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If it came down to it and you had to choose...


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Coffee, for sure.


But I don't always eat breakfast anyway.   I am not always hungry in the morning and am trying not to eat when I'm not hungry.  So it's a fairly easy choice for me! 


Oh wait.  I use half and half in my coffee. Would that count as breakfast?     I say no.  :cool:

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If I eat breakfast before I fully wake up I instantly feel sick. I can't wake up until I've had a couple cups of coffee. That makes the choice pretty easy for me. Coffee before breakfast every day! Often breakfast doesn't happen until morning snack time.

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Breakfast. I don't drink coffee.


Breakfast. Coffee is gross.


Same here.  I've never understood how anyone could like coffee.  I detest all forms of it.


Even without breakfast I couldn't do coffee.  Even to be polite I practically gag if I have to drink any of it.  Fortunately, among my family/friends I don't have to pretend to be polite.

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I would choose breakfast. I always have coffee with my breakfast, but I need food in the morning more than I need caffeine. I wake up every morning hungry, and if I don't eat, I end up with a headache and no energy.



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I choose coffee every day. I rarely eat before noon. It's terrible, I know. But I have zero appetite in the morning. Food makes me nauseous.



I'm not so sure it is terrible.  With the science advocating intermittent fasting for health purposes, I think the breakfast  myth is getting busted.

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I'm not so sure it is terrible.  With the science advocating intermittent fasting for health purposes, I think the breakfast  myth is getting busted.


I typically wait 12 hours between my last consumption of food and my first meal of the day. So, if I am awake and eat something at midnight, my body is naturally not hungry till around lunch time :) I know that seems backwards to many but my body is the most happy with this schedule.

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