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prayers for my mom please


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Update: The ER xrayed, yes she fractured her humerus. Again. (third time...did I mention she takes meds for osteoporosis?) Sent her home with an injection of pain meds (dad didn't know what), hydrocodone script (she has some, but since she only takes it once a day normally they scripted more) and a referral for an orthopedist. 

She's in a lot of pain, when I google I read how this is a very very painful fracture and can take months to heal. Sigh. 

In good news, it was her left arm this time (she's broken both in the past) so she can at least function a bit since she is right handed. She also has abrasions on her face - the patio is those fairly rough paving stones. 

Oh, and it wasn't on the step down that she tripped. She made it to the pool, put her foot in, turned aound, and fell trying to slide her shoes (sandals I'm sure) back on. My dad said something about the shade screen being down, not sure if she tried to grab it for support or if that was him trying to say he couldn't see her where she fell...had nightmares all night that she'd been laying there for hours and he didn't hear her. Ugh. Barely slept since that popped into my head every time I closed my eyes. 

I said if they can't get her into the ortho over there right away (they actually already have one from the last time she broke her arm) there are walk in ortho clinics over here. I do know with a broken shoulder they will have her do PT after, so will make sure she brings up the balance thing with them when she goes. 

I just hate that she's going to be laid up for so long - jostling it is going to hurt like the dickens so she's going to be sitting still for weeks and that is just going to make her more weak. 

Got a call from Dad, my mom is in an ambulance on the way to the hospital. She tripped on the step from the house to the patio (it's a nasty step, i have a bruise right now myself from tripping on it last weekend!) and my Dad said her arm is broken and her nose is scraped and she was in too much pain for her to get her up. She'd fallen just over a week ago out of bed when her mattress slipped off the foundation, so she was already sore and nursing what she thinks are broken ribs, so this probably made that worse or at least hurt like hell. 

Dad's never been unable to help her up before, and this time called 911. I reassured him several times that was the right thing to do, I'm sure it was hard to see them take her away without him. He's driving there now. (he said there were 4 of them, and all stronger than him, as if he had to justify the call)

I was going to head right there, but then remembered that due to Covid they probably won't let me in. UGH!!!!!!! I'm a better advocate than my dad, but he's not going to leave her and I'm sure they won't let more than one person in with her. 

I did tell him that he needs to INSIST with they don't discharge her when she is still loopy from pain meds. She's a lightweight, and when she had outpatient surgery for a cosmetic thing she came home, went into the garage and tripped on THAT step and broke her arm badly. Don't want a repeat of that. So I said, if she seems too out of it to go home safely, to get the nurses to push to keep her longer. I don't know what else to do. He packed a bag for her, they are over and hour away...I just don't know. 

I figure if she's home tomorrow I can go help or something...ugh. 

She does take narcotic pain meds in the evening for her bad arthritis, and sometimes has a glass of wine...she may need to stop the wine. (she needs the pain meds.....her hands are crippled beyond belief). And they need to do something about all those thresholds. UGH. 

She's just gotten so much more frail in the past year, staying home and not moving around. Plus her COPD makes it hard to get exercise. 

Anyway...please pray for Kathleen. 

Edited by ktgrok
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13 minutes ago, kand said:

I’m so sorry. I hope they get her patched up quick but don’t send her home until she’s steady. And your poor dad, too. Definitely would have some talks about not mixing the narcotics with the wine. Is there not something non narcotic that might handle the pain? Seems a bad recipe with an older person with a fall history. 

She takes a non narcotic as well, but it isn't enough. She only takes the narcotic in the evening, and normally she's settling down to watch tv then, but tonight I guess she went outside to see if the pool was warm enough for an evening swim and fell stepping down from the house to the patio. 

I'm thinking maybe PT can be done, to help build up her strength and mobility, once she is healed, and they need to see about a ramp or something from that step to the patio. 

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I’m so sorry! Hope she’s on the mend soon. 

When MIL was falling and FIL couldn’t get her up, he’d let her lie on the floor for hours until dh’s sister got home from work. We really had to work hard to convince him to call 911- and when he finally did they of course reassured him they’d rather he call for help instead of letting her stay on the floor.  I hope you can similarly reassure your dad that it’s ok to call for help. it’s hard for men-they’re used to being able to handle stuff like that.

Hope both your mom and dad are ok.

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1 minute ago, kand said:

Is your mom ever home alone? Wondering if she has/needs something to get help in case she falls when she’s alone. The Apple Watch does that quite well. 

She's home alone when dad goes for walks (he's walking about 5 miles a day!) but yes, she wears an apple watch. I actually was just telling her about the fall alert on it just this weekend. But didn't get around to grabbing her phone and making sure it was set up. I'll make sure Dad gets it set up, or do it myself this week. I'm thinking I'll go there once she is home and cook some food that is easy for dad to just heat up - baked ziti, some soups, etc. While I'm there I'll make sure it is set up to alert him, me, etc. 

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5 hours ago, ktgrok said:

She takes a non narcotic as well, but it isn't enough. She only takes the narcotic in the evening, and normally she's settling down to watch tv then, but tonight I guess she went outside to see if the pool was warm enough for an evening swim and fell stepping down from the house to the patio. 

I'm thinking maybe PT can be done, to help build up her strength and mobility, once she is healed, and they need to see about a ramp or something from that step to the patio. 

My mum takes her narcotic at bedtime for similar issues.  Would a shift like that be possible and safer?

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Update: The ER xrayed, yes she fractured her humerus. Again. (third time...did I mention she takes meds for osteoporosis?) Sent her home with an injection of pain meds (dad didn't know what), hydrocodone script (she has some, but since she only takes it once a day normally they scripted more) and a referral for an orthopedist. 

She's in a lot of pain, when I google I read how this is a very very painful fracture and can take months to heal. Sigh. 

In good news, it was her left arm this time (she's broken both in the past) so she can at least function a bit since she is right handed. She also has abrasions on her face - the patio is those fairly rough paving stones. 

Oh, and it wasn't on the step down that she tripped. She made it to the pool, put her foot in, turned aound, and fell trying to slide her shoes (sandals I'm sure) back on. My dad said something about the shade screen being down, not sure if she tried to grab it for support or if that was him trying to say he couldn't see her where she fell...had nightmares all night that she'd been laying there for hours and he didn't hear her. Ugh. Barely slept since that popped into my head every time I closed my eyes. 

I said if they can't get her into the ortho over there right away (they actually already have one from the last time she broke her arm) there are walk in ortho clinics over here. I do know with a broken shoulder they will have her do PT after, so will make sure she brings up the balance thing with them when she goes. 

I just hate that she's going to be laid up for so long - jostling it is going to hurt like the dickens so she's going to be sitting still for weeks and that is just going to make her more weak. 

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Oh man this is so bad.  I am so sorry Katie.  Well, this will give you a quick lesson in where you  should live!  Or rather, like you were thinking, where THEY should live.  

The sad thing, and always the shocking thing about our parents is how quickly they can decline.  One day they are swimming daily and going our on the water with the boat and the next day they just can't do any of that.  The pool is actually very very excellent therapy.  But she needs safety rules in place obviously.  

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6 minutes ago, Scarlett said:

Oh man this is so bad.  I am so sorry Katie.  Well, this will give you a quick lesson in where you  should live!  Or rather, like you were thinking, where THEY should live.  

The sad thing, and always the shocking thing about our parents is how quickly they can decline.  One day they are swimming daily and going our on the water with the boat and the next day they just can't do any of that.  The pool is actually very very excellent therapy.  But she needs safety rules in place obviously.  

I know. Another thing that kept me up was worrying about if she had fallen INTO the pool. UGH. 

Going to insist on PT for balance, etc if nothing else. Because it sounds like she tripped on nothing, it was just putting her shoes on. Sigh. 

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1 minute ago, ktgrok said:

I know. Another thing that kept me up was worrying about if she had fallen INTO the pool. UGH. 

Going to insist on PT for balance, etc if nothing else. Because it sounds like she tripped on nothing, it was just putting her shoes on. Sigh. 

Her falling into the pool is what ran through my mind too.  

I know how easy it is to forget we just can't do the things we use to. Last night I was taking off my jeans and it felt like I should just be able to pull my leg out while standing.  Imagine my shock when I ended up on my butt because apparently I don't have the balance and strength I once did.  

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Thanks. And I admit, I'm very much wishing I lived 20 minutes away instead of an hour and 20 minutes. But even 40 minutes (if we choose by my sister) would be way better. 

Being closer wouldn't fix it from happening, but would make it easier to check up on her, go to appointments with her, etc. She's a former nurse, who specialized in geriatrics, so she knows what to ask and do regarding doctor visits, but no one is on top of their game when in pain and on meds. 

And I'm going to be SO worried about her falling again while on these pain killers. She NEEDS them from what I'm reading - Everything about humerus fractures says they are horrifically painful and you have to take the meds or the stress of the pain slows healing. And just being in a splint, every movement is going to hurt for a while. Ugh. 

Would it make sense to ask for her to get a cane while healing and on meds? Or is that likelyt o throw her off balance more? I'm thinking those sturdy medical ones with feet at the bottom?

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And of course, as somone that worked in geriatrics her whole life, she knows about fall prevention, etc. But different when it is yourself. She and my dad cared for my grandmother, her mom, with alzheimers for several years, so he is familiar with helping so that's good. But still. 

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Just seeing this, Katie.  I’m so sorry!   I think our parents are about the same age.  My mom fell and broke her pelvis about 1.5 years ago.  It kind of shocked me, because that’s something old and frail people do, ykwim??  Like, not my mama, who just yesterday was my age!    Anyway, just commiserating.   Big hugs for you and gentle hugs for mama! 

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On 4/14/2021 at 8:33 PM, ktgrok said:

Update: The ER xrayed, yes she fractured her humerus. Again. (third time...did I mention she takes meds for osteoporosis?) Sent her home with an injection of pain meds (dad didn't know what), hydrocodone script (she has some, but since she only takes it once a day normally they scripted more) and a referral for an orthopedist. 

She's in a lot of pain, when I google I read how this is a very very painful fracture and can take months to heal. Sigh. 

In good news, it was her left arm this time (she's broken both in the past) so she can at least function a bit since she is right handed. She also has abrasions on her face - the patio is those fairly rough paving stones. 

Oh, and it wasn't on the step down that she tripped. She made it to the pool, put her foot in, turned aound, and fell trying to slide her shoes (sandals I'm sure) back on. My dad said something about the shade screen being down, not sure if she tried to grab it for support or if that was him trying to say he couldn't see her where she fell...had nightmares all night that she'd been laying there for hours and he didn't hear her. Ugh. Barely slept since that popped into my head every time I closed my eyes. 

I said if they can't get her into the ortho over there right away (they actually already have one from the last time she broke her arm) there are walk in ortho clinics over here. I do know with a broken shoulder they will have her do PT after, so will make sure she brings up the balance thing with them when she goes. 

I just hate that she's going to be laid up for so long - jostling it is going to hurt like the dickens so she's going to be sitting still for weeks and that is just going to make her more weak. 

Got a call from Dad, my mom is in an ambulance on the way to the hospital. She tripped on the step from the house to the patio (it's a nasty step, i have a bruise right now myself from tripping on it last weekend!) and my Dad said her arm is broken and her nose is scraped and she was in too much pain for her to get her up. She'd fallen just over a week ago out of bed when her mattress slipped off the foundation, so she was already sore and nursing what she thinks are broken ribs, so this probably made that worse or at least hurt like hell. 

Dad's never been unable to help her up before, and this time called 911. I reassured him several times that was the right thing to do, I'm sure it was hard to see them take her away without him. He's driving there now. (he said there were 4 of them, and all stronger than him, as if he had to justify the call)

I was going to head right there, but then remembered that due to Covid they probably won't let me in. UGH!!!!!!! I'm a better advocate than my dad, but he's not going to leave her and I'm sure they won't let more than one person in with her. 

I did tell him that he needs to INSIST with they don't discharge her when she is still loopy from pain meds. She's a lightweight, and when she had outpatient surgery for a cosmetic thing she came home, went into the garage and tripped on THAT step and broke her arm badly. Don't want a repeat of that. So I said, if she seems too out of it to go home safely, to get the nurses to push to keep her longer. I don't know what else to do. He packed a bag for her, they are over and hour away...I just don't know. 

I figure if she's home tomorrow I can go help or something...ugh. 

She does take narcotic pain meds in the evening for her bad arthritis, and sometimes has a glass of wine...she may need to stop the wine. (she needs the pain meds.....her hands are crippled beyond belief). And they need to do something about all those thresholds. UGH. 

She's just gotten so much more frail in the past year, staying home and not moving around. Plus her COPD makes it hard to get exercise. 

Anyway...please pray for Kathleen. 

Just now seeing this. I'm sorry that happened and rightfully that would be scary!     

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A cane won’t help, especially as she is managing an arm is a sling.

In her PT eval, they not only need to evaluate balance but also gait, core strength, and range of motion. If her joints are a mess, it will affect it all. So, hip issues affect her width of her stance, which affects balance which...just know it’s a thing.

Remind her that she needs to stay strong to avoid a hip fracture. She should be scared as hell about that. No one wants to end up in a rehab facility after hip surgery for weeks on end.

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On 4/15/2021 at 3:21 PM, ktgrok said:

Thanks. And I admit, I'm very much wishing I lived 20 minutes away instead of an hour and 20 minutes. But even 40 minutes (if we choose by my sister) would be way better. 

Being closer wouldn't fix it from happening, but would make it easier to check up on her, go to appointments with her, etc. She's a former nurse, who specialized in geriatrics, so she knows what to ask and do regarding doctor visits, but no one is on top of their game when in pain and on meds. 

And I'm going to be SO worried about her falling again while on these pain killers. She NEEDS them from what I'm reading - Everything about humerus fractures says they are horrifically painful and you have to take the meds or the stress of the pain slows healing. And just being in a splint, every movement is going to hurt for a while. Ugh. 

Would it make sense to ask for her to get a cane while healing and on meds? Or is that likelyt o throw her off balance more? I'm thinking those sturdy medical ones with feet at the bottom?

A cane has made all the difference to my mum. She was falling increasingly frequently before she started using it. The hospital 'loaned' it to her. Eta I don't know about whether your mum can use a cane while her arm is still healing.

Edited by Laura Corin
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So, not sure I updated, but there are multiple fractures of the humeral head. She was to get a CT scan yesterday but the appointment for results isn't until thursday of next week which seems crazy to me. 

And that's a good point about range of motion, gait, etc. Most of her arthritis is in her hands and her back, but some in her feet. Hips are good, thankfully. Because of previous shoulder fractures she has less range of motion in her shoulders than normal, but it isn't terrible - she was really good about doing her PT exercises at home. And until the pandemic was cleaning my sister's house once a week, doing all my sister's laundry once a week, babysitting her kids usually twice a week, doing some water aerobics in her pool, going fishing with my dad, etc. I'm hoping she can get some of that back if she does PT. I mean, I know she's turning 70, but her aunt  got a PhD in her 70s and then worked for another 2 decades! Hoping she can have some more good years if we get her more mobile again. 

It's so weird to see how NOT being sedentary anymore has led to my dad looking like he is 10 yrs younger and fit as a fiddle over the past year, and my mom had the opposite happen. 

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On 4/15/2021 at 8:31 AM, ktgrok said:

She's in a lot of pain, when I google I read how this is a very very painful fracture and can take months to heal. Sigh. 


When I broke my arm last summer, it was the right humerus. Yes, it hurt a lot. I think of myself as being pretty good with pain, had my babies without meds or intervention and didn't think it was a big deal, etc. However, when I fell and broke the arm, I could not move. My phone hit the ground a few feet away from me, and I couldn't force myself to roll over onto my shoulder enough to reach for it. I had to rely on the kindness of some strangers who saw me flat on my back on the sidewalk, brought me water, called my husband and (when it was taking him a while to get to me) insisted on calling an ambulance. It was a good thing they did, too, because it became clear there was no way my husband could have moved me. The paramedics had to give me pain meds before they put me on the stretcher to get me into the vehicle, and I still almost passed out from the pain.

Every now and then, I read stories about people who broke bones and didn't even know it. And it makes me feel like a big old wimp remembering how I reacted. But, all of that to say, yes, fracturing the humerus is not fun.

I'm, what, eight months out from my break, and my arm is still not recovered. Even after months of physical therapy, it's still weaker and stiffer than my left arm, which hasn't been the same since the mastectomy. And I still can't sleep comfortably on that side. 

I'm so sorry your mom is in the situation. I'm glad she has people who are taking good care of her. 

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14 minutes ago, Jenny in Florida said:

When I broke my arm last summer, it was the right humerus. Yes, it hurt a lot. I think of myself as being pretty good with pain, had my babies without meds or intervention and didn't think it was a big deal, etc. However, when I fell and broke the arm, I could not move. My phone hit the ground a few feet away from me, and I couldn't force myself to roll over onto my shoulder enough to reach for it. I had to rely on the kindness of some strangers who saw me flat on my back on the sidewalk, brought me water, called my husband and (when it was taking him a while to get to me) insisted on calling an ambulance. It was a good thing they did, too, because it became clear there was no way my husband could have moved me. The paramedics had to give me pain meds before they put me on the stretcher to get me into the vehicle, and I still almost passed out from the pain.

Every now and then, I read stories about people who broke bones and didn't even know it. And it makes me feel like a big old wimp remembering how I reacted. But, all of that to say, yes, fracturing the humerus is not fun.

I'm, what, eight months out from my break, and my arm is still not recovered. Even after months of physical therapy, it's still weaker and stiffer than my left arm, which hasn't been the same since the mastectomy. And I still can't sleep comfortably on that side. 

I'm so sorry your mom is in the situation. I'm glad she has people who are taking good care of her. 

I'm going to tell my parents about your story, so my dad doesn't feel so bad about not being able to get her up, and my mom feels better about saying it hurts!

It must be that particular fracture that is so painful. My son has broken his forearm twice now, and the 2nd time in particular never complained of pain - I even posted here about if I should got to the ortho because he just said it felt weird to use it, lol. 

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