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My dog and my grandma both died last night...


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Peela!!! I can't imagine so much tragedy and loss hitting you all at once! I'm SO sorry!!! No matter how much the death is expected, it is NEVER easy.


You are a strong, wise woman, Peela. I have every confidence that great things lie ahead for you. Take time to let the grief process truly work it's way through you, and don't think twice about how you're coping with it. The grief process is very unique to each individual, and yours is your very own personal journey. Accept it, embrace it, and don't fight it. I see too many people fighting their grief process and it doesn't help ever.



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:grouphug: I agree with Denisemomof4, it's very important to be aware of your grieving process. Allow yourself some moments each day to simply "feel" and that will generally enable you to stand stronger. Many people do the exact opposite.

Lots of :grouphug: your way!

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Wow. This place is truly unique and amazing. Thankyou so much for all your kind words- I read them all. Denise and others...yes, I am taking time to grieve and am crying as it arises. It is amazing how the grief process has a life of its own.


On the good side, I was told today by the real estate agent that I got the house I wanted- so, along with the sadness, I am celebrating a new life beginning. This transition phase has been difficult- still being here when I want to be elsewhere. But overall, I have been supported well throughout. Even the funeral I am going to means I will see all my cousins and uncles and aunts again, after many years, so there are blessings amongst it all.


thanks- love to you all

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:grouphug: I agree with Denisemomof4, it's very important to be aware of your grieving process. Allow yourself some moments each day to simply "feel" and that will generally enable you to stand stronger. Many people do the exact opposite.

Lots of :grouphug: your way!


:iagree: Not only do many people to the exact opposite, many well meaning people (or not!) will tell you you need to get on, get over it, just don't think about it, handle it like ____________________ did. :glare:


Grief is an entirely individual thing, and each person needs to fully embrace their own process - a process that will look like no other persons.

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Wow. This place is truly unique and amazing. Thankyou so much for all your kind words- I read them all. Denise and others...yes, I am taking time to grieve and am crying as it arises. It is amazing how the grief process has a life of its own.


On the good side, I was told today by the real estate agent that I got the house I wanted- so, along with the sadness, I am celebrating a new life beginning. This transition phase has been difficult- still being here when I want to be elsewhere. But overall, I have been supported well throughout. Even the funeral I am going to means I will see all my cousins and uncles and aunts again, after many years, so there are blessings amongst it all.


thanks- love to you all


:grouphug::grouphug::grouphug: I'm so glad you got the house and will be able to be with family.


Be prepared... one more thing (sorry, but during my own grieving process there was so much that shocked me, and the most shocking part to me was that nobody ever discussed these type of things!) your crying will hit you at the strangest times and in the strangest places. I go grocery shopping every week, but all of a sudden, one time after my dad's death, MANY months later, I saw his favorite Paul Newman's limeade and cried my heart out right there in the grocery store. It was embarrassing, but I needed to get it all out.


Dd11 just had a breakdown last week thinking of her nana.


It will pop up at unexpected times.



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:grouphug::grouphug::grouphug: I'm so glad you got the house and will be able to be with family.


Be prepared... one more thing (sorry, but during my own grieving process there was so much that shocked me, and the most shocking part to me was that nobody ever discussed these type of things!) your crying will hit you at the strangest times and in the strangest places. I go grocery shopping every week, but all of a sudden, one time after my dad's death, MANY months later, I saw his favorite Paul Newman's limeade and cried my heart out right there in the grocery store. It was embarrassing, but I needed to get it all out.


Dd11 just had a breakdown last week thinking of her nana.


It will pop up at unexpected times.




Oh my goodness, I had the same experience, but it was a head of broccoli. My dad detested broccoli.


Denise is so right, expect feelings to pop up unexpectedly. Let them come when they come.


Oh Peela, what a lot to wrap your mind around all at the same time. :grouphug::grouphug::grouphug:


Congrats on the new house, may it be filled with much love and laughter.

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This is an intense time of endings and beginnings for me and I may as well share some of it here.


Dh and I are separating....fairly amicably. We love each other. I don't want to live with him. I won't go into the story. I am ok and feeling positive for the future. The kids are ok too. It is hard but real.


As we are in this transition and the kids and I are still here, while looking for a new home for us....our beautiful family dog died last night. Talk about touch on an ocean of grief for everyone. She had been sick with bladder cancer for quite a while...and we knew she was dying...but it was still a bit of a shock- yesterday morning she was still walking around.


I didnt sleep well, and at 6.30am the phone rang- mum telling me that Grandma had died early this morning. That was sort of expected too but you just never know exactly when, and on top of the dog...well, you can imagine. I was very close to my grandma...I am the oldest grandchild and she doted on me. She had Alzheimers for quite a while and long since lost the capacity to communicate well...but now she is gone I can connect more with how she used to be before she lost her memory and previous personality. She was the family matriarch- it is the end of an era. I am flying over east for the funeral, and my cousins are flying in too- which we wouldn't do for our other grandparents.


So....wow. What a week. So much change. I feel raw but these were not unexpected deaths, although the timing is unusual. And my marriage ending is not so unexpected either- I haven't shared much here about it. Its just strange how things line up.


Thanks for listening.


I am so sorry Peela. :grouphug:

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