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I’m glad you’re home! I hope you continue to feel better. 

I had some ongoing stomach issues a few months ago and tried all the probiotics- the expensive spore kinds, but in the end the culturelle was the one that worked for me. 

But I’m sure someone will have more educated advice! 

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5 minutes ago, Mrs Tiggywinkle Again said:

I’m home. On a lot of antibiotics for the ne; seven days still.

any suggestions for probiotics?  My system has been hit with massive amounts of three different antibiotics over the last several days.

Florastor would be the must-take, along with a good colonizing probiotic (the other one needs to be taken away from your antibiotics, which might be tricky if you’re on a lot of them. The florastor you don’t have to be careful about timing because the antibiotics won’t kill it). Culturelle has good data and doesn’t require a special storage, so that’s not a bad one to go with. There are some fancier ones that are good though, like VSL 3 or Visbiome.


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6 minutes ago, Ditto said:

I'm relieved you are doing better and are home.  Do you have some help for at least a few days?   Will you be able to be off work for a while to recover?  T

I ditto everything Ditto said. I hope you are feeling better super soon.

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48 minutes ago, KSera said:

Florastor would be the must-take, along with a good colonizing probiotic (the other one needs to be taken away from your antibiotics, which might be tricky if you’re on a lot of them. The florastor you don’t have to be careful about timing because the antibiotics won’t kill it). Culturelle has good data and doesn’t require a special storage, so that’s not a bad one to go with. There are some fancier ones that are good though, like VSL 3 or Visbiome.


This would be my recommendation as well. 

I'd also recommend enjoying plenty of sauerkraut (it's surprisingly good sprinkled on salad, kinda like pepperoncini), swishing your mouth with apple cider vinegar to combat thrush, and also ingesting collagen powder because it's soothing and healing for your digestive system. Also bone broth. 

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42 minutes ago, Mrs Tiggywinkle Again said:

I will see if I can find Floristor.

Floristor has guidelines about interactions which is on their website.

As for finding it, I've seen it around here in Walgreens. And if *we* have it, then I'm guessing everybody else does.

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29 minutes ago, knitgrl said:

Floristor has guidelines about interactions which is on their website.

As for finding it, I've seen it around here in Walgreens. And if *we* have it, then I'm guessing everybody else does.

I ordered it off Amazon but when my husband gets off work tomorrow night he’s going to check Rite Aid.

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1 minute ago, Mrs Tiggywinkle Again said:

I ordered it off Amazon but when my husband gets off work tomorrow night he’s going to check Rite Aid.

If you need more to continue it for longer, Costco online usually has the best price I can find. 

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1 hour ago, Harriet Vane said:

This would be my recommendation as well. 

I'd also recommend enjoying plenty of sauerkraut (it's surprisingly good sprinkled on salad, kinda like pepperoncini), swishing your mouth with apple cider vinegar to combat thrush, and also ingesting collagen powder because it's soothing and healing for your digestive system. Also bone broth. 

I have sauerkraut on my lunch salad every day, both for the probiotic benefit and also because it really is a yummy addition. But you do need to make sure it's a good kind like Bubbies or Wildbrine

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3 minutes ago, Pawz4me said:

I have sauerkraut on my lunch salad every day, both for the probiotic benefit and also because it really is a yummy addition. But you do need to make sure it's a good kind like Bubbies or Wildbrine

Agreed. I always look at the ingredients--if it's cabbage, water, and salt, then I know it was allowed to ferment naturally. If it contains vinegar, then that was a shortcut that does not carry the same advantage.

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On 2/9/2024 at 10:31 AM, Mrs Tiggywinkle Again said:

Blood pressure crashed last night and was started on a vasopressor to bring it up.

Blood cultures came back positive for strep in the bloodstream. They think I had a scratch or small unnoticed cut in my elbow that a strep bacteria got in.

Oh man!  My dh had that a year and a half ago: small cut in his elbow that let in strep. He has to have surgery on his elbow to remove the infection and then was on antibiotics for like a month. I'm so sorry but glad you are home now. Dh got it right when our local hospital was changing over a new computer system. Due to everyone learning a new system he ended up being in the hospital 6 days (the department that needed to clear him didn't receive the notification, then didn't work the next day, then didn't receive the notification again...it was maddening!!)

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27 minutes ago, kbutton said:

Saccromyces boullardi, not sure of spelling. I think that’s the active on in Florastor. I take the Thorne version.

Yes. S. Boulardii is the yeast that in studies has shown most effective in c. diff treatment and prevention. It survives your stomach acid and can make it into your intestines. True but weird fact, they discovered/studied it because people in south east Asia used to chew on the peels of lychee in order to treat cholera as a folk medicine. It turns out this stuff was hanging out on those peels.

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You could also try taking a probiotic called Miyairi (made by Miyarisan) which is clostridium butyricum. Miyairi is made in Japan. It’s used for different reasons but one is to prevent c. diff infections if taking big kahuna antibiotics. I buy it on ebay from a Japanese woman who lives in California. I think it’s sold on Amazon but not sure. Be aware that the bottle might not be protectively sealed (box should be taped) and the package and instructions are in Japanese. Initially you could take one tablet in the morning with or after a meal and then if it doesn’t cause problems, take a second tablet with or after a second meal.

You could also add prebiotic food to help increase the populations of beneficial bacteria. Raw Jerusalem artichoke would do the trick. Start with a 1/8 slice, probably peeled initially, per day with a meal and then every few days, add another slice to a second meal so you’re eating two slices. If you’re tolerating them well, increase the thickness to 1/4”. Whole foods sometimes has them. If you can’t find them, asparagus and leeks would help, too.

Hope you’re on the mend very soon.


ETA  I would probably take Florastor initially and then maybe Miyairi a few months later if gut problems were persisting.

Edited by BeachGal
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5 hours ago, BeachGal said:

You could also try taking a probiotic called Miyairi (made by Miyarisan) which is clostridium butyricum. Miyairi is made in Japan. It’s used for different reasons but one is to prevent c. diff infections if taking big kahuna antibiotics. I buy it on ebay from a Japanese woman who lives in California. I think it’s sold on Amazon but not sure. Be aware that the bottle might not be protectively sealed (box should be taped) and the package and instructions are in Japanese. Initially you could take one tablet in the morning with or after a meal and then if it doesn’t cause problems, take a second tablet with or after a second meal.


There's been at least one encouraging study on the possible benefit of Miyarisan for cancer patients on immunotherapy. Many of those patients on the cancer board I belong to use it. Amazon and EBay are the most popular places for buying it, I think. 

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18 hours ago, Mrs Tiggywinkle Again said:


Florastor for your gut. I'd take it at least 1-2 x a day but you could push it to 3-4 times a day without a problem. I seem to get put on antibiotics a lot lately so I'm a junkie on the florastor. I look up the half life of the antibiotic I've been put on and I wait that out 5x and THEN start the yogurt, kefir, etc. Until then, lots of florastor. Generic (CVS/Walgreens, whatever) of florastor works fine too. Walgreens often has it BOGO to save you a bit. I know some practitioners will say you can take a probiotic if you space it a few hours, but I never ever do that. I like my antibiotics to work and I want to live, lol. With the half lives being so long, it makes no mathematical sense to take a regular probiotic while on the antibiotic. Florastor is bred not to interfere so it's the bug of choice. Noncolonizing, so it's not a permanent solution, but it's definitely the bomb while you're doing the antibiotic.

I also use xylitol mints like CRAZY because I get cavities without mercy when I'm on antibiotics. If I use the xylitol mints, no cavities. I like the Spry mints and they come in a very zippy cinnamon, an easy to enjoy berry flavor, etc.  I try to let them dissolve and swish a bit, one or two at a time, repeat throughout the day till I've had at least 6-8 each day. The cost of one tub of mints ($9?) is less than the cost of fillings, sigh. 

I'm glad you're out and on the pathway to recovery. That sounded AWFUL!!! Take care of yourself. It almost sounds like your self awareness took a hit because you were so sick, like maybe you weren't sensing it quite as severely as it was. At least that happens to me sometimes. You can watch your nails for signs of vitamins/minerals running low. This last round of pneumonia I got Beau's ridges my zinc dropped so much. I've been taking 80mg a day, which is almost 4x what I normally take, and have finally started to catch up. Also severe stress/illness seems to affect my biotin. I finally found that as the explanation for why I it takes my energy so long to recover. There are certain genetic defects of biotin that mainly kick in when you're sick. So if your energy doesn't bounce back might be something to look at. I usually take like 3 months, which is just crazy. 

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Once you're done with the antibiotic and are ready to eat some yogurt, etc., here's a super easy way to make the thickest, most crazy greek yogurt you've ever had.


I double it, so:

-2 cans sweetened condensed milk (you can get by with 1, but hey)

-1 small carton PLAIN Chobani yogurt. Don't cheap out and use Walmart or off brand on this because the bugs are not as good. It will still set up, but it won't be as over the top mindblowing. 

-2 red cartons Fairlife milk

I stir together the sweetened condensed milk and yogurt, then slowly add the milk. Hit the yogurt button, which on my presets to 9 hours, put on any old lid (glass if you want to see it) and walk away. When you come back, it will be THICK and crazy good. Put this straight in the frig to cool no stirring. Then you can add in some maple syrup, vanilla, whatever you need. No straining, no nothing, just your own private stash of crazy good, ultra thick yogurt.

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