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Be grumpy! What do you think should be phased out?


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1 hour ago, elegantlion said:

Keurig!! I'm at a conference and the hotel has Keurig machines in the rooms. UGH! I've created more trash trying to get two cups of coffee than it would take for a whole pot. 

shoe styles that forget humans still have pinkie toes - Clarks - I'm looking at you. My feet are not quite wide - wides always fit too large, but some styles are too shoe shaped instead of being foot shaped. I'm transitioning my shoe collection to better styles but it's frustrating. 

Amen, sister. 

I am on a trip at the moment and the place I’m staying has a French Press. I am enjoying it so much, because it feels so simplified and un-trashy. 

And for shoes, I was going to say high heels. I almost never wear them. Could we stop calling it “feminine” and “sexy” to be impaired in your ability to walk/run/flee? 

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7 hours ago, HS Mom in NC said:

Cheerleading, pole dancing, and pageants-all basically the same category in my book. I want women to be beyond that now.

100%. This is why I found the Super Bowl 1/2 time show 2020 so…gross. (It’s funny how that show caused a lot of kerfuffle and then, two months later, we were thrust into the pandemic and nobody had any bandwidth to spare for JLo.) But, I thought it was terrible. “We” (society) were basically applauding middle-aged women for still being “f***able” - oops I mean “fit”. 🙄

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Plastic for disposable use.   There are plenty of other things we can do......refillable glass, reusable bags, disposable plates and cutlery made from biodegradable materials, etc.....

We have GOT to do something about the waste we are producing.

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8 hours ago, HS Mom in NC said:

This unnecessary explainer- "...X, formerly known as Twitter..." Yeah, we know. Everyone knew a week after it happened. Just call it X and be done.

I laugh every time I see this unnecesary explainer and think they are doing it to thumb their noses at Musk. But, yeah, we all know. 

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2 hours ago, Ausmumof3 said:

I want people to stop hitting wildlife on the road. This time of year is awful with all the baby birds, reptiles just getting moving etc. I hate driving down the road seeing dead stuff every hundred metres or so. 

This is really bad where I live for deer, especially during rut. In the fall, the amount of deer mangled up on the shoulder (or exploded in the middle of the road) is fairly horrible. Urban sprawl, presumably, combined with a relatively low number of hunters in certain areas, makes for extremely plentiful and docile deer who are a constant road hazard and a sorrowful sight. 

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I'm getting grumpier by the minute just reading what makes everybody else grumpy!😂 

Streaming services--there is no way we could afford to pay for a bunch of these to watch a few shows/series on each one. There are shows I'd love to watch, but I am not going to pay for your streaming service along with every other streaming service in order to do so. Isn't there a better way to do this so that the people who should earn the money off the shows can do so, yet there is more available to watch for everybody?

Wax on fresh produce.

Edited by Jaybee
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Pick up trucks. All the spectacularly bad drivers in our area are the pick up drivers. I don't know what it is about owning this type of transportation that short circuits their own survival instincts, but we should just say, "No more pick up trucks!" 😁

I am on board with getting rid of fireworks. I would be a big fan of phasing in a lot more rail. I took Amtrak to Chicago a week ago yesterday. It was so pleasant to not drive on I94 which is a free for all of insanity. But, Amtrak only runs once a day here which is highly problematic for using it regularly. So if I could get on at some other time besides 7 am, and get off in my son's SW Michigan community at some other time besides 10 am when they are both at work, it would be truly awesome, and I would happily not drive. I would like to be able to arrive in Chicago at some other moment than 11:45 am. And it would be great if that law that freight trains are supposed to give passenger trains the right of way would actually be ENFORCED. 

I would like to phase out the mowing of lawns except where venomous snakes and such are a major problem. By all means, mow those areas. But we at least in other places need to plant other things that are better for our ecosystems or raise the threshold of height so they are mowed far less often.

Plastic packaging. Can we get rid of this? I am so darn tired of plastic crap that can't be recycled having to be thrown away. I bet if we simplified and rethought packaging, I could get my garbage down to a single bag per week.

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2 hours ago, Indigo Blue said:

I agree with you. Scented candles are so nice, and I love fresh-smelling laundry (I don’t use those, however) but people just don’t realize how toxic fake fragrance is!! We focus a lot on not wanting toxic coloring and ingredients in food, but we seem blind to seeing that fragrances really are that bad. And companies cut more and more corners, and the fragrances keep getting lower quality and just plain stink. They really should be banned as there really is good enough reason to do so, and I just don’t understand why this gets the low level of attention that it does. 

I giot migraines from smells and now asthma too.   You can smell the artificialness.

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I hate to say it, but probably gift wrap and Christmas cards. 1 billion Christmas cards are thrown away each year and 2.3 million tons of wrapping paper.

That is a lot of waste. Maybe whiteboard style reusable Christmas cards could become a thing. People can read the message, wipe it off, and then send it to someone else with a new message, round and round they go. Fabric gift bags that get used forever would be good. I did make fabric gift bags for our kids, used cheap Wal-Mart quality fabric. Over the years, I have occasionally repaired a seam, but otherwise, they have been the energizer bunnies of gift wrap.

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5 hours ago, Hyacinth said:

Not nearly as significant as other well-articulated rants in this thread, but I’m saying it anyway:

Crocs. Particularly on grownups. Get some real shoes, man. 

I'll use this as my jumping off point.

Let's get rid of the negative judgement about what other people choose to do. Period.

Wear what you want. Shoes, dresses, leggings, he, she, they. Who cares!

Decorate for the holidays as early as you want. Leave them up year round if you want.

Drink pumpkin spice drinks all you want.

Listen to Christmas carols every day of your life if it makes you happy.

I'm so damn tired of everybody spewing (mostly negative) opinions about other people's harmless choices.

It's a bit like the boy who cried wolf.

Save the judgements for things that really matter like Nazis and politicians and their supporters who are taking away human rights.

Thank you for attending my hypocritical TED talk on my negative opinions about other people's negative opinions.

Have a great day, and BE KIND to others in thought, word, and deed, unless they are truly bad guys - goodness knows there are too many of them "out there" right now.


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Beeping because you're obviously super special and in a hurry, and the person ahead of you took 3 seconds to move after the light changed instead of immediately hitting the gas. The two towns next to me sound like NYC rush hour once school gets out. It's trafficky, we're all stuck in it - deal with it!! 

The people that take calls while their phone is connected to their car, and everyone can hear the conversation, even if the windows are rolled up. Worse are the ones with their windows rolled down and the volume up so loud!! 

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5 hours ago, Hyacinth said:

Not nearly as significant as other well-articulated rants in this thread, but I’m saying it anyway:

Crocs. Particularly on grownups. Get some real shoes, man. 

I love my Crocs!  They’re super comfortable, even with my tendinitis; they’re easy on - off at the pool; they’re easy to wash, and I love the different designs.  


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Personal automobiles being common can go. I would rather see public transportation infrastructure expanded and free at point of use and personal vehicles taxed to insanity. The bigger, less efficient the car the more it will cost. Add so many tolls that take only cash, no passes or cards, to make it even more of a pain to drive. Keep increasing the cost to park in parking garages to further encourage people to use the free public transportation. 


I would also love to see the suburban cities that have basically banned bars and similar establishments be forced to repeal all laws that makes it difficult. Having lived in an area that has those restrictions and lived in an area that has the bars all that happens is people just drive to the bars in other places and cause the problems they do not want in their neighborhood (that they use to justify not having bars) and then drive further while drunk putting even more lives at risk. 

I want neighborhood grocery stores. Literal neighborhood. Walkable for all.

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2 hours ago, Faith-manor said:

I hate to say it, but probably gift wrap and Christmas cards. 1 billion Christmas cards are thrown away each year and 2.3 million tons of wrapping paper.


I really struggle with the cards. It’s stupid for me to send Christmas cards to my family that I’ll see on Christmas, but I send a fair amount to people who I think could use some cheer. Dh and I spend several hours writing notes in our cards- from old friends who we want to maintain a bit of connection to old teachers (I graduated high school in 1979) who really made a difference in my life.  I don’t think a phone call is exactly the same, and I am more likely to say how I feel in writing rather than with actual words.  We also drop cards at businesses where employees have gone the extra mile and mention the employees by name. (Publix and our favorite CFA for example)

Open to suggestions for how to cut waste, but so far using recycled cards is about as far as we’ve gotten.

Ending gift giving and wrapping paper would be AWESOME. 

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4 hours ago, MrsMommy said:

I think maintaining golf courses is an irresponsible use of water, among other things.

The double standards are insane because of our worship of sportsball in all forms in the US.  My Dad lives outside Phoenix in a retirement community where water planes have flown onto the GOLFCOURSE to scoop water from the artificial lake surrounded by grass watered DAILY for golf junkies, to dump wildfires 2 miles away. Meanwhile Dad's xeriscaped lots, right around the corner,  with carefully selected blooming native plants that require far less water, are a target of the water company because he's "using too much water." 
Corporations owning politicians?  Yep.
Sportsball as idolatry.  Yep. 

Golfers, you are an environmental problem.

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Easily obtained driver's license. It should be harder and you should be held responsible for what you do behind the wheel.

My fix for the giant pick-ups is make any vehicle over a certain weight (ie smaller car) get a CDL. You shouldn't be able to drive something like a giant RV or heavy truck and trailer without having the proper knowledge. This allows people who need larger vehicles to still obtain them. 

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Tips - I agree we should just pay a living wage so tips are unnecessary.

Single use plastics

I hate Daylight Saving Time and wish we'd get rid of it. OTOH, where I live it doesn't get dark as early in winter so I do understand those who prefer we keep DST in place of Standard Time. And while I much prefer we just keep Standard Time year round I'll take one or the other. Just stop making us change twice a year.

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17 minutes ago, frogger said:


My fix for the giant pick-ups is make any vehicle over a certain weight (ie smaller car) get a CDL. You shouldn't be able to drive something like a giant RV or heavy truck and trailer without having the proper knowledge. This allows people who need larger vehicles to still obtain them. 

Some states do require a different license for heavier vehicles. In my state a Class B non-commercial license is required for anything over 26,000 pounds. I think there are 10 or 12 states that have special DL requirements for heavier private vehicles. But not a CDL, since those are meant for commercial vehicles.

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Planned obsolescence for many items.

38 minutes ago, HS Mom in NC said:

Meanwhile Dad's xeriscaped lots, right around the corner,  with carefully selected blooming native plants that require far less water, are a target of the water company because he's "using too much water." 

Not only for golf courses…many industries are water intensive.

Let’s build up infrastructure and industry that has some semblance of matching the environment. We can’t grow all crops just anywhere, but we can grow more crops in places that actually have water than what we do. Lots of defunct dairy farms in the northeast used to grow crops for animals, but they are being turned into developments (often not for a housing shortage) instead of co-ops or other crop growing. It’s very sad. These places don’t tend to require draining aquifers. 

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1 hour ago, Pawz4me said:

Some states do require a different license for heavier vehicles. In my state a Class B non-commercial license is required for anything over 26,000 pounds. I think there are 10 or 12 states that have special DL requirements for heavier private vehicles. But not a CDL, since those are meant for commercial 

As long as they actually make it more difficult! 


ETA. Realized the weight is crazy high here. I was thinking anything over 5,000 lbs. 26,000 is crazy high and won't cover any of the things that people are frustrated with. 

Edited by frogger
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21 hours ago, ScoutTN said:

Those wretched electric scooters. People without helmets drive them all around like maniacs downtown. So dangerous to themselves and pedestrians. They cause car accidents and serious injuries but our wimpy city gov’t won’t ban them. 

Your bike helmet point reminded me of this video. I’m now forced to think about an issue that was absolutely settled for me and I don’t care for it! 


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I think all the discussions at my work about manicures should be phased out.

I think paying for public transit should be phased out.

I think having to ride your bike on the road and not the footpath should be phased out, and also bike helmets when you are just cycling aesthetically to the local shops. On the now legal footpath.

I think tea served in coffee cups at cafes should be phased out.

Pretty sure lawns should go.

Certain breeds of dogs - phased out.

Allergies should be phased out immediately.

Password scolding when you put in the only password you'll remember and the site says 'this password is weak' - phased out - I KNOW!

Cameras at the self service checkout so now you are bagging carrots and dealing with 'oh god, do I look like that?' dramas at the same time - get rid.


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Plastic ... I appreciate its necessity in medical settings.  But there are so many alternatives.  Having just returned from New Zealand, I was impressed how they have replaced single-use plastic with compostable materials in so many things: ... bamboo disposable cutlery and paper food containers (thank you Air New Zealand), no plastic bags anywhere.  Most of the hotels either had full-sized shampoos and soaps or had them in these paper pouches.

Noisy Halloween decorations ... especially those that go up several weeks before said night.   A neighbor has this 10 foot flying witch that screams and cackles all day and night.  I live 5 houses away and I heard it in my house when I had 1 window open the other day.  And it is annoying my dog - he wants to go outside at all hours and bark at it.  If you hear about a cranky lady who got arrested for vandalizing some decorations with a baseball bat, that would be me. 

13 hours ago, MercyA said:

Agreed re: the wildlife on the road. I know often it is accidental, but I know people who *deliberately* hit animals in the road. 😠

Dh had this song on his iPod (he found this in his cousin's belongings when I was handling his estate.)  😄

12 hours ago, Emba said:

Pennies. We do not need these.

Man, I need some sleep  ... I read this is p*nises. 😲

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2 hours ago, KungFuPanda said:

Drug commercials on TV. It’s annoying to people who aren’t swayed by advertising and dangerous to people who are. The whole thing is completely irresponsible and against the best interests of the public health. 

Those things are so bad, I usually think, "Nah. I think I will just take the disease!" 

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9 hours ago, KungFuPanda said:

Drug commercials on TV. It’s annoying to people who aren’t swayed by advertising and dangerous to people who are. The whole thing is completely irresponsible and against the best interests of the public health. 

But I was happy to hear that there is a new medication for myasthesia GRAVIS/   

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I think we should phase out party buses because every year our neighbor hires one for his college age kids, and then the whole town is up til 3 am from the noise and chaos.

I would like someone to phase out my husband's inability to get rid of clothing that is so worn out it barely resembles clothing. I have not been successful at this so we need a legislative ban!

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14 hours ago, Melissa Louise said:

Certain breeds of dogs - phased out.

One of the formative memories I have from when I was about 11-12 yrs old was an article I saw called “What Man Has Done to Dogs”. It was about how so many breeds of dog have been bred to “disability” level. Boxers, Bulldogs, Pugs, Dachshunds, Collies, Great Danes, Mastiffs, Pekineses…and many other breeds. In my childhood idealism, I write out a plan of how one could re-breed with crosses to reverse the disabilities. Ah, the optimism of youth! (Of course, by so doing, one would make Pugs that don’t look like Pugs anymore, and Bulldogs that don’t look like Bulldogs anymore, but I digress.) 

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On 10/13/2023 at 8:14 AM, MercyA said:

Competitive sports for little kids

Poorly written picture books--please bring back actual STORIES


Yes, please to both of these! 

Competitive sports have ruined childhood. 

I sometimes read to kids as part of my volunteer work and the books are awful. We work off of donations, so we don’t have control over it.


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18 hours ago, dirty ethel rackham said:

Plastic ... I appreciate its necessity in medical settings.  But there are so many alternatives.  Having just returned from New Zealand, I was impressed how they have replaced single-use plastic with compostable materials in so many things: ... bamboo disposable cutlery and paper food containers (thank you Air New Zealand), no plastic bags anywhere.  Most of the hotels either had full-sized shampoos and soaps or had them in these paper pouches.


Thought this was interesting.  


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Those ads at the top of news sites. They are so big, and it's hard for me to read the page--it's so annoying. I mean, eventually it disappears as I scroll up, but it still feels in the way.

The design in many textbooks and magazines, as well as some other books, where they have text boxes all over the place. It is so distracting, and disturbs the flow of my reading. I can't see how it doesn't cause problems for students when they are trying to focus on reading--it's right there on the page, not to mention outside distractions.

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Fees for paying municipal bills (sewer/water) online  even by e-check when there is no fee for paying by paper check. This makes no sense whatsoever. A paper check probably costs them more labor to process.  I feel like it's an extra tax of sorts they are introducing. 

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