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  1. A news article dated 5th October 2023, which I have linked here so that we can have a think about how we define peace. https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2023/10/5/israeli-troops-kill-two-palestinians-in-occupied-west-bank-clash
  2. https://edition.cnn.com/2023/12/13/politics/intelligence-assessment-dumb-bombs-israel-gaza/index.html Nearly half of 29000 bombs 😞
  3. I'm glad that what we are seeing isn't a genocide then, because that would be really bad 😞 I'm glad that flattening entire neighbourhoods isn't carpet bombing, because that would be a war crime 😞 We must be watching different videos (which I think given the algorithms online is actually a very real possibility). I personally do not believe much of the propaganda being disseminated. Nowhere in Gaza is safe: that is abundantly clear. No amount of leaflets and warnings is enough, except that it makes some people feel better about the numbers of civilian deaths. Allowing people to believe that if the civilians had only done the right thing, the thing we told them to do, then they wouldn't be dead now. Blaming the victims. Of course it is not acceptable to allow criminals to get away with awful crimes. They should be brought to justice. But justice does not look like the suffering of an entire population of people: forced to leave their homes, or bombed inside of them. That looks like genocide. So I say again - how many civilian deaths is too many?
  4. I know the numbers. It is blindingly obvious that the international community does not care at all about civilian deaths. It is a disaster for us all. Today it is civilians in the Middle East, but tomorrow it could be you and I.
  5. The levels of hate in the world at the moment is astonishing. Antisemitism is rife. Islamophobia is rife. Far right groups spewing hate in all directions. None are acceptable. All are heinous. I'm sorry that you feel so targeted both by my post and by your experiences. But please don't attach meaning to my words that is not there. The title of this thread is about 'world events'. I think the thread should include at least a mention of the killing of thousands upon thousands of civilians because somebody in their neighbourhood committed a crime.
  6. I agree. And that is a tragedy. Too afraid to post about innocents being massacred. What a dismal thing.
  7. BUT NOT MY POST!! It in no way targeted Jews, or Americans, or Brits, or Kiwis, or Muslims. My post was only about how many civilian deaths there have been. And how it is an unacceptably large number. No matter 'who started it' those people were still innocent. And if you just reply to every reasonable argument with "BUT HAMAS" then we will get nowhere 😞
  8. But not here on this thread though 😞 That's my point. There should be an outcry! Here as well!
  9. Absolutely nothing to do with Jews. I intentionally didn't mention nations, religions, races. This is to do with not enough being done by the entire international community to stop a disaster that has been going on for 2 months, killing thousands of people. And the complacency of people and governments across the world in the face of such huge numbers of deaths.
  10. Your logic is so flawed. To continue with your analogy - the man runs home and shoots neighbours from his house, which is filled with his whole family. So the police drop an unfathomably huge bomb on the house, killing everyone inside. You and I both know that the correct action for the police is to endeavour to punish only the person who committed the crime. Bombing his house and murdering his family is only another crime. Two wrongs don't make a right.
  11. It was a general 'you' - not directed at you personally. It is a massacre. It is infuriating to watch this thread unfold totally ignoring the insane numbers of deaths. The international community usually agrees that no civilian deaths are acceptable. But this time the world is turning a blind eye.
  12. More than 16,000 confirmed killed. Thousands more under the rubble of houses destroyed by obscene amounts of bombs. 7000 DEAD CHILDREN!!! How many dead Palestinians will be enough??
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