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First Bird of the Year 2022 edition


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14 minutes ago, TechWife said:

Canadian Goose. Probably not their official name, but it’s what we call them un SE US. 

They are actually named the grammatically twitchy Canada goose, not Canadian. FYI. 🙂 

Edited by MEmama
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You guys, it’s raining here and my bird feeder is empty so there aren’t any birds in my yard. I have put off letting my chickens out because I really don’t want my first BoTY to be a chicken…

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50 minutes ago, ScoutTN said:

Mourning dove.

When I was little, I heard their soft “coo-whoo” coming down the chimney (bc they loved to roost on it when there was not a fire) and thought I was hearing an owl. 


Me too, I was convinced our neighborhood must be full of unseeable owls. 🤣

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4 hours ago, Selkie said:

Mine is the same as always, house sparrows. All winter long, a clan of them spend their nights snuggled up in the rafters of our cozy horse stalls, and they greet me cheerfully first thing every morning.

I understand they are often considered to be a “pest” bird, but they have the happiest song. 

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26 minutes ago, MEmama said:

Any idea what kind? This year I want to get better at identifying sea birds and ducks. The mallards in the neighborhood creek are obvious, but other than that I’m pretty hopeless. 

Nope! I'd like to know, too. There's a whole flock that hangs out here so I'll get some photos. When it snows, my yard is covered in duck prints, very cute. 

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8 hours ago, Granny_Weatherwax said:

Male cardinal. He was fighting the wind and snow to get to a bird feeder. Determination.

This is what I ended up seeing too. And the interesting thing is, all I saw (besides chickens) a few times throughout the day were cardinals. 

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1 minute ago, Hannah said:

We have lived in this house for nearly 20 years - its in a nature conservancy and very woody, so we see 100's of birds.  Yesterday, for the first time we say a Woodland Kingfisher - about 150 miles South of where it should be.

Wow, how exciting! 

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