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How long have you lived in your house? How long did you expect to live in your house?


We will have lived in our house 13 years this May. I had planned on living in it for 2 to 5 years. My dh and I didn't discuss how long we thought we'd live in our house before moving. He bought this house thinking it was our forever house. I never would have bought it had I known that.


I will definitely make sure I tell my kids to discuss this question with their spouse before buying a home someday.



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We've been here almost nine years. I expect to be here until Jesus comes. :-)


We were in our last house for 16 years. We thought that one would be The Last One.


We were in the house before that for eight years. We thought we'd only be there for two or three years, just long enough to build some equity so we could buy the Real House.


We were in our first house for less than a year. We had planned to be there longer, but it was apparently a worse part of town than we imagined when we bought it, and we sold ti because we were tired of being burgled. :glare:

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We have lived in this house almost 7 years. We bought because younger was having health issues in the rental apartment. It is meant to be our starter home. We started looking for a bigger place two years ago but nothing catch our fancy enough to put in an offer.

We did discuss how long we would stay. Whether it is a good home area to bring up kids and to retire.

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Our last house was never meant to be a forever house, and we were only there for two years. The house before that, I thought it was our forever home, but DH didn't agree. We lived there for five years. We are currently living in a townhome until our house sells, but we both agree that our next house will be the forever home.

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We have lived in our current house for 3 years. We lived in the one before that for 6 years. We lived in our first house for 3 or 4 years. None of these are/were intended to be our forever homes. We love our current house so much and we chose it as a wonderful place for our daughters to grow up in and for us to entertain in, etc. However, it is a very large house and there is no first floor master, so I doubt that we will stay here forever. It is possible that we might build on and add a first floor master, but if not we will probably move again after our kids have finished college and are settled in their own places. Will that house be the last house we buy? Who knows? ;)

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we bought this when we were newly married with a baby (plus my two kids). I told dh we'd be here at least 10 years, and he said no more than 5. Its been 9 years and dh has NO interest in doing the work required to move, plus of course with one salary we cant upgrade. He wanted a bigger, brick house. well, he also finally realized that bigger house means more work! lol unless he finds a job out of town, we'll probably stay until we can downsize.

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At this point I don't want to sell this house and move in this area. I love the area but we are at a point now where we wouldn't be able to afford the house prices around here now. Our house is probably worth $130,000 but we only owe $79,000 on it now. I'll only sell and buy/rent again if we move out of state which I would love to do. My family moved around a bit when growing up and my parents have moved to 5 different states since I left home. I would love to move around but my dh is not a mover. We obviously didn't communicate much before we got married :(

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We've been in this house for 13 years. We plan on staying here probably until our youngest is out of college (or at least into college) which could be 6 - 10 more years. Part of me doesn't want to leave, ever, as I would love to have a home that is a gathering place for my children to visit, but that may not be possible. Finances, the reality that my children may end up settling far away ... I need to stop now or I will just get teary eyed.

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We have been here for 15 years. We expected to be here for 5-7 years. We bought this house knowing that if things did not go as planned we could live here happily for 30 years. Needless to say things did not go as planned. Loss of employment, bad economy, bad decisions.

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My family moved around a bit when growing up and my parents have moved to 5 different states since I left home. I would love to move around but my dh is not a mover. We obviously didn't communicate much before we got married :(


This may be why dh and I are happy to stay forever in the first home we purchased. We moved a lot the first 10 years we were married. We lived in four different states and rented several different places. We've got it out of our system and are happy to just stay in one place now.

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We've lived in this house for almost 13 years. While there are many things I appreciate about our house, I don't see it as our "forever" home. Like the OP, I didn't think of discussing that with DH when we bought the house. We have discussed it in the meantime though, and DH understands how I feel. We will probably move one more time.

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We've been here for seven months and are moving in a few weeks. I expected to stay here for a year.


The one time we built a house (the only time we ever owned a house), we lived there for two years. I had expected 5-7 years, but we discovered that staying in one place isn't for us. We'll continue moving frequently, probably till my husband retires.


I like to move if we get to explore a new place. I'd hate to do frequent local moves. All the work and you don't get much adventure out of it.

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We've been in our house about 2 1/2 years. We historically move about every 5 years, not planned, it just works out this way. This is the first house we've owned that I can envision staying in for a long time - I really really like our house. However, I've already had moments of wanderlust and that isn't supposed to kick in yet. We are here (in this house and town) until my parents are gone. We moved back to support them as they age. Because dh and I both hate winter, we'll probably move once they are gone, if we're in a position health finance wise to do so. He wants Florida, I want PNW or somewhere else. Who knows. Ds wants to live abroad.


All that to say, as much as I love my house, we most likely won't be here forever. I wouldn't mind keeping it as a homebase of sorts and travel from here, and spend the winters in Florida.

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We have been here 5 years and will probably be here forever. I was fine with that before we had kids (well two more) but now the size of our house (mainly the layout, the size really isn't that small) is one of the biggest reasons to not have another child. We are a family of 5 with a living room that only seats 4-5 now (thankfully we bought a new couch this year, before it only sat 3!) and picturing more bodies or even bigger bodies makes me feel claustrophobic - and the littles don't have a playroom or their own bedroom so the living room is the main play area too.


But there is no selling possible of our house without a major loss, so I don't see us ever leaving it. I used to be in love but not anymore, the fantasy of owning an older house (130 years) is gone since there is no pot of gold to do the rennovations and repairs it really needs. But I also need to just get over it and start loving it more.

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Don't feel too bad about it, even if you do talk about it sometimes the other person may not realize their true nature. We *did* talk about it. We said 3-5 years. We've been here 13. I'm a mover; he's an anti-mover and stuff-collector. I'm not sure he realized to what extent when we bought the house. I think he's afraid of moving at this point. I would love to move but the boys love this area, the stability helps with our disabled son, and we're very comfortable with the low house payment.


Two years ago, when we refinanced, we decided to work on fixing it up a little every year. That helps a little, but with the boys entering their teens I often wish for a bit more bedroom space and thicker walls! Not going to happen, but I do love the house more than when we moved in.

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We've been here for almost six years. We knew when we had this house built it wouldn't be forever. We'll be here for at least 15 more months, until oldest DS finishes high school. And then who knows? I think youngest will want to continue to homeschool through high school, so staying here for the school district won't be an issue. Eventually we will downsize, most likely to a town home. But that could be in 15 months or five years. I can't see us staying here much longer than five more years.

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We've been here 10 years and I hope to be here forever--only thing that could mess it up is if dh needs to get a job elsewhere. Our previous home was our first and could have been a forever home if our oldest wasn't disabled, but three levels and no bedroom or bathroom on the main level doesn't work with a wheelchair. This house is single-level and small enough for a retired couple to easily take care of--we won't need to downsize or move for health reasons.

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We've been in this house for four months. Before that we lived in a series of apartments as we moved around the country.


We plan to stay here for 5-10 years at the low end, or forever at the high end, depending on how our needs/desires evolve. We went into it knowing that we wanted a place that would be comfortable for a good while, and neither of us liked the idea of buying, selling, and moving every few years until we found just the right place, because we both get really stressed by those things! Also, we got an historically low interest rate. :thumbup1: I don't see that happening the next time we consider moving.


The one major problem I see on the horizon is now that I'm pregnant, I want to make, like, a zillion babies! And this house just can't hold a zillion. More like 2-4.

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We have lived in this house for almost five years. When we first moved in, I thought we'd be here forever; Dh did not. But I really wanted to be in our permanent home. I don't want to move again mid-life.


Last year I was desperately wanting to move. I figured if we were going to move at some point, I wanted it to be very soon so that we could really settle down. Dh wasn't ready though. He wanted to wait another 5-10 years. We (I) looked anyway, but DH didn't like anything. Two of the houses I still dream about, but they were snatched up before dh agreed. There was one house that he loved. We put an offer on it, but it wasn't accepted.


One day about three months into the search, we just decided to keep this house forever and not move. We're just slowly fixing it up and making it work for us, one project at a time. Much cheaper and a lot less stressful than acquiring a new mortgage and renting out this house (which is what we would've had to do to move).


We're planning on staying here forever, but I could see Dh changing his mind if an opportunity arose. I hope an opportunity doesn't come up - just because we've already worked so hard on our house in the last year, and I'm really growing to love it and see the good in it. It could be really beautiful someday, it won't be too big for us in old age, and our neighborhood is pretty good.


We would be out of the state though in a second if all of our friends and family didn't live close to us. CA is expensive.

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16+ years. I expected to be here maybe 5. We've spent the last 11 years saying, "should we fix it up, or should we move?" I've disliked it since about year 2. :glare: Bad vibes, bad layout, and until we put another bedroom on the first floor, not enough space for 7 people (including 4 girls and 5 introverts). Right now it looks like we can either move or have money for college. I still want to move anyway, can't these silly kids get major school loans or something? :leaving: :laugh:

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7 years. Before that 1.5 but it was a rental. Before that we thought we'd bought our "forever" house but life happened and we only got to live there 2.5 years before we moved to this state. :sad:


We had no idea how long we'd be in this house but now it looks like it will be a long time. None of us likes the layout but at the time we bought we had to buy quickly and this was available in our price range. We couldn't bear moving into another rental while continuing the house hunting. So here we are. We do have plans to move. Eventually. Some day in the future. I hope. But we did go into buying this house knowing it was not our forever home.

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We've been in our current house for 16 years and are planning to move in the next 6 mos or so. We were planning on living here until we grew old and needed to downsize, but during that 16 years we acquired 2 children and it just isn't big enough for us now. Our next home will either be a ranch or have a 1st floor master so we can stay there until we 'end our retirement'.

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almost 16 years. We lived in our previous home 5 years.


I envision living here until we downsize, but downsizing will include our ds with disabilities. There are some patio homes across town that have 2 master suites on a lower level. It would be nice to have a set up where ds has his own space. I think about setting up the second master suite like a little efficiency apartment. Plus, these homes have garages, which dh would like. We've never had a garage.

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We have lived in our current home for nine years. It's a little small for all six of us but in August our dd will be going off to college so we'll be down to five. We will have a child in college for the next twelve years so more than likely we will stay put for its affordability. Plus at that point our mortgage will be paid off. But I can't see dh and I growing old in this home since the master is upstairs and the laundry room and garage are in the basement. I don't want to have to climb two sets of stairs forever. I would eventually love a home that had a master on the main and also a mother-in-law suite in case my mother ever comes to live with us or if our son with Cerebral Palsy wants to live with us as an adult. But who know what the future holds. I can't think too much farther than this weekend!


Elise in NC

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How long have you lived in your house? How long did you expect to live in your house?


We will have lived in our house 13 years this May. I had planned on living in it for 2 to 5 years. My dh and I didn't discuss how long we thought we'd live in our house before moving. He bought this house thinking it was our forever house. I never would have bought it had I known that.


I will definitely make sure I tell my kids to discuss this question with their spouse before buying a home someday.





I've never had a "forever" house, so I would have been exactly like you. I've never lived in my "dream" house either. That might make an interesting poll, since it seems like a hope for many people.


We've been in our current house for 1 yr. I expect to be here about 5-8yrs. Our previous house we were in for 19yrs and I was hoping for only 10. I hated the house but still miss our neighbors and neighborhood. Rather wish I hadn't moved actually, which is very ironic and pathetic. :(

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Our house buying is simple. If Dh has a new job, I take an afternoon off and go buy a house close to said new job. We live in said house till Dh has a new job and we then need a new house in a different location.


We might sell this house without Dh getting a new job. That is just because our location is being developed. If develops end up offering us more than it is worth we will sell.

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We've been here for 2 years. It's the longest I lived anywhere in the 16 years we've been married. We plan on being here until our dds graduate, but you never know what the future holds.



So glad I'm not the only one!


We are hoping our next home will be our "at least until the kids graduate" home.......we'll see. It's going to be kind of weird staying somewhere that long, if we manage it.....

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We are military and bought this last house with the plan that my dh would retire soon. We have been here 1.5 years already. We hope that he will get a job here when he retires. If so, we will stay here. If something fantastic comes up somewhere else, we will move. We bought this house with the idea we can live in it forever. It is a two story house but it has a straight staircase so when i need it, it will be relatively easy to put in a lift. The only reasons I need to go downstairs anyway is to use the laundry or go to the huge bathroom/exercise room/storm shelter. There is a way we can get downstairs with only two steps anyway if someone needs to do that now and isn't very ambulatory.


I plan to spend the next 13.5 years developing my gardens here to make the whole place wonderful and very beautiful.

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How long have you lived in your house? How long did you expect to live in your house?



8 yrs. I expected no more than 5 yrs. It is smaller than our last home but looked and felt cozy. Now I have a 20 yr. old and two teens. At this point, it's not looking good for moving. The house needs updating and we don't have the money to do so. We have stairs when you first walk in, even to get to the kitchen. Carrying groceries is really a nuisance. I told DH we'll have to move when one of us cannot navigate those stairs safely. If we haven't updated the house, we'll end up selling it for much less than we would like, I'm sure.

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This house - 15 years.

Previous house - 6 years (starter house)


We didn't think the first house was the forever house and I don't think the current one was thought that way either. I remember thinking about moving before oldest got into high school at the time. Now she's graduating high school this year.


We do have 1/2 eye out for something. DH has told me a "max price" and he wants land. Which to us means an acre or more. But the price he gave me fits 1/2 acre and decent size house better. I think the next home might be the forever one. It will depend on size though. My folks bought a house the same year we bought this one. But theirs is 3500 sqft. My mom is in excellent health, but I can see a time in the next 15-20 years when she will not be able to keep up with the house and dad will not be able to keep up with the acre lot.

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We have lived in this house for 12.5 years. It's a Rectory, tho, so we will leave it when dh leaves his job as priest at the church. It's really sad to me, because, even tho I don't truly love this house, and wouldn't want to retire here in NoVa, our daughter has lived here all her life (except her first year) and she will never be able to bring her children "home" for a visit. My parents moved out of the house I called home, and I still have dreams from time to time where I've bought it and can live there again. When my grandparents died, their homes were sold, and there was no stable place left for me to call home. I feel rootless and I don't like it a bit. My parents continued moving after I left home to get married, so there's no main gathering place in my FOO.


I see both sides--I have friends and some family (sil) who have lived in the same area and even in the same home all their lives (or all their married lives). They found their forever homes very quickly and stayed. I have other friends who moved a lot and had widening adventures, and only as retirees did they find a home to stay in til they die. I'm not sure which is better.


If I could know the future and where my kids will be, and how my dh and I will be physically (will we need "no stairs" or whatever...), it sure would be easier to pick where to live! lol...

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First house 14 years

Second house 8 years

Third house 2 years

Current house a year this coming August.

I didn't want to move from any of the first three.....this one is a fixer and I do have mementos where I would love to move to something that is in perfect condition....but then I remember that I don't want a mortgage so I deal with it.

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We've owned our house for over 12 years. It is paid off, a ranch and a good size/layout for our small family. It needs a bit of updating, which we are working on, but definitely has "forever home" potential. We don't love Michigan winters, though. I imagine we'll either move to a warmer climate down the line or keep the house and spend the colder months elsewhere.

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