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Who was in the room with you during your deliveries

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other than the medical staff, of course.


For me:


With #1: my husband, my mom, my best friend


With #2: my husband, my mom (best friend couldn't be there because she lived in a different state and was 8 months pregnant herself)


With #3: my husband, my best friend (mom had gone home to take my other girls to my dad and got there about 5 minutes late)


Just curious.

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For the actual delivery it was me and the docs. I ended up having to have help and delivered in the OR even though I didn't have a section.


Prior to that it seems like dh's entire family came in and out of the room. I had to run 3 old men I hardly knew out at one point because it was just them and me and I had to pee. :glare:

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#1 dh (and way to many nurses watching me deliver drug free)

#2 dh

#3 ??dh, maybe my friend who was acting a doula/photographer and we were joined within minutes by grandma and older brothers. They had wanted to be at the birth but due to complications we thought it best to wait till baby was out.

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For DD, it was DH, my parents and the medical staff DH had scared the wits out of. My parents left when DD made her actual appearance.


For DS, it was DH and the OB and a nurse and as soon as DS was pronounced fine, DH left and went back to work. Mom held DS while I took a shower and that was that.

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#1: DH and the hospital staff (the doctor delivering and two nurses)


#2: The OB (who was the OB I'd seen my whole pregnancy), a few nurses, and some med students


#3: My doula, the CNW on staff, a few nurses, and some med students


With #2 and #3, DH came (with DS with #2 and with DS and DD for #3) when I was delivering but didn't actually come in with the kids until the baby was delivered. Both times, he and the kids stayed on the other side of the room (separated by a curtain) until I was all sewn up and cleaned up.

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Just DH for all three deliveries.


Would have been that way regardless, it's not a show for me....DH and I created the miracle, I wouldn't have anyone else there in for that special time.


But wasn't a concern anyway...no family around during DS1 delivery, In-laws lived in town during DS2, but was out of town the week he was born,(he was 8 weeks premature), and for DS3, again, no family in town, as we had moved to a new state.

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I ended up having a csection, so it was just my DH and what seemed at the time like 100 medical folk. Before my hospital transfer we were trying for a homebirth, so while I was pushing at home, I had my DH, two lovely, sweet midwives, and one apprentice in the room. My mom in sister were one room away. They could see me most of the time, but they weren't *right there.* I wanted my dad to be in the house with me too, but he had to work. :(

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Had DC1 in the hospital with medical staff and dh.


DC2 was born at a birth center with a midwife, dh and friend in attendance.


DC3 was born at home with two midwives, dh, two friends and two older siblings in attendance. (Kids stood at my head and didn't see anything inappropriate. Great birth control for soon-to-be teens!)

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1: no one but medical staff. I had a c/s and the epidural/spinal didn't work, so they had to put me under general anesthesia.

2: DH

3: DH

All mine were c/s, but it would have just been him in any case.

For all 3, my grandparents were waiting in the room for me to come back. Well, actually, for the first 2 they were. For the 3rd, they were in the waiting room, because they had the boys.

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#1: Husband, My mom, Sister, Cousin(female), Aunt, MIL, SIL(maybe 2 can't remember), OB, Nurses. (a bit too many people at this one)


#2: Husband, My mom, Sister, MIL(came right at the end), SIL(1, or 2), CNM, Nurses


#3: Husband, Sister, My mom, SIL(1), My oldest ds, CNM, Nurses. MIL and FIL were with my oldest dd in waiting room.


#4: Husband, Sister, My mom, oldest ds, oldest dd, CNM, Nurses. MIL, and FIL had dd 2.


My dh and I were alone with hospital staff, and CNM for most of the labor.

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#1 - DH


#2 - DH


#3 - DH, two midwives, my mother, my brother and my dd.


#4 - Dh, two midwives and my brother


#5 - DH, medical staff and one friend of the family


#6 - DH, two midwives, two dd, one of their cousins, my sister in law and my brother. There may have been more at this one. I don't quite remember. It was a difficult delivery with immediate transfer to hospital.


My brother was the photographer for most of the births and obviously I am very comfortable with him. I imagine that if I was ever really ill he would one of the people I could count on to take care of me.



My dd had the midwife, DH, one of her sisterss and me. I imagine most of her sister will the same except for one who may do it all by herself.

Edited by KidsHappen
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Just Dh...I didn't want drugs and didn't want people around me that would be worked up or trying to push things on me. We wanted at least an hour or 2 after dd was born for just the three of us. Both of our mothers would tend to tell us we are doing it wrong and it doesn't much matter what it is.:glare:

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#1: DH, midwife, doula, doula student, plus hospital staff (it was a homebirth transfer)


#2: DH, midwife, midwife student, doula, doula's daughter who was entertaining DD (homebirth)


#3: DH, midwife acting as a doula, best friend who was entertaining DD and DS, hospital staff (it was a planned birth center birth turned induction at the hospital)


#4: DH, best friend who was entertaining DD, DS, and DS, hospital staff which included the doctor, a student, and a nurse (it was a planned birth center birth turned induction at the hospital)

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Dh, of course.


With the first, that was it. I had preeclampsia and was induced after several days in the hospital. The room was full of doctors and nurses, so no one else was allowed in. It was frightening and not a pleasant time.


With the second, the doctor let dh scrub in and deliver, so my mom came to stand next to me. There were also about five nursing students. I had an epidural, and it actually worked, and it was an easy delivery of a 10 lb baby. :001_smile: It was a great experience, which made me overconfident for....


My third, in which my mil, mother, and dh were there the whole time, and sil and aunt came in and out. My mil has no daughters, so I wanted to let her experience that once. My epidural didn't work, and it was a very difficult and long delivery. I put on quite a show for everyone. :lol:

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DD - Dh, labor nurse, completely incompetent doctor with a serious woman hating attitude - I think he went into OB in order to torture women.


Ds #1 - Dh, labor nurse, midwife


Ds #2 - Dh, midwife...labor nurse went to check on another patient and ds came so fast she didn't have time to get back. She popped in about 90 seconds later and was shocked a little!


Ds #3 - Dh and two midwives for most of it...Christie really wanted to hang around after shift so she could see him, but she was coming back on shift early and needed to get some sleep. About an hour before he delivered, I sent her off home, and a labor nurse came in to assist the other midwife, Marilynn. Marilynn sent her ought of the room to fetch something and she nearly missed it too! When my boys decided it was time, there was no delaying for anything. I think they still exhibit this impatience! :D


Notice, except for necessary medical personnel (though, I am convinced that moron doctor could have left the room and my labor nurse could ahve completed the job without assistance, nonsense, or harming me), and dh....no.one.else. I'm an intensely private person and frankly, probably would have gone without the labor nurse for #'s 2, 3, and 4. But, they were really sweet ladies and I think my midwife really wanted the extra pair of hands. So, I let it go. For most of my labor, I made it known that I didn't want a bunch of people hanging around.


I also never allowed a hospital chaplain or even any clergymen I knew to visit me. Apparently, I offended my pastor when dd was born because he felt he was slighted because I specifically said, No visitors. But, honestly, I don't want other men around me when I'm recovering from childbirth. I just prefer dh.



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#1: Dh and my mom (nurses and doctors). My dad was in the waiting room.


#2: Dh, midwife and nurse (my mom and dad were home with the toddler).


#3: Dh, my mom, my dad and my two sons (one in his bathing suit to get in the pool and help catch the baby and the other ready to cut the cord) and the midwife and nurse.

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#1 DH, My mom

#2 DH, my mom

#3 DH, my mom, friend

#4 My mom(Dh stayed in the van with the other three. My mom was in her last months of life and it made sense to have her there)

#5 DH

#6 Friend(went to fast, DH got home just 2 minutes after she was born)

#7 DH and an older woman from church who had been a l&d nurse for 14 years and wanted to see a homebirth. She was blown away and we became good friends.


With all the homebirths the kids have been right outside the door and come in within two minutes to see the new babe.

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Before the c-section when I was still trying to deliver normally: Dh and my mum, helping me with lamaze massages. Well my dh and mum were taking turns doing this.


When I went into the or for emergency c-section:


#1- DH


My mum was just outside the OR and not with me because of hospital restrictions.

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#1 hubby and mom

#2 & #3 hubby


My sister was 8 months pregnant when I had #1 and the staff would not let her in the room. My labor was hard and without medication; they didn't want her to witness the miracle of birth. She was on the way to see #2 being born, but arrived 10 minutes too late. The next birth, I was induced and she was planning to leave her house around 5 am to get there in the morning, but baby 3 arrived at 3:00 am. She was so sad to not have made it to any of the births.


I was in the room when my neice was born. Way more amazing to be in the delivery room when you are not the patient.

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