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When is your wedding anniversary?

Night Elf

Wedding month  

301 members have voted

  1. 1. What month did you get married?

    • January
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Ours is in August because that's the soonest we could do it. We graduated from college in May. We didn't have a way to support ourselves before that, plus I wasn't at home to plan the wedding, and I was writing my senior thesis at the same time. Then DH had a summer internship for his career for several weeks, so he wasn't at home for that. He got back to our hometown a week before the wedding. So August it is.

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We got married a week after DH graduated from law school. We were engaged for just over a year, and didn't want to wait until after he took the bar to get married. He studied on our honeymoon. One of his coworkers graduated from law school in the morning and got married later in the afternoon. (Different law school and a few years before DH). I liked May because it was definitely spring and flowers were blooming, but little risk of getting a hot summer day.

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I did lots of wedding photography for a couple of decades of my life....summers are HUGE in the wedding world. After that, any school holiday...spring break, Christmas holidays, or any three day weekends, etc.


I remember doing 4 weddings on Memorial day weekend many times. Usually by the time August was waning, I was sick of pretty girls in white dresses.

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Tomorrow, May 16. It will be our 30th. We are taking a week touring New England...just hitting a few spots. We are in Kennebunkport, Maine tonight. It's been a rough year for several reasons so it's so nice to get away together!

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April.  We got married on my 23rd birthday.  We had been planning a February wedding around Valentine's day but had to change it for some reason I can't remember.  It turned out to be a good thing we changed it because major floods hit in February and the city we were getting married in was evacuated.

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June wedding, but my heart belongs to the autumn! Unfortunately a fall wedding was just not going to work out with our work and school commitments, and everyone's lives being up in the air. Most people in the wedding were 22 and either graduating and moving on to who knows where, or extremely busy with grad school.


However, 8 years later, we're barely in contact with most of the wedding party. A teensy part of me still wishes we had just eloped. We kept half-seriously joking about it because of family craziness.

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I wanted my wedding to be unique, so I swore there were two things I'd never do: get married in June, or have roses in my bouquet.


DH and I dated for six years through high school and college. I graduated a year early so we could finally get married. I acquiesced to June because I just wanted to get married as soon as possible after my graduation.


Then the florist strong-armed me into roses, and I was too much of a wimp to say no. I did at least get a few daisies mixed in -- they're my favorite.


Oh, well. In the end, we had our wedded bliss, and that's all that mattered. :laugh:

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February and NO we did not get married on Valentine's Day. We got married on the two year anniversary of when he called me his girlfriend and I didn't tell him to shut up. :P Which for us was a random day in February after 6 weeks of dating.

Edited by LucyStoner
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Our anniversary is in October, but it was going to originally be in May.


We had a very quiet ceremony done by the mayor of our town with just my oldest dd and two adult witnesses.  We didn't tell anyone about it (although we didn't tell dd she couldn't tell) and planning a much larger wedding in May.  We did it because dd and I were moving in with dh, and I didn't want issues with her father.   


BUT, then I went and got pregnant with ds two weeks after the wedding. Since we were both "older",  I kind of thought it would take longer.   :tongue_smilie:

We told everyone we were already married and, oh yeah btw pregnant too, at Christmas.  I had no desire to do a big formal walk down the aisle 7 months pregnant so our October wedding ended up being our only wedding. 

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July because I'd always wanted a BBQ outdoors with my dad in his Hawaiian shirt and that can really only happen from June to August here.  We had to negotiate with 4 other couples we knew getting married the same summer with a lot of overlapping friends to figure out the date.

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May - tomorrow actually. My parent's anniversary fell on a Sat the year we got married so we chose the same day (27 yrs apart :) ) This year is 25 for us and 52 for them.

Edited by PuddleJumper1
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June. Had to be after my semester exams the first week of May with enough time for me to play commencement at college, then get home for the wedding but before my summer class began the third week of June. We barely squeaked it in because the venue was not available the first weekend.

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May here.


I wonder if this is changing a little. In the last few years, all the weddings I've been to have been autumn weddings and I wonder if that's becoming more popular as a concept.

I have a florist friend who says October has become the new June, so I think your observation is correct. I was married in October, so dh and I consider ourselves trendsetters. [emoji6]



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We got married in June, but not because we wanted a summer wedding.  The husband was up for residency in the midwest.  I said it was stupid for me to pay for health insurance if he was working at the hospital, so we decided to get married.  It was May.  So when we pulled it together two weeks later, it was by then June. 

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We got married in June.  My birthday, our anniversary, and the 4th of July are in one week.  And it's like 1000 degrees.  And we usually go on vacation that week, too.


What was I thinking???  I should have held out for the beauty (and relatively cool temperatures) of October.  But nope. I couldn't wait to marry that boy.  We got engaged and planned our wedding in 3.5 months.  I didn't want to wait the extra 4 months.  

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We got engaged in May shortly before DH graduated college and had originally been planning a 2 year engagement. He left to start his Army service obligation November 1st . By Thanksgiving we were so miserable without each other that when I visited him at Officer Basic for the holiday, he suggested we marry the following month after my college graduation. It was totally impulsive and EVERYONE assumed I had gotten pregnant, but I hadn't. It worked out fine in the end but making a big life decision while homesick and lonely was not smart.

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