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I am Truly Miserable

Jean in Newcastle

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Saturday I was hit with severe fatigue.  Managed to limp through Saturday and Sunday.  Monday I had a fever.  Yesterday my throat swelled up and it feels like there are glass shards way back where my voice box is.  Today I have absolutely no voice.  It hurts to even try to talk.  So I'm one fingered texting my kids and trying to help with school that way.  It hurts to swallow.  It hurts to exist.  Reg. Dr. is on vacation.  My ENT is in surgery (doing it, not receiving it).  But I'm not sure what he could do anyway.  Last time I felt like this was last year and we spent 3 months battling this with 8 different classes of antibiotics. Steroids made things worse.  I'll call (or get one of my kids to call since can't speak) tomorrow if I'm still like this, I guess.  I'm just fishing for hugs and sympathy.  


On a good note, I decided to quit the diet of good fruits, veggies and lean meats since all that hurts to eat, and I'm eating all these things I was banned from eating - grains (but nothing with gluten), cheese, peanut butter and ice cream.  And I've lost 2  pounds!   :lol:


P.S. for those wanting to give advice I'm already doing saline nasal rinses and saline throat gargles, and am taking a prescription anti-inflammatory as well as Curcumin, Quercetin, vitamin D in high doses and drinking copious (ok - the recommended amount) of water with Airborne.  

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((HUGS))  I have some soup I just made.  It's frozen, but I can bring it by if you want.  Add more garlic to it if you want.  I know that when I was sick this fall/new year it was the worse in regards to the sore throat.  Nasty virus and I only got it 3 times in 4 months lol.  


I have to head out at 5:30...I can pull the soup out of the freezer if you want some.  organic chicken :-)



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Tess, that is so sweet.  Sure, if it is no problem, I'd love to have some healthy soup.  (Though you realize that you're ruining my healthy diet of chocolate ice cream, don't you?)


I have Chloroseptic!  I don't know why I forgot about that.  And Throat Coat tea too!.  Slache, I've never heard of those patches but I'll check it out.  

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Oh you poor thing!  Worse sore throat I ever had hit in the middle of our trip to Yellowstone - ended up diagnosed with strep by doc at the clinic in the middle of the park.  Those awful-tasting Cloraseptic (spelling?) lozenges only thing to help with the pain of swallowing.  I feel for you!

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No advice, except when I feel like that I sip chicken broth, and drink flavored water, vitamin water, propel, or whatever because I don't like water when I'm sick.


It's good to coddle yourself. I'd get to Dr. Sooner rather than later on your shoes.

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It's actually not just a sore throat.  It's a very specific pain in a very specific place.  Last year a scope showed actual infection there but even a head CT didn't show a reason why it was infected in that specific spot.  He even looked for glass shards since that's what it feels like!  I'm hoping that this year it is inflammation but not actually infected since we were running out of options by the end and my stupid body started to show allergic type reactions to every antibiotic class we tried.  So if I go back in, it won't be as simple as the doctor saying "here's some Amoxicillin - use it for ten days".  Plus. . . at this point it could just be viral and wouldn't be helped by antibiotics anyway.  But . . . I'm throwing every home remedy at it in the hopes that will help my body fight it on it's own.  And if I don't have a bit of relief by tomorrow I'll have one of the kids call the ENT's office for me.  Bother.  Dh and I were talking about going out of town just the two of us for the first time in 17 years. . . .  



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Awww, Jean, I'm so sorry!   If someone can run to a health food store for you, it tastes wretched, but Grapefruit Seed Extract is a pretty potent anti-viral. ?? It goes down pretty well in OJ, which was the ONLY liquid that felt good every time I had strep--horrible, horrible throat pain.


I sure hope you feel better soon. 

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Saturday I was hit with severe fatigue.  Managed to limp through Saturday and Sunday.  Monday I had a fever.  Yesterday my throat swelled up and it feels like there are glass shards way back where my voice box is.  Today I have absolutely no voice.  It hurts to even try to talk.  So I'm one fingered texting my kids and trying to help with school that way.  It hurts to swallow.  It hurts to exist.  Reg. Dr. is on vacation.  My ENT is in surgery (doing it, not receiving it).  But I'm not sure what he could do anyway.  Last time I felt like this was last year and we spent 3 months battling this with 8 different classes of antibiotics. Steroids made things worse.  I'll call (or get one of my kids to call since can't speak) tomorrow if I'm still like this, I guess.  I'm just fishing for hugs and sympathy.  


On a good note, I decided to quit the diet of good fruits, veggies and lean meats since all that hurts to eat, and I'm eating all these things I was banned from eating - grains (but nothing with gluten), cheese, peanut butter and ice cream.  And I've lost 2  pounds!   :lol:


P.S. for those wanting to give advice I'm already doing saline nasal rinses and saline throat gargles, and am taking a prescription anti-inflammatory as well as Curcumin, Quercetin, vitamin D in high doses and drinking copious (ok - the recommended amount) of water with Airborne.  


I'm sorry you're feeling sick.


I had to like your post for the pre-emptive self-advice. But didn't you forget... oh wait, you didn't want advice. ;)

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I'm sorry you're feeling sick.


I had to like your post for the pre-emptive self-advice. But didn't you forget... oh wait, you didn't want advice. ;)

It's not that I don't want advice!  It's just that often these threads end up with a lot of advice that the person is already doing and it seemed more efficient to just tell you what I am doing up front. :)

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It's actually not just a sore throat.  It's a very specific pain in a very specific place.  Last year a scope showed actual infection there but even a head CT didn't show a reason why it was infected in that specific spot.  He even looked for glass shards since that's what it feels like!  I'm hoping that this year it is inflammation but not actually infected since we were running out of options by the end and my stupid body started to show allergic type reactions to every antibiotic class we tried.  So if I go back in, it won't be as simple as the doctor saying "here's some Amoxicillin - use it for ten days".  Plus. . . at this point it could just be viral and wouldn't be helped by antibiotics anyway.  But . . . I'm throwing every home remedy at it in the hopes that will help my body fight it on it's own.  And if I don't have a bit of relief by tomorrow I'll have one of the kids call the ENT's office for me.  Bother.  Dh and I were talking about going out of town just the two of us for the first time in 17 years. . . .  


Bleh, that's just stinky. I'm sorry. I really hope you don't have to get an antibiotic--allergic stuff makes me nervous (firsthand experience).

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I've had luck with a "hot honey" mix of honey, minced garlic and cayenne pepper for severe sore throats.  Supposedly it works to fight strep, but I've only used it at the onset of a cold to fight it off faster.  The garlic acts as an antibiotic, the pepper helps bring blood flow to the affected area, and the honey moisturizes the sore throat


Of course, you end up smelling like a Thai restaurant, but if you're not planning on entertaining guests it may be worth it.  The original recipe is here:





:grouphug:  Hope you find some relief soon. 



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