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  1. I appreciate the honesty in this group I don't get on social media. I remember asking about a popular unit study here and the experienced mama's could tell me things I hadn't seen and I realized it wasn't all it was cracked up to be, at least for us.
  2. That is extremely helpful! He can read fairly well I'm not worried about that but he struggles with writing. After seeing what you have written I do think level 2 would be the place to start and maybe we'll just go faster through it, and since he can summarize well it should go quicker, anyways its worth a try! He could use a confidence boost in writing and I think this will help him. Level 3 writing passages look too long though the readings seem fine, but I know he would struggle with the longer dictations and copy work. I guess all I can do is try it and see how it goes!
  3. We have used TGAB for my 10-year-old from Pre-K through his 5th-grade year, and he has done moderately well with it. However, I do have to make adjustments for him due to his slight dyslexia. Last year, we enrolled him in dyslexia therapy, and he is progressing quite well. He will continue with therapy this school year, so I'm not worried about his spelling or reading. I share this background to seek input on his writing. TGAB Level 3 was perfect for him, and he made significant progress in writing using it. However, Level 4 seems like a big leap, and I don't believe he can handle it without considerable assistance from me, causing frustration. Therefore, I am exploring other writing programs. I've researched several programs within my budget, but many, like IEW or WriteShop, require more time and mental energy than I can currently manage. This search led me to WWE 2. He already narrates and summarizes well, but he struggles with writing longer pieces, and his spelling is poor. When we reviewed Level 3, he observed that the sentences were too lengthy, echoing my thoughts. Thus, I believe Level 2 may be more suitable for him. Do you think WWE 2 would be a good fit? Alternatively, is there another straightforward curriculum similar to WWE that might be better?
  4. Can there be at least 2 listed activities each section? one for little prep and easy to do; The other more complicated and requires more supplies. We had a hard time using many of the activities because I didn't have time to mummify a chicken so an additional simple activity in each lesson that is easier to accomplish would be nice. I'd also like to see more schedule options in the teacher guide. One for 1x a week and another for 2x or something like that so i can better see how to plan our year.
  5. I can relate to your last bit so much! I am constantly changing this one subject. I'm curious what you did for your older kids or if you did the same thing with them finding things they wanted to learn and read?
  6. Sorry duplicate post 😬
  7. I'm still struggling with science decisions 😄 so I want to know what has been your family's favorite ones you've done! ▪️If it's a curriculum or your own put together stuff either way please share! ▪️Also, share how many kids used it (like family style), or if it was something that was done individually, or with one kid and a parent 😊 all grades!!!
  8. That does sound like a good resource! I don't think a catholic resource would be anything I would worry about anymore than a regular Christian one, I have to change some things either way 😉 I'll definitely look through this!
  9. I love that! It's amazing how many original people are still here, I love it!
  10. This is how all of the ones I've found look 😫 but the second one shared above worked great!!!
  11. Yaya! It worked!!! All the ones I kept trying were coming through so messed up and not a full page was showing but these worked perfect!! Thank you so much ❤️
  12. For some reason it's all messed up for me for the one I found there. I'll try your link and the other one!
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