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If I hear one more water bottle landing on the floor. . .

Miss Peregrine

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I'm obviously living in a bubble because I only read about this a couple of days ago and don't remember seeing it, although vaguely do remember telling one of my kids to stop throwing a water bottle around the other day. I'll have to look (listen?) when I'm out and about. Won't happen in my house because I don't do well with annoying noises, from people talking to me onwards ;-)

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All.The.Time.  And everywhere he goes.  He also tries landing it on the cap, which he managed to do today on a windowsill..


This has been going on for months now, and I keep thinking it has to go away soon or I'm going to go INSANE.

I will not tell my dd that trying to land on the cap is a thing. 

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Today they drove me batty! It's brand new at our house (they started it yesterday), but the sudden noises constantly keep startling me. They have to go all around the house and find all of the unusual places that they might get a landing in. Not to mention how many "cap landings" in a row they can get.


I'm so sorry that they discovered that this is a thing. I much prefer their rubik's cube solving. Nice and quiet  :001_rolleyes:

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All.The.Time.  And everywhere he goes.  He also tries landing it on the cap, which he managed to do today on a windowsill..


This has been going on for months now, and I keep thinking it has to go away soon or I'm going to go INSANE.


MONTHS???   :svengo:  I'm doomed.



(But way to go on the windowsill landing, kid! :thumbup1: )

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Today they drove me batty! It's brand new at our house (they started it yesterday), but the sudden noises constantly keep startling me. They have to go all around the house and find all of the unusual places that they might get a landing in. Not to mention how many "cap landings" in a row they can get.


I'm so sorry that they discovered that this is a thing. I much prefer their rubik's cube solving. Nice and quiet :001_rolleyes:

That's funny. We have some serious rubik's cube solvers here and my husband has banned it from the room/car he is in. He doesn't think it's quiet at all 😂 occasionally it will get to me but usually I'm ok with it.

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MONTHS???   :svengo:  I'm doomed.



(But way to go on the windowsill landing, kid! :thumbup1: )


Honestly, I'm surprised people are still just finding out about this.  DS has been doing this since spring.  Over the summer all the teachers at the dance studio banned the bottle flipping in class- everyone was getting distracted by it. 


It's all about getting the water level in the bottle *just right* for the best flipping opportunities.

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We've had a little of it, but never in the house. Apparently they do it at rehearsal and at ballet. And I've seen them do it at a park day - the moms all made them find a picnic table far away.


So I'm not at an upset point over it yet. I'm more in awe of how it's traveled the nation as a fad. Like, I first heard about it a couple of months ago from a friend in Chicago. Less than 24 hours later, I observed my kids doing it at a park day for the first time. I was like, well that's certainly odd. Now I've seen parents from all over complaining about it.

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I don't buy bottled water.


*problem solved*

I don't either...and I really strongly dislike disposable water bottles.


Nevertheless, I observed my son and some of his friends at church, flipping a water bottle while waiting for parents to come pick up.

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So I'm not at an upset point over it yet. I'm more in awe of how it's traveled the nation as a fad. Like, I first heard about it a couple of months ago from a friend in Chicago. Less than 24 hours later, I observed my kids doing it at a park day for the first time. I was like, well that's certainly odd. Now I've seen parents from all over complaining about it.


I haven't seen any actual flipping in person (as mentioned above, I've seen kids playing catch), but the flipping was mentioned on Jeugdjournaal in October (or maybe September), so it's an international phenom.

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