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Are you starting your Thanksgiving desserts today?

math teacher

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I have quite a lot to make, so I thought about starting them. I'm making:

Carrot Cake

Pumpkin Pie

Mincemeat Pie

Apple Pie

Cinnamon Rolls

Martha Washington Candy

Chocolate cake

Fruit and Nut cookies

Four Layer Delight (sugar free for my mom who is diabetic)

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I am not doing mine until tomorrow.  I am going to be making a pumpkin pie, caramel dutch apple pie, and snickerdoodle cookies.  Today I am working on casseroles: sweet potato casserole and stuffed mushroom casserole.  I am also making cranberry sauce and candied pecans today.

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23 minutes ago, Amira said:

I'll start tomorrow.  There are just three of us so I'm only doing two pies (pumpkin and peanut butter).  I'll do more at Christmas when all five of us are here.  

No, there are not just three of you.  I'll be coming to help you with that peanut butter pie.  😀

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We do pie week instead of having them all the same day. Today is chocolate chess, but I’m also making two French silk for Thursday. Tomorrow I’ll make peanut butter. Thursday I’ll do lemon meringue. Yesterday was pumpkin. 
My husband and son live for Pie Week.

Some of you are doing an impressive amount of work on desserts! Kudos!

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I made a chocolate chip cookie pie today. https://www.melskitchencafe.com/chocolate-chip-cookie-pie/

I have apples for apple crisp in the freezer from when I made some earlier this fall. I was planning to turn it into a Dutch apple pie, but I think I may just serve it as a crisp.

Sister is bringing pumpkin pie.

I've already made, frozen, and am in the process of thawing the mashed potatoes and sweet potatoes.

Either today or tomorrow, I will roast the green beans, prepare the stuffing, and make an artichoke dip. I should have everything ready before Thursday, but it will still be a busy day cooking the turkey and heating and serving everything.

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I only need to bring one dessert….next generation has taken over the reigns, and I am happy about that!

Yesterday I made an old recipe my husband grew up with.

Cheese Torte. It’s made with a Zweibach toast crust. Filling is more cottage cheese than cream cheese. I upped the lemon from the original recipe. 

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No, just the 4 of us and it has been a WEEK here so I'm behind.  I pick up a boat load of groceries at 10 am tomorrow morning and I'm off to the races.  Tomorrow I'm planning on making sourdough cinnamon rolls, I'll kick off my starter early.  Put together a potato casserole that can be thrown in the oven on Thursday.  Maybe some dinner rolls that we can use to make sandwiches later.  I'll get them to ready to bake point and put them in the fridge.  Maybe horseradish cream tomorrow.  Oh and I'll start my pie.  I'm just making one, but it's a multilayered cherry/chocolate thing my kids like. 


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Thanks for the reminder . . . 

We're out of jam, so I made 14 quarts of freezer jam yesterday (I admit - I wanted jam for Thanksgiving) .. . . 7 quarts of strawberry, and 7 quarts of raspberry. dudeling said he was glad I made raspberry . . . uhm, why?  you don't eat it.  (he will only eat strawberry).

I tried making cranberry sauce, but it didn't turn out.  I honestly don't know what happened - I've never had it fail before, but I was distracted while doing it.

we're not doing record pies . . (we once had 19 different pies for thanksgiving.  - everyone contributed.)  I want a pecan as well as pumpkin  . . . and there will only be six of us.   which is downright pleasant for size. 

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I am starting everything tomorrow, but we are celebrating on Friday this year.

Desserts: orange cheesecake with chocolate crust and cranberry topping, candied apple pie.  I am NOT making a pumpkin pie.  DS23's girlfriend offered to bring it as her contribution.

I am also making regular cranberry sauce (berries, shallots, white balsamic, chicken stock, rosemary).  Dh is brining the turkey.

The rest will wait until Friday, either in the morning (smoking turkey, making the macaroni & cheese, twice baked sweet potatoes) or right before dinner (roasted green beans, brussel sprouts, rolls, stuffing, salad).

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1 hour ago, Baseballandhockey said:

Oooh, I am curious about your vegetarian entree!  What did you make?

We just moved the celebration to Sunday, so it's too early to cook today.  We are still making "rough drafts" and finalizing the menu.  DS is going to his aunt's tomorrow to make the ice cream since I'm working, and that will keep.  

Made the lentil cranberry en croute (Wellington). Good luck with your plans! 

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I have pie crust chilling in the refrigerator. Tomorrow I will make a batch of chocolate chip scones, and three dozen homemade crescent rolls. I don't have any other baking that I have to do, but Mark was hoping for a batch of pecan shortbread cookies which he likes to have at night with tea. He put in a very long day with his mother so I think I will make some IF I get the other things on my list done tomorrow, and that list is not exactly short.

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I land from my vacation (during which I worked the entire time) Thursday night and I am making the entire thanksgiving thing, vegan and not vegan, for 9 people over the course of Friday. It’s happening. Thank god my friend procured my turkey. (No store would let me pre-buy one for Friday a pick up). This year I’m grateful for friends with big hearts and big fridges!! 

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45 minutes ago, pitterpatter said:

Please tell me your are in charge of only desserts and nothing else. That's a lot of desserts. I would totally start today.

Lol, yes, only desserts. I travel two and a half hours to be with my parents and sister's family, so they let me bring the desserts. She usually stays up all night Wednesday night preparing and decorating. It's a Thanksgiving and Christmas combo.

However, I am planning to cook a small feast for Dh, Ds, and me to have Friday. Probably dressing, and sides. I won't fix any desserts for us. We really don't eat them that much and we can get what we want on Thursday. I don't bring any of it home. Whatever someone else doesn't take will go to my parent's house for them to enjoy. 

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1 hour ago, livetoread said:

Ditto! I'm cooking all kinds of stuff but I can't bake better than Marie so not going to try.

Dh is smoking the Turkey.   He also likes to make the mashed potatoes.   One son loves to make the green bean casserole.   I will do something with sweet potatoes, and we bought Ms. Schubert's rolls (sp?).  *BAM* DONE!

We usually have Thanksgiving with some dear friends but this year we are doing our own thing.

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6 hours ago, KungFuPanda said:

I meant to make pie crusts and rice pudding today. I also meant to prechop all my veggies. I did none of that so I’ll do desserts and chopping tomorrow. 

Oooh rice pudding sounds so good!! I'll probably chop my celery and onions today, and go ahead a cook them in chicken broth. 

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DS had a slice of pumpkin pie at Harrods in London this past weekend, so he’s ahead of the game. Since there are only 2 of us, I'll wait to bake one until he gets home on winter break. Last year we all forgot so I still have the ingredients in the pantry, lol.

It's only now occurring to me that thanksgiving is tomorrow. I’m thinking maybe we'll do Chinese takeout and call it good. 

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55 minutes ago, MEmama said:

DS had a slice of pumpkin pie at Harrods in London this past weekend, so he’s ahead of the game. Since there are only 2 of us, I'll wait to bake one until he gets home on winter break. Last year we all forgot so I still have the ingredients in the pantry, lol.

It's only now occurring to me that thanksgiving is tomorrow. I’m thinking maybe we'll do Chinese takeout and call it good. 

It did kind of sneak up this year. And I was counting the days until the break from school.

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So my baking day so far is going like this:

Last month I was in Alabama to help DD with our grandson's Halloween party, and assist with some homeschooling. Since she does not have a good rolling pin and I was making cut out cookies, I took my very very nice and ONLY rolling pin with me. Wouldn't you know it. I left it behind. Sigh. I discovered this Nov. 9, and went to our local shops to find one only to discover that CRAP was the only rolling pins being sold. I didn't have time to go to the city, so I ordered a marble one (I have always admired the beauty of marble rolling pins) from Amazon. It got here a few days later and when I opened it, I discovered it had a huge, very deep crack in it. Amazon agreed to a return and said they would ship a new one immediately since I really needed it. Mail was slow, very slow, and I didn't get it until two days ago late in the afternoon. Yesterday morning I opened it, discovers that BOTH handles were split and this one had a major crack in it too. Sigh. Amazon is taking it back, but now I have NO rolling pin. The current crescent roll dough will have to be rolled with a wine bottle when it is ready. I can't borrow my mom's or mil's because they are busy making pie crusts today.

I give up on the marble and Amazon. I need to find a wood one from another source. My Alabama one is a heavy, long, wood one with no handles. Any suggestions where I could order one? My nearest city has a Bed Bath and Beyond, Walmart, Target, and Kohls. Wal-Mart in my county did not have any nice rolling pins. I hate to venture into the city between now and Christmas because it is such a madhouse which makes my "I hate shopping and stores" attitude even worse!

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50 minutes ago, Faith-manor said:

So my baking day so far is going like this:

Last month I was in Alabama to help DD with our grandson's Halloween party, and assist with some homeschooling. Since she does not have a good rolling pin and I was making cut out cookies, I took my very very nice and ONLY rolling pin with me. Wouldn't you know it. I left it behind. Sigh. I discovered this Nov. 9, and went to our local shops to find one only to discover that CRAP was the only rolling pins being sold. I didn't have time to go to the city, so I ordered a marble one (I have always admired the beauty of marble rolling pins) from Amazon. It got here a few days later and when I opened it, I discovered it had a huge, very deep crack in it. Amazon agreed to a return and said they would ship a new one immediately since I really needed it. Mail was slow, very slow, and I didn't get it until two days ago late in the afternoon. Yesterday morning I opened it, discovers that BOTH handles were split and this one had a major crack in it too. Sigh. Amazon is taking it back, but now I have NO rolling pin. The current crescent roll dough will have to be rolled with a wine bottle when it is ready. I can't borrow my mom's or mil's because they are busy making pie crusts today.

I give up on the marble and Amazon. I need to find a wood one from another source. My Alabama one is a heavy, long, wood one with no handles. Any suggestions where I could order one? My nearest city has a Bed Bath and Beyond, Walmart, Target, and Kohls. Wal-Mart in my county did not have any nice rolling pins. I hate to venture into the city between now and Christmas because it is such a madhouse which makes my "I hate shopping and stores" attitude even worse!

That sounds frustrating!! I'm no help on good rolling pins. Dh broke one installing flooring once, but I think it was just a Wal-Mart one.

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I am today. It is now Wednesday. I already made the crusts and froze them in the plates. Crusts turned out awful. For some reason, I use the exact same recipe every time (Betty Crocker, traditional Crisco, four, salt and water)  and sometimes it turns out great and sometimes they are horrible. This time it was horrible. The crust kept falling apart. But, I patched it all together and it doesn’t really matter. Today I will bake the pies.

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Doing chicken in crockpot for the men. I’ll probably make lots of rice today. Tomorrow I’ll do all the vegetables and gravy.  Dh is getting slaw and potato salad for Thanksgiving from BBQ place and enough BBQ for the boys to have over the weekend. We have one store bought pie for the boys. And lots of good snacks. Going to see a movie on Friday. 

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20 hours ago, KatieJ said:

I only need to bring one dessert….next generation has taken over the reigns, and I am happy about that!

Yesterday I made an old recipe my husband grew up with.

Cheese Torte. It’s made with a Zweibach toast crust. Filling is more cottage cheese than cream cheese. I upped the lemon from the original recipe. 

I haven't thought of that dessert in years.

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Several things are done but not the scones or the potential pecan shortbread cookies. I am trying to marshal my energies to go to the kitchen test again.

Why do we have holidays whose sole purpose for existing is FOOD? Could people just stop eating please? I need some 💤💤💤💤💤💤💤💤💤.

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Making progress! Rice pudding and pie crust. DS is going to mix up the pumpkin filling any minute now. I’m the queen of delicious-but-not-cute desserts.

ETA: We’re also premaking two different stuffings today; an oyster and an Italian. They’re both experimental, but DD is going to her in-laws and can’t stop us.  🤣



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Just now, KungFuPanda said:

Making progress! Rice pudding and pie crust. DS is going to mix up the pumpkin filling any minute now. I’m the queen of delicious-but-not-cute desserts. 🤣



Looks great! I don't think my crescent rolls turned out looking food, but I did sample one and it tasted wonderful so I guess that is the main thing.

Scones are on hold until the dishwasher cycle is done because I tossed some stuff I there I needed without thinking, and didn't remember until it was too late to retrieve them. I will grab them before it goes to the drying cycle and then get back at the baking.

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