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WARNING for Everyone with a Baby:

La Condessa

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Long ago, I once read a parenting book that said if the baby is crying nonstop and you can't figure out why, check fingers and toes for a hair that could be cutting off circulation. What they failed to mention is that they won't necessarily be crying nonstop, they may just be inordinately fussy off and on all day--and that this can actually take their toe off!!! My two-month-old son was life flighted to the children's hospital in Portland on Sunday night because a hair formed a tourniquet on his toe and then cut deeper and deeper as the toe swelled larger and larger. It cut almost down to the bone before we discovered it, and the emergency room doctors at the local hospital thought that it would have to be amputated, but thankfully that wasn't necessary!


All of this happened between 6:30 am when I gave him a bath and put socks on him and 9:00 pm at night when dh went to change his clothes and pulled the sock off. I kept thinking that something I'd eaten must be upsetting his stomach; he was very fussy off and on, but not screaming in pain. Now I just feel like I need to tell every mom I meet so that others will know to watch out for this.

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How scary! I'm glad that your baby's toe was saved. What a trooper, though! He must have a really high tolerance for pain.


I knew to check for hairs, but I had no idea it could get so serious so fast. Such a nightmare.


Would you consider changing your thread title to more descriptive so it attracts more attention? I don't think many people know that it can get so serious.

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Hair is actually extraordinarily strong in the right circumstance.


I've had it happen too. My first was about 6 months and I found it tangled around a blue finger. Very scary. We didn't need to go to the hospital but I suspect it had been there about 3 hours, she had been napping in her stroller like they do when they're teething, grizzling and wriggling in their sleep. I only found it after she woke up, she must have gotten it wrapped while feeding before said nap.

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Wow, I'd never heard of that. My BIL/SIL just had a baby so I'll pass this info on to them. I'm sorry you had to go through this but very thankful you are sharing your experience to help others. Hope your son has a fast and uneventful recovery.  :grouphug:

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So glad your baby is going to o.k.


We had this happen with my youngest.  Our ped recommended washing all pj's and other outfits that have "feet" built in, inside-out, also socks.  It was my older daughter's long hair that got caught inside a sleeper that caused our problem.  No lasting effects but very scary.  Same here, just a fussy baby for a half of a day.

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Thanks, everyone. We just got home last night and I'm still feeling a little shell shocked by the experience, but very, very grateful that we are all home, safe and well.


A hair?? His hair, your hair, a long dog hair? How scary! Hope all will be well soon.

I'm guessing it was my hair, but broken off because it wasn't as long, but it could have been one of my daughters'. Too long to be from one of the boys or daddy.


oh my word, that is so scary. Did it not bleed as it was cutting into the toe if it was nearly at the bone? I am so glad that they did not have to amputate the toe and that he will be okay.


No, there was no blood at all before they removed the hair, and hardly any after.


Would you consider changing your thread title to more descriptive so it attracts more attention? I don't think many people know that it can get so serious.

How do I do this? I've never changed a thread title before.

ETA: I figured it out.

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so scary! We had this happen to my son's penis..it was a dog hair. No idea how it got in the diaper! Luckily I had changed him just recently, so it was swollen, but not damaged. 


Good Grief. I guess we were just lucky. We always had dogs and I always had hair...

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This happened to my youngest when she was 5 months old. I saw a piece of fuzz on her toe so I pulled it off. I guess there was a piece of hair around the fuzz, because I pulled the tourniquet tight. :( It started swelling before my eyes and I couldn't get anything in there to cut it. I raced her to the ER and she was fine, but it was incredibly scary. I had never even heard of this at the time.


I'm glad your little one is okay. :grouphug:

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How horrifying!  I hope Baby will be fine!


When I was a pre-teen we were vacationing at a cottage with cousins, and all the kids were sleeping in the same room.  My baby cousin wouldn't stop fussing/crying and her parents didn't care, but I finally figured out that she had several hairs wrapped around a swollen, blue finger!  It's been on my parenting radar ever since, but I never knew the baby could just be fussy all day long.

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I had this happen to my oldest when she was a baby. I noticed her little toe was red and swollen and that something seemed to be indenting it. Thankfully, dh's aunt is a nurse and she rushed right over and got it off. Definitely a crazy thing you don't really think about!

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This happened to my cousin's baby daughter...she was fussy for hours, not like her, and they finally discovered that her toe had been bent back in her little baby shoe and had turned blue and swelled. Like you, there was a concern that she would lose the toe, but it recovered. Whew.

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I'm glad your baby is ok!


My son did something similar when he was about 3 but he stuck his finger in the hole of a sweater (belonging to his bear) and kept twisting it. It was so tight I couldn't just unwrap it and it was very difficult to get scissors in to cut it. I no longer allow my little kids to have knitted/crocheted blankets and I don't let them sleep in sweaters.

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Poor baby!  Poor mommy!

Prayers for quick healing & calm...



When my oldest was a newborn, she got a string from inside her footie pajamas wrapped around a toe.  Not sure how long before I discovered it, but it was so tight, my mom had to help me get it off. :(  Her toe was fine, it had not been on that long.


What a scary situation -- thanks for raising awareness.  :grouphug:

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I also cut the thin ribbon loops that sometimes come on stuffed animals. They look like the loops for hanging jackets. My niece, who was 2 at the time, put her finger through a loop on her stuffed bear, and twisted the toy around and fell asleep. She woke up screaming in pain and we had to hold her down to untwist the toy.

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