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s/o Family size-Wanting another baby vs. wanting another teenager

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When I see the many posts here about people wanting another baby, I often wonder why they don't say, "I was looking at my family and really want another toddler/middle-schooler/teenager." I hear of people missing the "baby" stage. They miss having a baby in the house. The baby stage, while sweet, is so short. Then these sweet babies grow up to be curious toddlers, arguing middle-schoolers, and busy teenagers.


I think there are fantastic reasons to have more children. I question whether the love of babies is a great reason since it's such a short stage. If someone is wrestling with adding to their family, perhaps the better questions is, Do I want another teenager? or Do I want another junior high kid? Really, those stages last much longer than the baby stage.



When I see threads like this, I can't relate. I enjoyed all four of my babies, even as I remember very well how much effort it was. However, when mine were babies, I had no idea how much effort the older ages could be. I've had three teenagers so far. I think they are fantastic. But, the thought of having lots more teenagers to come, is simply an exhausting thought.


When someone is considering another baby, don't you think asking oneself if they want another teenager (or substitute another stage in here) is a better questions of whether it's a good idea for the family?

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Really that's short-sighted too.


The question is:


Do I want another PERSON in this family?


Because, frankly they are adults FAR longer than they are babies, toddlers, or teen-agers. :D


(And because teens get SUCH a bad rap.) I'd take a teen over a baby ANY day of the week and twice on Fridays.

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This is why I often say I want another baby but not another kid. I get my fix by babysitting :) I love love love the baby stage. I tolerate toddler through middle schooler. So far I hate the teen stage. (not the toddler/child/teen themselves but the craziness that is the stage kwim).

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Really that's short-sighted too.


The question is:


Do I want another PERSON in this family?


Because, frankly they are adults FAR longer than they are babies, toddlers, or teen-agers. :D


(And because teens get SUCH a bad rap.) I'd take a teen over a baby ANY day of the week and twice on Fridays.


:iagree: We ask ourselves, "Is our family complete?" It doesn't have anything to do with babies.

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I think God created babies to be cute, cuddly and adorable so you would bond with them and thus still love them though the other stages. ;)


I personally haven't hit the teenage stage but have a preteen (10), 6yo, 4yo and nearly 2yo right now. I think I would like another "baby" with the understanding I'll go through every stage again. I love my kids so much. And during the not so fun stages I look at pictures from the other stages and look forward to stages yet to come. :D

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Well we for one would LOVE more babies and more teenagers.All of ours are adopted from Russia so we were only blessed with four kids.... we have three teenagers and one younger one(just turned 8) now .We are loving the teen stage as they are so much fun to be with and talk to!! So far our kids are awesome teens (17,16 and 14)and I would give so much to be able to adopt more kids...sigh.Why do teens get such a bad rap?

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I want another baby and another older kid (teenagers I haven't done yet, so I'll have to let you know). I don't so much want another toddler, really, although they ARE cute, but that's really the only way to bridge the gap between baby and older kid that I know of....:D


I think people do the same thing with child spacing....they think all about how it will be to have a 2 or 3 or 4 year old and a baby and not nearly so much about the long term. To be fair, when you're in the thick of life with babies/toddlers/preschoolers, it's really hard to remember that there's life on the other side....

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I'd take another teenager over another baby ANY day. I never thought I'd never lose that feeling of wanting more babies but I am thankful I did.


I love that youngest is 9 now. I love that I am only homeschooling two kids. I used to work SO HARD homeschooling three with a toddler in tow, making all meals from scratch myself, cleaning tis big house and taking care of my rescue farm myself. I miss oldest ds since he moved out. In fact I cried like a baby. But I am enjoying a lighter workload.


I have so many interests and not enough time. I no longer fear having no children at home!


I am LOVING that dh and I have more time to focus on each other.


I love that all our kids are old enough to go kayaking, hiking or biking.


I will LOVE being a grandmother, but I am glad that there are no babies or toddlers living in this house. I don't feel guilt about that AT ALL.


My heart does ache when I see cute little baby clothes but it isn't because I want a baby. I can't wait to be grandma.


I am 49 and excited to start the next phase of my life yet I want to stop time so my dd's will stay with me forever.:D

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Well, I enjoyed parenting my big kids through all stages so much we went and got a few more. My big kids were 15 and 18 when we started. I had been told from the time my kids were itty bitty, "just wait until...." Well, "until" never came (oldest is now almost 20).


I had, through the years, learned contentment so appreciated when I wasn't hauling a baby as I was enjoying middle schoolers, for example. But I still would have rathered a larger family.


Sometimes I wonder how many more we should add. And it is already harder than my big kids were in several ways. We'll see what happens.


ETA: I do sometimes worry about my energy level in 10-15 years. And I've homeschooled two all the way through, but doing several more kinda worries me. But then I try to remember there are all sorts of women my age doing it the first time.

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Really that's short-sighted too.




I'd take a teen over a baby ANY day of the week and twice on Fridays.


If we ever get to a point where we can adopt, I want an older child or a teen. You people can keep all the babies, toddlers, and preschoolers you want. I love having kids that are big enough to not cry for everything they want and wipe their own noses/tushies. :D

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I specifically said in the other thread that I don't necessarily want babies, but more bodies. Then again, I haven't had teens yet. I have always enjoyed being around older kids much more than babies, though.

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Unfortunately this argument doesn't work with me. My desire for more children is implacable. I've tried everything under the sun to convince myself to stop but I keep producing! I enjoy my 2 teens as much as my adorable baby. I think the wiring in my brain is off.


If anyone has any other ideas please share them. Overpopulation doesn't work on me either, neither does "they're expensive." I figure I've got 3 good years left, then 3 possible years left, and 3 hail mary years after that. In theory that could be 3 more of my evil progeny roaming the earth... :tongue_smilie:

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I would love more teens, but I don't want to go through having more babies to get them. It would take more time away from the three I have than I am willing to do, honestly. Yes, teens are a lot of work, but it's work I enjoy; not so with the work of babyhood.


Dh and I will be in our early 40s when youngest is in high school, and we have talked a lot about fostering/adopting young teens.

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I don't want another baby or another teenager, but I wouldn't turn down another four year old. I like babies and I love preteens/teenagers, but four is my favorite.


We haven't decided on anything, but I can see Dh and I adopting a toddler/preschooler in a few years. I couldn't do the baby stage again, but I'm not sure if our family is full yet.

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Well, I think there's sometimes a direct correlation for many folks who say, "I miss the baby stage" and the fact that they have teens. :glare:




Actually, teens are delightful people. They go to the bathroom alone, mop the floor (though perhaps somewhat grudgingly) and can make a sandwich if they're hungry. And they NEVER ask me to play Candyland.


When I was at the stage of wishing desperately for another baby and not willing for our "baby days" to be over, I was fully aware that there was a complete person missing from our family. He's going to be a wonderful teen. :)



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LOL! I always say that it's a good thing babies are sweet and cuddly because if we knew what we were in for in the teen years we would definitely downsize.


Now, please note that I have had 4 sons in the teen years all at one time. And it's not anything "bad" about teens, but rather the exhaustion of parenting teens that causes me to quake at the idea of having another. I thought babies were exhausting then I entered the teen years. Teens have lives whereas a baby really has no social life :)


When I was exhausted with babies, I could still put them all to bed and have some peace and quiet. Teens prefer to have heart to heart discussions and bare their souls around midnight - just when my brain is turning off. They also like to drive...just another of those "firsts" that causes one to spend hours in prayer. Then the LOVE bug bites them - ARGH! When parenting teens, one wears more hats and changes them more frequently than at any other time of life, IMO :p


I often look at families with lots of young ones, esp. those who offer lots of advice about older kids, and grin and think, "just you wait". Life with 4 kids under age 7 is very different than life with 4 teens.


Honestly, though, I prefer older kids - even teens :) - I just like to talk with them and see them develop their own lives.

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I don't miss the baby stage at all, but if DH was open to the idea of adopting a child who was in the 3-5 range, I'd do it in a heartbeat. Babies are okay, but it wasn't my favorite stage. DS was a great baby, but DD cried pretty much the first 2 years of her life. There's nothing enjoyable about that.

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Really that's short-sighted too.


The question is:


Do I want another PERSON in this family?


Because, frankly they are adults FAR longer than they are babies, toddlers, or teen-agers. :D


(And because teens get SUCH a bad rap.) I'd take a teen over a baby ANY day of the week and twice on Fridays.



Oh, and did I mention that :iagree: ? :D

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Really that's short-sighted too.


The question is:


Do I want another PERSON in this family?


Because, frankly they are adults FAR longer than they are babies, toddlers, or teen-agers. :D


(And because teens get SUCH a bad rap.) I'd take a teen over a baby ANY day of the week and twice on Fridays.



I *especially* agree about the teens getting a bad rap! I enjoyed my teens. (mostly;)) Now they are young adults, I enjoy them immensely. They all have enjoyed dudeling and it gives me so much joy to watch them all interact.

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Interesting question. I feel quite done with my 4. I love all ages. I also like the lesser physical responsibility of older ones, although the monetary issues are quite significant. The old days was about breastmilk and re-useable cloth diapers. I wish higher education was so cheap. lol

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My oldest is 18. My youngest is 4. I haven't met an age that I haven't loved and enjoyed. Each stage is wonderful in a unique way.


I am hoping and praying for another baby, after several losses in a row. When I say I want a baby, I want a *baby* and look forward to all the other ages and stages. They are a gift.


(Another who loves teens! Mine are awesome and totally rock!)

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But I know my limits, and I don't think I want a kid coming home from college for the summer when I am 63. And I know it would be hard on dh when he is 70. So I think we are done.


Yes, they are adults longer than they are children. But my obligations to a toddler or teen are different than my obligations to an adult child. I personally think it is surprisingly taxing to have a20 year old, even though I loved him to bits at that age.


I think each person has to figure this out. I think I could handle a baby at 45. I love love love my teens at 45. They keep me young! But I don't know how I will feel at 63. It is something to think about.

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Each child is a unique individual throughout his life. I never had 'a baby' or 'a teenager', I had my own special children. I never dreaded whatever age they were.




:001_wub: this!


Disclaimer: I don't have teenagers yet. Oldest is 12 and yes- the older they get- the more involved some things are and I am "feeling" that...there are MANY many blessings in every stage imho.



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I love the the teenage years. Were they hard at times? Yes. But they are a lot of fun, and can really bring back the "young" in you. I would foster a teenager(even if difficult) over a baby any day of the week.


(I raised two teens, and currently have one now)

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I have teenagers. I have adults (Gasp! How did that happen? I am old!).


I want another baby. I love them all through every age. I love my family so much, I want it to keep growing, and adding more people for us to have fun with and love.


Ohh, what MFG said, how perfect!

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Unfortunately this argument doesn't work with me. My desire for more children is implacable. I've tried everything under the sun to convince myself to stop but I keep producing! I enjoy my 2 teens as much as my adorable baby. I think the wiring in my brain is off.


If anyone has any other ideas please share them. Overpopulation doesn't work on me either, neither does "they're expensive." I figure I've got 3 good years left, then 3 possible years left, and 3 hail mary years after that. In theory that could be 3 more of my evil progeny roaming the earth... :tongue_smilie:




I felt this way. I have a very large spread of ages (19 years from oldest to youngest). Currently my oldest is 22. I love and enjoy my teens. I haven't met an age I didn't like. But at a certain point, and maybe you haven't reached that yet, there are no more resources with which to raise more children. In the last several years, my dh and I have had multiple health problems. We're finally solving our money problems by my teaching, after living on practically nothing for way too long. If we have one more baby, we will need huge vans if we all want to go somewhere (currently we have an 8 passenger SUV, and since our oldest doesn't live at home, it works), which cost - you guessed it - money and use more gas, which costs - you guessed it again - more money. In addition, as someone previously mentioned, someone always needs you. Someone is always, and I mean always, upset about something or has some problem.


Pregnancy is incredibly draining to me. I have no energy and I can't grocery shop (the lights in the stores make me sick). This goes for nine months. I can't afford to give up 9 months right now to make another baby. Do I tell all my other children to pause their lives for 9 months? Then, once the baby is born (hopefully just one! I've had twins as well), I get no sleep for months. I can get 10 hours of sleep now and I still wake up exhausted. I've been running on low or empty for so many years that it would probably take me a good year not to be exhausted anymore.


Besides our other children, we have little to no help or support. We have no family around. We live far out in the country so even carpooling is difficult. It's us, dh and me, 24/7, raising these wonderful children that God has blessed us with.


So, yes, I love babies. I love toddlers. I love preschoolers, school-age children, preteens, teens, and even adult children! I just cannot, personally, raise any more. Maybe you will never reach this point. But if you do reach this point, you will know, and you will stop having babies. :)

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:iagree: We ask ourselves, "Is our family complete?" It doesn't have anything to do with babies.




I tolerated the baby stage, honestly. I like them better when they walk, talk, and don't need diapers. I thought it was so cool when ds and I started having real conversations. A conversation with this creature I helped create! Cool!


Dh and I briefly considered adoption, but early on we felt our family was complete with one. I know people who have adopted functional adults who needed the emotional support of family. I wouldn't be opposed to that someday, maybe if the opportunity presented itself.


I have enjoyed every stage of ds's life so far, even the teen years to date.

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I say I wouldn't mind another baby b/c I couldn't imagine giving birth to a teen :tongue_smilie:


:iagree: I think women generally say we want another baby, because in most cases, that's how adding another family member happens. It has nothing to do with not wanting toddlers or teens. I'm probably in the minority, but I think having teens is easier than having babies. But I still used to say I wanted another baby, not another teen; I assumed that if I had more babies, I'd end up with more teens. :tongue_smilie:

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If we were to add another one, I'd probably want to fill the 4 year gap between my third and fourth. I don't think that we're going to actively pursue it, though.


While I have my moments when pregnancy and/or another baby sounds nice, the reality is that I don't do pregnancy or babies that well, so I'll be happy to get my fill with nieces/nephews and then grandchildren. I wish we were closer to the nieces and nephew that we have. Both dh's and my siblings are pretty spread out ... I haven't even met one niece (she's almost 2), and haven't seen her almost 5 year old sister since she was a toddler.

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But sometimes teenagers are no more difficult than cute babies and toddlers. I've never had serious problems with my teens. They are delightful young adults and I love every minute of being their mom. Well, except I wish my ds15 didn't have Aspergers, but that doesn't make me not like him. When I wish I could have another baby, I am wishing for another child. Yes, I'm talking about one who will grow up. They are as wonderful now as they have been at any age. I'm always sad when I hear a parent say they don't like their teenager. I really can't fathom being in such a position. I feel very blessed indeed.


All of my kids will always be my babies. I'm 44 yrs. old and my 70 yr. old mother still calls me her baby. I rather like that.

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In that case, it's not that I miss *babies*. I miss *my* babies.


:iagree:This is what I will miss. MY babies. I could take or leave other babies. In fact, I don't particularly like holding or cuddling other people's babies. I want MY babies.


I want another baby and another older kid (teenagers I haven't done yet, so I'll have to let you know). I don't so much want another toddler, really, although they ARE cute, but that's really the only way to bridge the gap between baby and older kid that I know of....:D


The years of appx. 3-4 are definitely years I will be glad to leave behind. :glare: But like you said, that's the only way to bridge the gap. :lol:


Each child is a unique individual throughout his life. I never had 'a baby' or 'a teenager', I had my own special children. I never dreaded whatever age they were.




I don't know of anyone who has raised a child through at least babyhood who is so short-sighted as to only think of having another baby when they think of adding to their family.We all know how fast they grow. I am enjoying my 10 yo immensely. I enjoy all of them; however, I personally prefer the work of the baby stages over what I have heard the work of the teen years is like (driving around, social activities, cooking, and on and on) but I also know I don't have to look like Mrs. Cleaver down the street, either.


It's encouraging to hear that the teen years isn't all just exhausting drudgery. My own teen years were terrible but like a poster said on another thread, I just grew up, I wasn't raised.

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But sometimes teenagers are no more difficult than cute babies and toddlers. I've never had serious problems with my teens. They are delightful young adults and I love every minute of being their mom. Well, except I wish my ds15 didn't have Aspergers, but that doesn't make me not like him. When I wish I could have another baby, I am wishing for another child. Yes, I'm talking about one who will grow up. They are as wonderful now as they have been at any age. I'm always sad when I hear a parent say they don't like their teenager. I really can't fathom being in such a position. I feel very blessed indeed.


All of my kids will always be my babies. I'm 44 yrs. old and my 70 yr. old mother still calls me her baby. I rather like that.


Especially Sweet!

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But sometimes teenagers are no more difficult than cute babies and toddlers. I've never had serious problems with my teens. They are delightful young adults and I love every minute of being their mom. Well, except I wish my ds15 didn't have Aspergers, but that doesn't make me not like him. When I wish I could have another baby, I am wishing for another child. Yes, I'm talking about one who will grow up. They are as wonderful now as they have been at any age. I'm always sad when I hear a parent say they don't like their teenager. I really can't fathom being in such a position. I feel very blessed indeed.


All of my kids will always be my babies. I'm 44 yrs. old and my 70 yr. old mother still calls me her baby. I rather like that.


For me...I love my teens. I love my teen nieces as well. But the thought of navigating another child through their teen years as I'm in the midst of menopause....it makes me tired, and might just be a recipe for disaster :tongue_smilie:

So, while I LOVE the idea of another small child, I don't love the idea of another teen. I'm sure it would all work out ok if it happened though. (And it may very well happen. We are putting ourselves in a position right now that may end up with two very young children becoming a close part of our family.)

Edited by Apryl H
shouldn't spell before at least one cup of coffee.
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I love teenagers! I worked in a public high school for almost 17 years as proof!


I am not a baby person though. Working in the nursery? I might go crazy. And you sure as heck don't want me working with pre-schoolers! :D



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