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Prayers please. Ds was taken off our cruise in an ambulance in Cabo

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He had an emergency appendectomy last night at a hospital here. He is doing well now, but is in quite a bit of pain. Dh is staying with him. Disney arranged for the rest of us to stay at a resort here in Cabo. I just wish I could enjoy it.


It has been an emotional roller coaster. I am so relieved that Andrew is better. But I am disappointed to cut our vacation short. And, we are now stuck in Cabo completely dependent on others to get us out of Mexico!


Lesson learned. Get vacation insurance. I am so relieved to know that when we return home, we are completely covered.

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Oh, no! Was this your west coast Disney Cruise? How scary! Did he suddenly just feel ill, and you had to go to the, oh, I can't think of what it's called, the very front/bottom of the boat where the little clinic is, with the big decals of Mickey and Minnie on the walls? The only time we've ever had to go there on all of our cruises was when DD got a little piece of bark in her eye on the beach in St. Thomas and we couldn't get it out. They were so sweet to her. I can't imagine getting seriously ill that far from home. Well, except having preeclampsia and having an emergency C-Section in--guess where--Orlando!!! As my DH says, if you go there often enough, something's bound to happen. Hopefully, this was your one and only "something."


Any chance he'll pull one of those amazingly fast kid recoveries, and you can all enjoy the resort for a few days? Were you planning on anything else after the cruise, or were you just heading home?


Praying for Andrew and your family! :grouphug:

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(((Jennifer))) I'm sending prayers your way.:grouphug:


He had an emergency appendectomy last night at a hospital here. He is doing well now, but is in quite a bit of pain. Dh is staying with him. Disney arranged for the rest of us to stay at a resort here in Cabo. I just wish I could enjoy it.


It has been an emotional roller coaster. I am so relieved that Andrew is better. But I am disappointed to cut our vacation short. And, we are now stuck in Cabo completely dependent on others to get us out of Mexico!


Lesson learned. Get vacation insurance. I am so relieved to know that when we return home, we are completely covered.

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Oh, no! Was this your west coast Disney Cruise? How scary! Did he suddenly just feel ill, and you had to go to the, oh, I can't think of what it's called, the very front/bottom of the boat where the little clinic is, with the big decals of Mickey and Minnie on the walls? The only time we've ever had to go there on all of our cruises was when DD got a little piece of bark in her eye on the beach in St. Thomas and we couldn't get it out. They were so sweet to her. I can't imagine getting seriously ill that far from home. Well, except having preeclampsia and having an emergency C-Section in--guess where--Orlando!!! As my DH says, if you go there often enough, something's bound to happen. Hopefully, this was your one and only "something."


Any chance he'll pull one of those amazingly fast kid recoveries, and you can all enjoy the resort for a few days? Were you planning on anything else after the cruise, or were you just heading home?


Praying for Andrew and your family! :grouphug:


Unfortunately, we have had a number of "something's" on vacation. We just have the worst luck! How scary for you to have a baby that far from home! How long before you could travel home?


Yes. This was our cruise. We were at the end of our trip, so we will just go straight home as soon as the doctor says he can travel. Probably Monday.


He started with a stomach ache on wednesday night. We were in that clinic twice. Then, the next day, the pain localized in his lower right side. They ran a blood test around 8 pm that night and we were off the ship by 8:30. They had to hold the ship in Cabo for us!

Poor boy! Poor you! Try to get him up and moving a little, I am pretty sure that helped dd recover sooner, even though she didn't that me for it at the time.


Hope he feels better soon.


They are making him walk a lot. He isn't happy with it, but he is doing it.


:grouphug: We've done the hospitalization-in-a-foreign-country-on-vacation thing.


I hope you are able to successfully hit Reset and enjoy the rest of your vacation.


What happened to you? Where were you? It is just so scary when nothing is familiar. We are at a hotel and the waiters told us that food was safe for my peanut/tree nut allergic child. He had a reaction. Needed emergency transport to the ER where Andrew is! Ugh. When it rains, it really pours.


So sorry. Horrible timing but it sounds like he is in good hands. Did his appendix rupture or did they catch it in time?


They caught it. They said his was a level 2, almost level 3. Level4 is when it bursts. The docs said the surgery was very smooth. Thank God!!!

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What happened to you? Where were you? It is just so scary when nothing is familiar. We are at a hotel and the waiters told us that food was safe for my peanut/tree nut allergic child. He had a reaction. Needed emergency transport to the ER where Andrew is! Ugh. When it rains, it really pours.


We were in a remote part of Costa Rica, staying at a home with no telephone. Our then-five-year-old son rocked off the raised porch of the rental house and landed on a huge paving stone six feet down. We rushed him to the medical clinic, they transported him, me, and our nursing baby by ambulance boat and then ambulance to a hospital across the gulf. They took x-rays and ultrasounds and said he had internal bleeding (they suspected a ruptured spleen, but I don't speak Spanish and didn't learn that until later) and transported us to a different hospital near the Panamanian border. It took my husband 24 hours to find out where we were and another 18 or so to reach us. (He had to pack up all our stuff, didn't want to leave late at night, and then had to change a flat tire in the rain.)


It was crazy and scary, and I carry a Spanish-English dictionary with me at all times now when we go to Costa Rica. And I'm sure the doctors and nurses are still talking about the insane American who brought a nursing baby to a hospital! I have a new sympathy for people who come to the US and are having to navigate a strange system in a foreign language.


Anyway, we all survived and it makes a great story. Now. Years later.


I hope both of your sons have speedy recoveries.

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It is just so scary when nothing is familiar. We are at a hotel and the waiters told us that food was safe for my peanut/tree nut allergic child. He had a reaction. Needed emergency transport to the ER where Andrew is! Ugh. When it rains, it really pours.

We are taking our peanut allergic child on his first international trip in a few days. I am terrified of him having a reaction in a foreign country. I really shouldn't be reading this thread!!! :tongue_smilie:


On a serious note, though.


Praying that both of your sons have a quick recovery and that the remainder of your vacation is uneventful.

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Oh no! Not your Disney cruise! Wow, you guys have had quite a rough time huh? Appendicitis and an allergic reaction?? I'm glad both of your kids are okay. Hopefully the rest of the time will be okay.


Yup. I have to say though, we had a great 2 weeks away from home before the Disney cruise started. We really are at the end of our vacation. So that is good. And, you really ought to see where we are staying right now! Look it up. We are at the Westin in Los cabos. There are seven pools. All have views of the sea of Cortez. Amazing! We are keeping will on foods that are boxed that have warnings. He is getting a little sick of cold cereal and fruit, but at least he will live!


I am much better now. Andrew and dh are here with us now. The insurance company is going to set up our flights for us. Right now we are in a holding pattern.


Get this. The insurance will pay for up to $18,000 for our trip interruption. That has to include reimbursements for the time lost on the cruise, flights home, hotel, food, etc. They are paying in FULL for andrew's surgery. We had to put down $10,000 just in case. So, if you travel overseas, make sure you have a high limit on your credit card!


We were in a remote part of Costa Rica, staying at a home with no telephone. Our then-five-year-old son rocked off the raised porch of the rental house and landed on a huge paving stone six feet down. We rushed him to the medical clinic, they transported him, me, and our nursing baby by ambulance boat and then ambulance to a hospital across the gulf. They took x-rays and ultrasounds and said he had internal bleeding (they suspected a ruptured spleen, but I don't speak Spanish and didn't learn that until later) and transported us to a different hospital near the Panamanian border. It took my husband 24 hours to find out where we were and another 18 or so to reach us. (He had to pack up all our stuff, didn't want to leave late at night, and then had to change a flat tire in the rain.)


It was crazy and scary, and I carry a Spanish-English dictionary with me at all times now when we go to Costa Rica. And I'm sure the doctors and nurses are still talking about the insane American who brought a nursing baby to a hospital! I have a new sympathy for people who come to the US and are having to navigate a strange system in a foreign language.


Anyway, we all survived and it makes a great story. Now. Years later.


I hope both of your sons have speedy recoveries.


Oh my gosh! That is even crazier than our story!!! Wow! What a horrible ordeal. I can see how it makes a great story now though. This will make a great story. Much later. I still cannot believe it happened. I am so grateful that they found us a hospital with English speaking doctors. That made a huge difference. I can speak Spanish, but not medical terms.


And, yes! I have a new respect for people who don't speak English and move to our country.



We are taking our peanut allergic child on his first international trip in a few days. I am terrified of him having a reaction in a foreign country. I really shouldn't be reading this thread!!! :tongue_smilie:


On a serious note, though.


Praying that both of your sons have a quick recovery and that the remainder of your vacation is uneventful.


Where are you going? Is it with a tour group? My son had another issue at one of our ports. But, we did't let him eat there. We got back on the ship for him to eat. We decided that if we travel again, we will do it with a tour group that is known for dealing with allergies. Like Disney! They have tours all over the world.


But, I am not sure we will be traveling overseas again anytime soon. Makes me so sad. I LOVE traveling and dreamed of showing my kids the world. I think we will stick to the US for a long time now.

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Yup. I have to say though, we had a great 2 weeks away from home before the Disney cruise started. We really are at the end of our vacation. So that is good. And, you really ought to see where we are staying right now! Look it up. We are at the Westin in Los cabos. There are seven pools. All have views of the sea of Cortez. Amazing! We are keeping will on foods that are boxed that have warnings. He is getting a little sick of cold cereal and fruit, but at least he will live!


I am much better now. Andrew and dh are here with us now. The insurance company is going to set up our flights for us. Right now we are in a holding pattern.


Get this. The insurance will pay for up to $18,000 for our trip interruption. That has to include reimbursements for the time lost on the cruise, flights home, hotel, food, etc. They are paying in FULL for andrew's surgery. We had to put down $10,000 just in case. So, if you travel overseas, make sure you have a high limit on your credit card!




Oh my gosh! That is even crazier than our story!!! Wow! What a horrible ordeal. I can see how it makes a great story now though. This will make a great story. Much later. I still cannot believe it happened. I am so grateful that they found us a hospital with English speaking doctors. That made a huge difference. I can speak Spanish, but not medical terms.


And, yes! I have a new respect for people who don't speak English and move to our country.




Where are you going? Is it with a tour group? My son had another issue at one of our ports. But, we did't let him eat there. We got back on the ship for him to eat. We decided that if we travel again, we will do it with a tour group that is known for dealing with allergies. Like Disney! They have tours all over the world.


But, I am not sure we will be traveling overseas again anytime soon. Makes me so sad. I LOVE traveling and dreamed of showing my kids the world. I think we will stick to the US for a long time now.


You need to read Don't Kill the Birthday Girl.


Its about this young woman with an insane amount of food allergies.


**Glad to hear your son is on the road to recovery. I had an emergency appendectomy when I was 12.

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Where are you going? Is it with a tour group? My son had another issue at one of our ports. But, we did't let him eat there. We got back on the ship for him to eat. We decided that if we travel again, we will do it with a tour group that is known for dealing with allergies. Like Disney! They have tours all over the world.

We are going to France, though not with a tour group. We wanted the freedom to see and do what we wanted by ourselves. But as the date is getting closer (less than 72 hours?!), I am getting more and more nervous about the allergies.

From what I have researched, they don't use peanuts as much - but do use a lot of hazelnuts. He has never had hazelnuts before, so it feels like this 'big unknown' hanging over his head, you know? If nothing else, I figure he can live on bread, cheese and fresh fruit for the week.


The insurance will pay for up to $18,000 for our trip interruption. That has to include reimbursements for the time lost on the cruise, flights home, hotel, food, etc. They are paying in FULL for andrew's surgery. We had to put down $10,000 just in case. So, if you travel overseas, make sure you have a high limit on your credit card!
Wow. :001_huh:


have to say though, we had a great 2 weeks away from home before the Disney cruise started. We really are at the end of our vacation. So that is good. And, you really ought to see where we are staying right now! Look it up. We are at the Westin in Los cabos. There are seven pools. All have views of the sea of Cortez. Amazing!
What a lovely spot for an emergency surgery. :D

A friend was telling me recently about the time her sister ruined their vacation - in Iowa!! :lol: - because she needed emergency surgery. They were stuck in a motel in the middle of corn fields for a week while her sister recovered and was well enough to travel.

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So glad he didn't burst as that makes a huge difference.


DD15 had her appendix burst this summer (July 26) and she STILL isn't 100%. She's still so tired and when we all had colds two weeks ago, hers turned into a sinus infection.


The little boy (about 6 yrs) in the hospital room next to my dd was on vacation here with his parents here when his burst too -- extending his vacation a couple of weeks. He went into surgery 1/2 hour after my dd and then my dd spent 9 nights in the hospital and the little boy was STILL there when my dd came home.


Then, a guy at church felt bad one Sunday in August, rushed to the ER on Monday when he suspected his appendix and they got it out before it burst and he was riding his bike through the neighborhood on Friday!


I remember reading in the paper a few years ago about a girl on a cruise who they diagnosed with appendicitis when they were days from a port. A Naval carrier was somewhat close, so they sent a helicopter, grabbed her (and her mom!) and they gave her an appendectomy on the carrier. She has quite the story to tell. Wow.


Another guy from our church was in that Chinese high speed train that crashed (it killed his parents and he was in critical shape) earlier in July and he STILL is trying to get well enough to come home to his wife, three little kids, and a bun in the oven. It's hard to get sick or hurt while travelling.


Anyway, come home soon and safely.

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We are going to France, though not with a tour group. We wanted the freedom to see and do what we wanted by ourselves. But as the date is getting closer (less than 72 hours?!), I am getting more and more nervous about the allergies.

From what I have researched, they don't use peanuts as much - but do use a lot of hazelnuts. He has never had hazelnuts before, so it feels like this 'big unknown' hanging over his head, you know? If nothing else, I figure he can live on bread, cheese and fresh fruit for the week.


Wow. :001_huh:


What a lovely spot for an emergency surgery. :D

A friend was telling me recently about the time her sister ruined their vacation - in Iowa!! :lol: - because she needed emergency surgery. They were stuck in a motel in the middle of corn fields for a week while her sister recovered and was well enough to travel.


I am sure all will be fine. Do you speak French? I think we would be having an easier time if there weren't the language barrier. Also, make sure you know where to go in case you need help. Do you have vacation insurance? I only ask because this would have been awful if we didn't!



Lol about your friend being stuck in Iowa! That is horrible! We really are counting our blessings! This is a gorgeous place to be stuck!


So glad he didn't burst as that makes a huge difference.


DD15 had her appendix burst this summer (July 26) and she STILL isn't 100%. She's still so tired and when we all had colds two weeks ago, hers turned into a sinus infection.


The little boy (about 6 yrs) in the hospital room next to my dd was on vacation here with his parents here when his burst too -- extending his vacation a couple of weeks. He went into surgery 1/2 hour after my dd and then my dd spent 9 nights in the hospital and the little boy was STILL there when my dd came home.


Then, a guy at church felt bad one Sunday in August, rushed to the ER on Monday when he suspected his appendix and they got it out before it burst and he was riding his bike through the neighborhood on Friday!


I remember reading in the paper a few years ago about a girl on a cruise who they diagnosed with appendicitis when they were days from a port. A Naval carrier was somewhat close, so they sent a helicopter, grabbed her (and her mom!) and they gave her an appendectomy on the carrier. She has quite the story to tell. Wow.


Another guy from our church was in that Chinese high speed train that crashed (it killed his parents and he was in critical shape) earlier in July and he STILL is trying to get well enough to come home to his wife, three little kids, and a bun in the oven. It's hard to get sick or hurt while travelling.


Anyway, come home soon and safely.


Wow! Those are some scary stories! Especially the one about the aircraft carrier. Sorry to read about your dd! I hope she is better soon. My ds was riding the waves in Puerto Vallarta the day before he had his appendix out! It surenhappens fast!


You need to read Don't Kill the Birthday Girl.


Its about this young woman with an insane amount of food allergies.


**Glad to hear your son is on the road to recovery. I had an emergency appendectomy when I was 12.


I will check that out when I get home. Sounds interesting. I wonder if that age is common for appendicitis attacks. My brother and sister both had attacks at 12!

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