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Define several


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 I would give 3-4, up to 5.


The busier I am, the more specific I would give. But I would also include more dates to allow ease of scheduling. 


If I could say...

I am available any day of the week after 2pm, That would be sufficient.



If I am available all day Monday/Tuesday and after 2pm on Wed, and after 3 pm Thurs day/ Friday.  I would list all 5 options.



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I thought a couple was two, a few was three, and several was four. Many is five-plus.


I have no idea where I got this from, but that's always been my understanding.

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 I think In some cases it depends on the item, but

couple -- 2

few -- 3

several 4 +


My exception is if an item generally comes in large groups, (like sequins or small beads if you are doing a craft) then a small amount that is really more than 10 of the item might qualify as a few, while a bigger pile might be several. 


If I asked for several dates, it's probably because I am juggling busy schedules. so I want at least 4 possible dates. 

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Normally I think several is 3-5.

But in the special context of "provide several dates you are available for an interview" I would give a wider range of dates because I would want to make it as convenient to my potential employer to interview me.

Edited by regentrude
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I think 3-4. When we were kids and my mom was pushed by us to define the word, she said "several" means 3 when it's cookies, 30 when it's minutes. I continue to believe that is a great definition. As to dates, however, I would think it is more like cookies.

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Wow. My experience has been "your interview will be on x day with a choice of time only if you weren't the last one contacted eg. 9, 10 or 11". In this case I would go for something general like already suggented - all day Mon/Tues or afternoon Wed to Fri for example.

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