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What are you doing for mother’s day?


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Yoga with a friend.

Dr. Strange with at least one kid. My other menfolk are performing or rehearsing things and have their own plans.

Just another day. But I hope those who really like it to be special get feted and treated well.

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My oldest dad brought me breakfast in bed way too early, ha. Bagel and lox, which is what I requested. Dh brought the coffee. Now I'm just sitting in bed drinking coffee and watching some Seinfeld until I'm ready to get up.

Then I'm going to keep pressure washing our huge deck because it rained 2 days in a row so I couldn't do it until today. Dh tried to tell me not to but I really enjoy it and just want to finish the job so we can stain it later this week. Other than that I don't plan on doing anything but reading and playing boardgames until dinner. Then we're going to mil's for subs and tiramisu that dh made

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The husband and kids are currently making breakfast. We're going to play games after we get our acts together, build a fire in the firepit in the afternoon, grill out, make s'mores, and just hang out together. 

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My oldest, age 11, woke me up at 6:30 so he could discuss how Disney’s Hercules movie bears no resemblance to the actual myth and why he believes Jubal Early essentially lost the Civil War for the Confederacy.

My middle, age 9, wrote me a nice note thanking me for looking for a second job so we can afford to send her to Christian school next year.

And my youngest, age 7, spilled hot coffee all over my bed while trying to bring me breakfast in bed, but nobody was hurt and we have a washer and dryer, so DH just helped him with a new mug of coffee.

DH actually got me a gift for the first time ever; a heated lawn chair that runs off a battery pack so I don’t die of hypothermia while watching the kid’s baseball games this cold and rainy spring. And he promised me time to catalog and rearrange my bookshelves this afternoon without child involvement, which is my favorite thing to do.

After DH leaves for work, the kids and I might go geocaching and get some ice cream.

So all in all, it’s only 9:30 but it’s been pretty good.

Edited by Mrs Tiggywinkle
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Weather is terrible, so no hike today.

DS and I did some school, I'm working on a few papers of my own later, and I have a puzzle to finish.  I am making a vegetarian dinner tonight (grilled haloumi, rice, and cucumber/tomato salad).

Dh brought me flowers, oldest ds has been trying to give me candy from a local chocolatier for a week (he forgets when Mother's day is, remembers, gets embarrassed so I have him take them back, and says he'll give them to me today. 🤣), and youngest gave me a full hour of quiet - a HUGE gift from a kid who never stops talking!

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Dh gave me flowers yesterday. We'll head to church in  a few minutes, then he will grill steaks. I refuse to go out to eat on Mother's Day!! Many years, I have chosen frozen pizza for lunch, but this year dh is laying off carbs, so he offered to grill. Whatever keeps me out of the restaurant is fine with me. I may or may not have been scarred from working Mother's Day in a restaurant.

After lunch, I want to get some housework done. If the hardware store is open, I might go and shop for paint colors.


Happy Mother's Day, everyone!!

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Well, it’s 19 years too late, but my MIL finally suggested that we celebrate Mothers Day for her on Saturday so that I can be with my own kids today.  So, for the first time in my life, I suppose, I can just chill on Mother’s Day, which is what I have always wanted on Mother’s Day! I don’t have to wrangle my kids and get them out of the house to celebrate Mother’s Day with grandma.  

Don’t get me wrong, we want to honor her, but usually Mother’s Day was just another day of work and sheep-herding my wild kids in a restaurant. (Adhd kids do NOT do well in restaurants.). Not my idea of a good time on Mother’s day. It was just another day of extra work. (Restaurants were just No Fun when they were younger.)

So, we ate a nice lunch with MIL yesterday, and today we’re really not doing anything. I just asked that someone else handle dinner. DH and the boys are having roast beef in the crockpot, but I want beef stroganoff just for myself. (The rest of them don’t like stroganoff.) So, they’ll handle prepping both dinners. Yay!

Otherwise, there are no special plans, but with kids who are 17 and 19, that’s ok. When they were tiny I really wanted a day off from the hustle and bustle of being “mom”, but now it’s different and I’m ok with just a nice homecooked meal. 

Edited by Garga
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My kids all made me some gifts - a beaded bracelet, a knitted shawl and a painting. Youngest DD made me some eggs for breakfast. I cleaned some windows and repaired another. I'll be cleaning the siding once it warms up a little. Kind of a normal day (excluding the gifts). Hopefully, I can convince DH that I shouldn't have to cook today, but I don't think that's going to happen.

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25 minutes ago, Baseballandhockey said:

The bolded is a thing?  Pop needs this thing!  You might have solved father’s day! How does it not electrocute you if you start to rain?


this is what he got me along with a battery pack. I assume that since it’s battery operated, not using an electric outlet, there’s no worry about rain/electrocution.

26 minutes ago, Baseballandhockey said:

The bolded is a thing?  Pop needs this thing!  You might have solved father’s day! How does it not electrocute you if you start to rain?


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We are on Tybee Island, and dh and I took a long walk on the beach this morning. We plan to go into Savannah later today. We'll visit the river street area and find somewhere nice to eat. Ds' birthday was yesterday. He wanted to go axe throwing, but the slots were full except for really, really late. We'll try to get a time slot to do that today. 

Dh and the kids are buying me a piece of furniture that I requested. It's for our guest bath, which is one space I haven't focused on decorating since we moved into our new house last fall. 

Dh brought cherry turnovers with us so I could have them this morning. 

Hope everyone has a great day! 



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My kids surprised me with homemade gifts. A black cowl scarf, twig picture frame and cards.  Going for a walk along the lake in the afternoon with the kids. My husband surprised me with a monthly cleaner coming in to do all the deep cleaning tasks that I hate to do. 

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It appears that I'm digging a hole. 😅

I've been planning and preparing the backyard for a pondless waterfall. I've expanded it to include a bog so that I can have cattails and other perennials that like "their feet wet" in a couple inches of water. So now I have to dig 2 holes, one deep and one shallow right beside each other. 

I've wrangled dd to come and help me dig the deep hole as a mother's day gift. 😉 

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1 hour ago, Mrs Tiggywinkle said:

My oldest, age 11, woke me up at 6:30 so he could discuss how Disney’s Hercules movie bears no resemblance to the actual myth and why he believes Jubal Early essentially lost the Civil War for the Confederacy.

My middle, age 9, wrote me a nice note thanking me for looking for a second job so we can afford to send her to Christian school next year.

And my youngest, age 7, spilled hot coffee all over my bed while trying to bring me breakfast in bed, but nobody was hurt and we have a washer and dryer, so DH just helped him with a new mug of coffee.

DH actually got me a gift for the first time ever; a heated lawn chair that runs off a battery pack so I don’t die of hypothermia while watching the kid’s baseball games this cold and rainy spring. And he promised me time to catalog and rearrange my bookshelves this afternoon without child involvement, which is my favorite thing to do.

After DH leaves for work, the kids and I might go geocaching and get some ice cream.

So all in all, it’s only 9:30 but it’s been pretty good.

That is all so precious.

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Picking up dog *** out of the yard. 😀 Actually, our yard is full of *** from lots of wildlife from the winter including deer and bear and something else that I’m not sure about. I want to get it all picked up before the grass starts growing and I have to mow. 

DH is taking me out for breakfast first though.

Edited by City Mouse
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Hanging out at home.  We are doing a murder mystery genre movie marathon.  The list includes Clue, Knives Out, Murder on the Orient Express, etc.  DH and the two kids at home are making meals and snacks today.

I am hoping that my middle kid will get phone liberty and be able to call me to talk.

I am also thinking a lot about the women who this day is hard for and wishing them comfort.

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Visit my mom for a little bit. I already had my mothers day gift on Wednesday family got me tickets and my dad and I drove into Seattle for the Sounders Championship game. While Dh did all the kid wrangling.  DH is working today.

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Not much here.  Got in a good morning run which is a good thing because Navy kid door dashed me cheesecake factory cheese cake and baby girl has making homemade cream puffs.  Some get flowers I get cheesecake and cream puffs😅

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Same old same old

Teaching religion to preschoolers and kindergartners.   Helping my girls fundraise by selling flowers for Mother’s Day. Mass followed by Sunday Dinner (We serve dinner to anyone that shows on Sunday evenings. Usually it’s just the grown kids visiting though.)

That’s it as far as I know. Probably go for a walk or two with the husband so we can send our Pikmin on some expeditions. 

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Visiting my mom.  My kid baked her a cheesecake.  We celebrate her birthday and Mother's Day since they fall so close together.

My kids got me cards, a small gift, and a cake and cooked me lunch.

It's the first time the aunties didn't drag the kids to the store to buy me stuff.  I'm glad they didn't.  That always made me feel weird.  My kids are definitely old enough to take charge of this.  🙂

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I picked up drive-thru breakfast for my mom. DH and I will probably spend the afternoon doing nothing special, just a normal day., picking away at housecleaning or going for a walk and vegging on the couch. Then, myself+sibs+families will go back to Mom's with takeout or easy to make supper (one of Mom's favorite meals is macaroni & hotdogs - she's easy to please 😂) and either play a card/table game, or do some spring outdoor work for Mom - whatever she wants.

DD bought me a necklace a couple weeks ago and gave it to me early for fear of losing it. DS gave me chocolates and a card last night because he has to work today.

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Yesterday, we drove 6 hours round trip to hike my favorite bird migration trail. My teens gift to me was an “early” (to them) departure of 8am, LOL, with minimal grumbling. Today, we need to straighten the house, grocery shopping, mow lawn and get ready for the week.

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Coffee in bed, some beautiful new plants for the yard, wonderful homemade cards from kids. Went to see our mothers in the nursing home and had a fabulous visit.

The rest of the day has been spent dealing with various crises, but everyone has a good attitude, and it’s all manageable, just extra stuff to handle, so it’s been a great day, just filled with some unexpected stuff.

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Taught Sunday School this morning and the kids were hilarious and full of energy. Did not do a Mother's Day lesson because it would be difficult for at least one of my kiddos. 

DD gave me a super cute mug she made at the library.

We had pizza for lunch and then I took a long nap with the dog.

When I woke up, DD and I went shopping. Super thankful for my smart, kind, beautiful girl. ❤️

Tonight I want to sit on the porch swing a bit with my dog and work on a puzzle with DD.

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Ugh mine has turned out to be kind of not the best. I was up with dd last night and it took me forever to get back to sleep. I thought the in-laws were coming to visit so I spent the morning cleaning, but then they didn’t feel like coming. Dh was irritated I ruin his earphones in the wash. I went solo to see my mom for a bit and went on a hike alone for about 3.5 miles to clear my grumpy head. Good to get the exercise and alone time, but now nature is stressful (I hate ticks) I cooked all the meals. I’m not even sure the kids noticed it was Mother’s Day. Dh was playing Minecraft all day and when we don’t have plans for the weekend, they just want to watch screen. Bleach. Dd is grumpy and not feeling great. I’m also on my period. 

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This was my first Mother's Day as an empty nester. It was a great day, just one of my usual busy days. Had lovely calls/texts from the kids. Most of the day was spent caring for my other babies - my 24 horses, dogs, and cats. I spent a few hours doing volunteer work for an animal rescue, too. Dh and I picked up takeout for dinner - our favorite grilled veggie burritos. The weather was gorgeous - it finally warmed up enough that it actually feels like spring.

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I went to the alpaca farm! I think alpacas are hilarious animals and we have a farm that charges a few dollars to let people go into the fields and barns to pet and feed the animals. It was a beautiful sunny day and we had a great time. My animal loving granddaughter joined us too.

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On Saturday middle made brunch and my husband and our 3 kids and their spouses attended.  Very nice. None of them has kids and a mother near by.

I sent a card to my mother and spoke to her on the phone for half an hour on Saturday evening. I bought a card for MIL while I was getting one for my mother, but she's not my mom, so husband addressed and signed it. He spoke to her on his usual every other Sunday phone call with her.

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My paternal and maternal side never celebrate Mother’s Day or Father’s Day so the biggest impact of my mom’s passing would be on her birthday and on Chinese New Year. My shopaholic husband was bored so we went shopping. The malls won’t crowded and there were quite a few babies in strollers and baby wraps. Didn’t intend to buy anything and didn’t buy any. 

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We slept in since we had a long Saturday visiting. I took youngest on some errands and picked up a few plants. 

I spent the afternoon working outside, planting some things and freshening up for spring. We grilled some steaks for supper. It was pretty nice out so we had a fire going while I was working outside as well.

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Original plan on Wednesday - church, then invite my parents over for lunch (salad, baked potato, and grilled meat, so even if I do everything but the grilling it's still easy).  Reality: my parents end up going to a funeral and needing to switch to dinner, which is fine, since the district baseball tournament that kid's team was hosting got rained out on Friday and those games moved to Sunday and I needed to work the scoreboard.  My parents beat me home by about 15 minutes, and we had a lovely dinner.  

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