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what brand of coffee do you drink?


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I buy locally roasted coffee from my food co-op. Personally I would rather have two cups of strong, good coffee than a pot of brown watery coffee.


When comparing prices on coffee, remember that many of the bags at the grocery only contain 12 ounces. Buying beans by the pound from a local place is not necessarily more expensive.

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are those coffees expensive????


We pay $10 a pound for the Roasterie, when we buy it at the store (which we can only do in KC). Ordering it by mail adds a few dollars to the price. If I can't stomach the price, i buy a locally roasted brand wherever we happen to be.

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We pay $10 a pound for the Roasterie, when we buy it at the store (which we can only do in KC). Ordering it by mail adds a few dollars to the price. If I can't stomach the price, i buy a locally roasted brand wherever we happen to be.


That must be some good coffee if you're shipping it to Seattle. I'm partial to our local scene, but I've had a couple nice brews there. :)

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That must be some good coffee if you're shipping it to Seattle. I'm partial to our local scene, but I've had a couple nice brews there. :)


It really is good, though I feel like a traitor shipping contraband coffee into the PNW. We are moving to Portland next year and will have to experiment more with local blends.

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I like a variety of brands: Starbucks Cafe Verona, Seattle's Best 4, Community Coffee dark. I'm currently enjoying 100% Kona--a gift from my mom.


I've found I do not like Dunkin Donuts, which happens to be dh's favorite. He really wants this t-shirt because of our ongoing feud. :laugh:



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Most often these days it is Stumptown.


Other brands we've recently used:


49th paralel


Cafe Vita



Sometimes I buy something from Costco but I usually regret it. It's not a bargain if no one likes it.


We brew at home in a regular old Cuisinart Grind and Brew I got for $5 at a yard sale years ago. My husband's hand pump espresso machine goes neglected a lot of the time with him in school and working so we don't buy a lot of espresso blends these days.

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I buy the Sumatra Mandheling from Reality Roasters, which is somewhere close by here in Minnesota. It's only about thirteen bucks for a pound of beans, and it's fair trade. And it's delicious. :D I also recently finished up a pound of coffee that I got from a friend who runs a small coffee roasting business in Vermont, Voyageurs Coffee. The portage blend was amazing, and I'll definitely be getting more of it.

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good grief there are way too many brands of coffee....


Indeed there are. You can go with a national brand but it seems that there are so many local coffee roasters around these days.


The first thing that I think you need to determine is whether you like your beans at a lighter or darker roast. The latter has a burned flavor that some people adore--others abhor. (Starbucks basically burned all of their beans previously and have only recently introduced "blonde" lighter roasts.)


I find some of the typical grocery store beans to be unpleasantly acidic. But obviously we all have different tastes since some posters prefer Folgers or Maxwell House.

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k-cups: Folger's Caramel drizzle, Millstone Hazelnut Cream, Target brand Vanilla Bean Creme Brulee, Target Brand Caramel Macchiato, and decaf Green Mountain Hazelnut light roast.


I obviously like my coffee sweet, flavored,and not too bitter :)

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We buy the silver bag of beans at Costco. I guess it is Kirkland brand Columbian. My husband prefers to grind fresh for each pot, so that's what we do. I came to coffee drinking late in life so I just follow his lead. It's good enough and fits our budget. No flavored coffee ever in this house. :)

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I buy Lavazza from Amazon, it's from Italy and makes the most amazing cappuccinos I drink every day, it's like going back on my honeymoon every time. :)





less the honeymoon since I have never been there. :lol:


GREAT espresso though for homemade lattes. :drool5:

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We buy from a local roaster often, but in between we shop Costco.


Blue Mountain Jamican from Magnum roasters is our favorite.


I have had Dunkin Donuts from Costco..not bold enough

Biggy is a Michigan coffee chain, and it's ok, but not bold enough in the bean form for us.


I have thought about trying Kirkland brand, but usually what I find is already ground and I don't want that.

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