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which do you prefer, really hot or really cold weather

Jeannie in NJ

which would you rather: really hot or really cold weather  

172 members have voted

  1. 1. which do you prefer really, really hot or really, really cold weather

    • smokin hot
    • cold, bring on the snow
    • just shut up and bring me more ice cream
    • stay inside no matter what the weather

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I tried to set this up as a poll, but I don't think it worked.


ANyway, give me cold weather anytime over hot weather.  I grew up In North Texas, flat land, no trees.  I hated the hot weather.  I love snow and will walk in the winter, no matter hold cold it gets.  When it is hot, I don't want to even stir.

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Your poll is up there for me to see.  It is a hard choice but I had to pick hot.  This is going to depend on context for me.  In general, if someone asked me if I want a particular day to be hot or cold then I will pick hot.  However, I do enjoy some winter and probably wouldn't want to be somewhere it is only hot.

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couldn't vote there was no other. :toetap05:

 I have never really been in really cold and don't like really hot. it could all be a mater of perspective though. Really hot for me is anything over 40 oC 39 Oc and down is pleasant. the coldest we get is 0oC and that is only for about an hour or so on a frosty morning. daytime temp in winter is between 9-19 oC  with only a very few days ( maybe 5 days ) below 10 oC. So I am thinking that is not what you mean by really cold.

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I don't care for extremes on either end, but if I had to choose one over the other, I would choose really hot weather.  


After some really hot temps, we've had a week or so of very mild summer weather here.  It's been raining daily for almost a week, and the highs have been in the 60's and low 70's.  Yesterday, the kids and I wore sweaters outside.  I'm enjoying it while it lasts. 

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I much prefer hot. When it's cold outside, it doesn't matter what I put on- I'm cold to the bone and can't warm up. If it's hot, I'm lucky enough to have central air, or we could go to the pool, or turn a hose on, or go somewhere else with a/c. I tend to feel colder than most people, though. I won't wear shorts or want to go to the pool unless it is over 90 because, really, I'd be kind of cold.

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Yeah, I didn't move to Maine for the heat. I think the high today was 96. This after almost 100 yesterday. I'm miserable. Instead of record highs like today, I'd much rather see record lows. I could get into 55F weather about now.


Maybe you should move to GA--it was 86F today and it's supposed to get up to 90F here tomorrow.



As to the OP, I chose stay inside. I grew up in HI; I don't like extreme weather. But if I had to choose between hot or cold I'd choose cold because I have come to prefer wearing pants and sweaters rather than shorts and tshirts. And because there aren't mosquitoes and no-see-ums biting me every second. Which is why I chose stay inside. ;)

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I've always said I preferred cold, but since living in the desert, I think my internal temperature has changed a little. I freeze during our winters, and they aren't that cold. :/

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I'm not fond of extremes in either direction, but if I had to choose I would choose hot. I would rather be in Tucson in the summer, than up here in the winter. Unfortunately, I don't really get to choose, and I will have to live with my -40 temperatures that we get in the winter. We were just over 30C today (about 90F) and that is about where I love it. I'll spend the whole day outside on these type of days.

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Maybe you should move to GA--it was 86F today and it's supposed to get up to 90F here tomorrow.



As to the OP, I chose stay inside. I grew up in HI; I don't like extreme weather. But if I had to choose between hot or cold I'd choose cold because I have come to prefer wearing pants and sweaters rather than shorts and tshirts. And because there aren't mosquitoes and no-see-ums biting me every second. Which is why I chose stay inside. ;)

That's what my mom said. It was hotter here yesterday than there. It is supposed to drop back down to a more reasonable temp soon.

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Definitely - stay inside no matter what the weather.


The high heat, humidity and air quality warnings we've had all week basically means I can barely breathe when I'm outside. Inside with the central air on is the only place to be.


When it's really cold, especially cold and damp, my bones ache. Especially the previously broken wrist, foot and fingers, the bad knees. And breathing in the cold air makes me feel wheezy. Sitting inside, under my blanket, wearing a hoody and fuzzy socks is the only place to be.


Allergy induced asthma = stay inside all the time.

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Hmmmm... I wilt in the heat, but I'm not too fond of our winters either. It's more because of the darkness than the cold though.


In the summer, we tend to forget about the short dreary days when it gets dark out before dinner because we would like it to be cooler out. I do hate being hot and sticky, and I never thought I'd be the one to say this, but I think I might actually take the heat over those short dark depressing winter days.


Have we all forgotten the February blahs just because a heat wave hit? It was BAD for me this year.

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I have fond memories of snowy winters as a child in rural Idaho. One winter at Great Lakes Naval Training Center disabused me of the charm of such winters when you are the one who must shovel the snow.


I grew up in the Texas Panhandle, so we got all the weather in one place (and sometimes in the same week!). I have lived year round in Central Florida and have lived in coastal towns for fair stretches (Yokusuka, Japan, and Virginia Beach, Virginia).


Much as I loath and detest and do not look forward to the heat of summer in Arizona, I'll take it in a New York minute over Northern winters, humid summers, or the hazards of tornado and hurricane seasons. There are a few weeks of unpleasant humidity during monsoon season here, but all in all the winters make up for it.


I do like the real open desert better than the extreme summer of the urban heat sink in the Phoenix valley, though.

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I prefer cold. This heat just saps every bit of energy I have. I can accomplish a lot in the morning, but it gets over 100 degrees in the afternoon and the best I can do is lay on the bed and watch Dr. Who on my iPad all afternoon. And we have air conditioning. This is never the case in the winter. I sleep better in the winter, too. I hate summer.

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Hot! I hate the cold. There is truth to the statement that you can always add another layer of clothing when it's cold, but I still prefer the heat. We put on our swimsuits and head for the pool or the beach. We're at the beach at the moment, and I'm loving every minute. I love the sun and the heat and the summer! :D

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I want it to be 75 all the time. With no bugs. No snakes either. And plenty of rain (at night) and sun in the day. Low humidity (so my curly hair doesn't frizz.

Can we start our own country? I'm in!! Well, I suppose there's the matter of first finding this magical land....

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Hot! I was good and answered your actual question even though you had ice cream as an option. I don't like the cold and hate warm winter clothes. I do have limits, but I enjoy hot weather. When leading the preschool VBS games recently, I was having a great time, but had to change my plans to accommodate the children who could not handle the heat. It is challenging to enjoy the hot and avoid sunburn though.

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I'll take hot over cold any day.  Cold is painful.


Hot, unless I am in the path of lava.


Winter is hell for me. I even hate the clothing. (Well, I love my wool tights and black boots...but that is IT!) I need SUN!



Some say the world will end in fire,

Some say in ice.

From what I've tasted of desire

I hold with those who favor fire.


There is more to this Frost poem, but you can look it up. :)

I agree with both of these posts. I do not like the cold.

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Cold, you always put more on but you can only take so much off :) besides I like hot baths, not cold ones like I have to take now.



You took the words right out of my mouth.  There's only so much you can take off, and you're STILL hot. While I generally stay inside no matter the weather, if I had to choose, I'd pick cold over hot any day.

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I tried to set this up as a poll, but I don't think it worked.


ANyway, give me cold weather anytime over hot weather.  I grew up In North Texas, flat land, no trees.  I hated the hot weather.  I love snow and will walk in the winter, no matter hold cold it gets.  When it is hot, I don't want to even stir.


Cold yes, but you can keep the snow. 

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I was born in Louisiana and live in Georgia. I hate hot weather. It's inescapable unless I'm practically sitting on my AC vent. I was in snow a couple of times. Wrapped up in warm clothing was no biggie for me. I'll say I'd prefer the cold, but I really don't have a decent enough exposure to it to really know. I just know the heat makes me completely irritable.

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My ideal is between 50 and 80.  When we can be nomads I plan to try to keep in this range as much as possible.  If Hawaii weren't so far away from everything we'd likely be living there as they tend to stay in that range.


Otherwise, I'll take cold over hot.  With cold you can still do things (put on more clothes and stay warm).  With heat, all I want to do is sit and wait until it cools off.  I don't really care for staying indoors, but the heat absolutely drives me in.

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I want it to be 75 all the time. With no bugs. No snakes either. And plenty of rain (at night) and sun in the day. Low humidity (so my curly hair doesn't frizz.

I agree but if I have to choose it would be heat. I can stay inside to be cool, go to the pool or ice rink. I have such a hard time getting warm in the winter.



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Neither...bring on the spring and fall! I grew up on the SF Bay Area...loved both winter and summer. Moved to GA...hated winter and summer...in south FL, winter was my favorite season (it was just too dang hot the rest of the year, and our A/C was always busted). In VA...we get both winter and summer...the worst of both (although maybe I hate winter more, because you couldn't pay me to move to MN...but you could probably convince me to move further south...)

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I prefer a change of seasons, so just when I'm sick of the heat the cool/cold weather comes and vice versa.  That's why I live where I do (CT coast).  BUT, if I had to chose one-- definitely cold.  I look forward to the winter.  I love settling down in front of the wood stove with my knitting or a good book.  Heaven.  Plus, I am a gardener and beekeeper, so spring through fall is a busy time for me with planting, weeding, watering harvesting etc.  As much as I enjoy it, the winter is a welcome respite from outside responsibilities.

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I prefer four seasons and autumn is my favorite. But, if it came down to two extremes, I'd take cold. For one, colder environments have fewer snakes! :hurray:  Two, I find it easier to get warm and be comfortable than to cool down. We have both solar panels and wood heat with a radiant floor boiler system, eventually we'll convert to geothermal. I can get the house toasty and for very little money. To really cool the house down to a comfortable level, it takes a lot of energy.



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I hate both extremes. 


I lived in South Dakota through the end of 2nd grade when we moved to Texas.  I still remember brutal wind chills and snow so high it blocked the doors to the house.   I don't like 100+ degrees and 95% humidity either, but I'll take my a/c over the cold any day.

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