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How close are you to having your Christmas shopping done?

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I have one more online order, but it's the big one--American Girl. And then I will be done! :party:


I start to feel hysterical if I haven't gotten most of it done by Thanksgiving. I cannot stand to fight the crowds in December.


Here's the thing though. I am making nine of these blankets and I hope and pray I can get them all done in time for Christmas!!!!! EEEEEEEEEKKKKKKKKKKK!!!!

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It was my intention to be done by the end of November, because I hate crowds and stress and worry, plus I'm really rather pregnant and even less able to cope with the madness this year.


But then we had a giant car emergency that required reevaluation of all our winter finances, so I've gotten NOTHING done except for a few homemade items. Bah humbug. ;)


Congrats on being almost finished!

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I think I am pretty close...


Have to get two grown sons something... or delegate that to dh...


Have to finish the backing and binding of a quilt for my stepmom. Am almost finished with the binding of a quilt for my mom.


Have to pack up a couple of mailing envelopes to send out.


Have to wrap lots of little goodies for the stockings. I want to hang them filled and not worry about kids getting into them, snooping... Well, good luck with that!


Have to order some photo gifts from photos from this week's Thanksgiving... this weekend.


Have to order some prints for family.


DH is sure to go out and get presents for the kids... even though I'd rather just stick to the stockings. He wants to get clothes and shoes for the boys.


I hope to find some great deals for any gaps... and for my 3 yo grandson... and baby Chloe, who will be here at our Christmas Party!!!


Oh, and have to find some party poppers and misc. goodies for our Christmas Party... Am hoping to get fil to wear the Santa hat and pass out goodies during the party... like when someone wins a round of bunco or charades or some such nonsense...


And have to get dh his fishing license for this next year...


Guess I'm not as close as I pretend to be...

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Wait, am I to infer that you have started your Christmas shopping already? We here from the Planet Denial prefer to hold off until the last possible minute. That way we can experience all the stress and terror the season can offer.


I wish there was a sarcasm smilie. Congratulations to all who have finished shopping.:001_smile: Each year I promise to start sooner, stay within budget and send my cards early (with a family photo). It is important to dream big. :lol:


Fortunately my family knows me well, and we usually laugh a lot during that crazy last week.

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I've done nothing. Nothing at all:( I have some ideas though!


I'm having a tough time pulling the trigger on a big gift. It's the Playmobil Pyramid and a couple of other sets to go with it. It's $$$ and would be the BIG gift. In my heart I know dc would love it, but I keep wondering if they'd really love their own individual gift items more. I mean, they will still get a couple of things from us or grandparents, etc. They are asking for a Wii but we don't want to spend that kind of money and don't think it would be a good gift long term (no, nothing against gaming - we are just not a big gaming family and a Wii seems like a money pit).


I just keep going around and around and around. I am also a person that likes to takle one thing at a time, so I got through dh's work party last night, this week will get through Thanksgiving, and I'm hoping to have time and brainwaves to make some online orders by this weekend. No Friday shopping for me!

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I've done a few tiny bits but just waiting until pay day to get stuck in. I am making my dd's present so I need to get all the things I need for that and then actually do it. I am definitely trying to keep the costs down this year. It doesn't really feel like Christmas buying time yet though, maybe it will when it hits December.

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Aside from one stocking stuffer for dh, I've bought nothing. Yikes! I do most of my shopping online, since our families live across the country and it's easier to just order online and have it shipped there. I just need ideas!


I haven't decided what we're giving ds yet. He's 14 now, and it seems like everything he wants is expensive (iPod, Wii games, cell phone)!



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With everything going on in our personal lives these past few months, I am still in burn out mode. I usually have a lot, if not all done, by this time of year. I only have one present bought. One. And that was just because someone here gave me a heads up to a phenomenal buy a while back. Otherwise, I wouldn't even have that.



I have no idea what I am even going to buy.....lol. :confused:

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I have most stuff done. I'm getting my oldest a paper jams guitar and *maybe* something else that's small. I have the most to buy for my step-son and youngest son. With my step son, I will get jumper cables (he just started driving), an emergency kit for his truck, more rocket engines, and some type of military legos (or similar). My youngest ds just wants Legos or Wii games. Easy. Well, not so easy because he can't decide what Lego set he wants lol. My dd will probably get one or two more smaller items. I am getting a flat screen for dh and I have NO idea what I'm getting my mother! Whew!

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Done, except for gifts that need to be baked (but the tins are ready and I have all the ingredients), and gifts coming from the liquor store (and I have nice bags ready for the wine). Also, DH needs to choose one last thing for his mom and stepdad, but that's him, not me.:D I have 4 packages on their way now, and have to finish knitting/sewing the "explorer bag" I'm making DS for night 8 of Hanukkah, but everything else for Hanukkah and Christmas is wrapped. I bought things throughout the year as I saw them, and I can't believe how nice it feels!

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Done? What would I do this coming Friday if I were all done??!?!?!?!


I am about half done, and I have a very short list for shopping on Friday.


The problem I have is the list that has yet to be created...I need to think of ideas to buy for my dd4 - for both Christmas and her birthday 2 weeks later. :confused: Took them all to Toys R Us last night for some ideas, and dd4 liked the Play Doh. :001_huh: Not that I'm against Play-doh, but I was hoping for a new idea...

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I hate shopping for anyone but my kids.


DH's family is a PIT Rear as they never like what we give them and his siblings have stopped getting us anything anyway. May just give grandma a creative memories book and call it a day!


Making soap for scout leaders and maybe church folks. Have celaphane and ribbon and will do it up nicely.


My parents are bought for.



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Absolutely finished. Have been for about 3 weeks now! We have my parents coming for Christmas this year and so I've been buying a little at a time with Amazon for the last few months so they can bring them down.


The only things we have left are some stocking stuffers which are nothing too important since we do mostly treats we don't usually buy and some fun little things.


I will NEVER shop at a mall at Christmas time again! I love online shopping!

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Barely started but most of it will be done online. We aren't exchanging with any adults except I'll get something for my mom and he'll get something for his mom. He and I are buying something to share and the kids are getting Wii Resort (which we already purchased on sale) plus a few other Wii add ons, a science experimenting kit per boy, and stockings. DD, who isn't around to play the Wii much, will get something under the tree in addition to her stocking.


I'll make up a fruit basket with the baked goods for our 4-H extension director and her secretary to share at the office the week before Christmas. We will be giving (anonymously) some groceries to a nineteen year old boy (a neighbor) who is valiantly attempting to raise his two daughters (3 and 1) while their mother is running around the country with another woman from a circus group (yeah, no joke....its like a page out of a soap opera). He's trying really hard so we want to help him without embarassing him. The clothes will come from my favorite resale shop with one new outfit per girl but I'll have to shop the day of for the groceries so they are really fresh. Dh may put together a present for the daddy. I haven't asked him about that yet. So, really, I don't have much to do. I just hate stocking shopping because it's hard to find meaningful things to put in them that don't cost an arm and a leg.



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Here's the thing though. I am making nine of these blankets and I hope and pray I can get them all done in time for Christmas!!!!! EEEEEEEEEKKKKKKKKKKK!!!!


I'm not even really started yet.


Those blankets look like a *lot* of work. Lots of cutting and tying by hand. Sometimes sewing is actually easier!


Should go pretty quickly though, if you can do them while watching Christmas movies. :001_smile:

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I have one more online order, but it's the big one--American Girl. And then I will be done! :party:


I start to feel hysterical if I haven't gotten most of it done by Thanksgiving. I cannot stand to fight the crowds in December.


Here's the thing though. I am making nine of these blankets and I hope and pray I can get them all done in time for Christmas!!!!! EEEEEEEEEKKKKKKKKKKK!!!!

Done last Friday.


Or were you considering being done having them wrapped too. :)

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I have one more online order, but it's the big one--American Girl. And then I will be done! :party:


I start to feel hysterical if I haven't gotten most of it done by Thanksgiving. I cannot stand to fight the crowds in December.


Here's the thing though. I am making nine of these blankets and I hope and pray I can get them all done in time for Christmas!!!!! EEEEEEEEEKKKKKKKKKKK!!!!



Those blankets are THE BEST! Dd recieved one as a gift a few years ago and it goes on every road trip (mostly to dog shows) with her. She LOVES it, and after a long day at a dog show, she loves nothing more than to curl up with her fleece blanket on the long drive home. I'm sure yours will be adored by the lucky recipients!



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I just need to get the socking stuffers. Under the tree this year my look sad but I feel better about what I bought. I did a few nice gifts instead of a bunch of cheap little gifts to make it look like more. My little girl got a huge doll house that will be set up when she wakes up. My big girl got a nice desk and chair that will be set up also. Then they each have a few things for under the tree to go with their big gift.

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