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About weaver_67579

  • Birthday 02/05/1970

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  • Biography
    homeschool mom of 3
  • Location
    Central PA
  • Interests
    pet lover
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  1. I'm not much of a drinker, but I like a hard cider now and again-or a Mike's Hard Lemonade. If I'm having a mixed drink, I will have a Long Island Iced Tea.
  2. Our family has done 3 cycles of Story of the World through the years. We are starting our 4th time through the chronological study of World History. My remaining students at home are now Middle and High School aged and we do our history studies together. We are just finishing up a deep dive through Prehistory and are getting ready to start early civilization. We are going much more in depth that in the past, using all the resources I have acquired through the years. We do have some history spines we use from Usborne and Kingfisher and we may listen through Story of the World one last time as we go through. We do much of our history in a literature based fashion, but are open to ideas for hands-on, field trips (We are in PA), and documentaries/Movies. What are all your best resources and supplements for this time period? Thank you in advance! FYI-the Penn Museum in Philadelphia is awesome for ancient civilizations. We just went for the second time yesterday.
  3. Our family has done 3 cycles of Story of the World through the years. We are starting our 4th time through the chronological study of World History. My remaining students at home are now Middle and High School aged and we do our history studies together. We are just finishing up a deep dive through Prehistory and are getting ready to start early civilization. We are going much more in depth that in the past, using all the resources I have acquired through the years. We do have some history spines we use from Usborne and Kingfisher and we may listen through Story of the World one last time as we go through. We do much of our history in a literature based fashion, but are open to ideas for hands-on, field trips (We are in PA), and documentaries/Movies. What are all your best resources and supplements for this time period? Thank you in advance! FYI-the Penn Museum in Philadelphia is awesome for ancient civilizations. We just went for the second time yesterday.
  4. Our family has done 3 cycles of Story of the World through the years. We are starting our 4th time through the chronological study of World History. My remaining students at home are now Middle and High School aged and we do our history studies together. We are just finishing up a deep dive through Prehistory and are getting ready to start early civilization. We are going much more in depth that in the past, using all the resources I have acquired through the years. We do have some history spines we use from Usborne and Kingfisher and we may listen through Story of the World one last time as we go through. We do much of our history in a literature based fashion, but are open to ideas for hands-on, field trips (We are in PA), and documentaries/Movies. What are all your best resources and supplements for this time period? Thank you in advance! FYI-the Penn Museum in Philadelphia is awesome for ancient civilizations. We just went for the second time yesterday.
  5. I tried to reply to you-strange
  6. Most shots from a BB gun would not need stitches or an ER visit. They are not terribly powerful. You may be confusing them with a pellet gun. They are not the same thing. As kids-we shot each other with BB guns on the regular.
  7. Sometimes fighting back makes you less of an appealing target. In middle school, I had big boobs. Some of the boys on my school bus liked to harass me by grabbing them. That ended when I knocked one of them clean out in the aisle of the bus. None of them ever bothered me again... I do not require my kids to be physically assaulted without being able to fight back. My son plays sports at the local public school. in jr high, He would get punched in the gut by a bully on the team often when pulling his football pads over his head. it covers your face for a minute while you are getting them off and you cannot see. That continued on a regular basis. We talked about it and I told him that I could say something-or he could to the coach or school, but that would likely make the bully be even better about hiding it from the adults (which he already did) and likely get bullied more whenever the opportunity arose for tattling. my kid just reacted one day and clocked him right in the face. He was never punched again. In fact, they get along fine now and are starting their fifth season playing together. He apparently wasn't fun to pick on any more.
  8. As far as what I hear is being proposed now, there will be an avenue for churches leaving whatever the "United Methodist" church becomes to go with their church buildings, etc. As someone else stated, I'm not sure some smaller churches will be able to take the financial hit to do that-OTOH, they have not likely been supporting themselves lately either. I anticipate that in our local area, there will basically people rearranging from membership from one church to another former/currently still United Methodist church depending on the universal church split, and how their local church aligns. I also expect a number of small, already likely dying churches to close.
  9. I would say they are light for that age. I use them at our local homeschool coop and use that level for 4-6 grades and the elementary for 1-3.
  10. I live in a rural area on a farm. I know most all the neighbors and regular joggers and such. An unusual person in my neighborhood would definitely catch my attention and I write down a description on the calendar with time/description and if applicable-type of vehicle and plate number. A neighbor was burglarized a while ago. I have kicked hunters off of our property and would call police if they would act in any way off. I would kick any trespasser off. If someone unknown/uninvited was around any of the farm buildings or the house, I would call the police. Race or religion would not make a difference in the decision to call on someone. However, being a predominantly white agricultural community in the northern US-not many people of color here-so they would be easy to identify as not a "regular" on my road. I have no issue with the Hispanic neighbor down the street-other than their ignorant dog and would not be more or less likely to call on them -vs-other neighbors. I have a driveway alarm on our farm lane so we are not surprised by people coming in the drive. I see a car coming before they get to the house. I have called 911 for brush fires, a chimney fire at our house, people swerving around the road-presumably drunk, and toddlers playing in the street that cussed me out when I tried to get them off the road-more than once. I have called the non-emergency number for people I have seen regularly driving kids around without being in car seats (my Mom was on an ambulance crew in the rural area I grew up in-I have seen people that have gone through a window in an accident)-personal issue for me. I have also talked to the police after seeing a drug deal in my church parking lot.
  11. My favorite tree is the sugar maple. We have a very beautiful one in our yard.
  12. I have a Levenger Circa notebook that has pages you can easily add. I get monthly calendar pages and add a page of notes/projects etc after that month in the calendar.
  13. Earlier today I: -did outside chores-feed feral cats and chickens, check water... -weeded half of the raspberry bed -spread chicken manure on the asparagus and 1/2 raspberry bed for fertilizer -mulched the 1/2 bed raspberries -cleaned dog yard -did 3 loads of laundry -did a load of dishes Currently cooking supper This evening: -watch a movie with the family -one more load of laundry -one more load of dishes -prep for Sunday (bathe kids, pick clothes...)
  14. We have our last Christmas today. Between church and that, I'll only get a quick lunch in. I'm eating it while on here ;0)
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