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how many pictures of your children.....

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....do you have on display in your home? I'm debating adding another wall of pictures of my children and it got me thinking as to how many pictures are too many pictures. Or is there no such thing as too many pictures of your children?


I grew up wondering why my mom never displayed a single picture of me and I tend to go overboard doing the opposite of what my mom did so I'm nervous that I might go too far. :lol:


Right now I have 4 framed pictures of my kids on the mantel, along with a couple pictures that I didn't want to frame, but wanted to temporarily display (like a recent pic of my daughter from gymnastics). Then I have 6 framed pictures of my DD in a collage in the hallway (that the bedrooms are off of) and 1 large framed pic of her. I have 1 large framed pic of my DS as well and a collage of 6 framed pics of him. Then in my dining room I have one wall with a collage of 6 pics of both of my kids as well as my niece and nephews. And my fridge is covered in pics of various family members.


I don't know if that's too much or not. I don't want my house to look like a shrine to my kids, but I just love so many pics of various stages of their lives that I want to display. I thought about a digital frame, but it's not really my cup of tea.


Currently there are no pics on my living room walls of my children so all you see when you first walk in the house are the pics on the mantel. I was thinking of using a wall in the entry way to add all sorts of pictures of them so they aren't really in the living room and you only really see them when you first walk into my house.


What are your thoughts? What do you do in your home?

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None. I'm an overplanner and every idea I think of seems like too much. Eventually, I will decide and probably put up a few. My sister has pictures of her son all over her living room (and I'm going to assume her daughter will be added in soon). On the refrigerator she has a few pictures of them together and in her son's room there are a few more of them together. Her place does feel like a shrine to her son but not in a bad way. It shows everyone how much she loves him. I've got too many kids to be decorating a room with their pictures. Well, maybe if I dedicated a room to each kid it would work. :tongue_smilie:

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I have pictures of each of my kids from each year. From newborn to their current age. I have 5 kids, so I group all the "years" together. All newborn pictures together, "I'm one" together, and so on.


We just recently moved to a much bigger house than we used to live in. (We went from a 3 bedroom house to a 6 bedroom) so we have a lot more "wall space" now.


I love having all the pictures up. It's really neat seeing how they change, and how much they look like each other at certain ages.


Hot Lava Mama

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about 5 or 6 each. I have a collage frame that holds several pictures then their individual pictures and one of all 4 and couple nice candid. DD has a couple more than the boys because I can't resist her ballet pictures.

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None, but I don't hang things on the wall much. I have 2 paintings that belong to dh (a friend gave them to him) which he hung in the living room, a decorative candle holder artsy thingy over the bed, and 4 small wood panels with Chinese symbols on them over the picture window in the dining room. That is all I've managed in the 10 years we have lived here. And most of that is only up because of dh.


Now, on my phone and computer I have tons.

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One of each child on display. Two different frames; boys in one, girls in the other. They're on the mantel. That's all I have out in view in the whole house. Oh, wait, I just remembered one kind of obscure 4x6 of four of them that's in another place.

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None. It's my failing as a wife and mother that I don't take enough pictures, nor do I display them. I have a scrapbook I made when my oldest was an infant, but never got past the first page of my second son's. I feel guilty sometimes, but I realize that there are worse failings to have.

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Tons, formal and unformal, on the walls, in frames on tables and on bookshelves, on the corkboard in the kitchen. (obviously many of these are family photos, so not just the children) So does everyone I know. I have never walked into a home and thought there were too many pictures of the children.

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Well, most of my available wall space is taken up with school stuff! :lol:


I have a small framed picture of the boys on the dresser/buffet in the dining room, and a collage I made with pictures of them and some of their artwork in the upstairs hall. I have one tiny picture of dh and me at a wedding (not ours) in a frame on the big Ikea shelf in the living room, but that is it for photos of our family.


I do however have about 30 scrapbooks on those same shelves in the living room documenting every single event in the past 10 years, so the kids do enjoy pulling those out and looking at them periodically.

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Good for you for having lots of pictures!! I have to confess we are not picture takers. The last professional portraits we have are from years ago. With the changeover to digital cameras, I no longer had print copies to save. After a while we just stopped taking pictures. My dd's take some to put on facebook, but nothing that is printed out and saved.


I have 3 pictures up in the hallway and 3 in my bedroom. The ones in the bedroom are their 8-week old infant pictures. The ones in the hallway are the last professional pictures done. Dd14's picture is from 3rd grade. Ds15's picture is from 1st grade. And dd20's picture is from 8th grade.



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We used to have a lot more but we took a bunch down when we thought we were ready to rebuild. We have baby pictures of each kid in a frame with their birth date, time and height/weight information. We have two long collage frames on either side of the tv which sits on the mantel - my youngest isn't in any of the pictures and I really need to do something about that. :blush: I really need to redo the frames and put the other ones back up. I like having pictures of the kids around.

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Tons, formal and unformal, on the walls, in frames on tables and on bookshelves, on the corkboard in the kitchen. (obviously many of these are family photos, so not just the children) So does everyone I know. I have never walked into a home and thought there were too many pictures of the children.


:iagree: In fact, I don't have any real "art" on the wall. It's all us.

Recently, I've been working on dh's family pics. I've started framing some of the cool old ones and putting them on shelves. I love the old black and whites. I pick weird pictures.



Here is my favorite right now. It's my dh's grandad standing in what appears to be a bar with small children present, holding a duck. It makes me smile every time I look at it.

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None unless you count the lovely silhouettes we did as part of history study this year. Kind of a school project though.


It wouldn't occur to me to. I have the real thing right here. There are pictures of them on display at all three sets of grandparents' houses and at both their great-grandmothers' houses though.

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In looking around, I can see 7 picture. Two are on the mantel (small), 2 in a bookshelf (small), and 3 in a wrought-iron decorative thingy (5x7's I think).


We like to keep our walls for art work, and the photos are in frames that fit in well with our decor. I should probably switch some of the photos out for more recent ones, but I love seeing them when they were little. And sweet. And innocent. :D

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Um I have a Huge gallery wall in my family room that include photo's of my children & all of my nieces & nephews .


I also have probably 8 canvas gallery wraps of my 2 1/2 year old daughter and 3 of my new grandson.


I also have 2 canvas gallery wraps of my 2 oldest children age 19 & 24.


We have a pretty big house with tons of wall space. I have some of the gallery wraps above our fireplace and then in our hallways downstairs and upstairs.


I am a photo nut!!


I might mention that I'm also a professional photographer so that might have something to do with it.:tongue_smilie:

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I don't have any. Our photo albums and pictures were lost in our house fire. (sniffle). I have a bunch on the computer and my blog.

One of my goals for this summer is to make canvas pics of each of my kids. I had scrapbooked for years and between my mom (deceased), my mil, dd's and I we had over 20 scrapbooks- lovingly created. I could still cry thinking about all of those lovely pages, my mom's hand written notes gone....


My sil has a zillion pics of her and her family all over her house (incl of her dd who died).

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Let's see... I have tons of pictures. :tongue_smilie: In the living room I have the multi-image 10x13s we got of each of the boys when they were in Kindergarten (we do big 'kindergarten' pics in our family)and a multi image of Pink from her 3 year old pics above the piano. On the mantel I have a picture of each of them, but the sizes vary - 8x10, 5x7, 3x5 - just good ones of them that I went ahead and framed. On our bookshelves (wall of the fireplace all bookshelves) I have Pink and Astro's 1 year portraits (multi-image again). On the wall above the computer desk I have our family picture and a picture of the 3 kids together.

In the dining room I have big 10x13s of Link and Astro (separate) from their aforementioned kindergarten photo shoot.

In the hallway I have yearly pictures of each of the kids. Like, every year - there are 8 of Link, 6 of Astro, 3 of Pink.

In the boys' room there are 2 8x10s - one of each of them from their kindergarten photos, jumping through the air. There's also a picture of them with DH. In Pink's room there's an adorable black and white 8x10 of her when she was 9 months - one where she's looking down, the 'eyelash pictures' as the studio called them.


So yeah, I have a lot. I don't feel like it looks totally crowded and overdone, personally... but some people might? Idk. It's just always what I had. :)

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We have a framed 8 x 10 of each child on the wall going up the stairs to the second floor. Because our stairs start in the front hall, they can be seen at the front entrance. We would update these photos every few years, with the final one being their senior photo.


That's all we have on display for the public eye. :)


Upstairs in our bedroom, we have an 8 x 10 of each child in their baptismal gown.


We had one professional family photo taken once, and we have that in an 8 x 10 frame in our bedroom.

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For those who do have them, do you change them out as they grow up? Do you still have baby, toddler pictures?


I do still have baby/toddler pictures. The yearly ones we keep all out, and the ones on the bookshelves that I bought for the express purpose of keeping out. The others we will probably switch out at some point.

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In my living room: On piano a family portrait of all of us.


Mantel: none framed. 1 framed of my sisters and me. 1 snapshot sitting up there of dh and girls. Won't be there long :)


bookshelf: 4 small framed pics of them when they were babies (2 of each) among other pics.


In my room: 1 framed 8 x 10 of each from a couple of years ago. Tucked in my mirror, a more recent one of each.


In the den: giant collages of all kinds of family pics, including before they were born, but lots of them. 1 bookshelf has a few smaller framed older pics.


**** In general, we don't have a lot, and nothing very current up. I never thought about it.

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We have lots of framed pictures, but I feel guilty all the time that we've never used a professional photographer to take family or child pictures. It seems like all my friends do that and they look great but we're just so cheap and/or poorer that it doesn't seem like a responsible family expense. :)

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I just got up and counted. I display 48 pictures of my family. I have 2 hallways I use, dining room and living room have walls of nicely arranged professional pictures, and I have huge built in bookcases I also have them on. I've only ever received compliments on my decor. We are a family and my house says A Happy Family Lives Here. If you are happy with the pictures then don't worry about it. :)

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For those who do have them, do you change them out as they grow up? Do you still have baby, toddler pictures?


Yes, I keep the photos I love displayed. I need to do better at adding newer ones though. (esp. of dd#3) I also have baby photos of my parents displayed.

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I don't have any. Our photo albums and pictures were lost in our house fire. (sniffle). I have a bunch on the computer and my blog.

One of my goals for this summer is to make canvas pics of each of my kids. I had scrapbooked for years and between my mom (deceased), my mil, dd's and I we had over 20 scrapbooks- lovingly created. I could still cry thinking about all of those lovely pages, my mom's hand written notes gone....


My sil has a zillion pics of her and her family all over her house (incl of her dd who died).


I'm so sorry! Losing your scrapbooks is terrible!


We have some around with extended family. So my kids remember that they do have a family just in the US. We finally brought my scrapbooks and pictures over to the UK this year. I feel better just knowing I can look at them. We did have them on a hard drive but not the same. I am aiming for wedding pictures next year for our silver wedding anniversary!

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If you want to display pictures, please do!!


I love photography and have pictures all over my home. In fact, we recently moved and that is a project I am currently working on and I am having so much fun grouping frames together, choosing what pictures I want to display, etc. I take a TON of pictures of my kids, my only complaint is that there is too little wall space. I do display it so it looks more artistic though, and not just frames slapped up willy-nilly.


Here are some of my design inspirations (I'm copying them from pinterest, hopefully they'll show up...)








You really can have a lot of pictures up and make it look artistic and beautiful. :001_smile::001_smile: Here is my next project, if I can find a Staples:



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I have a collage that holds 28 smal pictures of our family that I bought at either Kirkland's or Garden Ridge. I'm planning on buying another since we have so many kids and they're growing up fast. I used to have a wall of pictured I'd rotate according to the season, but I don't have a wall at the new place. The stairway is curved, so I can't hang them there either. Righ now the frames are sitting on the floor in my room while I decide what to do with them.


My parents, like yours did not display pictures of us. That is why I do put them up. I think as long as it is done nicely and in a few places throughout the house, it won't look like a shrine.

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I don't like lots of family photos up on a wall. (Like pp's, I tend to not hang much of anything on the wall.) But, I do have a number of nice photos of my dd, in lovely frames, and I set them on tables and such against the wall or on tables. So, I suppose I have at least 8-10 of her around the house.

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I don't have many. I have a few in those magnetic holders on the fridge, and a 4x6 of each child in their Kindergarten graduation gown from when they PSed. We used to have a large portrait of the kids over the mantel, but it was so out of date that I took it down. I'd like to do another one and hang it, but I haven't gotten around to doing it. Other than that, I don't like photos on the wall. I have things like framed cross-stitch hangings and mirrors and such on my walls, but no photos.

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I have several when they were infants hanging in the hallway and a few in frames on book shelves in the front room---but not many. I'm terrible about getting my kid's pictures taken and even more terrible about displaying them.


I'm terrible about wall decoration period. I did not inherit an interior decorating gene---nope.

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Only a few. I know I want to get a picture of the kids when they were younger up there and maybe pictures of the older two as they are now. We don't have enough wall space now so I can't do too many. Everyone in the family likes us to have art up on the walls more anyway. So we do more art, less family photos.

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For those who do have them, do you change them out as they grow up? Do you still have baby, toddler pictures?


It wouldn't occur to me to. I have the real thing right here..



The older my children get, the more of a point I make to order pictures to put up of their baby/toddler years. They were all so cute, and it goes by so quickly! I love seeing pictures of what their chubby little faces looked like around.

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