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So, about that royal baby...you excited?


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Honestly, I could care less. Sorry, but true. I rolled my eyes when one magazine cover indicated that Kate was wearing a maternity dress she had worn previously. Really???


There are many important people and events going on in this world. Royal babies don't make my list.

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I'm excited! I don't care much about celebrities, but expected babies excite me, no matter whose they are! And I admit -- I have been quite impressed and refreshed by Kate's classy persona (when it comes to famous people), so I care about her baby way more than the West baby, for example.

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I thought the official due date was the 13th? Same as mine, so, ya know, I'm excited for my own reasons. :)


Truly this royal baby is the only 'celebrity' baby I'm the least bit interested in. But I suspect that Aussies are a bit more interested anyway. ;) I'm just curious to see what she has, this child will be in the news for the rest of its life.


(I'm so out of the whole celebrity thing that I don't even know who the West baby referred to above is!)

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I don't care at all, well. I should change that a bit.  Just a tiny bit more than I did not care about the North West baby.  Talk about stupid info my brain retains.  I have a very good memory and it is not always a blessing.  I remember lots of useless. stupid things too.  Like the above.  And lots of other stupid celebrity  baby names too.  My family can't understand why I have such a good memory for all kinds of facts including these ridiculously stupid facts but can't remember normal things like doing some chore.  It is because one is a fact and one is a random thing to do.  I wish it was different but at least it made school easier.

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I thought the official due date was the 13th? Same as mine, so, ya know, I'm excited for my own reasons. :)


Truly this royal baby is the only 'celebrity' baby I'm the least bit interested in. But I suspect that Aussies are a bit more interested anyway. ;) I'm just curious to see what she has, this child will be in the news for the rest of its life.


(I'm so out of the whole celebrity thing that I don't even know who the West baby referred to above is!)


I agree, Kate is a refreshing addition to the royal family, and I will be interested to see the baby, and how they raise it together.  And a new baby is always exciting whosoever it is! :-)


And for the PP, the West baby is Kim Kardashian and Kanye West's new baby. 


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I'm very interested. Wonder if, if it is a she, will she be Elizabeth III. Yeebers, I'd have a hard time naming my kid after the first two Elizabeths, but I can imagine the pressure. The kid'll have 10 names anyway, so maybe they can call him/her by a middle name like we did with baby boy. He only has 3 names, though. Lol.

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And for the PP, the West baby is Kim Kardashian and Kanye West's new baby. 


Okay, I knew KK had a baby, but I know so little that I don't know if she had a boy or a girl and didn't know who the father is.  I'm still trying to figure out why she is famous.  :leaving:


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I'm excited! I don't care much about celebrities, but expected babies excite me, no matter whose they are! And I admit -- I have been quite impressed and refreshed by Kate's classy persona (when it comes to famous people), so I care about her baby way more than the West baby, for example.

:iagree: I'm not even into fashion, but I follow a blog that is dedicated just to identifying what Kate wears in public (even though that means pretty much nothing to me, I like looking at her pretty dresses and HATS!) I'm pregnant at the same time as her (I did NOT get pregnant just because the Duchess did) and my baby girl's middle name is going to be Catherine, but that was decided YEARS ago to honor a family member who passed away. :tongue_smilie:


But, yes, I'm totally excited. :thumbup:

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:iagree: I'm not even into fashion, but I follow a blog that is dedicated just to identifying what Kate wears in public (even though that means pretty much nothing to me, I like looking at her pretty dresses and HATS!) I'm pregnant at the same time as her (I did NOT get pregnant just because the Duchess did) and my baby girl's middle name is going to be Catherine, but that was decided YEARS ago to honor a family member who passed away. :tongue_smilie:


But, yes, I'm totally excited. :thumbup:

Link please! I love fashion! And exclamation marks!!
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I have sort of personal reasons for being interested.  I was going through hyperemesis at that same time as she was and I really appreciated that she brought attention to it.   I went on to lose my baby and so I am very happy for her that she is having hers.  I think she's a breath of fresh air.  

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Wait, are you telling me that Kardashian woman and Kanye West ACTUALLY named their baby "North"? As in "North West"?




Do they hate this child or something? Why would they do that? Makes me glad I don't keep up with the Kardashains or any of those ridiculous people.


But I am excited about the royal baby. At least they will name it something dignified.

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I am! It's neat that the gender is a surprise. I like Kate, she seems genuine. William and Kate seem to be truly in love. I don't follow celebrities at all, but I did google her the other day because I was curious when this baby was going to get here!

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I actually find myself interested. I've never cared before about celebrity babies, but I think this one is neat. I'll click on the news links when she has her baby to see what the name and gender is. I'll probably smile and think, "That's cool!", and then I'll move on with my day.

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I have sort of personal reasons for being interested.  I was going through hyperemesis at that same time as she was and I really appreciated that she brought attention to it.   I went on to lose my baby and so I am very happy for her that she is having hers.  I think she's a breath of fresh air.

I am sorry for your loss! I had never heard of hypermesis before they reported Kate having it, and I ended up with it, too! I probably had it with my first as well and just didn't realize it was more than just "morning" sickness.

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I'm interested!  Stayed up all night to watch the wedding!  Can't wait to see the baby!  I wonder if we will ever know details of the birth... I've heard rumors that she is planning on using hypnobabies?  I'm also curious to see if she breastfeeds.  

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I confess I'll be disappointed if it's a boy, after the law change.

Great Britain had queens so I guess I am not as excited about the law change as if there never was a queen. Has Japan change their law regarding succession to the chrysanthemum throne? Haven't been following that news.

Is Australia going to celebrate when the royal baby is born?

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Is Australia going to celebrate when the royal baby is born?

I dunno. I assume we'll send an impressive, useless gift. A set of Australian Children's classics would be more useful than the collection of silver platters poor Prince William got. The nanny could at least read them.

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I have sort of personal reasons for being interested.  I was going through hyperemesis at that same time as she was and I really appreciated that she brought attention to it.   I went on to lose my baby and so I am very happy for her that she is having hers.  I think she's a breath of fresh air.  


I'm so sorry.  :(

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The actual birth will be newsworthy - the UK is a major power and the Commonwealth is widespread. I also think it is great that patriarchy is losing out and whether girl or boy, the baby will be heir to the throne. But about details, I couldn't care less but then, I am an American and thoroughly republican (in the broad sense, not necessarily the political party).


On the other hand, even the details of the royal pregnancy and birth are more interesting than the same about some Hollywood celebrity <gag me with a stick>.



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Yes, I am! :) To be honest I love babies and celebrate most. Will and Kate seem to truly be in love and are looking forward to raising their family. For celebs they are "good" people. Glad that since dd really enjoys Kate news, fashion, etc.that the choices are overall positive.

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I am excited!! The royal families fascinate me, I think because of all the history they come from.

I love tradition so I love that the plan is to still print out the detail of the baby on a piece of parchment and post it on an easel outside of Buckingham Palace.

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Even though the Royals don't play as big as a role as they once did, it is still historic.  I'm interested.

You probably don't have a royal face on your money. It's more than historic, it's daily life looking at the classic face of Queen Elizabeth on my small change, in a young or older version depending on the age of the coin. lol


I'm curious to know if it will be a boy or girl on my coins in the future, after Charles, of course. I'm not so thrilled about the thought of his face staring back at me!!

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You probably don't have a royal face on your money. It's more than historic, it's daily life looking at the classic face of Queen Elizabeth on my small change, in a young or older version depending on the age of the coin. lol


I'm curious to know if it will be a boy or girl on my coins in the future, after Charles, of course. I'm not so thrilled about the thought of his face staring back at me!!

So you don't think Queen Elizabeth will manage to outlive Charles so it skips straight to William?

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Great Britain had queens so I guess I am not as excited about the law change as if there never was a queen. Has Japan change their law regarding succession to the chrysanthemum throne? Haven't been following that news.

Is Australia going to celebrate when the royal baby is born?


No, the emperor's brother and wife popped out a boy in 2006. So the line of succession will be the eldest son of the emperor Akihito, to the youngest son, to the grandson and bypass Aiko, the one and only child - a daughter - of the current heir to the throne.


There was of course some serious speculation that said little boy was what one might call a "not naturally occurring" pregnancy...as in, "make us a male child NOW you fertility specialist you" kind of thing. However, who knows and who cares. The pressure on the princesses in that family is HORRID and the press should just leave them alone for crying out loud. I remember the flap though and thought, "Wow! And Britain thought their paparazzi could be bad! Nope, the Japanese royal family has it much worse!!"


It's a sick, patriarchial, misogynistic system over there. They acknowledge the fact that after Masako - heir apparent's wife - had a miscarriage a couple of years after their daughter was born - the pressure on her by the emperor and his wife, along with endless calls from government officials to remind her of her duty to produce a son - Masako became so depressed she rarely even appears in public. Her depression is very profound. Naruhito keeps his daughter Aiko away from her grandparents - also a common fact which has caused all kinds of angst over there - because he doesn't want his father and mother to make her feel like such a huge disappointment for being a girl. Soooooooooooooo sad....


I'm slightly interested in Kate and William's baby. Slightly. However, I was a little more interested when Crown Prince Frederik of Denmark and Princess Mary had their children. Dh's family is Danish and they are long away shirt-tail relation to the throne. Despite the years and intermarriage with non-Danish spouses, the resemblance is still close.


I'll see if I can post a pic. Dh looks very much like the prince and when he smiles, he looks startlingly similar.




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I'm very excited! Especially to hear the name! I was one that woke up at 4am to watch the wedding :o I grew up on Disney movies.. this was/is a modern day fairytale.


I dont care at all for celebrity gossip, or those awful magazines and tabloids, but this is a couple with class and dignity... and I can't get enough! I am genuinely excited for them!

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Well, you did ask.

No. I don't care.  I'm sure they're lovely people but I don't care that a royal is reproducing anymore than I care that a celebrity or someone down the street from me is having a child.  I have a low opinion of monarchies, Disney type movies that promote monarchies, sicky sweet romanticism of relationships, celebrities, celebrity magazines (everything from People magazine to tabloids) and celebrity TV shows.


I hate that I live in a culture so saturated with that kind of crap that I know what a Kardashian is just because I stand in a grocery store line.  

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I'm hoping they'll name a girl Princess Charlotte or a boy Prince John (after the epileptic and possibly autistic little Prince John, the Queen's late uncle; this movie is about him: http://www.amazon.com/Lost-Prince-Miranda-Richardson/dp/B00015HXDG/ref=sr_1_1?s=movies-tv&ie=UTF8&qid=1373389753&sr=1-1&keywords=the+lost+prince ).


I like Kate but really despise her attention-seeking siblings.  Her mom's smug expression irritates me.  But I have to admit Kate has never done anything wrong.



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