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Who is crazy? Me or them?

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Panda, I'm in 100% agreement with you. Move towel close to shower before entering shower. When shower is over pull back shower curtain/open shower door/etc., grab towel and dry off BEFORE exiting shower.


Here is my reason why:

I use one towel. I cannot wrap my hair up and dry my body at the same time. I dry body first, then wrap up hair. If I squeeze out hair, then dry off body, my hair has already started to drip water all over my dry body by the time I get done. So the towel has to go on my head after my body is dry, thus dry body in shower, so hair doesn't drip all over floor and everything. Wrap up hair, then exit shower. (If you followed all of that, gold star!) :D


My dh leaves his towel across the room and drips from shower across bedroom. :confused: There nothing quite like stepping on wet carpet and your first thought is "Oh, no...pee!"

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They're crazy. The bath mat is for your wet feet, not your wet body. We always dry off in the shower, then step onto the mat and dry our feet.



:iagree: Yep, that's what we do here. We throw our towels over the side of the shower stall so it does not get wet during the shower but is easily reachable. I also use it while showering to wipe my face at times. Unless your shower does not drain well and has standing water in it, the towel won't get wet but touching the shower floor or walls.

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These are the threads I love to read because they make me smile.


Dear Hubby and I are quite opposite, he dries in the shower and I like to drip dry, or at least mostly drip dry. I don't like the humid feel of drying in the steamy shower, and he hates being "cold" (even if it is in the high 90's! Haha!) so we just leave each other alone to do what feels comfy.


So funny, as this is equal to the toothpaste tube conversations, and it is hilarious how much importance these issues can take on.



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I've done it that way as long as I can remember because it's warmer to dry off in the shower. I do the same when I'm showering away from home. There's always somewhere to put the towel at arm's reach, even if it's over the top of the curtain opposite from the shower head.

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You are SOOOOO right!!! Why would anyone get OUT of a nice steamy hot shower to drip dry? Why not take advantage of the nice warm-ness of the shower and dry off there? It makes perfect sense! You step OUT of the shower to dress. Duh. Anything else is just plain nonsense!


ETA: I'm always right. Just ask my kids . . .

:iagree:and that is why, it is cold outside of the shower, I hate to even move the curtain when I'm wet; even with the space heater and heat light.


You're supposed to position your towel within arm's reach BEFORE you get in the shower!
:iagree: That's the secondary purpose of the shower curtain rod then you don't even have to stick your arm out into the cold.;)


Regardless though we don't have a bath mat, it got icky and I never replaced it. So I use one towel on my head, dry with the other, after I'm dry I put the towel on the floor and step out of the tub. And I don't think the towel touches anything but my body and I'm not a small lady but I guess I never paid that much attention.


ETA - Dripping dry? I couldn't imagine! ~shudder or is that shiver~

Edited by Happyhomemama
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We always get out of the shower to dry off. why would I want to bring a towel to dry myself off into a wet shower where i'd have to be very careful to not hit the wet walls with my aforementioned dry towel? and I have normal size shower, not the tinny bitty thing my sil had as a second shower in her old house.




I usually wipe my feet and legs off as I am stepping out of teh shower to help prevent the massive drips on the floor then wrap the towel around myself and dry off in my room. My kids are lucky to remember to shut the shower curtain before turning it on, i would not be worried about drips on the bath mat, I have to deal with rivers headed out the bathroom door at times

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I have a small towel hanging over the shower rod/doors to wrap my hair in before I get out, but that IS what the mat is for. I've never dried off in the shower. Nobody in my house does. We all step out to dry.


I dry my feet and legs first. Then arms, back and shoulders, then just wrap the towel around me while I brush teeth, do face, and mousse my hair.


ETA: I started to read back a bit. I usually warm up by coming out of the shower. I hot shower with cold rinse...supposed to be good for the pores and hair or something like that, plus it feels awesome. :) So invigorating.

Edited by fraidycat
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We always get out of the shower to dry off. why would I want to bring a towel to dry myself off into a wet shower where i'd have to be very careful to not hit the wet walls with my aforementioned dry towel? and I have normal size shower, not the tinny bitty thing my sil had as a second shower in her old house.


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I dry off in the shower. It's cold outside the shower! I never get my towel wet drying off my legs.

James Bond and Indy both get out of the shower to dry off and both complain about the cold! :rolleyes:


IMO, the mat is there to keep your feet from getting cold when you step onto the tile floor and to absorb the little bit of water that is still on the bottom of your foot.

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Dh would agree with you. I hate drying in the shower (we have a tub shower, so it's possible). We've been married nearly twenty years, it's still an issue. Just like do you we use the sink (double sink) to store dishes that were hand washed so the counter looks clean? Or do you put the dishes on the counter so the sink is empty?


Inevitably I shower while he is work so I can drip on the bath mat. My hair is long, I do wrap it in a towel. I also try to dry my feet and then just dry quickly, so I don't drip.

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They're crazy. The bath mat is for your wet feet, not your wet body. We always dry off in the shower, then step onto the mat and dry our feet.




When I was little and we stayed at my grandparents' house, my Grandmom would have us dry everything but our feet, and then shake the drips off our feet as we stepped out of the shower/tub. I still do that.

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Ok..why are the "in the shower" people saying that drying off on the bathmat would make it sopping wet? I've never dried off in the shower, and my bathmat is never sopping well. I squeeze excess water out of my hair before getting out, and no one else in the house has long hair. The water clinging to our bodies is NOT enough to soak a bathmat, by any means, especially since we are drying off quickly as soon as we get out. I go in after my husband just showered all the time and the mat is maybe a bit damp on top, not wet wet though.

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Oh, no drying off in the shower. I step out into my nice steamy bathroom. I shudder at the thought of my nice warm body touching the cold tile wall. I don't have a sopping wet bath mat. My kids step out, too. Dh does most of his drying in the shower.

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Sorry, i agree, they are right, that is what the bathmat is for. I don't want to lean way out of the shower to get a towel and maybe slip, and don't want to stand on the wet tile while drying. I've never dried off in the shower, ever.


In fact, I'd be worried the ends of the towel would get wet as I leaned over to dry my legs and such.


:iagree: although I'll add the caveat that the purpose of the shower mat is to give your feet a warm *dry* place to step onto when they leave the warm shower. If the mat has been dripped on and not hung up by another family member then :cursing:

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I always move my towel right next to the shower before I get in.


First, I moisturize my legs when still wet, in the shower (This is necessary for me, you may skip). Then I when get out, I just dry one foot, put it on the mat, then the other. I dry the rest of me when out, but maybe because of the slight delay to moisturize, there are almost no drips...

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I am with YOU and my family is with your family! :glare: This is a huge pet peeve of mine. The bathroom isn't that big and in the one they take a shower in, I have to step on that wet bathmat to use the toilet. Then there are still puddles on the tile.....no idea how.


I have my towel within reach of the shower, dry off mostly, dry one foot and step that one out and then dry the other while getting that one out.


And I make perfect sense.

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Me:prefer in shower; when showering with DS, wrap him up, streak out to deposit him on the bed or in arms and hurry back in to the warmth of the bathroom to towel dry. I don't step back into the hower though.

DD: wrap in towel in shower, step out to dry

DS: gets wrapped in towel in shower, then handed to daddy or laid on bed. at that point he shucks the towel and air dries, preferably while streaking through the house

DH: steps out, towel around waist, then goes and sits at his desk while he air/drip dries.

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Oh boy, how this board always hits right on those sore spots. I always dry off in shower, having placed my towel nearby before getting in. My DH and now my DS step out and dry. DH gets the mat sopping wet. We hang the mat up to dry between showers but it never fully drys. All h*ll breaks loose if I forget to hang the mat back up. (It just doesn't usually occur to me because I am drying off in the shower.) I'm ruining his tile work, the grout is going to get all moldy! I tell him we wouldn't have this problem if he dried off in the shower. No go. He will not dry off in shower - he needs space. And so it goes...

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We don't have a bath mat - we have two bath rugs that I can pull up and wash.


I dry off both in and out of the shower. :D

First I reach out and grab a towel and wrap my hair. Then I reach out for the second towel I have on a double hook right outside the shower. I move the curtain out of the way, put one leg on the edge of the tub, dry it off and step out with that leg. I put the other leg on the edge of the tub, dry it and move it next to the other on the rug. Then I wrap the towel around me to dry off the rest.

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You are SOOOOO right!!! Why would anyone get OUT of a nice steamy hot shower to drip dry? Why not take advantage of the nice warm-ness of the shower and dry off there? It makes perfect sense! You step OUT of the shower to dress. Duh. Anything else is just plain nonsense!


ETA: I'm always right. Just ask my kids . . .

:iagree: Obviously KFP does not live in a cold climate. I can't think of anyone who would leave the warm shower wet and naked. In this house one dries in the shower, lifting one's feet off the floor to dry them, wraps a towel around then exits the shower.

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At least we have consensus in our family: Everyone dries off outside of the shower. In Pennsylvania, in a house heated by a woodstove that is two rooms away in the winter. We are a hardy family. Dh says it helps him wake up on those dark winter mornings......:)


Why waste the nice dryness of the towel on the sides of the wet shower? Wrap the nice dry towel on the wet person, step out of the shower and dry off. If it is really cold, you just dry off faster. Or, if under the age of six, pretend the towel is a cape and run around like a crazy person giggling hysterically until dry.


In shower = wet, outside of shower = place to become dry. Easy.

Edited by Rainefox
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:iagree: Obviously KFP does not live in a cold climate. I can't think of anyone who would leave the warm shower wet and naked. In this house one dries in the shower, lifting one's feet off the floor to dry them, wraps a towel around then exits the shower.


See, this is why I have a heater in my bathroom! On those cold days, I turn that on and stand on the bath mat under the heater to dry off. None of us dry off in the shower :)

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Why would I dry off in the shower? It's WET in there! :tongue_smilie:


This. Its also why I insist on having a bath rug outside the shower (Or at least putting a towel down). To catch some of the trips.


I reach out of the shower, grab a towel. And wrap it around myself as I step out. Dry off mostly in the restroom then wander into the bedroom to get dressed and curl up on bed to finish drying off with a good book.


My husband essentially does the same thing. (though he may dress in the bathroom. Certainly I never see his clothes laid out on the bed to dress into)


My son steps out of the bathtub and I wrap him in a towel. We do one shake of a dry there, then he goes to his bedroom, still wrapped in his towel, to play turtle and finish drying there, then get dressed.


This mirrors what I do at public restrooms where I have to shower first. I step out of the shower area back to where my clothes are to get dressed. Remembering back to what I saw at the gym, this is what quite a few others did as well. I'm sure some dressed in the shower area, but not many.

Edited by vonfirmath
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Truly, KFP, they are the crazy ones. I don't understand not drying off in the shower. Unless one is flinging a towel around carelessly while drying, said towel does not get wet. Sadly, my family does not agree with me. Maybe it is because we live in a humid place, but bath mats never really dry out -- even when hung between showers. Oh, and of course, nobody else will hang it up. If I don't do it, they stay on the floor and get stinky and mildewy. Ugh!! In fact, that is going to become a new chore for them this year -- cleaning the bathroom. Maybe then they will understand why I dislike this practice.


:) Beachy

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Truly, KFP, they are the crazy ones. I don't understand not drying off in the shower. Unless one is flinging a towel around carelessly while drying, said towel does not get wet. Sadly, my family does not agree with me. Maybe it is because we live in a humid place, but bath mats never really dry out -- even when hung between showers. Oh, and of course, nobody else will hang it up. If I don't do it, they stay on the floor and get stinky and mildewy. Ugh!! In fact, that is going to become a new chore for them this year -- cleaning the bathroom. Maybe then they will understand why I dislike this practice.


:) Beachy


:iagree: You must live near me. And when I do hang it up, they just leave it there so it gets soaked when they shower, then they grab MY towel and throw it on the floor in place of the bathmat! :mad:

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What? No. One must moisturize after one has slightly dried off. You can't moisturize wet, you have to moisturize while damp.


Yes. You must moisturize while damp. It works better, but I live in a SUPER dry place. SO I had to learn to do this because when I lived in FL, I never needed moisturizer and aimed more at getting dry before the humidity had a chance to get me. Now, I typically air dry after moisturizing otherwise I'd wipe off all of the lotion I just used.

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I think it's only the people who are worried the towel might get wet while they're drying themselves who are crazy. :D


:iagree:True dat


Ok..why are the "in the shower" people saying that drying off on the bathmat would make it sopping wet?.


You must meet my family. They are special. I suspect they just don't close the curtain and soak the bath rug to annoy me.


I agree with them. That is what a bath mat is for. I couldn't possibly dry myself off in the shower. Not enough room.


Maybe I we should differentiate between the bath MAT and the bath RUG. IF you insist upon coming out of the shower dripping, and you USE a bath mat that you hang up afterwards, I have NO issue. It's the soaked bath rug that gets on my nerves. Dripping on the rug infringes upon my right to walk ANYWHERE in the house in my sock feet and KEEP those socks dry.


I always move my towel right next to the shower before I get in.


First, I moisturize my legs when still wet, in the shower (This is necessary for me, you may skip). Then I when get out, I just dry one foot, put it on the mat, then the other. I dry the rest of me when out, but maybe because of the slight delay to moisturize, there are almost no drips...


I also dry my feet before they hit the bath rug. I am agile and balanced like that. It goes with my superhuman ninja shower drying skills.


:iagree: Obviously KFP does not live in a cold climate. I can't think of anyone who would leave the warm shower wet and naked. In this house one dries in the shower, lifting one's feet off the floor to dry them, wraps a towel around then exits the shower.


KFP lives in the mid-atlantic. It gets cold in the winter. KFP is the one who dries off IN the shower. It's her crazy and wrong family members who get out to freeze and drip . . . of course, these people are NEVER cold so that could be a contributing factor.

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Yes. You must moisturize while damp. It works better, but I live in a SUPER dry place. SO I had to learn to do this because when I lived in FL, I never needed moisturizer and aimed more at getting dry before the humidity had a chance to get me. Now, I typically air dry after moisturizing otherwise I'd wipe off all of the lotion I just used.



If you moisturize, you don't drip. In the course of this conversation I have realized that it's not WHERE they dry off that bugs me, it's the soppy wet bath RUG that gets on my nerves.

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We have a second shower curtain bar hung right next to the actual curtain bar, just for towels. DH and I both open the curtain and the towels are hanging right there in your face. We dry off while still standing in the tub, and then step out. I hate soggy bath mats! We teach the kids to do the same thing.

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Maybe I we should differentiate between the bath MAT and the bath RUG. IF you insist upon coming out of the shower dripping, and you USE a bath mat that you hang up afterwards, I have NO issue. It's the soaked bath rug that gets on my nerves. .


That's the ticket. We do have a separate bath mat that we hang up ( well, the grown ups do). If my rugs were soggy, I'd have a problem with that.

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My dh and I have had discussions about this, too - I figure that a little bit of water on the floor (no bath mat, although sometimes a towel) dries up on its own, whereas he dries completely in the shower.


He's convinced me of the value of at least getting some of the water off while still in the stall so I'll drip less, but I continue to get out while not yet dry and letting myself air-dry.


Why do I air-dry (and sometimes put on clothes while I'm still damp, despite the inconveniences)? Because I get impatient. Washing hair is necessary - getting clean is necessary - standing in a hot shower is lovely - but drying with a towel is neither necessary nor lovely. Once I'm out I can be doing my hair, or getting my clothes, or brushing my teeth, or reading a book. I have enough trouble convincing myself to do the necessary tasks.


I'm constantly looking for ways to make routine tasks efficient in order to get to the interesting parts of life quicker. I haven't found that it's very effective to combine reading with showering, though I've tried it numerous times over the years....

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This should have been a poll!



DH's preferred method: Place the towel within arm's reach before getting in shower. Grab the towel, place the end of it on top of the bathmat, and then step onto the towel to dry your feet so the bathmat doesn't get too wet. Then proceed to dry in a normal fashion.


I usually just step onto the bathmat and dry myself like a normal person.

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Middle Girl's preferred method: Step dripping wet onto bath mat. Try to dry self with towel. Notice that you're not achieving anything because absurdly long hair is dripping all over you. Gather up said hair and wring it out, creating a lake on the tile. Decide you've wasted enough playing time trying to get dry; drop towel on floor and bounce, nekkid and still dripping wet, into bedroom to play until discovered.

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