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"He stole her heart..." (Am I the only one? Trivial but heartfelt rant.)

Janie Grace

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"So she stole his last name." This cutesy sign makes me feel like throwing something. I'm talking irrational violent irritation. I don't know why!!! It seems to be trying way to hard to be clever -- she STOLE his last name? Uhhhh, no. She changed her last name, like many women over the years have done. Also, didn't she steal his heart, too? I don't know, it just bugs the heck out of me. 




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I hate cutsie little sayings like that. Another one that bugs me is "All because two people fell in love," usually posted above a family portrait.


My mind always jumps to "yes, you fell in love and got busy... Now you have kids. That's how it works. (Usually)"

Edited by Xuzi
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I despise most trite phrases.


Live, Laugh, Love!!

I've met my Prince Charming and his name is Daddy.

A little bit of coffee and a whole lot of Jesus!



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"Lives are full of happiness, when hearts are full of love."


Years ago I spent a lot of hours cross-stitching that for a friend's wedding gift.


A few years later it--like the marriage--went to the dumpster.


Now I buy off the registry.

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Yeah. I love wall decals for my house and I really had to wade through the sap to find one I liked for my bedroom.


This one really suits my family and my dh and I


"I love you more today than I did yesterday.

Because yesterday you really got on my nerves."


I really hate the ones that idolize the relationship between mothers and sons or fathers and daughters. I find them creepy, like the aforementioned "You're his first kiss, his first love, his first friend, you're his mom"


Yuck. Of course the parental relationship is special but it's totally different from that of a girlfriend or spouse. And it should be. Those quotes almost feel that an insecure parent is trying to "compete" on some level with the child's future romantic interests. I hope for my children to grow up and marry someone really special, but the fact that they do such a totally normal part of life does not diminish my role and special place in their lives.

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I've never liked it. But, then again, the whole "You're his first kiss, his first love, his first friend, you're his mom" saying weirds me out, too. 


Ewwwwww! I need to shower.


I hate cutsie little sayings like that. Another one that bugs me is "All because two people feel in love," usually posted above a family portrait.


My mind always jumps to "yes, you fell in love and got busy... Now you have kids. That's how it works. (Usually)"


Or as a vinyl on the wall above the master bed.  :ack2:

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I've never liked it. But, then again, the whole "You're his first kiss, his first love, his first friend, you're his mom" saying weirds me out, too. 


:ack2:  Gack, what??? No!




"So she stole his last name."


He didn't steal my heart, I let him in, and I love my family name and I kept it. Even my ex-husband, I would say the same. I wouldn't say I feel infuriated, but somewhat grossed out and apathetic, yes.

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I don't think I've ever heard of any of these sayings. Do I live under a rock?


I'm with you under a rock, and happy to be there!!  These 'sayings' squick me out!  I've (thankfully!) never heard any of them except the 'stole her/his heart' - never name.  I've heard she took his name, but that doesn't have the same connotation at all. And the wife as mom mash-ups are .... eeeeewwwww.


Where are you guys from that these are 'sayings'??

Edited by Matryoshka
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Definitely tacky, but op is also overreacting. We ALL have a different brand of crazy.


I was exaggerating. I'm not actually going to throw anything. It just drives me crazy in a unique way. 


Another terrible one: Always Kiss Me Goodnight.


This seems like a bad set-up either way. Either he kisses you goodnight because the sign commanded him to, or he doesn't and is guilted by the sign. Regardless, I don't think a physical affection imperative is remotely romantic!

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We're closing on a house on Thursday.  When the current owner was moving out something scraped the wall in one spot on the stairwell.  It's not bad enough to make an issue over it -- we were planning on repainting anyway, but not until this fall/winter.  So I've been thinking maybe I'd get some stick on word thingie to cover it up until then.  But this thread has me wondering if I'd be less bothered looking at the scratched place for a few months than I would be looking at some cutesy, trite saying. :laugh:

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I agree with you. I've not seen some of those 'he calls you mom' ones though. Creepy!


I saw one that said "Grandmas are just antique little girls" and I saw red.  By the time I am a grandmother I hope no one decides to patronize me like that.  I am not a "little girl' right now. I am a grown woman. That's not going to change in 20 years.  But I admit to being persnickety about how we patronize older people. I can't STAND it when old men are called 'cute' to their faces etc.  Grown men are cute little boys. They are adults. My sister tells my mom all the time that she is 'adorable' when my mom does an old person thing. I don't think I would feel 'adorable' when I didn't hear a conversation because my hearing is failing. 


Ok, end rant, lol.

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I'm really not down with the sayings as wall art thing. Just not my thing at all.


But what I have been really baffled by lately is the popularity of stupid sayings about household chores displayed in laundry rooms and kitchens. "Loads of fun"; "Laundry: Good Clean Fun"; "The Laundry Room: Sorting Out Life One Load at a Time." FFS.

Edited by LucyStoner
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I despise most trite phrases.


Live, Laugh, Love!!

I've met my Prince Charming and his name is Daddy.

A little bit of coffee and a whole lot of Jesus!



Me too.  There is this one HGTV design show where the designer puts multiple phrases right on the wall!  I would paint over that.  Can't look at that every day. 

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I have found my people!


I'll add these:


Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass...It's about learning to dance in the rain.


Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away.

Those are ok to see one time - when they show up on the Facebook feed, as I am sure we have all seen.

But every day?  Ugh. 

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My kids were watching one of those fix it up house shows. The designer had a metal wall art made for the family room that said "Today is a great day for a great day".  :confused1: That would be torn down the moment the cameras were turned off.

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Yeah, makes me want to puke, as well, but for different reasons.

"So she stole his last name." This cutesy sign makes me feel like throwing something. I'm talking irrational violent irritation. I don't know why!!! It seems to be trying way to hard to be clever -- she STOLE his last name? Uhhhh, no. She changed her last name, like many women over the years have done. Also, didn't she steal his heart, too? I don't know, it just bugs the heck out of me. 


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I hate cutsie little sayings like that. Another one that bugs me is "All because two people fell in love," usually posted above a family portrait.


My mind always jumps to "yes, you fell in love and got busy... Now you have kids. That's how it works. (Usually)"


The parents of one of my friends has an entire wall display of family pictures with this at the top.  Her Dad just giggles and makes the comment "And here I thought it was because I knocked you up the night of prom."

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I think all the contrived wedding announcements (especially the big public question pops) and baby announcements (especially gender reveals) are kinda stupid and silly.


One of dh's cousins did one of those semi-nude pregnancy photo shoots where she was 8 months pregnant with a pink sheet strategicly draped over her and nothing else as her gender reveal. We could all have done without that.

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But what I have been really baffled by lately is the popularity of stupid sayings about household chores displayed in laundry rooms and kitchens. "Loads of fun"; Laundry: Good Clean Fun"; The Laundry Room: Sorting Out Life One Load at a Time." FFS.


Now I'm imagining how these people label the master bedroom. 

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I thought this one was odd: Wash your hands and say your prayers, because Jesus and germs are everywhere.


How about the EAT signs in the kitchen/dining room. What sign would you put in the bathroom? Or the bedroom? How am I supposed to know what to do if I don't have a sign telling me?

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Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass...It's about learning to dance in the rain.



*waddles up to the mic*

My name is happi duck and I have this saying on a pillow.

*hangs head in shame*


In my defense, though it makes me cringe now, I bought it when life was a "storm" I didn't make/couldn't control/couldn't escape. It is pretty funny to see it now but it's also a nice reminder of making it through.

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I've never liked it. But, then again, the whole "You're his first kiss, his first love, his first friend, you're his mom" saying weirds me out, too. 


Ok, i have to admit something. It took me waaaay to long to get this one.  I swear I thought two different 'his' were involved. I was thinking first kiss, leads to first love..leads to first friend..(Okaay, I'm not quite getting that) to oh look, you're someone's mom.  Like it could have been written "you're his first kiss, his first love, his first friend, your HER mom"


It took such a long time for the penny to drop. 


:lol:   I need that afternoon cup of coffee

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My kids were watching one of those fix it up house shows. The designer had a metal wall art made for the family room that said "Today is a great day for a great day". :confused1: That would be torn down the moment the cameras were turned off.

I saw that episode and had a major eye roll moment. She kept going on and on about how special it was. Barf!


Like happiduck, I must admit I have a little chalkboard sign up that says " Home Sweet School"


My family thinks I'm crazy for hs'ing and I'm giving up my personal identity and blah blah blah. I like having a little reminder up for guests that we chose this lifestyle, we love this lifestyle so if you have a criticism, buzz off! :D Plus, it excuses the towers of books and paper everywhere. ;)

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My kids were watching one of those fix it up house shows. The designer had a metal wall art made for the family room that said "Today is a great day for a great day".  :confused1: That would be torn down the moment the cameras were turned off.

I saw that!  It was Fixer Upper. 


I'm ashamed to say I thought some of these wordy things were cute until they became super trendy.  But not the mother/son and father/daughter love ones.  Blech.

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The creepy ones about parent child relationships and the super cheesy ones about couple relationships are nasty and gag worthy.


But, I think the laundry/kitchen ones are cute, and the life recommendations are cute and wise, and should be heeded more often (live laugh love, dance in the rain, today is a great day, etc.)

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True confessions. I have a large wall decal in my laundry room that says "Laundry today or naked tomorrow". It was better than the swear words I wanted to put in there.

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