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12-15 year olds vaccine experiences


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Immediately after the vaccination mine stated that compared to the HPV vaccine, the COVID vaccine was practically painless.   Waiting to get the injection was the most painful part.

This morning, they said their arms were sore, but both declined offers of Tylenol.  


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We are only about 22 hours post vax 1, so it may be too early, but ...

Kid1, age 14, no complaints so far other than pain at the shot location.

Kid2, also 14.  She (my drama queen) had many complaints this morning, but no fever, so I sent her to school.  I told her she'll have to cancel her horse riding, visiting the grandparents, and a Sunday friend get-together if she comes home sick.  Well ... she barfed between 1st and 2nd period, so home she came.  Since then, she's vomited 2 more times and now has a fever.  😞

I'm not sure it was all the vax though.  There are various other possible factors.  A housemate was puking a few days ago (with a fever), last night's dinner wasn't the healthiest, she was nervous about her 1st period algebra test, she drank 2 carbonated energy drinks as a self-reward for getting the shot (not my bright idea).  I'm trying to play down the vax aspect of things because I don't want her afraid of the 2nd vax.

Edited by SKL
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Just got home from getting DD13 her first shot. I talked to the pediatrician yesterday and they said they'd be getting shots in but couldn't give me a time frame. We decided not to wait and went to a walk-in clinic being offered at a nearby community center. It's a good thing we took her passport because they did ask for proof of age (she is 4'9" and 75 lbs). There were plenty of chairs to wait in afterward. She got dizzy, which has happened to her with other shots, but she was fine after putting her head down for a little while. 

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DD12 had her first shot yesterday. She hasn't mentioned any side effects today. She didn't even mention her arm being sore yesterday until I asked her, and then she moved it around and said, "maybe a little." 

So, so thankful for the vax being available this spring instead of in the fall!!!

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47 minutes ago, SKL said:

We are only about 22 hours post vax 1, so it may be too early, but ...

Kid1, age 14, no complaints so far other than pain at the shot location.

Kid2, also 14.  She (my drama queen) had many complaints this morning, but no fever, so I sent her to school.  I told her she'll have to cancel her horse riding, visiting the grandparents, and a Sunday friend get-together if she comes home sick.  Well ... she barfed between 1st and 2nd period, so home she came.  Since then, she's vomited 2 more times and now has a fever.  😞

I'm not sure it was all the vax though.  There are various other possible factors.  A housemate was puking a few days ago (with a fever), last night's dinner wasn't the healthiest, she was nervous about her 1st period algebra test, she drank 2 carbonated energy drinks as a self-reward for getting the shot (not my bright idea).  I'm trying to play down the vax aspect of things because I don't want her afraid of the 2nd vax.

Yeah, vomiting is an uncommon reaction unless having an actual allergic reaction, and in that case it would be sooner. Like, I've seen humans and animals vomit on the way home from the vaccine, but no a day later. 

That said, two energy drinks would make me come very close to puking, if not actually trigger it. 

And of course, sounds like you have a stomach bug in the house anyway, if housemate was pukey and feverish. Heck, I wish it was a reaction, for your sake...now you have to wonder if whole house is going to get a stomach bug. Hopefully it was the energy drinks that made her puke and fever is vaccine reaction. 

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6 minutes ago, ktgrok said:

Yeah, vomiting is an uncommon reaction unless having an actual allergic reaction, and in that case it would be sooner. Like, I've seen humans and animals vomit on the way home from the vaccine, but no a day later. 

That said, two energy drinks would make me come very close to puking, if not actually trigger it. 

And of course, sounds like you have a stomach bug in the house anyway, if housemate was pukey and feverish. Heck, I wish it was a reaction, for your sake...now you have to wonder if whole house is going to get a stomach bug. Hopefully it was the energy drinks that made her puke and fever is vaccine reaction. 

Actually nausea and vomiting for the next 72 hours are listed as common vax side effects.

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4 minutes ago, SKL said:

Actually nausea and vomiting for the next 72 hours are listed as common vax side effects.

Well, there you go. I'm wrong, lol. And thinking of it, I was a bit queasy/lack of appetite after one of my shots. I was no where near puking...but I bet if I had two energy drinks I might have! I was on easy on the tummy foods just instinctively. But that's wisdom that comes with age, right 🙂

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Our school superintendent just sent an email with a link to free shot clinics for 12-15yos.  I kinda wish they would do it at school, but maybe there is a reason they can't.  (They did for the teachers some months ago.)

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Mine are currently scheduled for Thursday at their pediatrician's office.  I can get them in at Walgreen's this weekend, but I have one that had a bad vasovagal syncope reaction to the 1st HPV shot.  He did fine with his 2nd HPV shot as we laid him down for the whole time.  I'm not sure we have that ability at a Walgreen's with this shot.  He does do well with the flue shot -- just this one very bad reaction to the HPV.

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DD has not had her Covid vaccine yet, but we are planning to get it sometime next week. She had a well visit today and the doctor said she had missed her Hep A vaccine and wanted to give it. I was hesitant and told her we wanted to get the Covid vaccine and they've been saying to wait after other vaccines. The doctor said the CDC just informed them that having another vaccine should not prevent getting the Covid vaccine. The CDC was worried that people might put off normal pediatric vaccines or the Covid vaccine, so they lifted the waiting time. I wanted to let others know so they don't put off anything for their 12+ kids.

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My oldest two got their first doses at about 10:30 am yesterday.  By the evening they both had sore arms and were perhaps a bit more cranky/tired than usual, although I hesitate to attribute the latter to the vaccine, esp for DS13.  This morning DS15's arm was almost completely fine, DS13's still a little sore.


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My daughter still feels bad, but she is up and around, more on the whiny side, not miserable.  

Now we are in line for my older son’s second shot at a school-sponsored “pod,” and they opened it up to ages 12-15 last night, and there is a very long line.  It is moving, though, so it doesn’t seem too bad.  

Now I am glad I did take my little kids yesterday!   (Edit:  I bet we will wait in line 45 minutes, I would rather have driven yesterday with no wait once we got there.)

Edited by Lecka
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4 hours ago, mom2scouts said:

The doctor said the CDC just informed them that having another vaccine should not prevent getting the Covid vaccine. The CDC was worried that people might put off normal pediatric vaccines or the Covid vaccine, so they lifted the waiting time. I wanted to let others know so they don't put off anything for their 12+ kids.

Interesting. I have a 16+ yr old kid who was just at the pediatricians office earlier this week & they wouldn't give her the shots she's due for because it was too close to her second covid shot. So now she has to go back for them. Would have been nice for the CDC to have decided this last week...

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10 minutes ago, RootAnn said:

Interesting. I have a 16+ yr old kid who was just at the pediatricians office earlier this week & they wouldn't give her the shots she's due for because it was too close to her second covid shot. So now she has to go back for them. Would have been nice for the CDC to have decided this last week...

Same. Although DS can wait until his annual visit next year to get the shot that he missed this year.

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Mine is scheduled for next Saturday. I am a little worried because I don’t have a picture ID for him. I have an insurance card that has his birthdate on it, and I have a printout of his vaccination record that also has his birthdate. I am debating if I should take a catalogue that has his picture from past concert performance. Totally not official, but I don’t know what else I can do to put a name next to a face. We ordered him a passport and there is no sign of it. I hope they won’t turn us around. 
He is schedule for a week long camp in July, so we have time to vaccinate, but I want it done sooner rather than later. 

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2 minutes ago, Roadrunner said:

Mine is scheduled for next Saturday. I am a little worried because I don’t have a picture ID for him. I have an insurance card that has his birthdate on it, and I have a printout of his vaccination record that also has his birthdate. I am debating if I should take a catalogue that has his picture from past concert performance. Totally not official, but I don’t know what else I can do to put a name next to a face. We ordered him a passport and there is no sign of it. I hope they won’t turn us around. 
He is schedule for a week long camp in July, so we have time to vaccinate, but I want it done sooner rather than later. 

At our vaccination site no-one asked for ID or any other document; just the printout form for the appointment.

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4 minutes ago, Roadrunner said:

Mine is scheduled for next Saturday. I am a little worried because I don’t have a picture ID for him. I have an insurance card that has his birthdate on it, and I have a printout of his vaccination record that also has his birthdate. I am debating if I should take a catalogue that has his picture from past concert performance. Totally not official, but I don’t know what else I can do to put a name next to a face. We ordered him a passport and there is no sign of it. I hope they won’t turn us around. 
He is schedule for a week long camp in July, so we have time to vaccinate, but I want it done sooner rather than later. 

All we needed was his insurance card.  

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20 minutes ago, Roadrunner said:

We are scheduled at Riteaid. They specifically say they want a photo ID. I hope it’s just a formality. 🙏

We're scheduled at Walgreens, and while they say they want a photo id, they also say they won't turn anyone away for not having one.

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DS12 and DS14 got their shots yesterday afternoon at CVS.  They didn't ask for ID even though email instructions said to bring one. I'm guessing they are using common sense to know that 12-15s may not have one? (I had brought their passports just in case). 

Both woke up with sore arms but by dinner time said the soreness was subsiding. DS14 seemed a little more tired than usual tonight but it may or may not have been shot related...hard to tell as he had a busy week so it might just be ready-for-the-weekend tiredness. 

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8 hours ago, Roadrunner said:

We are scheduled at Riteaid. They specifically say they want a photo ID. I hope it’s just a formality. 🙏


8 hours ago, forty-two said:

We're scheduled at Walgreens, and while they say they want a photo id, they also say they won't turn anyone away for not having one.

My teens were vaccinated at Walgreens.  They have state-issued ID cards but were not asked for ID.  The only ID the pharmacy tech wanted to see was our insurance card. 

If you are concerned that you might be turned away for lack of ID, take your children's birth certificates as their IDs.  Chances are, however, they won't be needed.  

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14 yo, who looks about 9, wasn't asked for ID at CVS. I had to put the insurance card into the computer at registration, but we showed nothing at the appointment. The pharmacist was really chatty, and she was super happy to be starting to vaccinate the youngers. There was one 15 yo done right after DD. 

So far, she says her arm is "meh". Hurts but not enough to slow her down any. No other issues. 

Today is 15 yo's vaccination shot. She has POTS, so I'm crossing my fingers she doesn't get any bad side effects. Her cardiologist told us that she wanted us to get her vaccinated as soon as possible, so here we are. DD is very nervous about the shot (not the needle - she's weird and likes needles), but she's been doing so well managing her POTS, and she's afraid of a flare. 


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For my 12yos vaccinated Thursday afternoon, still zero side effects for my son.  My daughter has been sick but she is doing better.  She woke up this morning with a fever and is feeling better (but still sick) with aspirin.  At this point she is more a “just tired” kind of sick, so she is steadily getting better.  


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My 14yo and 12yo got their first shot 4.5 hours ago.  They didn't ask for ID (although my 12yo is nearly the same height as my 14yo - an elderly man getting his second shot commented about my having twins).  Both of them have sore arms, but nothing else so far.

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15 year old has his first shot yesterday--mild sore arm today. Both of his parents and two of his brothers are fully vaccinated with nothing worse than sore arms and a little fatigue after the second shot for a couple of us (both with moderna), so I'll be surprised if he has anything more dramatic. 

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My 14-year-old DD got her first dose at Walgreens today. Within 2-3 minutes of receiving the shot, she nearly passed out and then vomited. We weren't expecting a reaction, so we were checking out a Baby Yoda plush in the toy aisle when she said she felt dizzy and couldn't see. We got her to a chair, then she said she couldn't hear. Then, she said she was going to vomit. Luckily, the bathrooms were right next to where she was sitting. About an hour later, she said she was really tired. She slept for several hours, which is very unlike DD. Her arm is sore now but not horrible. 

FWIW, our Walgreens had one kid after another getting shots today. The girl in front of DD, who looked to be bit older than DD, also didn't feel well after hers. She didn't vomit, but she looked like she could have. Her dad kept wanting to leave, but she kept waving him off with her lips pressed firmly together.

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5 minutes ago, pitterpatter said:

My 14-year-old DD got her first dose at Walgreens today. Within 2-3 minutes of receiving the shot, she nearly passed out and then vomited. We weren't expecting a reaction, so we were checking out a Baby Yoda plush in the toy aisle when she said she felt dizzy and couldn't see. We got her to a chair, then she said she couldn't hear. Then, she said she was going to vomit. Luckily, the bathrooms were right next to where she was sitting. About an hour later, she said she was really tired. She slept for several hours, which is very unlike DD. Her arm is sore now but not horrible. 

FWIW, our Walgreens had one kid after another getting shots today. The girl in front of DD, who looked to be bit older than DD, also didn't feel well after hers. She didn't vomit, but she looked like she could have. Her dad kept wanting to leave, but she kept waving him off with her lips pressed firmly together.

Oh no.  I hope it was just anxiety and not that she has that awful stomach bug going around.

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Just checked in with my 13 and 15yo.  Over 48 hours post vaccine.  Both no symptoms except slight sore arm yesterday.  13 year old says his is still sore if he pushes in it - then proceeded to demonstrate by digging his fingers into his arm.  Dude, that would probably hurt no matter what! 🤣

Happy to report that my 19yods got his first Pfizer today.  At a mobile unit at our local ice cream shot so he got a t-shirt AND free ice cream!  

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55 minutes ago, JanOH said:

Just checked in with my 13 and 15yo.  Over 48 hours post vaccine.  Both no symptoms except slight sore arm yesterday.  13 year old says his is still sore if he pushes in it - then proceeded to demonstrate by digging his fingers into his arm.  Dude, that would probably hurt no matter what! 🤣

My 12 yo did the same thing. "It hurts if I poke it" *poke*poke*poke* Stop poking it!

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My 12 yr old slept until about 3pm after going to bed around 10:30.  This is my ADHD super active one so definitely the vax.  

No ID, birth certificate or anything here no license checks for adults either.  We have a lot of illegal immigrants and they want them vaxxed to.  They advertise that they won't check any ID.

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My 14yo who was pretty sick yesterday was much better today.  Her temperature was still higher than her normal, but not technically a fever. 

Still not sure how much of her situation was shot vs. stomach bug.  I do think it was a mix of both.  (And, since I just got my 2nd shot today, I hope I don't become the next dual casualty!)

My other 14yo has not reported any side effects at all.  But I feel she's been crabbier than usual.  She's been sitting around watching TV all day, but that isn't exactly unusual for her on a Saturday.

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DD15 had her shot on Friday, and she's been acting completely fine, ever since. She did say that she felt hot overnight the first night, but I think it must have been mild, because it was an offhand comment, not really a complaint. She did go inside early yesterday, when the kids were helping with yardwork, because she was tired, but I don't know whether that was true vaccine-related tiredness, or "I'm tired of doing yardwork."

Overall, she has been fine. I'm sorry for those teens who have not felt well. I hope that when they get their second shots, it goes better.

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12 and 14 year old got their shots this afternoon.  No complaints so far.  The 14 year old has been seriously moody since noon.  We think his eagerness to get the shot combined with his severe vaccine anxiety to produce a weird cognitive dissonance that had him off balance.  He hasn't quite recovered his equilibrium.

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30 minutes ago, Danae said:

12 and 14 year old got their shots this afternoon.  No complaints so far.  The 14 year old has been seriously moody since noon.  We think his eagerness to get the shot combined with his severe vaccine anxiety to produce a weird cognitive dissonance that had him off balance.  He hasn't quite recovered his equilibrium.

I hope tomorrow is a better day for him. Great they both got the vaccine!

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