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The date of your first Amazon order …


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Unbeknownst to me, SIL and dd have been having this little “discussion” about whether he or I had Amazon first. This came up tonight in a “settle this for us” convo. He was so convinced that he surely has had it longer than me. He said he’s had it almost as long as Amazon has been a thing for most people ….2012. 
Me “oh I’ve had it far longer than that” (laughing) 

SIL “are you sure?”

I look up the date of my first Amazon order 

November 18, 2002 - Denise Austin’s Pilates workout

Floored the poor guy, beating him by a decade 🤣

For fun, when was your first Amazon order and what did you order (if you feel up to sharing that part) 😂

Edited by Ann.without.an.e
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  • Ann.without.an.e changed the title to The date of your first Amazon order …

Mine was 2005, which flummoxes me, because I could have sworn I was using it regularly before that.  It's possible that I used it under my netscape email address?  Or maybe I'm remembering my active ebay and other internet purchasing before that.  

ETA:  I purchased Mothering Your Nursing Toddler.

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I don't have the same email address as i would have in the early 2000s so I'm just not sure. I can't go back further than 2008 with this account 

However I'm replying because it's funny.  A couple weeks ago my son was fiddling around with the orders and said "mom! You have placed 32 Amazon orders in the past 30 days!!!!? What the heck?" 😂

What can I say?  If Amazon doesn't have it I question whether or not we actually even need it 🤷‍♀️

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10 minutes ago, Ann.without.an.e said:

Unbeknownst to me, SIL and dd have been having this little “discussion” about whether he or I had Amazon first. This came up tonight in a “settle this for us” convo. He was so convinced that he surely has had it longer than me. He said he’s had it almost as long as Amazon has been a thing for most people ….2012. 
Me “oh I’ve had it far longer than that” (laughing) 

SIL “are you sure?”

I look up the date of my first Amazon order 

November 18, 2002 - Denise Austin’s Pilates workout

Floored the poor guy, beating him by a decade 🤣

For fun, when was your first Amazon order and what did you order (if you feel up to sharing that part) 😂

2012 was when most people started ordering?


I started ordering Christmas gifts for my son earlier than that

My first order was the first Left Behind book and the first Left Behind: the Kids book in 1998.


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I don’t know but I have a super fun story. One of my husband’s best friends was at a convention many years ago and there was a guy with a booth for his new startup company, an online book store. DH’s friend struck up a conversation with him and said yeah I’ll give it a try. The guy was Jeff Bezos and DH’s friend was one of his first customers. Every year at Christmas he receives and Amazon gift card for $100 for being a first customer. 

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4 minutes ago, busymama7 said:

I don't have the same email address as i would have in the early 2000s so I'm just not sure. I can't go back further than 2008 with this account 

However I'm replying because it's funny.  A couple weeks ago my son was fiddling around with the orders and said "mom! You have placed 32 Amazon orders in the past 30 days!!!!? What the heck?" 😂

What can I say?  If Amazon doesn't have it I question whether or not we actually even need it 🤷‍♀️

Oh man, we’d need a whole new thread and probably a walk of shame if we counted up how many orders or money spent 😅 geez, even money spent in the last year would be a lot 😬

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Just now, Rachel said:

He thought 2012? He must be young!

2000 was my first order. A John Grisham book (I’m guessing it was for my now husband) and a Sewing manual. 


He not much past 23, making him only like 12 or 13 in 2012 so I’m sure compared to his friends he has them all beat 😂

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Just now, Ann.without.an.e said:

He not much past 23, making him only like 12 or 13 in 2012 so I’m sure compared to his friends he has them all beat 😂

Oh wow. I had never really thought about how long Amazon has been around. I remember dragging my feet on ordering from that online (local) system.


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August 11, 1998 and it was Tom Clancy’s Rainbow Six. That was for dh, and the next couple of years I ordered a lot of books for him and the kids. It was 2002 before I ordered anything just for me. That surprised me. But I was mostly using the library for my own books and it was before Amazon was my go to for nearly everything from shampoo to weed eater string refills.

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4 minutes ago, Ann.without.an.e said:

Look at orders and filter by year


Ha, apparently my first order was in Nov. 2008. I had a newborn and a terrible two. I ordered bottles (for the now 14 yr old) and 3 “parenting strong-willed children” books (for the now 16 yr old). 😂

(DH has had Amazon longer, and I used his account before that. This was when we finally got me a separate account. Freedom!!!) 😉

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July 15, 1998 - How the Irish Save Civilization: The Untold Story of Ireland's Heroic Role from the Fall of Rome to the Rise of Medieval Europe and Exploring Church History.  Both were likely birthday presents for DH.  That year I also ordered a number of books on infertility.

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I don’t know because I used a now-defunct email address from ~ 1998 until probably 2008 ish. But I know it was definitely a book and it was definitely when Amazon was a “book store”. Hey, wouldn’t it be funny if it was The Well-Trained Mind? Lol! I mean, it could be?. I would guess it was almost surely homeschooling-related. 

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Alicia in Terra Mirabili (Alice in Wonderland in Latin)
Ordered on Apr 3, 2009
This was a gift for my daughter who went on to major in Latin in college.

I had placed Amazon orders previously when I worked as a reference librarian for a homeschooling resource center; that was a different account obviously. I had also placed earlier orders using my husband's account.



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4 minutes ago, teachermom2834 said:

December 1999. Elmo and his remote control puppy.

It was a Christmas gift for my now 24 yo. Scared the ever living crap out of him. Total and complete fail. 

The year that Tickle Me Elmo was craziness -- my oldest turned one in October and Elmo was already out - Oldest was TERRIFIED of it - several people offered to get one for his birthday... we should have accepted and sold it come Christmas when the madness set in! 

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1 hour ago, alisoncooks said:


Ha, apparently my first order was in Nov. 2008. I had a newborn and a terrible two. I ordered bottles (for the now 14 yr old) and 3 “parenting strong-willed children” books (for the now 16 yr old). 😂

(DH has had Amazon longer, and I used his account before that. This was when we finally got me a separate account. Freedom!!!) 😉

I also ordered books on parenting strong willed or difficult children. That child is now 25, pretty easy going and has been for about 7 years now.

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I ordered a set of pots and pans in June of 2001. I honestly cannot remember using Amazon so long ago. I have changed emails several times since then but must have been able to link the account some how. I placed 4 orders in 2001 and 81 orders last year. Looking through some of the early years, I see books I don't remember buying, owning or even reading but they were obviously for me because they are things that I would want to read (apparently again) now.

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2005. I had no idea we had been using Amazon that long. It was a Batman DVD which I found odd, we aren't huge into Batman or anything. Then it hit me that it had to have been a gift for my brother. He’s been a fan of Batman since those cheesy old shows. Makes me want to cry. He died in 2013 and oh I still miss him so much. 😭

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1 hour ago, alisoncooks said:


Ha, apparently my first order was in Nov. 2008. I had a newborn and a terrible two. I ordered bottles (for the now 14 yr old) and 3 “parenting strong-willed children” books (for the now 16 yr old). 😂

I sat at the library and read. To be honest, my teens are a milder version of me so it wasn’t too bad 🤣


4 minutes ago, PerfectFifth said:

2004.  A playmobil catapult knight and dragon.  Oh….simpler times 😂

I still have playmobil. My husband bought more for me. We grew up when playmobil and Lego’s were the rage.

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9 minutes ago, Arcadia said:

I sat at the library and read. To be honest, my teens are a milder version of me so it wasn’t too bad 🤣


I still have playmobil. My husband bought more for me. We grew up when playmobil and Lego’s were the rage.

I still have all sorts of playmobil in my house. My 24,22,20 year olds won’t let me get rid of them. 

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13 minutes ago, katilac said:

Also, I had my second child in 2000. 

In 2001, I ordered four books related to organization 🤣

Had my second in 2000 also but he was such a nightmare I don’t remember much of that year and wasn’t really in the place to do anything but survive.  Lol. My organization came 2 years later after #3

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