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What time do you get up each morning? And what do you accomplish before 9 AM?


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I'm having the hardest time getting thing accomplished in the morning. Seems like at 2 PM, I'm still in my jammies and school work is not even halfway through. The problem is that I'm a night owl. I love being up when no one else is awake. I love stayiung p and knowing that no one is going to come and disturb me.....unlike in the mornings. I'm always anticipating one of the kids waking up early or something. I'm very much an introvert who needs my alone time. So if I stay up late, I can't possibly get up early. However, ideally, I need to have my quiet time with the Lord and exercise before the kids get up or it doesn't get done.


I thought about moving my exercise time to the evening. It's just that evenings are so all over the place. We have soccer on Tuesdays, church on Wednesdays, we go to my parents house on Thursdays, and usually something is going on during the weekend. So by the end of the day I'm ready to just sit and relax.


Has anyone successfully transitioned from a night owl to an early morning riser? And enjoyed it? LOL


What time do you, as a homeschooler, get out of bed each morning? And what is on your agenda to complete before about 9 AM?

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I'm having the hardest time getting thing accomplished in the morning. Seems like at 2 PM, I'm still in my jammies and school work is not even halfway through. The problem is that I'm a night owl. I love being up when no one else is awake. I love staying up and knowing that no one is going to come and disturb me.....unlike in the mornings. I'm always anticipating one of the kids waking up early or something. I'm very much an introvert who needs my alone time. So if I stay up late, I can't possibly get up early. However, ideally, I need to have my quiet time with the Lord and exercise before the kids get up or it doesn't get done.


I thought about moving my exercise time to the evening. It's just that evenings are so all over the place. We have soccer on Tuesdays, church on Wednesdays, we go to my parents house on Thursdays, and usually something is going on during the weekend. So by the end of the day I'm ready to just sit and relax.


Has anyone successfully transitioned from a night owl to an early morning riser? And enjoyed it? LOL


What time do you, as a homeschooler, get out of bed each morning? And what is on your agenda to complete before about 9 AM?


I used to sleep until the children woke up, which was around 7:30-8 a.m. I also tend to stay up later, which is why the dc had regular bedtimes around 8 (which meant getting ready beginning around 7:30). I had a good two-three hours of adult time. :-)


I began taking my shower at night when older dd was about 18mo. Then in the morning, when she woke up around 8, I could get dressed right away and make my bed before I went to get her. Then I'd change her and put some cute clothes on her before we left her bedroom. So by 8:30, we were both clean and dressed for the day, even if all we did was schlep around the house all day. :-)


We did breakfast right away, and I cleaned the kitchen while she played, and then I washed my hair in the kitchen sink. By 9 a.m., we're dressed, beds made, breakfast eaten, kitchen clean, hair washed. BAM!


Personal Bible study would have happened in the evening. I just couldn't do it in the morning.

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Before 9AM today?  Two cups of coffee.  I'm not sleeping well, and it's usually closer to 11AM before I start to feel human.  During the school year I have to be up, showered, dressed, and ready to take my dd to school before 8:30.  If I'm not driving her, I'm getting my books and supplies together and fixing breakfast so we're ready to start school by 9:00.  I'm normally up by 6:30 when we're doing school.


I can't exercise at night, or I really can't sleep.  I go to bed by 11:00 normally; if I go earlier, I just lie there.  I'm not naturally a night owl, but lately I'm becoming one.  I dread school starting again and having to get up earlier.

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I get up about 5am each day, I have to for work. Right now with our new puppy we are getting up about 4:15 every day because that's when she decides she's lonely. I usually walk and I round at the hospital. I don't get a lot more accomplished but if I don't have to round I might do stuff on the computer (banking, email, etc), start laundry, read my own book, etc. 


I'm also an introvert and naturally a night owl. I'm not sure I'd say I enjoy getting up early but I've been doing it so long now it's become the new norm. The big thing for me is that I have to go to bed by 10:30. If I let myself stay up longer than that I start to feel great, like I can get a ton done. But then I have to get up in the morning and I'm sorry for staying up late. I also have to follow the same basic routine on the weekends and holidays. I can sleep in till about 7 am but longer than that and I throw myself off and then have to work to get back on schedule. 


The introvert part gets better with older kids. They know I need time alone. I'm not shy about going in my room to lie down and read quietly in the middle of the day for a bit. Or do whatever else I need to do to be alone. With training, kids can learn to respect that. 

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I am naturally a morning person but DH is a night owl and he has been slowly converting me. However, when I wake up the same time the kids do I am a horrible person for a good part of the morning. :( So I've been trying to get up around 630, start coffee, read the Bible, maybe waste some time on Facebook. DS1 is often up by 715, the rest of the crew by 730, so I get them all up, get DS1 dressed, the others get themselves dressed and we eat breakfast, I clean it up, do anything from the night before that didn't get done, supervise the kids with their morning chores, and get in the shower around 9 while DS1 takes a nap or he has rest time (he may or may not actually nap). When we start school I'm going to plan to have school started by 830 or 9 at the latest and probably start showering at night even though I really don't like to do that.

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Unfortunately, the key to victory for me seems to be Shower First, Coffee Later.


We did it the wrong way this morning, and school started at 11:30ish. Now I am going to have trouble with getting to the grocery store and cooking dinner at the right time.


On a good day, I hit the shower by 6:45. By 9 AM, I have laundry started, we're all fed and dressed and DH leaves for work and DS and I start school.

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I'm up at 6am.  I  normally have a cup of coffee then do some work then get the kids going.  By 9am, everyone is typically dressed, fed and working strong.  Right now is summer vacation so I am up at 6am then enjoy my coffee then start work.  I leave the kids sleeping for as long as they like unless someone has a morning commitment.  We work hard and stick to a strict schedule most of the and fully relax when we can.  

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I'm also an introvert and naturally a night owl. I'm not sure I'd say I enjoy getting up early but I've been doing it so long now it's become the new norm. The big thing for me is that I have to go to bed by 10:30. If I let myself stay up longer than that I start to feel great, like I can get a ton done. But then I have to get up in the morning and I'm sorry for staying up late. I also have to follow the same basic routine on the weekends and holidays. I can sleep in till about 7 am but longer than that and I throw myself off and then have to work to get back on schedule. 




This is exactly me as well.  Left to my own devices, I would stay up fairly late and get up late, but as it is, I wake up at 5:30 am every morning to go work out.   But like the PP, I have to be insanely disciplined about getting to bed by 10:30 -- the time always seems to just creep later and later, and then I pay for it the next day.

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My kids, hubby and I all sleep late. My normal bedtime would be after 1am and I wake up at 7am. My kids wake up at around 7:30am.


I make coffee, breakfast and cook lunch for hubby to bring to work. My kids would have their breakfast and start on their school work. By 9am they would usually have most of their language arts done.

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I'm having the hardest time getting thing accomplished in the morning. Seems like at 2 PM, I'm still in my jammies and school work is not even halfway through. The problem is that I'm a night owl. I love being up when no one else is awake. I love stayiung p and knowing that no one is going to come and disturb me.....unlike in the mornings. I'm always anticipating one of the kids waking up early or something. I'm very much an introvert who needs my alone time. So if I stay up late, I can't possibly get up early. However, ideally, I need to have my quiet time with the Lord and exercise before the kids get up or it doesn't get done.


I thought about moving my exercise time to the evening. It's just that evenings are so all over the place. We have soccer on Tuesdays, church on Wednesdays, we go to my parents house on Thursdays, and usually something is going on during the weekend. So by the end of the day I'm ready to just sit and relax.


Has anyone successfully transitioned from a night owl to an early morning riser? And enjoyed it? LOL


What time do you, as a homeschooler, get out of bed each morning? And what is on your agenda to complete before about 9 AM?

Are you accomplishing a day's work in a day's time? If you are, the clock is irrelevant. Here's what I'm doing some nights:


5-6 prep dinner

6-7 teach dance class at home

7-8 Make dinner

8 pm go to dance class away from home


10 pm dinner

Time with DH

Bed around 1


If I wasn't productive at night, I'd worry, but I'm getting a lot done after dark. I don't need to get up early to shower and exercise. I'm generally moving and productive again by 9 a.m., but I might get dressed anywhere from 8:30-noon depending upon what the day holds. Wearing flannel pants just doesn't slow me down like it does some people.

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I'm a morning person and, during the summer, I naturally wake up between 5 and 5:30. That's about 2-2.5 hours before everyone else. LOVE IT! I put my start my tea, put away any dishes on the counter that weren't put away the night before, start a load of laundry, power up phone and laptop, take tea out on porch to listen to the birds, come back in to do bible study, check email and this is where I get distracted. Ugh! If I could just check it, get off and do the next thing, which should be my morning walk, all would be fine. But, I tend to stay on much longer than I should and then the day gets away from me. I need a big shot of self-discipline in this area!

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I'm almost always up between 5 and 5:30am without any sort of alarm clock.  I actually like this as it gives me my "alone" time for at least an hour and a half before hubby might get up.


Usually I'm catching up on the computer, fixing breakfast,  doing critter chores, and picking things in the garden if they are ready to be picked, though the order can vary based upon the temp outside.


During the school year I get ready for school as I work there (and skip critter chores - hubby does those when I work).


Anything else usually gets planned after hubby is up and we figure out our day.  Often a bit is accomplished before 9am, then we relax more in the afternoon.


It is my ideal life.  I wouldn't want to sleep in or need an alarm clock to get up.  


Even if I go to bed at 1 or 2 am (due to company being here or activities or whatever), I'm still naturally up no later than 6am.  I literally can't sleep in even if I want to - unless I'm really sick, but often not even then.  To get more sleep I have to adjust when I go to bed.  I never have issues falling asleep then.

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I get up at 5:45....get dh and myself coffee, let the dog out of her crate and feed her......we watch the news and drink our coffee in bed.  


I get laundry started right away after dh leaves at 7:30.I make the bed.  I get ds14 up around 8 and he walks his dog, makes his bed, eats some breakfast does his shower routine and gets school started ny 9:00


The trick in my opinion is to be an early riser and hit the floor running.  Dressing to shoes is very important to me.  I get much more done that way.


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I usually get up at 8. By 9 I've managed to get dressed, get some caffeine in me and look over my calendar. I am not a morning person and only move quickly in the morning if I have an appointment or we have an early activity scheduled (both are rare as I try not to schedule anything before 10).

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Some mornings, I've already worked out, run, made a homemade breakfast, packed my husband lunch and started the laundry.


Other mornings? I've drunk a cup of coffee and clipped my toenails and that feels like plenty.


When I do a bootcamp 4 days a week, I wake up just before 5am those days but I haven't done that since mid April since it's more of a fall/winter/spring activity and our lives got a bit nutso in April thanks to a crisis in our extended family.

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Okay, kinda related question: how many of you have resorted to short haircuts to help expedite the morning routine? I keep thinking that if I didn't have to deal with this mop...


Not me. :-)


Of course, since I take my shower at night, my morning routine is really just washing my face in the bathroom, and my hair in the kitchen sink. If I blow it dry, that's maybe 10 minutes.

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I'm a middle of the day kind of person but my youngest is a morning person.  He has recently started sleeping a little later because he is staying up later(summer time).


By 9 we've had a pretty full day and most of my chores have started and/or  done.

My oldest keeps his own schedule for schooling--he usually starts around 8.

I'm not being snarky but as far as time w/God and exercise...that is usually shorts prayers for God's help during the day and exercise is a super walmart grocery shopping trip.  

I miss sleeping in!

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I work overnights, so several mornings a week I've already put in an 8 hour workday and am just getting home around 9am. 

On the days that I'm not working, I'm generally up in between 7:30-8ish. Our morning is off to a good start if I've had coffee, checked my email, and the kids have had breakfast by 9. 


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Okay, kinda related question: how many of you have resorted to short haircuts to help expedite the morning routine? I keep thinking that if I didn't have to deal with this mop...


I tried that.  Short hair, for me, took more time in the morning than longer hair did.  With longer hair, I towel dry, and pull back in a clip.  Done!  Short hair I had to mousse, gel, blow dry exactly the right way to make sure it was in its proper place.  I've always found longer hair easier, but I don't make sure it's completely dry before I start the day.

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I usually get up between 6:30 and 7:30.  And before 9:00, I eat breakfast, check e-mail, wake-up by watching something for a bit, wash dishes, sweep floors, lay out schoolwork and clean up the kitchen.   While I am watching something, I often knit or spin but this morning I pitted cherries for making jam and sometimes, I do exercises.

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I wake up at 5:00 almost every day, without an alarm. I shower, dress, make coffee and read until everyone else gets up. Then I make breakfast, leave the dishes, and start school at 8:00. That isn't much for three hours, but it includes an uninterrupted hour of reading and an entire French press of coffee! It's fun reading about what everyone else is doing in the early morning.

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Okay, kinda related question: how many of you have resorted to short haircuts to help expedite the morning routine? I keep thinking that if I didn't have to deal with this mop...


I tried that when I had lots of babies and it didn't help. Maybe if I had gone super short, but anything past my ears required fixing. My hair is now mid back and it's much quicker. I can just put it in a quick ponytail or sloppy braid and be done. Heck, I could go to sleep in a braid, wake up with it, keep it,  and still look nice. 

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I used to be a night owl, but I am now a morning person.  I was up around 5:30 this morning.  By 8, I usually have my coffee drunk, computer time, beds made, bathroom cleaned, and 2 loads of laundry washed and hung on the clothes line.  We start school at 8, so I prefer to have all this accomplished.  We do the bulk of the cleaning after lunch.  


To answer the question about short hair:  I have short hair and it takes much longer to style.  I have to blow dry it thoroughly, or it will be flat.  I also use 2 different styling products.

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I tried that. Short hair, for me, took more time in the morning than longer hair did. With longer hair, I towel dry, and pull back in a clip. Done! Short hair I had to mousse, gel, blow dry exactly the right way to make sure it was in its proper place. I've always found longer hair easier, but I don't make sure it's completely dry before I start the day.

I agree. Short hair, unless buzz buzz short, isn't a time saver for me. It has to be washed and fussed with to look good (I have a massive sticky up cowlick if it gets too short). Long hair is less work. Brush a little if needed and put up with a clip or elastic or barrette or a few pins.

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Before 9? I get up with dh at 6, have coffee eat something light to eat, start laundry, make bed, quiucvk clean bathrooms, exercise, shower,switch laundry,empty dishwasher, do dailyhouse work, on school days start school nonschool days whatever is scheduled

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I work from noon to 4 on weekdays and we have evening activities most days, too.

I'm up at 5:30. Workout takes about 45 minutes. Kids are up by 7am on school days and ready to go by 7:45 (showered, breakfast, bedrooms straightened, etc.) During that time, I get the house straightened, dishes done, laundry started and school prepared. 

By 9, we have been working on school for an hour. We finish up the main part of schooling by 11:30 and the boys get their lunch. I leave for work and leave them to chores and working on their independent school work. 

I'm in bed by 10 or so. I tend to be more productive in the morning, slowly losing ambition and energy as the day goes on. :) And I have a physically exhausting job, so I'm tired by the end of the day. 

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I get up about 7, have coffee, straighten my hair, get dressed, drive dh and both dds to the subway, then drive to work (I start at 9am).


On the 2 weekdays I don't go to work, I get up at 7:30, drive them to the subway, get back home by 8:15, and I relax and do nothing (until about 10 or 11 when I do laundry and clean for an hour or so).

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ah, ya'll may hate me, as I bound outta bed between 5:30 and 6, a morning person through and through.  Feed cats, let dog out, grab newspaper (real paper thingie not on-line) and my own breakfast, which I like to enjoy in peace and quiet by myself.  Before our accident I'd walk the dog as early as possible, too. Ah, fresh early morning air! 


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I agree. Short hair, unless buzz buzz short, isn't a time saver for me. It has to be washed and fussed with to look good (I have a massive sticky up cowlick if it gets too short). Long hair is less work. Brush a little if needed and put up with a clip or elastic or barrette or a few pins.


Totally agree.  Messy buns,  low, twisted ponies,  and simple French twists are my friends.  If I want to wear my hair down, I just shower and gel in the mornings and am good to go.  Now that I've stopped straightening my curly hair, getting ready for the day is much easier.   Laying out my clothes at night is also a huge time-saver in the mornings.


ETA:  Just saw AngelaNYC's post about straightening hair and chuckled since we had posted about the same time.  I sure don't want to start a S/O about straightened vs curly hair ;-)


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I'm naturally a morning person. I typically wake up without an alarm between 4:30 and 5:00 every day. I spend an hour or so of quiet time with my coffee and the internet and then I'm ready to get busy. My mom used to say that I did more before 9:00 than many people did all day. And she may have been right. But don't ask me to do much of anything after about 4:00 in the afternoon.

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It's winter here, so I am getting up later. I set an alarm for 6:30, and another for 7:00, and doze in between. Then I get up, let the chickens out, make a cup of coffee and hop back into bed with a book or my iPhone. I wake dd13 up before I get back into bed if she didn't shower the night before, or has school work outstanding. If not, I get up and wake her and ds7 between 7:30 and 7:40am. They get dressed and come to the table for breakfast. I go straight to the kitchen, make school lunches and breakfasts (sometimes dd does her own if I am busy, but generally it is better if I do it as the kitchen is very small). I either eat with them, or get dressed and come back and eat as they finish up. They then brush teeth, make beds, tidy room and read if time allows. I brush teeth, and get the house straightened. This usually means the kitchen is clean, beds made, everything picked up from around the house, and bathroom basin wiped and mirror cleaned. I switch on the dishwasher or put in a load of laundry if necessary. We leave for school at 8:40. If I didn't finish my basic morning list, I do it when I walk back in the door after school drop-off, then have another cup of coffee.

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I was always a night owl until I had to get up early for the oldest.  I set the alarm for 6am, which I realize is not early for some but for me was, every single day of the week until I woke up before the alarm on my own for several weeks.  After that I just kept getting up at 6ish every day.  I haven't needed to set the alarm to get up on time since.  It has slipped from time to time - new baby, moving, and such - but I can always get back to the early routine easily.  Now, I hate sleeping in.  I love mornings!  I can get so much in those morning hours. 

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Well, I tend towards early rising, but I can relate to loving time alone without anyone bugging you. I am the same way, it's just that I get that in the morning some or most times.


I get up about 6:15 and have coffee with dh. We watch the news, chat about what's going on. He leaves for work about 7. At this point I usually get busy with tasks. I get dressed (often shower in the evenings), make my bed, empty the dishwasher and load new dishes. I eat breakfast and clean the kitchen counters. I feed the cats, the fish and the chickens. (Dh feeds the dog and puts him out.) at this point, I may do any other cleaning up tasks, but I don't have much of a schedule to it, I just do what occurs to me. Water plants, weed the garden, clean a floor or two, clean a bathroom or two, start laundry. I do get a fair amount accomplished every day. I like the summer better in this respect because one (and next year, two) of my kids go to B&M school, so it affects my morning.

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I tried that. Short hair, for me, took more time in the morning than longer hair did. With longer hair, I towel dry, and pull back in a clip. Done! Short hair I had to mousse, gel, blow dry exactly the right way to make sure it was in its proper place. I've always found longer hair easier, but I don't make sure it's completely dry before I start the day.

So exactly true here, too! I don't know who ever started that myth about short hair being easier!

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Ummm... I rarely get up before 8:30am. Now that we have been on break, I'm sleeping till 9 and sometimes 9:30. I go to bed around 12:30 or 1:00am. I need 8 hours sleep or I am a mess by evening. I never wake up and get dressed right away unless I have to be somewhere. We school in pjs. I shower and dress after school is done sometime in the early afternoon. I do not think I will ever be morning person. Oh and my kids go to bed around 10pm. My 9 year old will sleep till at least 9 and my teen would sleep till noon if I let her.

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I've always been a morning person. I get up at 6:30 or earlier (usually I just wake up, rarely my alarm wakes me), immediately take a shower and get dressed for the day. I try to start a load of laundry, spend time on the computer (check news, email, etc), check the schedule for the day, make lunch for dh, and wake the kids up at 7. They are expected to be dressed with breakfast eaten by 8 so they can start school. We take it a little easier in the summer, but they still should be ready for the day by 8.  By 9, school has been started and I'm working either with a kid or on some project of my own.


But don't ask me to do anything after 7:30 at night. It isn't happening.

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I am usually awake by 9am. :) I am a night owl too, so I do not get up early. My dd went part time to a school this last year, and I had to be out of the house by 7:30, not fun. It is 10 before I feel ready to go. Even in high school when I had to be up by 5:30 to catch the bus clear across the city I was still a night owl at heart, but I had more energy to stay up late and get up early, because I did not have little people needing me all day.

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*shiftyeyes*  During the summer I'm usually rolling out of bed at 9am.  *shiftyeyes*  

I'm not a morning person.  I'm not a "wake up with an alarm clock" person.  If I don't wake up naturally and lay there for a bit, it's not pretty.  


During the school year we're good if we can start school at 9am.  


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I am not an early morning person, but I do have to get an hour or so of work done most mornings before 9 (I work from home). So, by 9, I'm up, still in my pj's, have had a couple of cups of coffee and done an hour of work. On Wednesday and Thursday mornings, I've also done a 30 min rush to help my DH get out the door for his first therapy client. He usually has a 9am client and needs to leave the house by 8:30. And he's less of a morning person than I am. I make him breakfast and lunch and a to go coffee to take with him. 


DS isn't much of a morning person either. He doesn't sleep late - is up at 7 most mornings, but he likes to play quietly or read for an hour or so first thing.

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Well, I am an extreme lark, and often wake up naturally between 4-6 am. Sometimes, 2:30am. :o


Twice a week, I go to 6am Bikram yoga class; two days per week DS10 and I walk 3-4 miles with my mom or by ourselves from approximately 7-9am.


DS10 is also an extreme lark; he is usually up by 6am; we consider it a huge gift if he sleeps until 7:30am. On the very rare occasion he sleeps past 7:30am; I have been known to go in and check his breathing. :o


We usually do school in two segments per day, sometimes three, so very often we are doing schoolwork at 7-8 am, usually handrwiting, spelling, and math in the morning.

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I am not a morning person.  That was one (small) reason I wanted to homeschool.  The 8:15 school start time was killing me with babies up at night too.  I train my kids to sleep until 8 am, sometimes 7:30.  My husband works from home, so he usually gets up between 7:30 and 8 too.  We are both night owls.  He is worse than me, but we keep each other up.  He usually showers and then gets the kids breakfast while shower.  So showering, breakfast, and sometimes kids all dressed by 9 am is about all we have accomplished.  

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I get up between 530-6am.  What I get accomplished before 9am is up and showered/dressed for the day, caffeinated myself, left for work at 7am (M-F; weekends I leave at 630 am for work).  Worked 730-830, and then drove back home.  I walk in the door right around 9am M-F; weekends by 9am I am usually onto my 3rd batch of onion rings (I make 4-6 batches before doing the rest of my prep and dishes).  I am not a morning person.  I hate waking up. BUt I like the paycheque so I force myself to do it.  When I was still home fulltime I was rarely even awake by 9 and neither are/were my kids.

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We are usually out of bed around 7am.  We all do the morning farm chores, then get cleaned up/prettied up and have breakfast.  We're usually done with breakfast around 9 or so depending on how chores went. 


NONE of us are morning people, but you have to do what has to be done.  We have a rule about no grumbling over morning chores.  We're not always perfect with that, but we realize that it has to be done and when everyone does their job, it goes faster. 


So, my only advice is try to find a way to make yourself do what you think needs to get done.  That'll be different for everyone.  For me, I'm a very pragmatic person, so I just do it because I haven't yet perfected my cloning project. 

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