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S/O how old were you...


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Thinking about Remundamon post about Gparent age and it is somethng I've worried about occasionaly.

So how old was your Mother when she had you and how old were you with your first child?





Dh mom-19



Both were early 50's even though dh and I are 4 yrs apart and our Mothers had us at different ages.


I hope dd is married at 25 and pg, but she wants to be a Dr. or scientist...

I will be 58 when ds is 25 and when dd2 is 25 I'll be 60 and when dd3 is 25, 65. So in reality most of my grandchildren will arrive in my late 50's early 60's.

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My mom was 19 when she had her first child and 25 when she had me, her second. I was 24 when I had my first child.


My mom became a grandmother at age 42 (my sister was 23) and I remember her being horrified because she wasn't old enough. Good grief.


DH's mom had him when she was 19.

My DH was 40 when our first child together was born.

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Me: 23

Mom: 28 (my parents were told they wouldn't have kids--tried for years for my brother and then I surprised them 2 years after he was born)


Dh: 29

Dh's Mom: 40 (he was the final surprise--his siblings are 20, 18, 16, & 9 years older than he is)

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My mom - 18 for me, 28 for db1 and 29 for db2 (My dad is 8 mo. younger than mom.)

Me - 20 for ds1, 24 for ds2

DH - 24 for ds1, 28 for ds2


When I turn 40 this summer, my oldest will be 19.5 and engaged (or married) to a 19yo, and my youngest will be 15. My parents will be 58, my brothers 31 and 30, with the younger having a 6 yo ds.


We knew we didn't want a big age gap between our kids, and I knew I wanted to be done having kids before I was 25. I look forward to being a young Nana like my mom was.

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Mom for eldest - 23

Mom for me - 30

Mom for youngest - 42


Me for DS (the first grandchild) - 24


So my mom was 54 when her first grandchild was born, even though she "could have" had one through my brother 7 years prior, if he was at the same stage in life, putting her at 47.

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My mom was 35 (told she wouldn't have kids, surprise!). I was 28 with my 1st (after 7 years of trying, I tried to start young LOL).

DH's mom was 21 (he's the oldest) and DH was 38 with our 1st (yes, he married a youngun' ;) ).


So If DS marries after college and grandbabies appear right away, I will be early 50s???

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My mom was just shy of 22 when she had me. She had her first at 17.


I was 29 when I had my first


MIL was 23 when she had dh

FIL was 25


My grandmother was 19 when she had my dad. My dad was 19 when he had my older brother, so my grandma was a grandmother at 38. She's 90, so she's been a grandmother a huge chunk of her life...

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My mom was 33 when I was born (I am the youngest of 4).



The same for me exactly!


I, however, was 18 when I had my first.


Mil was 31 when she had her first and only.


I would think that I would have some grandchildren in the next 10-15 years from my three oldest children. I look forward to that since I never got to be an aunt (my sisters wouldn't cooperate, and dh is an only.)

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my mom had me a month before turning 30, i'm the oldest but there was a still birth a year earlier


i had my first at 27. the ex was 32.


dh was 38 (we both were) when we had his first child


my mom became a grandmother at 57 . . . i dont know the guy's moms ages

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I'll be 49 when DD is 25. I'm in no hurry for her to start, but I would be disappointed if she opted out of having children altogether.


I LIKE that my kids have a relationship with MY grandmother. My mom and Mamaw just visited for a long weekend to see my daughter's High School Musical. Mamaw's pushing 90.

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My Mom was 24. I was 22. My DH is 9 years older than me, and he doesn't want more kids because he's doing the math and realizing that he will be in his mid 50s when DD3 graduates high school. I'm not sure why that's such a problem, but he doesn't want to be pushing 60 with a teenager. :)

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Mom - 27 (I am oldest of two)

Me - 29 (dd was born a week before my 29th birthday - ds when I was 35)


Dh's Mom - 38-ish

Dh - 36 for dd, 42 for ds


My Mom was definitely a more enthusiastic grandparent with dd than she has been with ds, but that said, she is still young enough to be actively involved if she wants to be. My uncle visited us recently - he is 71, and was a great temporary grandfather to ds.


I'd be happy if dd had her first child in the second half of her 20s as my Mom and I did.



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My mom had her kids at 23 (me), 27, and 31. She was a month shy of 49 when my oldest was born.


I've had my kids at 25, 28, and 31.


My paternal grandma had her 4 kids at 35, 36, 37, and almost 40 (my dad) but lived to be 99. She saw all her grandkids to adulthood and 6 great-grandkids born.

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Great-Grandma: 21, 33, 35 (lived to 97)

Grandma: 26, 30, 41 (she's now turning 90!)

Mom: 27, 29

Me: 27, 31


When I was a teen I met a family in which 4 generations of women had given birth to their first child at 17 (all married). When I met them they were 72, 55, 38, and 21 (with a 4-year-old). It was so odd to meet this great-great-grandmother who was only 72! I always wondered if that little girl followed the family pattern.

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