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How long for a fake tree?


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How long would you keep a fake tree?


This is our 10th Christmas with this tree. I like it and think it is just fine. My husband says it is time to let it go. Through the years, needles have fallen off. I guess it is not a huge deal if he wants us to rid of it, it is just that I don't think it is that bad. But I do not mind ridding of it and buying new next year. 


How long do you all think a fake Christmas tree lasts?

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My grandma had a fancy one that lasted well over 25 years. I think it is sill in use and it was in every picture from my childhood and possibly before. She paid a relatively massive amount for it way back when though.


My mom has had some that didn't last two years. It's all about the quality and the usage/care.

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I think it depends on the quality.I had one that started looking shabby after six years. My inlaws bought a much pricier tree in 1999. Its in our house now and still looks good. Im starting to see some branch breakage so I doubt it's got many more good years.



I'll probably be really tired of it before it looks really bad.

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Depends on the quality, but I wouldn't toss until you actually have the new tree. We dumped ours after Christmas and wound up moving into a temporary rental before the next Christmas. Moving is really hard on the trees, plus they're huge. I would've eked out one more year from the busted tree rather than buying a new one and getting it bungled in the move. Plus we were also cash strapped due to the move.

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My parents kept their fake tree for 25 years.  It leaned a bit for the last 10, lol.  They got a new tree ~10 years ago now and still use just that one.  I think they bought a spare because they liked it a lot (and it was probably on sale). But they haven't thought of changing yet. 


I'm using the same tree for 10 years.  It is a mini tree, like for an apartment, and the limbs are getting harder to spruce. So we'll probably have to change soon.  


Agree it's more about the quality than the years.  And probably if the limbs come out for storage or if they just push up/down to fit in a box. 

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We've been using the same mini/apartment tree since we got married, so 11 years. We bought it while in an apartment, but have kept using it because we put it on top of a trunk and then it's impervious to baby damage. It's still looking pretty good. We do lose needles every year, though, so I don't know how much longer it'll last.


Part of me is eager for a real-received tree and part of me will miss our little straggler.

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We're probably at the 10 year mark. We did have to get new lights a couple of years ago, but it still looks great. I really do not want to put artificial trees in the landfill--we'll keep it as long as possible. I'm sure it's good for at least 10 more years. And this wasn't a super expensive tree--just a regular tree from Target.



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we replaced our first one after about ten years.  so much for fake needles not falling off trees.  I think we replaced it more for I wanted a pre-lit. 


it was 11' - and it was replaced with a 9'.  my feelings about that are very mixed.  the bigger tree decorated much better than this one.  there was space for ornaments.  this one . . . last year, I chopped off branches on the top 1/4!  off a fake tree!


this one (got it at Micheals) - I'm ready to replace it now.  the lights have had issues since we bought it.

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Our first tree lasted from 2003 to 2008. Early in 2009, the school where I taught was doing a production of The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe, and they asked people to loan them trees for the set, so we did. It came back to us unable to stand up.  :glare: That one was the cheapest 6' (or 6.5'? whichever) tree that Walmart sold.


Our second tree, bought for Christmas 2009, was the cheapest 6' (or 6.5') prelit tree that Walmart sold. ;) It still stands just fine, but half the lights no longer work. Last year we talked about replacing it but never did. So far, same thing is happening this year.


We'd love to spend more money for a nicer tree that will look prettier and (likely) last longer, but this time of year ends up being very expensive for us every year and we can't really justify it when, really, the cheap tree is just fine.

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We are on year 23 with our artificial tree. It is losing quite a few needles and we have been discussing whether or not to replace it. We just cannot seem to spend the money on a new one, though. 


Edited: We bought ours from Kmart. The price on the box says the tree cost $79.00. I'm pretty certain we didn't pay that much for it.  It is a standard (unlit) tree with removable branches.


The trees that are advertised during The Hallmark Channel Christmas shows are beautiful. I have purposely refrained from googling the cost of one of those beauties.

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Why not get one more year of use out of the old tree and get a new one the day after Christmas at half price?


I love this idea.


We have a new one after using my parents old one for about 12 years (who knows how many years it was used before that--I remember it from my childhood). Anyway, we thought that having a pre-lit tree would be just so convenient.  Unfortunately we had the same experience as many others on here with the pre-lit trees (there is a thread here somewhere).  Many of the lights went out, they were on the same circuit and not fixable (by design) so we had to remove them all and put on string lights.  Also my husband is not fond of the way this tree is assembled. You have to put in some branches but some you just push down. Meanwhile you get really scratched up.  So maybe take some time to do some research in the hopes that this tree will last a good long time also, and consider avoiding the pre-lit tree despite alleged convenience.  =)

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Why not get one more year of use out of the old tree and get a new one the day after Christmas at half price?


This has been our plan for the last few years. Neither my DH nor myself like crowds so we have never been able to go to the stores on the 26th when the selection is best and by the time we do find our way out it's just not worth the hassle as everything is either picked over or sold.


Our local mall is being torn down after the new year. I wonder what the owner is doing with the Christmas decorations.

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Mine is 35 and going strong. Was from Sears, not fancy.  Not something I'd replace every decade.  It's not a mattress or couch where after a while it hurts your back. It's just a little more weathered looking.  That's part of the charm.

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Depends on quality and storage conditions, and whether it's prelit. If it's not prelit it will probably last longer, less to break.


I had one I got at Target for over 10 years. I tossed it 2 years ago, it was done for. Last year we had a rickety done for tree DD found at a garage sale for $5. This year, we are too crowded in a small place with a young dog, so we have an itty bitty tree that sits safely up out of reach. Walmart had 6' trees for $20 before the 20% off markdown and I almost got one, but there's just no place to put it. I wouldn't expect a $20 tree to last more than 3-5 years.

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I know ours was less than 10 years old. For some reason, it smelled odd when DH brought it out this year. So, we opted to replace. The new trees fold up like an umbrella for storage. I think that will be a real convenience. We couldn't get one that wasn't prestrung with lights (last minute shopping), so we had to get one with white lights. DH added extra colored lights for the kids.  


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We have(had) a good one, but I don't bring it out every year. I go thru themes, like one year I was into lavender on a white tree, the next a tree made out of tomato cages. Mainly I did it because I couldn't bear to have it out after my mom died, plus with my oldest not around. I used the cat as an excuse.


This year for the first time ever, the kids got me to get it out, and put it up thanksgiving weekend. Right away kitty started her shenanigans. It'll be unusable after this year.


Eta: I'll say it lasted about 10 years

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Our last one was a day after Christmas purchase 10 years ago.  After year 2, the plastic base broke.  We engineered a solution that only leaned a little bit. :)  The light strands slowly burned out and I unwrapped them one at a time.


Every year I told myself I would buy a tree after Christmas to replace it.  Never had the money.  This year Target ran their trees 50% off the week before Thanksgiving.  I broke down and got one.  I love it.


My Mom's tree growing up lasted my entire childhood.

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Ours is 19 years old. It definitely has it's quirks-- a tendency to lean at the top until we settled it properly. It helps, I think, that we don't take it apart anymore. There's room in the attic for it to stand up, draped with plastic. Yes, I remove all the ornaments. We did nice lights a few years ago and leave them on it. If a string goes out, we simply add another one. The hardest part of this whole scenario is getting the tree into and out of the attic.


We looked a few years ago and could not find a similar tree with similar quality. I love my 9ft slim tree!

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I think ours is 10 yrs old, but I'm not sure it might be older, can't remember if it survived the fire(as it would have been in the basement). Anyway, it could look better and it could look worse BUT a new tree is not really in the budget, nor is replacing it a necessity so it is not to be replaced.

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Mine is 24 years old. It's fine. It was a display. I bought 50% off (might have been more) 4 days before Christmas at Micheals (or its precursor MJDesigns). I think I learned the year before you couldn't get an artificial tree the day after Christmas.


My parents had theirs at least 30 years before getting a smaller one.

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I think we're on our ninth or tenth year with the one we have. (DH and I were trying to figure out when we got this one and we're coming up with different years, 😉). One section of lights went out this year, but I think that's fixable. At least DH claims he can fix it.

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We are on year 23 with our artificial tree. It is losing quite a few needles and we have been discussing whether or not to replace it. We just cannot seem to spend the money on a new one, though. 


Edited: We bought ours from Kmart. The price on the box says the tree cost $79.00. I'm pretty certain we didn't pay that much for it.  It is a standard (unlit) tree with removable branches.


The trees that are advertised during The Hallmark Channel Christmas shows are beautiful. I have purposely refrained from googling the cost of one of those beauties.


Those old KMart trees are surprisingly long-lasting.  I just put ours up for its 18th Christmas.  It started losing needles a year or two ago, so I guess it is time to keep an eye out for a replacement.


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Mine is about 15 years old, maybe more. I only know I had it for a few years before ODD was born. About 2 years ago we started to loose the light strands on it. We decided to buy a new house over that holiday break and DH and I came across LED strands for $1 on clearance and bought easily 20 of them. So, before we packed away that tree before we moved I cut all of the old light strands off. Last year in our new house I rewrapped the tree with the new LED strands. It looses needles and some of the branches are starting to get close to breaking but each year we pull it out and decorate it and it looks fine. Mine was originally from Costco and it is def a nice quality. This year I bought a bunch of holly berry sprigs (those fake ones you get from craft stores) and stuck it throughout the tree and that helped to make it look fuller. My plan is to just keep making it work until something really breaks on it.

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Where do you all get these trees?!? We always got real trees when we lived in California, but after leaving there about 10 years ago, we've been through about 3 fake trees! The lights go out, they don't seem to fluff well, etc. We usually buy the fake ones from Home Depot; I didn't think those were cheapy trees, but maybe I need to buy elsewhere!!!!

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Where do you all get these trees?!? We always got real trees when we lived in California, but after leaving there about 10 years ago, we've been through about 3 fake trees! The lights go out, they don't seem to fluff well, etc. We usually buy the fake ones from Home Depot; I didn't think those were cheapy trees, but maybe I need to buy elsewhere!!!!


LOL.  I think I have lower standards than you do.  I don't worry about how the tree fluffs.  We get the pieces out of the box, insert them in the correct order, bend a few branches, and call it good.  The section that doesn't light goes toward the wall.    The children decorate the tree, the cat pulls the ornaments down, and whoever notices replaces them on the tree.  


Our tree won't win any decorator awards, but it suits us.

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Where do you all get these trees?!? We always got real trees when we lived in California, but after leaving there about 10 years ago, we've been through about 3 fake trees! The lights go out, they don't seem to fluff well, etc. We usually buy the fake ones from Home Depot; I didn't think those were cheapy trees, but maybe I need to buy elsewhere!!!!

We got ours from Sears. We paid $200< for it 9-10 years ago. It's a decent tree and it's more than paid for itself in savings over buying live trees.
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  I got mine at Kmart around 2000.  I think for around 120.00.    It has not lost any of the fullness all the lights are still great.  It still looks new.


I  I've kept it in orginal box  but not closed up.  I  sheet over it to keep dust off in my attic.  I live in the south so our attic space gets 100 +++ in the summer and we rarely have below freezing temps.


I'm guessing quality and storage may effect how long it last.  This see the tree lasting longer than the lights.  I keep thinking each year the lights will get a short and quit but they keep going.


anyway this tree is set up every year


and some years I will get a live tree for another room.  It really just depends how much entertainment I'm having for the season.


This year its just my old faithful




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This is not going to be helpful, but my grandmother's tree is still going good... I think it is over 50 years old. It is older than me. It would have been made in the late 50's or early 60's.


It is Silver, made of metal, and homemade, and I think it is absolutely beautiful.


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