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Everything posted by Lillyfee

  1. Yes, some countries in South America top it. Compared to other richer nations the US is the sad leader though https://www.npr.org/sections/goatsandsoda/2021/03/24/980838151/gun-violence-deaths-how-the-u-s-compares-to-the-rest-of-the-world
  2. I am far too liberal for most Americans but I do believe you desperately need a social net that catches people and don't let them fall all the way through. Health care for everybody, free college, housing for people that can't afford it, treating prisoners good and so on are for me all signs of a well developed society which respects Christian and simply human values. No more ghettos, rich people especially politicians need to send their kids in public schools (otherwise they admit that they are failing). Other than finally decent gun laws I think it would cut crime and drug addiction in half if people had hope. Communism doesn't work as people still need to be able to motivate themselves to work hard but a basic social net is necessary in my opinion to catch the weakest and poorest in a society.
  3. The gun lobby in the US must have a crazy huge influence otherwise no government in the world would work so hard against protecting their citizens. I feel it's a great example of corporate socialism as the gun lobby gets protected by all cost
  4. I do believe that but times do change and laws need to change with time and get adjusted. I believe there is a lot more struggle with the young people seeing no future. Also I do believe that violence in TV, video games etc do play a part in this. And probably 10 other things.. However, gun laws would be a start to take care of a problem even of it would not fix it. Everything is better than standing still and accepting.
  5. Here in this area I the rural Midwest are the most people pro guns. Also most Texans I know. Things I heard in many discussions "At least we are still free." "We don't need European socialism. " "The first thing Hitler did was taking away your guns so citizens were defensless. " (Not true, strict gun laws existed before) "When I grew up we did not have these shootings. It's the evil in the world, not guns." "Guns don't kill, people do. Stop blaming the guns." "Criminals will still not follow the law and then good people can't defend themselves." "Criminals will use explosives or knives or even a rock. Yes, let's ban rocks." "This is America. It's our right. If you don't like it, you are free to leave." Well, I wished this people would live a year abroad and see how wonderful free other countries are and how fearless they can walk around. I do not have much hope though anymore. Shootings are an accepted thing by now.
  6. America has more mass shootings than days in the year I heard. However, I slowly think it's a cultural difference. When I talk to other Europeans we are all on the same page but when I talk to Americans (not all) I just feel we live in two different worlds. I can't follow their thought process.
  7. I was never really strict with sun screen and only wore to the pool, beach or on hikes. When a friend got back from Korea her skin was so amazing and she had so many skin problems before. She got me into Korean skin care and they always point out how important sun screen is. So that's how I started using sun screen on the face as soon as I leave the house. I feel the Korean mineral sun screen is not as thick and whitening as European and American brands so I use these for the face. For the rest of my body and for the kids I just use any mineral sun screen from the store
  8. I think it's important to show the horrible reality. We got shown really early the horrifics of the Holocaust. I think I visited a concentration camp with school the first time in 9th grade and we met two survivors at school already earlier on. No book and no movie can touch you that deeply than talking to a survivor or actually stand there where it happened and feeling the energy there. Even the kids that wanted to play cool became silent and realization happened.
  9. These people are the opposite of Christian. There is nothing Christian about it to send "prayers" and complain about the "evil " while screaming "nobody can take our guns". We are a very Christian family and I am ashamed that people like that call themselves Christian accepting the deaths of children for some cultural craziness. They are the same way the opposite of Christians like terror supporting moslems are the opposite of a good moslem. They belong in the same pot.
  10. Which sun screen do you guys use and when do you use it? I started being very strict with using sun screen on my face every time I leave the house and on the rest of my showing skin only when it's sunny. My kids are wearing sun screen when they play outside in the sun or when we go swimming of course. I reapply usually one or two more times during the day. My husband hardly ever uses sun screen. I have this thing that I only use mineral sun screen on the kids and me. I have a weird feeling about chemical sun screen and believe it is better than no sun screen but also is not good for the skin. I like that mineral sun screen lays on the skin and the particles are too big to get into the skin. I rotate through different brands.
  11. My das was a police man in Germany for 40 years and always had a gun on him. He did not ever need to use it fortunately. Our area is also safe and shootings are not really existent. However, there are little parts in Berlin now that basically get controlled by Arabian family clans and these people carry guns sometimes and the police often does not respond to problems there. Being a police officer in the US is a crazy dangerous job and their training is a joke. German police training is 3 years in a country that is unarmed for the most part. US police has a 3 month training in a country that is armed like in a war zone. However, the German police uaually carries guns.
  12. We would all need to stand there. I really believe people need to start standing up. I know it's normally a big no to talk politics but I think it's time to always say your opinion and not to be quiet. To start protesting and show loudly how tired we are of horrible news like that. It just makes me so extremely angry.
  13. I am not a military fan neither but there is one thing I need to say about the US military: If my country would ever be occupied by any military ever again I want it to be the US military because even though it is not perfect they have their morals straight and they do a really good job training their people. Better than any other military I know...
  14. I wanted to say that, too. A friends husband is a good guy but very emotional and yelled one time at his boss and went in his face. Within 30 minutes 4 guys were at his house taking every single gun (on base). When he got out of the military (he was in the process) they gave the guns back to him.
  15. I have one very extreme example how hard it is for people to admit that they supported the wrong thing. So after Germany got defeated they showed the German soldiers videos about concentration camps as well as let them talk to people that were in there. A lot of the soldiers and Germans in general denied the Holocaust until their last breath. No matter what proof they were given they could not bear the truth. They could not admit what horrible thing they supported and lied to themselves that the others lied.
  16. They are brainwashed and lots of politicians and organizations are terrified that people start asking questions or want change. They know if one puzzle piece is missing people will get closer to the truth. They live from uninformed brainwashed people that think guns mean freedom. They are so brainwashed that they sacrifice their children for some illusion of freedom through guns.
  17. People need to stand up. You have a great country and great people that it's worth fighting for. There is so much potential here for all people having a good and save life.
  18. The school is on the base and they build it too close to the entrance gate so they closed the gate down as there is some law that the school can't be the first building after the gate or something like that. I don't exactly know. Yes, I am so much for gun control. My dad is a police officer, my husband a soldier and I think it is insane for normal people to have guns. It causes so much more damage than positive things ever come from that. We do not have guns in the house. My dad's gun went every night in the safe immediately. We never even saw the gun.
  19. I believe they are all locked too but I am not sure.
  20. We live on base in a rural area. They even closed one gate indefinitely because it was to close to the elementary school. It doesn't feel like a prison and no metal detectors are in place but during school nobody can go in without ringing the bell. I thought first it was silly but now I hope when we move the schools have it too.
  21. Thank you. Exactly how I feel. I shoot a person for coming on my property? Really? And people think that is ok? Most people do not have the training to decide the right thing in a split of a second and real bad criminals probably outsmart you anyways.
  22. Now I have a question. When my kids went to school the doors were always locked and you needed to ring the bell and then the office let you in after you showed your ID. Is that how it works in most US schools?
  23. And a two party system does just not work. They are both just fighting and block each other instead of working for the people and nothing ever gets done. Several parties need to work together and being forces to join each other.
  24. There are two big problems why the US is going that way. You have the most predatory form of government where corporations are in charge. This is not a government by the people for the people. It is a government against the normal people and almost like a modern form of slavery. Second, people get lied to that nothing changes. A lot of people here I talk to have a completely wrong picture about the rest of the world. They think there is more crime, they think people are less free somewhere else or poorer and all that is not true for the most part. But no the gap between rich and poor is insane, no health insurance as a human right, shootings every day. That has to change.
  25. Gun laws like Sweden would be great. The gun problem also leads to more problems like police violence. In other countries police officers don't expect people to have a gun. Your officers need to expect everybody to have a gun and be in danger and act so much more extreme and shoot faster than anywhere else. People need to understand that the freedom of having a gun takes so many good things away from them including freedom.
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