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Obnoxious HS T-Shirts


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Seriously-- thsi is the message we're putting out there. http://www.shopgreatproducts.com/socialization-t-shirt/


Of course hs kids will never do anything wrong. 


Or the ones that have all the Presidents on them. Well, fine and well to claim credit for them being hs students if you want to replicate the way they were school.


Maybe I'm just feeling grumpy but after looking at all the t-shirts I'm just feeling embarrassed.


(I'm also slightly loopy on codeine)

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The socialization bit I don't find as annoying as some, I suppose I don't read it as saying that hs kids never have problems, but that there are enough socialization issues in ps that to claim it is somehow the only way to produce good kids seems outright silly.


But, I don't ever have shirts like that either, I find them a little odd.

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On the main page there are a few I think are cute. Although there were none that my kids would have worn past the age of 7.


I did see a few tasteless shirts over a decade ago (probably more like 14+ years), but I can't recall seeing any shirts like the one linked any time in recent memory. The same goes for most of the obnoxious shirts I see on other sites.

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Ugh, I hate those type.


This, however, is what I bought myself for back-to-school: https://teespring.com/teacheverywhere#pid=87&cid=2332&sid=front

That's so cute! I like that one, and I think the full time multitasking ninja one is cute too, but all moms deserve that whether they homeschool or not. I don't like the obnoxious ones.


I do kind of think the one that has a list of famous people and then "Me!" at the end is cute too. It doesn't put down anyone else's schooling choices but shows that there are plenty of successful people who were homeschooled.

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That's so cute! I like that one, and I think the full time multitasking ninja one is cute too, but all moms deserve that whether they homeschool or not. I don't like the obnoxious ones.


I do kind of think the one that has a list of famous people and then "Me!" at the end is cute too. It doesn't put down anyone else's schooling choices but shows that there are plenty of successful people who were homeschooled.


My issue with those shirts are that they play fast and loose with their definition of "homeschooled".

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I've never liked any shirt (or bumper sticker, whatever) that elevates one group by putting down another.   Ugly, juvenile artwork - like the first shirt linked - turns me off too.  


Honestly, I don't even care if people ever know my kids are/were homeschooled.  I would like people to like what they see in my kids, and if it comes out that they homeschooled, fine. Plenty of kids in public and private schools are great people too. 

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I admit I don't like one shirt a kid I know wears. It says, "Unsocialized Homeschooler". Due to various reasons (a combo of diagnoses) he behaves in an inappropriate fashion much of the time. It of course has nothing to do with being homschooled. But I think for that kid, that shirt is just not right. 

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My issue with those shirts are that they play fast and loose with their definition of "homeschooled".

Yes, this is true. And some were taught by parents and some by expert tutors, so it doesn't necessarily look like my homeschooling. But it does say, "Hey, there are multiple school paths to be successful."

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I've never liked any shirt (or bumper sticker, whatever) that elevates one group by putting down another.   Ugly, juvenile artwork - like the first shirt linked - turns me off too.  


Honestly, I don't even care if people ever know my kids are/were homeschooled.  I would like people to like what they see in my kids, and if it comes out that they homeschooled, fine. Plenty of kids in public and private schools are great people too. 


Snarky, I know, but we've never bought a homeschool T-shirt, bumper sticker, or tote bag despite 15+ years of our lives in the trenches. I see it as a very personal choice that doesn't need to be advertised on a shirt. We feel the same about the "witness wear" shirts that have Bible verses. I always figured that if I bought one of those for my kids, they'd be sure to misbehave when we were out anyway. 


I'm also odd in that I realized some years ago that I really don't define myself as a homeschool mom as a large part of who I am. Some do, but I do not. I see myself as being much more complex than that.



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I have a tote bag with the presidents one.  I don't see any reason that we should not be proud of homeschooling and encouraging of educational options that are not public school.  No-one said that all homeschoolers are perfect, but we can still take pride in our choices and accomplishments.

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I don't like them.


The ones with the famous homeschool people make me feel uncomfortable. Their "homeschool" was entirely different from what homeschool is now so it's really apples to oranges.


But mostly I don't think of myself as a homeschooler. I'm just me, teaching the kids. Somehow, even though it takes up a huge part of my life, it's not my identity so I don't even think about getting homeschool tshirts.

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Dh got me a shirt with an apple on the back and it says blessed to be a teacher. Now I feel like I can't wear it because ds is in private school :( lol (only half serious)


ETA: I don't know how I feel about some of the unsocialized homeschool/socialized homeschooler shirts. I guess it depends on who is wearing them. I still remember someone telling their child that my son didn't have friends because he was homeschooled (after we invited them to a birthday party. I think they came out of pity). One of the kids that attended was someone we randomly met at the park and it had nothing to do with ds attending school or homeschool. There are lots of ways to make friends :)

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I don't really care to slap "homeschooler" as an identity onto my kids. We homeschool. It's something we DO. It is not who we are. Like others have said, I have never seen anyone irl wear a public school put down shirt. And I do find the linked shirt completely obnoxious.


All that said, I love everything about this graphic. I use it as my avatar for my homeschool FB account. Graphic tees aren't my thing, but if they were, this is probably the only homeschool specific graphic I could see myself wearing. http://www.zazzle.com/forgot_the_socialization_tee_shirt-235821468146714289

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I guess I don't hugely identify as a hs'er.


I think putting others down to make yourself feel better is never a good thing, I teach my kids not to I sure don't want to model that behavior.


I think some are arrogant.


I think poking fun of ourselves is ok, atlhough I think we have to watch it or people are laughing at us and not with us. 


I think some are funny though.


I dont' want to be the evangelical hs'er that thinks hs'ing is the only way and everybody else is some screw up.

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You know? If an actual gang member did design a shirt, it would probably at least look much better than that first one linked in the the OP.


A few of these shirts might as well just say "homeschoolers suck at t-shirt design"


There are some cute or funny ones here but I agree not any of the ones that rely on trash talking schools.

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Lots of kids wear "school pride" shirts for public/private schools. I'd like something like that that was for homeschoolers, but not snarky, mean, etc. Something classy, that was a nice way to show pride in your "school". 

if we got something it woudl be "xxx School" Home of the fighting Turtles. Dh has an irrational fear of turtles so of course our "school mascot" is fighting turtles and it makes me laugh every time.

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Lots of kids wear "school pride" shirts for public/private schools. I'd like something like that that was for homeschoolers, but not snarky, mean, etc. Something classy, that was a nice way to show pride in your "school".

The only school shirt my son has agreed to wear since after kindergarten is the university sweatshirt we got for him as a gift for finishing a challenging summer program there. From 1st through 7th grade we'd offer to get him a shirt for a homeschool co-op or group and he would look at us like "are you frigging kidding me?" School pride isn't everyone's cuppa. I was never much one for it and glad to transfer from a high school that pushed that to a high school who made the school colors black on black and the mascot the Dead Rats and never did any school spirit activities.


I definitely agree any such shirts should ideally be in favor of homeschooling and not rude towards non-homeschoolers.

Edited by LucyStoner
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Our homeschool group used to print t-shirts.  I can't really remember it now - my kids stopped wearing them when they were about 10 - but it was just a nice logo with the group name and some sort of design.  Not school pride, exactly, but like a school shirt.   That was fine with me.   The small amount of artwork was nice.   It fit my definition of classy, kwim?   LOL.  Not to say  my definition is the right one, just... the shirt was to  my taste.

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I can't say I've ever seen a homeschool tshirt I would want my kids to wear. However, I did make some shirts using freezer paper stencils. The front is our last name in a fun font and then numbers on their backs. They wear them sometimes on "field trips" and while they draw attention to our little circus, it is soooo nice to easily pick out my kids in a crowd in their matching shirts.

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I have this t-shirt that I bought at Universal Studios. It's not even a homeschooling t-shirt, but it fits the theme:




And then the kids have the t-shirts that say "Thing 1" and "Thing 2".

Love that, I often call the kids thing 1, 2, 3 and 4. We obviously need to work on ordinal numbers b/c they are always fighting me on who is what number!

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Am I the only one who owns zero shirts with words on them? My shirts are shirts, not signs. There are too many people staring at my amazingly fabulous bOOks already!!!

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Am I the only one who owns zero shirts with words on them? My shirts are shirts, not signs. There are too many people staring at my amazingly fabulous bOOks already!!!

You are not alone. No graphic tees for me. My books distort whatever words or design are on the tee. I don't need any assistance drawing people's eyes towards my magnificent books.

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The link seems to be broken.


For me too.



Am I the only one who owns zero shirts with words on them? My shirts are shirts, not signs. There are too many people staring at my amazingly fabulous bOOks already!!!

I've always had plain shirts too, but this spring and summer I bought a bunch of tee shirts from Out of Print and Zulily. I have Mike Mulligan, Tree Grows in Brooklyn, Jane Eyre, HP, Harold and the Purple Crayon, Oz, Elephant and Piggie, and one with a picture of Pete the Cat that says, "I still read children's books." :D

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For me too.




The link seems to be broken. 

The t-shirt is gone now, I can't even find it on their site at all. The power of the hive???? It was a badly drawn cartoon with a picture of a pregnant girl and gang/druggie kid I guess- and something about not wanting that kind of socialization. 

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Am I the only one who owns zero shirts with words on them? My shirts are shirts, not signs. There are too many people staring at my amazingly fabulous bOOks already!!!


I don't own any.  I don't want people trying to read or decipher what's on my shirt.  I discourage my daughter from wearing tees with words, though she does have a few band shirts which I think are fine.  But they are mostly logo or picture, not words to read.

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