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Would you go to a 5:30 AM exercise class?


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Just wondering if if I'm insane even entertaining the idea. I am NOT a morning person. I do not like to exercise. And yet, I desperately need to change my habits and get moving. There really isn't time in the day and if there was, I'd probably find something else to do anyway. It's a 10 minute drive. It also means my husband wouldn't get home until 6:00 rather than 5:00 because he can't go in at 5:00 as usual. So, would you?

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I know a gal who goes to a 5:30am boot camp about 4 days per week. It works for her and she enjoys it.


I could not do it. I need some wake up and think time before jumping into physical activity. When I was in college, I did get up and swim at 6am, but I couldn't do that now. I'd have to get up at 4am to be in the water by 6!

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I work out at home at 5:30am. It's nice to have it done and out of the way, before anything has time pop up and get in my way, and I then get to enjoy the rest of the day without feeling guilty about not working out.


I say give it a try. :)

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I have done it when I really, really needed the exercise and there were no other options. And I felt amazing when I was done and the rest of my day was much better for having done it, but dragging out of bed that early was murder every time I did it, and it never got easier. 

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I'm about to start doing a short workout at 6:00 a.m. (well, that's when I'll leave the house, arriving 6:10 a.m.). It's not my preference, although I do like getting some cardio in before 9 a.m., but it's what works with my schedule.  I do an afternoon strength training at 4:15 three days a week but realized recently that I need to get cardio going again.  I thought about going in to the gym at 3:50 p.m. before my strength training but I don't need more time away from the family.  If I go at 6:00 a.m., there won't be any extra time away from the family .... I usually don't see them before 7:30 anyway. So I'm thinking about it, too. 


5:30 though .... that's a bit of a tougher call.  I don't know, especially if it meant my dh getting home an hour later.  Can you get some cardio in another way?  Have you read any HIIT information?  You can get scientifically-proven cardio results with just 10-20 minutes a day with HIIT.

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AM outdoors bootcamp is my favorite fitness class. I've gone on and off for 4ish years. Unfortunately, between gas and the price of the class and some family things, I had to quit for awhile and settle for running/hiking near my house. It's ok, but I look forwards to returning to class when it fits in the budget again.


I wasn't a morning person until I just started getting up in the morning. It's pretty special time to me now though.

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No.  And, imo, you might be setting yourself up for failure if you are truly not a morning person.  I know this about myself and when I started exercising, I did it on my own schedule which was early afternoon.  Lots of people will argue that it revs up your metabolism to do it in the morning and that you won't get the full benefit...blah blah blah.  I still lost twenty pounds.  I still felt great the rest of the day and the next because I was actually doing the exercises.  Did it really matter what time I did it?  

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Even if I was up that early I wouldn't go. I don't like the idea of raising my heart rate so soon after waking.


I agree.


I AM a morning person, so getting up isn't the issue.  And I used to exercise in the early mornings.  But as I've gotten older I just can't handle much activity for the first few hours after I get up.

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No, I am not a morning person nor do I like exercise. I would feel like I was making a New Year's Resolution that would start off with good intentions, and then quickly fail. You could try an exercise tape at home and see how you like it. Or you could wait for your DH to get home and exercise then.

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Going to a 5:30M workout class changed my life one year. Lifelong depression gone. I eventually learned that my natural body rhythm preferred a 5am wake up and that was the real magic ticket with exercise being a bonus. I am a morning person and wake and rise easily, so thee was that natural advantage already. It was the only time I could workout also so I finally had to do it if I was going to make a change.

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I would prefer my DH home earlier and there is no way I would get out the door early enough on a regular basis.



Just wondering if if I'm insane even entertaining the idea. I am NOT a morning person. I do not like to exercise. And yet, I desperately need to change my habits and get moving. There really isn't time in the day and if there was, I'd probably find something else to do anyway. It's a 10 minute drive. It also means my husband wouldn't get home until 6:00 rather than 5:00 because he can't go in at 5:00 as usual. So, would you?


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Yeah, I need some coffee and down time first.



I agree.


I AM a morning person, so getting up isn't the issue.  And I used to exercise in the early mornings.  But as I've gotten older I just can't handle much activity for the first few hours after I get up.


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I'm a morning person, and I know that would be hard for me, BUT I think it's worth trying.  Give it at least 2 weeks, maybe even a month and see if your body doesn't adjust to it.  


My dh wakes up at 5:30 to run, I get up somewhere between 6:00 and 6:30.  After a while, your body expects that AM workout.  


I would look at it as a gift to yourself.  A chance for some you time, and a chance to start a new pattern for your life.


Good luck!

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I agree with xixstar. It totally sucks when that alarm goes off, but when you can check off the exercise box at 6:30 and keep going with the day, it's a great feeling. I actually did a 5am workout for about 6 months once, and it was hard, but good. I would often work out then come back at 6 and fall asleep again for an hour or so.

I would recommend just do it! It's great to get it done, a feeling of accomplishment so early in the day.


Have a great workout:)


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Only if taught by Colin Firth in a kilt.


Don't bother signing up for anything too early if you are not a morning person to begin with. You will end up finding any excuse not to go. Find bits of the day a few times a week to do whatever you will stick with. Set yourself up for success!

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I regularly took a 6:00 am it hot yoga class until menopause and insomnia hit. Now, sleep is too precious, so I usually skip it.


Why don't you try it for several weeks then see how you feel? If it energizes your day, then continue. If you feel drained and tired for the rest of the day, then stop.

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I wouldn't, but that's because I wouldn't go someplace for an exercise class. I know plenty of people who LOVE early morning workouts. It really fits with our natural diurnal hormonal rhythms.


I've pondered doing early morning lap swimming. Honestly, though, 5:30 to 7 is some of the busiest, most productive time of my day and I'd rather not give it up.


Will it mess up your evenings to have Dh home later, making it harder for you to get to bed promptly and thus get enough sleep before the next 5:30 class rolls around?

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I just reread your post and looked at the ages of your kids. Mine are older, but someone must always be with my youngest due to his disabilities so I can't take off whenever I want. Yours are little so I think you are in the same position. I've always hated interfering with dh's work schedule. One thing to keep in mind if you change his schedule, he might be away longer because the change may put him in heavier traffic too and from work.


So, if I were you, I'd rise as early as dh, or at least in time for him to leave. I'd do a video at home. Everyday. That's going to be hard, especially the first few weeks. I'd enforce nap time/quiet time for everyone and put my feet up for an hour or so mid day.


To keep going I'd reward myself with new videos to try or by purchasing dumb bells or some small piece of workout equipment every few weeks.


Before I was gifted with a gym membership, this is what I did. I will probably go back to it when my gym membership ends (except I don't need to build a supply of dumb bells for home use anymore).

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I LOVE my 5:30 AM boot camp! I've been going three times a week since May. The trainer is awesome, the workouts are varied and fun, the people are so supportive, and the best part is that I get it all done while my family is sleeping. We are all night owls, so I never thought this would be sustainable, but I tried it once, and I'm hooked. Nothing to lose from giving it a try!

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The fact that it would put my dh home later would be the no for me.


Could you find one that happened at 5 pm?


Alternately, could you get up and do a video at 5:30 or elliptical or some other at home workout? That way your dh could get home at the regular time.


Honestly, when my kids were that small, I NEEDED Daddy home earlier in the evening more than I needed to get up early to exercise.


So I'd try to find another way.

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I wouldn't bet on it. They are very popular- chances are good there's one around you somewhere! :p


You people are nuts. :P  I was in the Army, and I still remember basic training and getting up at four-thirty for PT.  With leather gloves on, because deer poop.  I can't believe people pay to do it voluntarily.  Crazy, I tell ya.


Be sure you get a refund if there aren't any flutter kicks.  It's not really a boot camp workout without flutter kicks. :D

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