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Coat vests and ugly birthday gifts

Night Elf

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I don't know what they are called but it's a coat without sleeves. My mom bought me one for my birthday and insists it's the in thing right now. I haven't seen a single person wear something like this. I look dorky! I'm wearing it to take dd to school so I can at least tell my mom that I've worn it. I don't want to hurt her feelings but I really don't like this. And it has no tags or receipt so I can't take it back. I prefer past birthday presents. One year I got a coconut and another year a pineapple. Why didn't she stick with the fruit motif?

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Something like this? http://www.gap.com/products/puffer-vest.jsp


I do see a lot of those around.  Those and The North Face jackets and Ugg boots are ubiquitous in the winter in my neck of the woods.


Yes, it's a puffer vest like the yellow one in your link, only mine is bright royal blue! I might have gotten away with black or navy blue but what on earth do I wear with bright royal blue? Egads!

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Um, I may be currently wearing one. Because my house is cold.  I'm also wearing a turtle neck and sweater underneath it and a scarf. And am strongly considering gloves :lol:  They are pretty in style right now.


So it's worn with a sweater? Doesn't it have to match the sweater? Mine would only go with something white. I do have a long sleeve white tshirt but my arms would be freezing. I live in the south too and I've not seen a single person of any age wear something like this. My dd16 is embarrassed by the look of it. She nearly died when I wore it this morning. I told her if I had to get out of the car for any reason, I'd take it off first. She said she hasn't seen anyone in her school wearing a vest and her school is big.

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No one wears them here, because they would simply freeze to death.  Honestly, I'm not going for any fashion that has puffer or puffy in the title; I just don't need extra bulk around the middle. 


And...I think you are sweet to try to wear it, but if it isn't your color or style...I'd say donate it or do some messy job in it, like changing the oil and let it die a natural disaster death.

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So it's worn with a sweater? Doesn't it have to match the sweater? Mine would only go with something white. I do have a long sleeve white tshirt but my arms would be freezing. I live in the south too and I've not seen a single person of any age wear something like this. My dd16 is embarrassed by the look of it. She nearly died when I wore it this morning. I told her if I had to get out of the car for any reason, I'd take it off first. She said she hasn't seen anyone in her school wearing a vest and her school is big.

It does not have to match.  You can wear it with anything really.  I have one that sits in the closet as it is not something I would wear.  They are popular here but it makes me look like a weeble wobble with my figure.  LOL  

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They are definitely in style here for all ages. I hate them and feel that if it's cold enough to want a coat around my middle, then it's cold enough to want some sleeves! If you don't like yours, I'm sure someone at Goodwill would be excited to see it. 

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I see down vests (puffer vests) all the time here.  Vests that are quilted nylon or poly or whatever that outer material is, and therefore less puffy, are also popular.  It is common to wear them indoors too if you are somewhere that is not well-heated.  For example, I take one to work for just that purpose.  I like mine and wish I had a black one but haven't had a strong drive to go shopping for it.  So I will just wish for the time being. :)

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I have a couple and wear them frequently.  I do not consider them "outerwear."  They are just another layer of a regular outfit.  They do not have to match the shirt/sweater underneath.  It is very cold here, even indoors, so the extra layer around the core is great for taking a chill off.  I put a coat on OVER mine when going outside.  Again, that extra at the core can add 20 degrees of warmth to a normal winter coat.  


But if you don't like the way it looks or feels, put yourself out of your misery and don't wear it!

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So it's worn with a sweater? Doesn't it have to match the sweater? Mine would only go with something white. I do have a long sleeve white tshirt but my arms would be freezing.


I've seen a new (to me anyway) color combination of royal blue and orange.  At first I didn't like it, now it's growing on me.

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I don't know what they are called but it's a coat without sleeves. My mom bought me one for my birthday and insists it's the in thing right now. I haven't seen a single person wear something like this. I look dorky! I'm wearing it to take dd to school so I can at least tell my mom that I've worn it. I don't want to hurt her feelings but I really don't like this. And it has no tags or receipt so I can't take it back. I prefer past birthday presents. One year I got a coconut and another year a pineapple. Why didn't she stick with the fruit motif?


Maybe you're wearing it wrong- you need leggings, boots, a white shirt, and a Starbucks. http://twicsy.com/i/s7xjHe



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I see them all the time around here, paired with jeans or leggings and boots. They're not my thing, but I also hate sweatshirts and sweaters most of the time. I like as little bulk as possible and will shiver in a long sleeved t-shirt before I put on a sweater. My coat is a streamlined wool pea coat, as little bulk as I can get and still have the warmth. I do think the puffer vests are very trendy right now. I see them on kids, teens, young adults, thirty something mamas like myself, even grandmas, and bright colors do seem to be popular. I'd pair the blue with white or black. Part of me wishes I could deal with a bit of bulkiness because I could have a chance to be trendy, which I never am. My 6yo has a red one, and it's cute on him. I think maybe the puffy vest gives you warmth for a car ride and for running into a store, but without the full bulk of a coat, and then you still aren't sweating in the store, maybe?

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I used to wonder about the point of these vests, too, until it occurred to me that it's really not that different from layering tank tops under your shirt...except you can take off the vest when you warm up. It's also very nice for those that don't like a lot of bulk around their arms. For mild weather, it really does make sense. For really cold weather, probably not so much.

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Yes, it's a puffer vest like the yellow one in your link, only mine is bright royal blue! I might have gotten away with black or navy blue but what on earth do I wear with bright royal blue? Egads!


Mine is candy apple green with a turquoise lining.  Not that I like bright colors or anything.  ;) 


I wear mine with jeans, over tunics or sweaters.  And life does not have to be matchy-matchy.

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I have several, except mine are the thinner, quilted ones... not so much the heavy puffer type.


I'm one of those odd people who hates wearing a coat, and I try not to except in the coldest of weather.  The vests are nice because most of the time, it stops people from crying out in horror, "Where is your COAT?!?!?"  :LOL:


And someone said upthread, it's nice because it gives a little more warmth, but you can leave it on running in and out of the stores and such.  That's pretty much exactly it for me.  I'm not outdoors for any extended length of time... it's into the car, into the school, back to the car, into Target... and so forth.  :)


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When I skimmed the headlines, I thought this said goat vests. I'm kind of disappointed now.


I'm not a fan of vests either, though I do see people wearing them around here.

Totally off topic but this made me laugh and remember that Don Aslett had a contest asking people to bring the most useless piece of clutter to one of his seminars. The winners brought a goat bra. They didn't own a goat.


OP, my dh has a couple of those vests, not quite as puffy as the yellow one in the link. They keep him warm, and I see others wearing them. Maybe you could wear it a few more times before deciding whether or not you like it. You could also save it for times you might not be as focused on fashion, like camping or hiking.

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I think your mom should have found a puffer vest in a tropical fruit pattern/print. :lol:  (Ah! Maybe that's on tap for next year.)


Actually, I do see them around & think they're stylish. I'm not a fan of royal blue, but, as others have said, you could pair it with many colors/patterns -- white, beige, gray, black, olive green, orange, red, navy, light blue, pink, plaids, flower prints, stripes, etc.... Scroll down for a few photos with royal blue puffer vest-ery: http://namesnotashley.com/tag/puffer-vest/

Or here: http://www.instyle.com/instyle/package/general/photos/0,,20720151_20758813_30057004,00.html


Happy belated birthday!


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I think your mom should have found a puffer vest in a tropical fruit pattern/print. :lol: (Ah! Maybe that's on tap for next year.)


Actually, I do see them around & think they're stylish. I'm not a fan of royal blue, but, as others have said, you could pair it with many colors/patterns -- white, beige, gray, black, olive green, orange, red, navy, light blue, pink, plaids, flower prints, stripes, etc.... Scroll down for a few photos with royal blue puffer vest-ery: http://namesnotashley.com/tag/puffer-vest/

Or here: http://www.instyle.com/instyle/package/general/photos/0,,20720151_20758813_30057004,00.html



Happy belated birthday!

And brown. I like brown with blue.
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I love vests. I love all the vests that have been linked to in this thread. What else am I going to wear over my plaid shirts with jeans and boots? I mean really.


I am sorry you got something you don't like... can I ask the size? Want to donate it to a mom of four who needs a new vest?



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I don't know what they are called but it's a coat without sleeves. My mom bought me one for my birthday and insists it's the in thing right now. I haven't seen a single person wear something like this. I look dorky! I'm wearing it to take dd to school so I can at least tell my mom that I've worn it. I don't want to hurt her feelings but I really don't like this. And it has no tags or receipt so I can't take it back. I prefer past birthday presents. One year I got a coconut and another year a pineapple. Why didn't she stick with the fruit motif?


Laugh. Whereas I have a coat vest on my Want List because my husband has one and they are SO nice and warm.

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