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DH went to UTMB Galveston today ........I called a liver clinic........

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We've been told since August that our county has an affiliate contract with UTMB Galveston for medical indigents. We were never told how to access that service (many miles away). Today, DH drove there with his accordian medical file and walked in.


They told him they do not have a contract with our county. :glare::confused:


I called the Memorial Hermann Liver clinic. Memorial Hermann, whom I now owe probably $60,000 in medical bills that will continue to grow because his diseased liver is getting worse. We've been to 2 of their hospitals. Their Liver Clinic told me today, point blank: "If you don't have insurance, and you can't pay, we can't help you."


Translation: Your DH will not get the care he needs for his disease and we (and apparently those like us) will instead allow his disease to progress, allow you to go further into medical debt, until he dies a slow, painful death.


A member here PMed me a local contact; I have called and left a voice mail.

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No words. I'm just so so sorry. This situation seems so impossible and yet so very real. I just don't get it! :mad: I mean, I do get the situation you are in, but I don't get the medical practitioners who will not help him. I don't get why you don't qualify for Medicaid when so many others do. You truly have my prayers. :grouphug:

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No words. I'm just so so sorry. This situation seems so impossible and yet so very real. I just don't get it! :mad: I mean, I do get the situation you are in, but I don't get the medical practitioners who will not help him. I don't get why you don't qualify for Medicaid when so many others do. You truly have my prayers. :grouphug:


If the disability claim decides that he's been disabled for 24 months or more, it will come with medical coverage (medicare?).

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Have you considered having him apply for the Federal Pre-existing Condition Insurance Pool? Even if you are putting the premiums on credit cards until he gets approved for disability, at least you get access to the care he needs and I can't imagine the debt would be worse than going to the hospital w/o insurance.


Pre-Existing Insurance Pool

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I can't find words. I am so sorry you are all going through this.


It seems so tragic. When we think about health insurance, it is easy to think it is just about money.


But, then I read this, and, wow, it's really about life and death.


I am SO sorry. Wow, wow, wow. I am sure you are looking at every option, and I hope and pray that some door or window will open for your husband to get the care he so desperately needs.

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Have you considered having him apply for the Federal Pre-existing Condition Insurance Pool? Even if you are putting the premiums on credit cards until he gets approved for disability, at least you get access to the care he needs and I can't imagine the debt would be worse than going to the hospital w/o insurance.


Pre-Existing Insurance Pool


I am familiar with this option. I do not have credit cards or $500 a month.


Edited to add: This sounded so snarky and cryptic. I would not be able to keep up those payments. Not this year, anyway.

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Oh, good! I'll check my mail because I wrote him (and Rick Perry, and copied countless lesser known politicals). ;)


I used to easily and comfortably claim "conservative" until I was a single mom and, more recently, this.


Sorry Joanne---I wasn't trying to be political or raise hackles. I just get really saddened by reading stories of healthcare nightmares like yours and hearing about any politician raising millions for TV ads for re-election. It just seems so wrong when so many are suffering :001_huh:

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I don't know your specifics or which state you live in. But, is there a county hospital? They take everyone. Most hospitals also have outpatient clinics. When you present to a hospital without insurance, the admissions staff help you with all paperwork. All that said, if you have any assets, that will count against you ( higher copay). Why can't he go on Medicare? He needs to find a primary doc who can write for full disability. (even temporary). I sure hope this helps and so sorry for you!

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Have you called Pittsburg PA? That is where we sent everyone no one else would touch.


How about all the hospitals who deal with liver transplants in your region?




Pitt is where my brother had his double lung transplant. He had insurance, but it didn't cover everything. They even helped with his housing while he waited the 3 months it took to get his lungs.


I'd call.



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Sorry Joanne---I wasn't trying to be political or raise hackles. I just get really saddened by reading stories of healthcare nightmares like yours and hearing about any politician raising millions for TV ads for re-election. It just seems so wrong when so many are suffering :001_huh:


It IS political. And I'm fairly sure Joanne would agree. It's also a matter of humanity, dignity, and needless suffering. As angry as it makes you to see politicians raising millions of dollars to win elections, it makes me and many others just as angry to read members here spout off on the health care threads that occasionally crop up about how the poor just didn't plan well enough, and that's not MY fault, so why should *I* have to pay?


No one PLANS to replace a vital organ. You plan to replace your tires, your refrigerator, and your computer. You don't plan to buy a new liver.


There but for the grace of God go any one of us.


I'm so, so sorry Joanne. There truly are no words, and no rest, and no fairness. I'm thinking of you, sending you peace and holding you in the light.



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No one PLANS to replace a vital organ. You plan to replace your tires, your refrigerator, and your computer. You don't plan to buy a new liver.


BTW, short of being as rich as Steve Jobs, even those with insurance end up on a long wait list and many die on it. I think there are well over 10,000 on the list. I bring this up to remind all those who wish more livers (etc) available to make their organ donation status clear.

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BTW, short of being as rich as Steve Jobs, even those with insurance end up on a long wait list and many die on it. I think there are well over 10,000 on the list. I bring this up to remind all those who wish more livers (etc) available to make their organ donation status clear.


Mine is. :)

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I don't know your specifics or which state you live in. But, is there a county hospital? They take everyone. Most hospitals also have outpatient clinics. When you present to a hospital without insurance, the admissions staff help you with all paperwork. All that said, if you have any assets, that will count against you ( higher copay). Why can't he go on Medicare? He needs to find a primary doc who can write for full disability. (even temporary). I sure hope this helps and so sorry for you!



Well... you see... this is a common misconception and/or misunderstanding that most people seem to have, but which Joanne's case sadly illustrates as patently untrue.


The county hospital might have to see her dh, and they might be obligated to stabilize him, but they are NOT under any obligation whatsoever to provide him with the TREATMENT and THERAPY and SURGERY that he needs in order to have any chance of recovering from his illness. All the hospital has to do is get him to a state where he is stable -- not well -- just stable. Once they've done that, they can kick him out the door. And then he goes home, deteriorates again, goes back to the hospital, who merely stablizes his immediate condition, but does nothing to treat his illness, then sends him home again to start the vicious cycle all over again.


Joanne has already been through that cycle several times now. Her dh needs treatment and no hospital (so far) will give it to her.


So... when people say that a hospital HAS to treat you, they are wrong. They only have to stablize your current condition. They don't HAVE to treat a doggone thing.


And, that is a disgusting practice that has no place in any compassionate country.

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It IS political. And I'm fairly sure Joanne would agree. It's also a matter of humanity, dignity, and needless suffering. As angry as it makes you to see politicians raising millions of dollars to win elections, it makes me and many others just as angry to read members here spout off on the health care threads that occasionally crop up about how the poor just didn't plan well enough, and that's not MY fault, so why should *I* have to pay?


No one PLANS to replace a vital organ. You plan to replace your tires, your refrigerator, and your computer. You don't plan to buy a new liver.


There but for the grace of God go any one of us.


I'm so, so sorry Joanne. There truly are no words, and no rest, and no fairness. I'm thinking of you, sending you peace and holding you in the light.






Dear Joanne, I am praying so hard for you and for Adrien. I just don't know what else I can do.


There aren't any words. Just support. :grouphug:



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I am so sorry your family is going through this crisis.


I thought when I read your post this morning about confusion and having to call 911 that it was a liver issue. I wish there was something I could do, because I know how helpless it feels. I am praying that you are able to qualify for either medicaid or medicare, because the sooner the better. Has he had the TIPS procedure? It is a mixed blessing, but helps with the edema and more importantly the confusion due to toxins in the blood stream.


My best advice is to try to take care of you, even when it seems impossible, because this comes in waves and I know how hard it can be to keep from feeling like you are drowning.

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Well... you see... this is a common misconception and/or misunderstanding that most people seem to have, but which Joanne's case sadly illustrates as patently untrue.


The county hospital might have to see her dh, and they might be obligated to stabilize him, but they are NOT under any obligation whatsoever to provide him with the TREATMENT and THERAPY and SURGERY that he needs in order to have any chance of recovering from his illness. All the hospital has to do is get him to a state where he is stable -- not well -- just stable. Once they've done that, they can kick him out the door. And then he goes home, deteriorates again, goes back to the hospital, who merely stablizes his immediate condition, but does nothing to treat his illness, then sends him home again to start the vicious cycle all over again.


Joanne has already been through that cycle several times now. Her dh needs treatment and no hospital (so far) will give it to her.


So... when people say that a hospital HAS to treat you, they are wrong. They only have to stablize your current condition. They don't HAVE to treat a doggone thing.


And, that is a disgusting practice that has no place in any compassionate country.



This. And I know of not one single county hospital in our area that even has the ability to handle a disease of this level much less an organ transplant. It's likely the same in Joanne's area.


Where has all of the compassion gone?



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