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Does anyone have children who never asked to go to school?

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Sometimes I feel that I have created a monster called homeschooling!


There have been many times I have wanted to put the kids in school and go back to work. I miss working.


My children have never asked to go to school. They didn't even ask when they were younger. And my kids went to full time preschool when they were young (I worked.)


In fact, it was my oldest who asked me to homeschool when he was 5. Long story short, Dh and I juggled our work schedules to make that happen until he was 7 and that is when I quit working.


If I mention going to school they all say, "NO! We want to homeschool!"


Sometimes I wish my kids would want to go to school. I even have sometimes talked about how fun it would be. They aren't buying it. :lol:

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Mine say they want to HS forever :D. They did go to private mom's morning out and pre-school and did well (enjoyed it). Kept them home for K and 1st and they have no desire to get on the big yellow bus that STOPS right in front of our house. Sometimes I want to put them on the bus though :tongue_smilie:.


DH and I are taking it year by year for homschooling. We have told the boys that since we started. I don't see it ending anytime soon though.

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Mine have never had any interest until they saw that Judy Moody movie. The class is on the last day and the teacher is fun and singing songs. Both kids have asked about school since seeing that. I explained that unless it's music class I am pretty sure there aren't singing teachers with confetti flying around the room at any schools near us! :lol:


I do wish they could have one day...like a really hard day...visit at a school and realize it's not all fun but sitting all day and learning in a group. I don't think they understand how awesome it is to be done and get to leave the classroom and go play :tongue_smilie:


But no, mine never really asked until recently. And they don't want to go, but would like to find out more... :lol: because they think it's a large group sing a long! lol

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Well, my 11 y/o started out in public school. She was 8 when I pulled her out. She has no interest in going back.


My 6 y/o has never been to any sort of preschool or public school and he tells me he wants to be homeschooled for the rest of his life and never wants to go to "puglic school." :)

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Mine have never asked to go to school. But we sent ds1 to private school for 9th anyway. He didn't want to go . . . at first. But it works better for our whole family for him to go away to school. Same then for ds2 who started part-time at school the next year and is full-time now. Dd is not interested in school either; she's in 1st at home this year.

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My DS has never asked to go to school.


He hates getting up in the morning and knows that he would have to, if he went to ps. :lol: He knows I don't even sign him up for outside activities before 10 a.m.

(My MIL still complains about how difficult it was to get my DH up and on the school bus in the morning, 40 years later! So it must be a family trait.)


DS has enough friends in public school to know and understand the educational differences in quality and experience he is getting.


DS did have a time when he was younger that he was fascinated with riding on a school bus. We went to a sporting event that used a school bus for their shuttle service. :tongue_smilie: That put an end to DS wanting to ride a bus. He thought it was stinky, the ride was bumpy, and he was alarmed that it didn't have seat belts.

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Both of mine went to preschool and my oldest went to K and 1st. Neither ever asks to go to school! It's actually a horrible threat to either one to tell them I'm going to drop them off at the public school if they can't work well at home. :tongue_smilie: I especially doubt my oldest will ever want to go to school. My daughter might be interested at high school level.

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My younger two have never asked, other than a sort of confused "when are WE going to school?" when they were younger and would meet other kids on the playground and the topic would come up.


I did go back to work, part time and not in my previous field, a couple years ago, but my husband only works every third day, so it's easy for me to work my schedule around his, or take my kids with me (I work for the Y, so they have things to do if I'm teaching or working with a client or filling in some odd hours at the desk).

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Nope, not in the almost 11 years we have homeschooled.


Maybe I was lucky. Whatever career ambitions I had were fulfilled right after college. I was handed a ground up opportunity and ran with it. It became something I am very proud of having done. I got to use every skill I had and make some up as I went along. It was the time of my life. When it was handed over to a new entity, I had no regrets.


I have never desired to go back to work, though I do long for more income sometimes. I make some extra money tuning up computers and fixing them from time to time.


I love what I do and I am blessed to be doing it.


BTW, completely understand not everyone feels this way, just sharing. :grouphug:

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I'm actually relieved to read this. My kids have never asked to go to school and I've always thought it was a bit odd that they're not curious. I'm glad to see others have had the same experience!


In the interest of full disclosure, a few years ago, my son did attend our local elementary school for about an hour a day M-F to be part of a trial social skills kind of group for kids on the spectrum. It ended up being a vent session for young boys and it really saddened my son. He had never asked to attend school before attending this group and after attending, he definitely did want to attend school. He really liked these boys and had a lot in common with them. He was horrified to hear what happened to them in the lunch room and on the playground :crying:.

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Youngest two never went to school and never asked. The baby graduates in May. Both attended college classes as their first 'real' class and after they started, I asked if they wished they'd gone to 'regular' school. Nope.


But honestly, I am SO ready to be done homeschooling. May cannot come soon enough.

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Two of mine never asked to go to school. They ended up there this year anyhow against (my) and their wishes, and they often tell me how much they can't wait until they can come home again :lol:. My 10 year old will go into excruciating detail when people ask him if he likes school better than homeschool. (My kids get asked that a lot because everyone in my life other than my husband gave this huge sigh of relief when I was basically forced by situation to enroll them in school because I was 'ruining' them for life by not exposing them to reality.)

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Both of my daughters (now 8.5 and 11.5) went to pre-school, but were homeschooled starting with Kindergarten. Neither of them has ever wanted to go to school. For the past two years, I've sat them down and talked to them about whether or not they'd like to try school (we have an excellent private girls school here which is where we would send them). Their response has always been a horrified, "NO!"


I mentioned that they might not be homeschooled for high school, and my 11.5 year old is now really worried about that. She keeps asking me if I'm going to make her go to high school. They are both extremely social girls, but they are perfectly content doing that outside of school. They love being homeschooled.


I have no desire or intention to ever return to work (and am fortunate that DH's income allows that choice), but I do sometimes daydream about having the girls in school anyway. Oh, the free time I would have... :tongue_smilie:, but ultimately I love having them home with me. :001_smile:

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My oldest two never asked. My youngest asked about it a few times until he learned you weren't actually allowed to talk to the other kids during class and recess was only 15 minutes. He had no interest after that. :lol:


My dd shadowed one of her friends in high school for a day and said it was the biggest waste of time she could imagine. She was a member of the drill team during her senior year, but took no academic classes and had no desire to. All the other kids told her repeatedly how much they wished they could homeschool.


In fact, that's what we've heard the most over the years...other kids saying they wanted to homeschool but their moms always said they couldn't. And then they asked if I would homeschool them. Uh.....no. :lol:

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My DS has never asked to go to school.


DS has enough friends in public school to know and understand the educational differences in quality and experience he is getting.


:iagree:DD sees how much homework her friends have and feels sorry for them.

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My older kids ask as we pass the playground, "Hey buddy, don't you want to go to Realllll school so you can play on the playground and have friends?" And my 8 year old says, "No, I like to be at home and play computer, wii, go to co-op, eat when I want.... etc." They say he's not doing real school and won't fit in. He's only 8 and probably wouldn't. He wants to do harder math... easier writing... and reading... go outside and play when he wants. You know... not be with a million other kids doing the same thing. He's VERY social and I expect him to want to by Jr High/Highschool... but for now, he's happy.

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I had one that asked constantly when she was preK and K age when she would get to go, but has since stopped asking. I have a feeling that she would still like to try it sometimes. I just keep her busy with co-op classes and other places for group learning and other teachers that she loves. That keeps her satisfied.


My 2nd one has always said she never wants to go. She loves being homeschooled and thanks me often for doing it.


Even the other one is very analytical and sees the benefits even though she sometimes gets the grass is greener syndrome.

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In fact, that's what we've heard the most over the years...other kids saying they wanted to homeschool but their moms always said they couldn't. And then they asked if I would homeschool them. Uh.....no. :lol:


All the time! In fact, one of my daughter's friends did come over for a day when her mom had an appointment and she had a day off school. She arrived with her pencils and paper, ready to start the day :001_smile:. She has always asked if I would homeschool her and now she *really* wants me to!

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Neither of my dc *asked* to go. I allowed older dd to go to a performing arts magnet school when she was 11, because I could tell with my Mommy's heart that she really wanted to try school. :-) She lasted 6 weeks. :D Younger dd never asked, either; I allowed her to spend one day at a private Christian school when she was 6 or 7; she loved it--my social butterfly--but she knew when I let her go that it was only for that day, and she never asked to go back.


I'm thinking both of my dds knew that school was.not.an.option.

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My kids don't want to go to school. I've tried to make school sound neutral--neither bad nor good--just in case circumstances force them to go in the future.


But despite my efforts, they do NOT want to go to school. They cringe at the very idea.

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Both of mine have had experience with both homeschool and public school. Both like homeschooling better. And I like that I can let my 13yo sleep in when she needs to do so. Although she recently said she w nts to go to high school "with other people." but then she also really enjoys the homeschool theatre production company she's part of right now, so we'll see.

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Not any more. Now that Trinqueta is getting older, I think her ps friends complain a lot about school and she's started telling me how much she appreciates hsing. When she was younger she did ask occasionally, but wasn't very enthusiastic.


School isn't an option for Geezle, much as I look longingly at the yellow bus some days. Even if he wanted to go, I had quite enough with PPCD to last a lifetime.


GW loves his school and so do I.

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My older two do not want to go to school and never have. They were always well aware of the fact that they were out on field trips or at the park while their friends were stuck in school. They knew they spent less than half the time working on school work as their peers. They mourned their friends' lack of availability to play because school and homework and early bedtimes made them unavailable 9 months a year.


They are also advanced and know they were be bored to tears.


Nope...no requests for school here.


That said, I'm considering seeing what the middle school has available for first period classes so DD has more of an opportunity to meet other kids her age. She doesn't want to go though.

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My son is planning to homeschool for college and work a job from home - my home. :tongue_smilie:He is only 7, and I know that will change as he gets older.



Not necessarily. DD12 doesn't want to go to college. If she must, she wants to homeschool college. I'm thinking about College Plus for her.

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Both my kids wanted to go when they were around 1st grade for the usual "big yellow school bus" reason. But since they have gotten older and understand how homeschooling allows us to have depth and flexibility in our studies, they do not want to go. But of course, I can't speak for the future. They could surprise me today and suddenly ask to go!

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I think I've scared my kids ;)


Every time we leave the house for a fun field trip, or even to run errands, we drive past the elementary school. Or we're sitting outside in the sunshine studying, and I say, Look at those poor kids sitting behind their desks. Now all my children feel sorry for public school kids because they don't have nearly as much fun as we do.


If they ever complain about their school, I say, Ok- you may go to public school then! That scares them enough that they stop complaining.

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My oldest asked to go to public school when she was little (kindergarten age). Now she tells me I had better never send her to PS. She loves homeschooling too much. None of my boys ever asked. Cameron sort of did, but that was just chiming in with his sister (and he was too little for school anyway).

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