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Everything posted by Lillyfee

  1. I don't even know where we will go. It's so frustrating. I just wanted her to be able to go to college there if she wants to but then we still have 7 years until my husband can retire and unless she wants to stay with my family she will more likely start college here in the US.
  2. Ok, I guess I need to talk to the counselor. Thank you all for all the information.
  3. Where do I see that or do I need to ask. Sorry, I really have no idea about all that sstuf but on the this greatschool site it says at least they offer preperation for AP classe, right?
  4. So now when they put her in all advanced classes next year she will be on the right track, right?
  5. I am so confused now but I am hope we can figure it out
  6. I don't know but this site was recommended by a German professor I know. This is what I found, too https://heimatabroad.com/articles/ehe-partner-karriere/ausbildung-studium/mit-high-school-abschluss-in-deutschland-studieren-geht-das-so-einfach
  7. So this is not correct? Her counselor went in contact with somebody and she told me that they have several students going to college abroad.
  8. Oh ok. That' really interesting how the schools choose. We don't stay in Virginia. Normally we are scheduled to move right when she starts 12th grade but usually you can request for stabilization if your child is in her senior year but they don't always allow it. I know that can lead to lots of problems with the credits even though military kids should be protected and schools should accept earned credits. I feel the counselor and the teachers really like her and want to help her to have good chances to go to a college she likes. And yes, I keep talking to her that nobody is perfect and nobody can have 100 % all the time. So far she doesn't seem stressed out but she also has easy classes right now.
  9. I don't really know what to think about the school. The school is older and seems like a normal high school with normal kids but then I know that many people pay a lot of money to switch their kids to this district and in my daughter's class she is the only one that would qualify for reduced school lunch and we got a gift card for Christmas from the school district because obviously we are one of the poorer families there. That never happened to us before. They also offer some special programs. I don't know what the advanced classes mean exactly but I know that the counselor told me that she also needs to take electives and do volunteer hours because of college. Is that true? We don't know if we stay in the US and I told the counselor that it is important for me that she would be able to study in Germany or Austria, too. The counselor looked up the requirements and that's why she has two foreign languages instead of one (German and Spanish) and she makes sure she will have all the credits.
  10. She is bilingual. German is her first language and English her second. This is her 6th school within 9 years due to my husband being in the military and two years she was homeschooled (started during Covid). She was always very good in school and always stressed herself out about only having As. She is the oldest of four kids and was always a little different. The other three are more chaotic and her brother loves being with the wildest kids that do lots of stupid stuff. While she does have friends she is also very picky with that. Kids that smoke, cuss or don't care about school she doesn't want to hang out with. While I should be happy I am also a little worried about her tunnel vision of always being correct and perfect. She only eats healthy, runs every day and goes to bed early. She is an absolute perfectionist and while she was always that way it got a lot more extreme here and I feel the counselor and the teachers that tell her how smart, disciplined and great she is feed this a lot. My husband and me tell her that we are happy that she has good grades but honestly we really dont care that much about school as long as our kids have ok grades. I am worried she stresses herself too much. Where we come to another question. Does it not seem excessive to only have advanced classes? I feel she should choose two like English and maybe math but not in history or science.
  11. Yes, she wanted to try to catch up somehow but she doesn't want to do anything math related anyways. I might need to talk to the counselor again. My son goes to 7th grade next year (I only homeschool the two younger ones right now) and he will have Pre Algebra next year (he loves math) but you could also take just math 7th grade. I feel a little bad now but thanks God she is not my math child and loves languages more and I hope I didn't ruin her future now.
  12. She did Math U See Algebra 1 and some Kahn Academy 8th grade but the counselor back in Kansas said we just put her in Algebra 1 and we agreed as her friends were in there and I honestly did not even think about it that this could be considered behind.
  13. No, they just put her in Algebra 1. She started 9th grade in Kansas and then we moved after 4 weeks and they just kept the subjects.
  14. I really thought that is the normal way. We just moved here from Kansas and all the kids I knew of were in Algebra 1 in 9th grade. This school district here is also the one people want to go to. We specifically chose an older house to be able to live in this district as everybody recommended it. They also have IBM or I don't exactly know what it's called or what it is and the counselor tries to get her in but they also usually prepare for that in middle school.
  15. Hi So I homeschooled my daughter until 8th grade and now for 9th grade she is going to a good public high school in Virginia. I did not want to do high school as English is my second language. She only has straight As in all subjects. I feel she is too strict with herself as she already feels like a failure if she doesn't get 100 % on a test. Even if she has 98 % she is upset with herself. I wonder how long she can keep up with her high standards for herself. Now, they put her in all the average subjects as she came from homeschooling. Next year the counselor already told me she will be in all the advanced classes. However, this year she is in Algebra 1 and my daughter is freaking out as she should be already in Geometry. Now she will be in advanced geometry next school year. I thought that would be the normal way and she doesn't even want to go to college for any math related job but she says that many kids did Algebra already in middle school and she feels behind. Is she really behind? I feel as long as she has good grades and a good degree she will be fine. Also, don't you think she is too strict with herself? My husband and me are just working class people and are not crazy at all about grades. She has three siblings that are not like that at all and I have no idea why she has such high standards for herself. It kind of worries me.
  16. Yes, my friend told me yesterday that some can be pretty wild. So far he only gets them from the school library and as it is a middle school I hope they don't have really adult content in there. When I buy some I will definitely look out for that.
  17. I thought I put it in my bookd thread instead of starting a new one. My son keeps bringing these comic books home from the school library which he actually likes to read. They are Manga comics. I know these are probably not the most valuable books but that this boy picks up a book and likes to read it is so rare and exciting. Would you let him read whatever or would you be selective about books? I have never read these kind of comic books. He is 11, almost 12 years old.
  18. Yes, I know that a High School Diploma alone won't qualify you for a German university. However, I thought they also want to see the diploma but I am honestly not sure. I talked one time with the man at the consulate in Hawaii and another time with the one in the consulate in Kansas City about that and I thought a high school diploma is one of the requirements and also it depends if the kids apply as Americans that want to go to a German college or if they apply as Germans or something like that. It was very confusing and it was already a while ago. I am just worried that a high school diploma from a school is needed. I definitely will keep looking into it and thanks for all your input.
  19. A little about us. We are still in the US for the next couple of years. My husband is US American and in the army. I am German/Austrian (dual citizenship) and we plan on retiring in Europe somewhere. My family is in Germany but we get a house in Austria (I get it from my parents when we need it) and my brother works in Switzerland in Aviation where he could probably organize a job for my husband when he retires if we want to go there. That's why I am worried about it. I have no idea so far where we end up. Thank you all so much for all the answers.
  20. I love homeschooling, I really do. So far I do not feel qualified to homeschool high school and my oldest daughter went back to school. However, maybe with some more experience I would feel able to homeschool my two youngest all the way. My biggest fear is that they can't get into college because of being homeschooled. I know that this might not be the biggest problem in the US but what about other countries? My kids are also German and speak the language fluently. They could qualify to go to college in Germany, Austria or Switzerland if they fulfill certain criteria. One of the criteria is that they must have a high school degree and I wonder if they accept a degree from home or if they even have to. What is about other English speaking countries like the UK, Australia or Canada? This is something I think about a lot. Does anybody know more about that?
  21. Yes, we started this week with the musical mulitplication and she has set A down and she has so much fun practicing thr fast with the songs
  22. I don't come from a literature loving family. My dad had lots of non fiction and encyclopedias and I loved looking at his books about animals and nature. My mom never read. She did sometimes read to me but not on a daily basis. I did not really have any books but picture books. One time I got Hanni und Nanni and Dolly (which are kind of classic girl books here) and read these two very quickly. Also I got Lassie and read that big book very fast. I did have lots of horse magazines with comics in them. Maybe that also has something to do with me not really appreciating classics enough. I never had the feeling that I missed out on something as a child but I do understand now that the kids in more intellectual families around us grew up with more and different literature exposure than me and my friends. I really try to expose the kids more to books and good literature.
  23. If kids are willing to live abroad for a while, they are looking badly for people for all kinds of jobs in vocational training in Germany all the time and from what I know the US thinks a lot of these degrees. I am glad my kids will have that option if they don't want to go to college but still want a good education. I am still wondering if the US has something like that? My husband says no but it's hard to believe for me. But that would be a nice alternative for kids without college ambitions that are ok with living abroad. https://en.life-in-germany.de/apprenticeship-ausbildung-for-non-eu/?amp
  24. Oh, I forgot that I read The Chronicles of Narnia with my son and he enjoyed it. Also all my kids like Harry Potter but some homeschoolers told me that they don't like these books because of Harry's behavior and the dark magic. I don't have any problem with that though. I have a beautiful edition of The Hobbit and started reading it but then we left for Europe for the summer and it's was too big and heavy to take. I need to pick that one up again.
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