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What does your dog sleep on?

What does your dog sleep on?  

  1. 1. What does your dog sleep on?

    • Dog bed
    • Our bed
    • Furniture
    • Floor
    • Blanket
    • Other- because I am sure I have forgotten a category

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Just curious. We don't have dog beds and my dogs sleep on the floor, well, one has a towel she likes and the other likes the floor and prefers it.


I have thought of getting a dog bed but I am finding flimsy ones or very expensive ones......suggestions?



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She has a bed and a throw on top of it. We bought her a nice bed from Target and she ate it, or at least a hole in it. She also has a fleece blanket my mom made her. It has two layers of fleece with some batting inbetween. All of these things are easily washed.

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Even at night? Yikes!




I picked other. Since mine prefers ME! Ya, my pug thinks I am the most comfortable place to sleep. Doesn't matter if I push him off or not he climbs back up on me and sleeps.
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I wouldn't be able to sleep!


Our dogs have been confined to only half of our house now. They have access to the sunroom, kitchen, dining room/schoolroom, and the basement.


Once we put in new hardwood flooring in the living room and master we realized their nails were scratching up our new flooring.....so we don't let them in there anymore.




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My little inside dog sleeps on furniture and the bed during the day and at night goes in his crate to sleep on a pillow because that is what he prefers. We don't even shut the door, he just goes in there.


The big dog that lives in the garage sleeps on.....

an egg crate foam pad

a double bed comforter folded up,

two pillows,

a sheet,

and we cover her up and tuck her in with a fleece blanket at night. She also drags her blankie around with her. If we let her outside, she'll take her blankie out and sleep on it in the grass. She's cute.

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this really should have been a multiple choice poll.

During the day, the dog sleeps in his dog bed. At night, he's either on our bed, or on any clothes that he can find on the floor. Towels, pants, we even found him curled up on a single child sock once. Anything that bears our odour I guess. But during the day? Dog bed for sure.

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Our lab "pretends" to sleep on her dog bed, but as soon as she thinks we are asleep she heads for the recliner AND sneaks out of it in the morning (she is not allowed on our furniture and she knows it) AS IF I dont see all the dog hair lol


I hear her jump down if I get up to go to the bathroom or if my 2YO gets up at night and she casually lays on her bed then :lol: I am SO on to her.

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Our lab "pretends" to sleep on her dog bed, but as soon as she thinks we are asleep she heads for the recliner AND sneaks out of it in the morning (she is not allowed on our furniture and she knows it) AS IF I dont see all the dog hair lol


I hear her jump down if I get up to go to the bathroom or if my 2YO gets up at night and she casually lays on her bed then :lol: I am SO on to her.


Our Jack Russell Terrier does the same thing LOL! He knows he's not allowed on our furniture, but on the rare occasion that we leave him out while we are gone, he jumps immediately up onto the couch. How do I know? I forgot something one time and as soon as I shut the door, I opened it right back up and came back in the house to get it. I heard his paws hitting the ground from jumping back up off the couch so quickly! He jumped up there the second I shut the door! Sneaky little things LOL

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My dog has two kennels, one downstairs and one upstairs. Each of them has a nice LL Bean dog throw in it. He's only in those when he wants to be during the day (we leave the doors open for him) but at night he is locked in the one in my room upstairs and the one downstairs is for when we leave the house for errands and things like that.

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We used to have dog beds for our goldens, but they just got in the way. Our dogs sleep on the floor in the kitchen. My girlie golden would LOVE something cushy and if a coat drops, or there's a towel on the floor, she'll snuggle right up on it. They're not allowed on the furniture, but I know she sneaks into "my chair" if I leave her to roam the house while we're gone.

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Our dachshund mostly sleeps in his bed, along with a fleece blanket under which he can burrow. He does like to be around us, so if we are on the couch he might come up and sleep on a lap. Sometimes he will beg to sleep in bed with one of us; usually DD is the one who will let him so he'll snuggle under the covers on her bed on those few occasions.


The bed he has is a cheap one from Ross. My BIL/SIL have this bed for their dog. The cover's washable, and it's good for snuggling under the burrow 'flap'. They paid full price for it, which I think is super high. Now that it's less $$ and we've had our dog long enough to know he's not going to chew or scratch and destroy it, we might get one.

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Honestly, she's usually outside. If the weather is bad or too hot out we will lock her inside in her kennel. Otherwise, she can be found outside. If ever a dog was not fond of the great indoors, that would be our dog. :glare: Oh, we have to be careful locking her in -- it has to be really hot out or really bad weather. She's eaten the wall around her doggie door when locked in during nice weather.


If she would have been the indoor dog we intended her to be, she would have one of those lovely pillowy doggie beds they sell at Costco. Hopefully a pretty red one. A mom can dream...right?:D

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I picked blanket but really it is the quilt that Coastal Poodle Rescue gave us/him when we adopted him from them. He mostly sleeps on that every night. In the day, he is usually sleeping on the floor near wherever I am or resting near me. My two girls think it is not good that both my dog and my cat like me the best. But I know it is because I am the alpha dog/cat to them and the one who feeds them and takes care of them most consistently.

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We have Snooza beds for in the house, 2 beds for 2 dogs. Outside we have 1 very large hammock style dog bed, metal frame with canvas top, they share. The hammock style one was very inexpensive.


I've never seen a dog hammock! That is so fun! I want one for my doggie!

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Ok, so after I started this thread I realized I had some foam padding from a 2" foam mattress topper that I had leftover from cutting a larger one. I got an older beach towel and sewed up the sides and cut the foam to fit in there and VOILA, I have a dog bed for my one dog that likes something softer.


She is already on it and happy. Other dog doesn't seem to mind at all as she prefers the hard cold wood to anything soft. When 2nd dog was a puppy her first owners put her in a crate with no pad or blanket and I think she just got used to that.



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Our dog bed is from LL Bean. It is 12 years old and almost worn out. But we are so tight on $ and my sweet dog is 13 ... So I added an old dog blanket to the bed to make it softer and warmer and hoping this will suffice. Actually,this is the second inside of the dog bed for the one cover.

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Our dog has a big square dog bed/pillow from Costco on the floor in the living room. He rarely lays on it; usually he lays at our feet on the floor.


At night, he has claimed an old pillow (the kind people use on the bed) on the floor as his. He curls up with his head on the pillow. Occasionally, he'll climb into DS4's bed.

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Our poodle sleeps on our bed, usually on my side of it at my feet so that my feet are pinned in one location. He knows he's not allowed on the sheets or pillows, but sometimes he'll try anyway. During the day, he's either at my feet under the kitchen table, on the couch, or under the den couch (there's quite a bit of crawl space under there). He'll also lay under the rocking chair in the living room, and when he was a bit thinner, he would crawl under our bed. He loves to be in a "den".

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I clicked "other" because our dog sleeps on a bean bag. One of those basic, cheap bean bags, I put an old sheet over it and wash that- I'm going to sew a cover for it eventually.


we bought her a large dog bed, a cushion type one, but it had cedar in it and she kept wetting on it, I think maybe the breeder had cedar shavings in the puppy pen.


she sleeps on the floor, too, but the bean bag is 'hers'.

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during the day he sleeps on a hammock near the pellet stove. It is great for older dogs that may have trouble getting up and around. He has a very nice orthopedic bed in his crate where he goes on his own when it is warmer, when the kids are too much for him and is locked in it when we are gone for the day.


I got the bed from Foster and Smith catalog and the hammock I got at a dog show many years ago. The Foster and Smith Catalog has some too.

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Darn it. I voted "furniture" because I included my bed as furniture. And then I saw the "my bed" option.


My dog sleeps on the couch or my bed. Always. She has a bed, but it must not be as comfortable or something. In fact, she digs away my covers and sleeps in my bed. On my side. I want to be all :glare:, but I just feel like she does it because she loves me, so I complain, but not too loudly.

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During the day the dogs sleep on the couch. At night the dogs sleep on the bed with us.


DH even lets the little one sleep under the covers. :D It's like having your own hot water bottle.


Our little chihuahua sleeps in bed between dh and I. Our yorkie either sleeps with dd or on the couch. Our bigger dog is supposed to sleep on her dog bed or floor. Since she turned 10 years old in December, she has decided her body aches and she no longer cares if she is not supposed to be on the couch. Lately, she even get on the couch while we are in the room! :tongue_smilie:

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