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We've already talked a bit about how many people are still in denial. I think all the sports closing and school closings will help to serve as a wake-up call to many people.


I don't think this has been shared yet:

Ohio health official estimates 100,000 people in state have coronavirus


A top health official in Ohio estimated on Thursday that more than 100,000 people in the state have coronavirus, a shockingly high number that underscores the limited testing so far.

Ohio Department of Health Director Amy Acton said at a press conference alongside Gov. Mike DeWine (R) that given that the virus is spreading in the community in Ohio, she estimates at least 1 percent of the population in the state has the virus.


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18 hours ago, Carrie12345 said:

I know that some companies are asking that of their employees, but I don’t know that it’s a blanket thing (yet). I also dn’t know how “travel domestically” is defined. Dh crosses state lines for work all the time. But he’s only going by private vehicle now.

I'm in the same boat. I drove (12 hours!) from NM to TX for a conference. As soon as I left, the first three cases were found (Tuesday). There are now 6 cases in the state and they've closed all schools for 3 weeks. All the cases are travel-related- Italy and NY.

I checked the travel recommendations from the state just now, and there are 3 categories: 1) international 2) out of state in hot areas (but specifically mention airports), 3) out of state in non-hot areas, and future travel. It was mentioned for category three that since things are changing rapidly, there's a possibility we can't return to NM. They also suggest that coming in from out of state,  we should put ourselves in self-isolation for 14 days. We're talking domestic travel. They are taking it very seriously. 

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3 hours ago, StellaM said:


I am so worried about hospital overwhelm.

I seriously feel like the kids' dad should update his will. If he gets sick (likely), severely (likely),especially during the peak, he is not going to make it to the head of the queue for treatment. They'll take one look at 'advanced kidney disease' and send him home in favour of treating someone more likely to respond. 

If I'm nursing him, I don't like my chances. I feel like I should talk to dd's about what would happen in the worst case scenario and one of them had to take ds in. 


I think you should go ahead and talk with your dd


Does the kids’ dad live with you? 

If not I think you should help him if needed to figure out how he can prepare—supplies etc, premade stuff that might help if sick...

But that you should not plan to do nursing of him 




3 hours ago, StellaM said:

Is that just too catastrophic? Or should I listen to my gut and just do it?

Ugh. My doctor's appt can't come soon enough. I really need his advice.


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16 minutes ago, Violet Crown said:

2 covid cases in Austin, TX.


I just looked at the main Carolina web page for COVID-19,  On that page, at this moment, they are not showing this, but when I looked a day or 2 ago, along with the States they listed, they showed 2 cities in TX,  Austin and San Antonio, Apparently other large TX cities have much lower risk at this time.   

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Under harsh criticism, Trump administration announces efforts to speed testing (WaPo)


The Trump administration announced a series of steps Friday aimed at boosting the availability of coronavirus testing, which has drawn heated criticism from lawmakers of both parties and frustrated Americans who are sick and have been unable to find out whether they are infected.

The Food and Drug Administration has created a 24-hour emergency hotline for laboratories having difficulty getting materials or finding other impediments to running tests, according to announcements early on Friday.

Officials also announced they were giving nearly $1.3 million in federal money to two companies trying to develop rapid covid-19 tests that could determine whether a person tests positive within an hour.

In addition, the Department of Health and Human Services assigned Brett Giroir, the assistant secretary for health, to coordinate all covid-19 testing efforts among federal public health agencies, including the FDA, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, state and local health departments, and public and private clinical laboratories. The FDA also is giving New York state the ability to authorize certain public and private labs to test for the virus under the aegis of the state health department, without first getting federal approval.

Earlier this week, New York Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo (D) announced he was moving ahead to contract with 28 private labs in New York. “We’re not in a position where we can rely on the CDC or the FDA to manage this testing protocol,” the governor said.

Cuomo said that he told the private labs they should “get up, get running and start moving forward with testing.”

The state’s Health Department has a preexisting relationship with these labs, which Cuomo says has the experience with virology to get the testing done.

The Trump administration announced these and other testing-related measures a day after a particularly harsh drubbing of federal health officials at a congressional hearing on Capitol Hill. At one House hearing, Antony Fauci, longtime director of the National Institutes of Health’s National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, acknowledged that the system for testing Americans for coronavirus is “not really geared to what we need right now … That is a failing. Let’s admit it.”


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4 hours ago, lewelma said:

Huge thread on the parents facebook page about quarantine of the students running from Boston.  We are being very careful.  I will NOT host the patient zero for Wellington out of my home!

Also, still no confirmed cases at MIT. 


I know you personally and your son will be super careful.

Just in general, I’m thinking of a slew of college kids fleeing Boston for many places, international and domestic — and how kids that age can be rather sophomoric... . And not all will have the seriousness and intelligence of typical MIT kids ... some will be at more “party schools” and perhaps have more wild and reckless approaches 


1 hour ago, Pawz4me said:

I've been kind of stunned that so many people seem to have assumed that grocery delivery would remain available to them. I doubt the ability/willingness of employees to deliver as much as I doubt supply chains.


I erased the earlier part of your thread, butvwant to say that it’s made me think of financial preparations.

what if I’m not dead, just very sick?

I think I am putting checks for some big expenses like property taxes ready so ds can send them in if I cannot. 

An account with both names so he can get ongoing groceries etc if I cannot...


on the gorceries part, I agree with and Ausmumof3 post below that shoppers and deliverers should stay available if possible, but starting immediately the transfer from shopper to buyer should be done with maximum possible social distancing

1 hour ago, Arcadia said:



“Gov. Kate Brown has announced that all K-12 public schools in the state of Oregon will be closed Monday through the end of March.

The school closure announcement comes on the heels of Brown’s decision to ban public gatherings of more than 250 people for four weeks.


Im contacting gov office later today to say I think it should be 25 or 50, not 250

1 hour ago, Arcadia said:

Brown said she heard from superintendents, teachers, parents and school board members who said they were struggling to operate in the wake of staff shortages and student absences. The governor said a lot of concern was also voiced for teachers over the age of 60 with underlying medical issues.


So clamoring is happening and having effect. 

1 hour ago, Arcadia said:

“I want to be very clear: sending Oregon children home will not stop the spread of the coronavirus,” Brown said in a statement. “While children are home, when at all possible, they should not be in the care of older adults or those with underlying health issues that are most at-risk from COVID-19.”


Clearly to me signifying that KN recognizes that there are probably many SARS2 positive patients including amongst schoolkids in state ... at the official figures, and if confirmed were close to actual we would not have to have caretakers not be high risk people.

high risk people with kids in school or grandkids etc are already at risk whether schools are open or closed


1 hour ago, Arcadia said:

During the closure, Brown is calling on school districts to develop plans to operate schools when students return on Wednesday, April 1. School districts should also use the time to ensure they have adequate cleaning supplies for increased cleaning protocols, the governor’s release stated.


I am considering suggesting that schools should be pushed towards online if possible for as many kids as can do that so as to reduce in school crowding and reduce likelihood of vulnerable family and school staff being made ill. 

1 hour ago, Arcadia said:

The state will track the impact the closures could have on instructional time. And the Early Learning Division will work to identify ways to support child care needs for the state’s most vulnerable families, as well as health care professionals and first responders, the governor stated.”


That’s good. I think. 

1 hour ago, Ausmumof3 said:

This was a big part of the response in China. But I guess it can be delivery without contact.  Just place the boxes and keep driving.


I agree. 

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23 minutes ago, Lanny said:


I just looked at the main Carolina web page for COVID-19,  On that page, at this moment, they are not showing this, but when I looked a day or 2 ago, along with the States they listed, they showed 2 cities in TX,  Austin and San Antonio, Apparently other large TX cities have much lower risk at this time.   

I don't think that can be right. There were 18 reported cases in Harris County (Houston area) as of 24 hours ago; one in Frisco (near Dallas), a few in San Antonio but those were people taken there for treatment, and zero in Travis County (Austin area). 

(edited for clarity)

Edited by Violet Crown
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27 minutes ago, Lanny said:


I just looked at the main Carolina web page for COVID-19,  On that page, at this moment, they are not showing this, but when I looked a day or 2 ago, along with the States they listed, they showed 2 cities in TX,  Austin and San Antonio, Apparently other large TX cities have much lower risk at this time.   


No. It’s that there are cities with lots of cases but where no State of Emergency was called so it doesn’t fit UNC criteria.  

I think UNC should broaden that as calling a state of emergency doesn’t necessarily reflect scope of infection .

Some places called state of emergency with few confirmed or rumored cases, other places have Not called state of emergency even with many confirmed and rumored but unconfirmed cases. 

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This is rather beautiful--

ETA: shoot, the video doesn't appear in my post. You can listen to it on WaPo live updates.

The singing echoing through empty Italy

ROME — Stuck in their houses under lockdown, the people in the Tuscan town of Siena on Thursday night found a way nonetheless to breathe a little life into their empty streets. They opened their windows and started singing.

Video, shared on Twitter and by Siena’s newspaper, showed vacant streets lit up by music — the local song “Verbena.” As the song continued, more and more voices joined in. The local newspaper, the Corriere di Siena, said the music “warmed all of Siena.” 

People of my hometown #Siena sing a popular song from their houses along an empty street to warm their hearts during the Italian #Covid_19 #lockdown.#coronavirusitalia #COVID19 #coronavirus


The trend is catching on. Similar events are planned Friday night in Rome, with people widely sharing a memo on social media calling for people to come to their balconies at 6 p.m.


Edited by Acadie
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7 hours ago, Farrar said:

I think the shortages are really uneven. A friend snapped photos of the one and only Costco in DC. Lots of things totally cleaned out. She said rice, beans, and pasta were basically all gone. Another friend took a photo of the empty Trader Joe's that's closest to us and it was surreal. There were just like half a dozen boxes of frozen gluten free mac and cheese (good call on leaving those, panic buyers). Meanwhile, both the Target and the Giant within walking distance of my house still had things like bleach, tp, rice, beans, etc. all in stock as of midday. Now, they might have been gone by the end of the day. Rice, pasta, and bleach were all looking thin at my Giant when I grabbed a bit more stuff in a final trip. But mostly they looked normal. I'm not too worried about supplies overall. At least, not yet.

I'm not overly worried about supplies either.  Buyers however. that's another story.  Asked dh to pick up milk and allergy meds on his way home from work last night.  He said it was crazy.   Now I wish he'd gotten 2 gallons of milk just so we can avoid the crazy a little longer.  

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58 minutes ago, Aura said:

We've already talked a bit about how many people are still in denial. I think all the sports closing and school closings will help to serve as a wake-up call to many people.


I hope so.

Maybe my son’s teacher’s will stop telling the kids that CV is less bad than flu now.

 It makes it confusing to them to know whom to believe when teacher / authority figures are doing that. 


58 minutes ago, Aura said:



And if that’s so, I’d expect the west coast states to have even more. 


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Just got automated message re Oregon state and our district closure—

there will be a tele conference today at 11  (4 hours from now) between all district superintendents (137 iirc) and the Governor to discuss steps toward Oregon schools reopening April 1. 

@StellaM or any  teachers even if far away in case you have ideas, and

@prairiewindmomma and other Oregon people, if you have thoughts and concerns

expressing ideas and concerns to Governor’s office and or one’s own district would be especially good before 11am — though I’m sure they can still tweak plans or even radically change them afterwards

Among other things, I think they need to make study from home dispensations for students who themselves may have or who have close contact with family members who have high risk for CV due to health issues or age. 

I think study from home, online etc, should be more widely encouraged for all who can do that .  I think more vulnerable teachers should be able to give online teaching, while maybe younger low risk teachers oversee the students who need to be in school buildings due to no one at home to be in charge during day, or need for food etc, or no home internet available...

And I think the group size restrictions outside of school and necessary stores and hospitals should go way down. 250 is still too high. 


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11 hours ago, Acadie said:

The Cleveland Clinic now has the ability to test for coronavirus in-house within 8-10 hours, 500 patients a day, and they're developing drive-through testing centers. 



Mayo Clinic has done the same in MN and AZ with plans to have FL available soon.

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I think I want to do comments, ideas and concerns as an email letter to our own superintendent with a copy to Governor.  Our Superintendent is more likely to see it before 11 am meeting

I think I want to include idea of high school students helping to supervise elementary and middle schoolers whose more vulnerable older teachers should not be directly exposed — but maybe with usual teacher video conferences into classroom. 


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We saw upthread the case study from the Diamond Princess contrasting two infected staff. The female worker, confirmed via testing and with respiratory symptoms and presumably contagious, never ran a fever the entire time.  I suspect there is considerable danger of missing infectious female patients worldwide if testing is only for people with temperatures over 100.4 F.

Edited by Carolina Wren
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Switzerland just announced country-wide school closure until April 30.  All cinemas, gyms, etc, are also closed.  I'm relieved.  We are heading towards being the next Italy, and this needed to be done ASAP.  

Spoke too soon, it's just our canton (state) for the moment.  Federal decision should come this evening.  

ETA:  NOW it's country-wide

Edited by Monica_in_Switzerland
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4 minutes ago, Violet Crown said:

A covid case just reported in Belton, Texas (Killeen-Temple-Ft. Hood area). 

Austin public schools and University of Texas are closed today. UT has extended Spring Break to 2 weeks; after that classes will be on-line. 

Yeah, all my family is in Texas and I didn't think it was hitting hard there yet but just heard from niece that A&M is online for rest of semester as well.

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My rough draft so far—please help me to shorten and improve it!

I just sent it to Both Superintendent and Governor’s office.  Somewhat revised, including Aura’s idea of removing “I thinks” ... 


Dear Superintendent ____

I am writing with regard to Covid-19 and plans for school reopening in the hopes you will add these thoughts to what are part of the meeting to occur at 11AM today.

1) I think that there needs to be a dispensation for all children who may themselves be unusually higher risk for Covid-19 and for all children with parents, guardians or close contact persons who are at high risk due to age or health to be able to study from home with no penalties, no negative unexcused absences or suspensions for too many days out of school.

2) I think online instruction, ideally with students’ own teachers involved (or certain teachers not necessarily in same school giving online subject lectures, while own regular teachers give online tutoring more personal assistance ) should be figured out .

 This would allow the schools to decrease the number students who need to be physically present due to no home internet, need for school supervision, food programs, etc. which would allow far more social distancing of the students still going in to school buildings (who would mostly be learning from same online format as at home students usually. Possibly with other arrangements for SPED needs students. )

 This would also help significantly to protect older and more at risk teachers who could teach remotely from home.

 Younger non high risk teachers could go to school buildings to be supervisors.

3) if additional supervision were needed in addition to the younger non at risk teachers, perhaps high school students could rotate supervision of elementary and middle schoolers when the high schoolers had free periods

4) perhaps busses still running could drop off supplies and food etc as needed by home students as well as transporting students still going into schools 

5) extra cleaning needs to be done with materials that will help against CV19, but that is as safe as possible from a chemical exposures POV, for example plain soap and water; hydrogen peroxide, povidone iodine ... not the typical harsh school cleaners

In support of these ideas specifically about schools, 

5) I think there needs to be a reduction of group size for restrictions on “group gatherings” down to 25 for non school, non hospital, non store situations to be proactive in reducing spread of CV19, “flattening the curve” of spread rate so that the medical system won’t be overwhelmed.

6) generally plans need to be more proactive rather than reactive.  

7) I think there need to be significant penalties for people who are known to have CV19, or who are suspected of having it and waiting for test results, who do things like take planes and go to gatherings thereby exposing other people

8 ) I think in addition to school issues, very strong proactive measures need to be taken to protect first responders EMTs and fire fighters and others who deal with possible CV carriers so that we do not lose our emergency first responder personnel.  Otherwise we will have other great and significant problems such as few firefighters when the fire season starts. 

Thank you,


cc: Governor’s office

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2 minutes ago, Pen said:



My rough draft so far—please help me to shorten and improve it!



Dear Superintendent ____

I am writing with regard to Covid-19 and plans for school reopening in the hopes you will add there thoughts to what are part of the meeting to occur at 11AM today.

1) I think that there needs to be a dispensation for all children who may themselves be unusually higher risk for Covid-19 and for all children with parents, guardians or close contact persons who are at high risk due to age or health to be able to study from home with no penalties, no negative unexcused absences or suspensions for too many days out of school.

2) I think online instruction, ideally with students’ own teachers involved (or certain teachers not necessarily in same school giving online subject lectures, while own regular teachers give online tutoring more personal assistance ) should be figured out .  This would allow the schools to decrease students who need to be there due to no home internet, need for school supervision, food programs, etc. which would allow far more social distancing of the students still going in to school buildings (who would still be learning from same online format as at home students usually. Possibly with other arrangements for SPED needs students.  This would also help significantly to protect older and more at risk teachers who could teach remotely from home.  Younger non high risk teachers could go to school buildings to be supervisors.

3) if additional supervision were needed in addition to the younger non at risk teachers, perhaps high school students could rotate supervision of elementary and middle schoolers when the high schoolers had free periods

4) perhaps busses still running could drop off supplies and food etc as needed by home students as well as transporting students still going into schools 

5) I think there needs to be a reduction of group size for restrictions on “group gatherings” down to 25 for non school, non hospital, non store situations to be proactive in reducing spread of CV19, “flattening the curve” of spread rate so that the medical system won’t be overwhelmed.

6) generally plans need to be more proactive rather than reactive.  

7) I think there need to be significant penalties for people who are known to have CV19, or who are suspected of having it and waiting for test results, who do things like take planes and go to gatherings thereby exposing other people

8 ) I think in addition to school issues, very strong proactive measures need to be taken to protect first responders EMTs and fire fighters and others who deal with possible CV carriers so that we do not lose our emergency first responder personnel.  Otherwise we will have other great and significant problems such as few firefighters when the fire season starts. 

Thank you,


I like your suggestions. I'm not sure if it would help, but maybe make it slightly more emphatic by eliminating all the "I think" and "Perhaps". Just state what needs to be done: "There needs to be a dispensation for all children..." "Buses still running..."

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5 minutes ago, Joker said:

Yeah, all my family is in Texas and I didn't think it was hitting hard there yet but just heard from niece that A&M is online for rest of semester as well.

I know! I felt like, Houston area, what do you expect; Frisco, okay that's basically a suburb of DFW; but Belton? And now here in my town. Time to stay home with that bowl of tortilla chips and salsa.

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16 minutes ago, Violet Crown said:

A covid case just reported in Belton, Texas (Killeen-Temple-Ft. Hood area). 

Austin public schools and University of Texas are closed today. UT has extended Spring Break to 2 weeks; after that classes will be on-line. 

This is down the street from where my parents live. With whom I am staying currently. 

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Dallas County has five additional presumptive positives.  Gatherings (in Dallas County) of more than 500 people are prohibited beginning at 11 am central time today through March 20th, unless it's extended. 

Mayor of the city of Dallas has declared a state of emergency.  UT Dallas begins spring break next week, and that break has already been extended to two weeks with online classes following.

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1 hour ago, Pen said:

high risk people with kids in school or grandkids etc are already at risk whether schools are open or closed


Here, some people do drop off their kids at grandparents homes when school is not in session. I think your governor had to say what she said to kind of tell people not to drop off their kids with their elderly relatives or elderly babysitters. To ask a young relative or babysitter to babysit instead.


your letter to your superintendent should be in a more legal tone and less personal tone. 

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15 minutes ago, Violet Crown said:

I know! I felt like, Houston area, what do you expect; Frisco, okay that's basically a suburb of DFW; but Belton? And now here in my town. Time to stay home with that bowl of tortilla chips and salsa.

I had that moment when I heard there were cases in Andorra and Liechtenstein.  At that point it's got to be everywhere.

I keep being surprised we're hearing nothing much from India...

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1 hour ago, Farrar said:

I feel like it suddenly hit a tipping point here. People went from “it’s no big deal” to “why haven’t they closed schools yet!” in like a 24 hour period.


YES.  I have been prepping for weeks.  Everyone was saying no big deal.  Making fun of me.  Now everyone is changing their minds. 

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1 hour ago, StellaM said:



I don't know who else could do it if I don't (and if there's no bed for him in hospital). 

Putting that in the 'cross bridge later' basket, I guess.




So your idea would be to nurse him until you were yourself sick enough to be admitted to the hospital? 

He probably needs to have what he would need available right at his bed side to self care.

And/Or one of the kids maybe your son, who is less likely to need hospitalization than you are, to move in and care for him if need be. 


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🇮🇳 https://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-india-51866903

“The 76-year-old man, from the southern state of Karnataka, returned from Saudi Arabia on 29 February after a month-long visit. 

People who came in contact with the man, who died on Tuesday, are being traced and quarantined, the state's health minister said. 

India has 81 confirmed cases of the virus, the health ministry says.

The dead man's test results were only made public on Thursday.

Officials say he was screened at the airport when he arrived from Saudi Arabia but showed no symptoms at the time.

After he developed difficulties last week, he was taken to hospital.”

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20 minutes ago, mommyoffive said:

YES.  I have been prepping for weeks.  Everyone was saying no big deal.  Making fun of me.  Now everyone is changing their minds. 

And you will become a villain in their minds for "stockpiling" and "hoarding" so there is nothing left for those who weren't "panicking". (Argg! I have actually read people's arguments saying this over the last 24 hours.)

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4 minutes ago, RootAnn said:

And you will become a villain in their minds for "stockpiling" and "hoarding" so there is nothing left for those who weren't "panicking". (Argg! I have actually read people's arguments saying this over the last 24 hours.)


Actually the people I know have said they wish they would have done it.  And now they are saying I was right.  I didn't hoard things, but I did buy some extra things as soon as the CDC told everyone too.  Even though at that time our state had 1 case.  I think our state had 1 as of Monday.  Now our state has 7.   Universities are shut down.  The stores have empty racks.   All we have is 7 cases.   Between dh and I we travel 250 miles apart everyday and it is like that everywhere.  

I want to let people know that if this isn't the case by you yet, it is going to be.  Stock up now.   Get lots of toilet paper because you won't be able to find it.  It is currently sold out on costco and amazon.  A lot of things I was buying I didn't even know why I was getting it, but I did anyway. 


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2 hours ago, Violet Crown said:

I don't think that can be right. There were 18 reported cases in Harris County (Houston area) as of 24 hours ago; one in Frisco (near Dallas), a few in San Antonio but those were people taken there for treatment, and zero in Travis County (Austin area). 

(edited for clarity)

Houston has gone on full Covid19 alert. First the Rodeo was closed on Wednesday when the first case of community spread was detected in Montgomery County which is a suburb, then everything on Thursday. Schools are closed for at least a week, even Houston ISD which held out the longest. U of H and CCs are going to take an extra week of Spring Break and then go to online only.

I'm glad that the city of Houston and Harris and Fort Bend Counties reacted so quickly. Officials had clearly preplanned their responses to triggering events and executed their plans immediately.

Supermarkets here sort of collapsed yesterday as people went from "Hyped Up Hoax" to Coronapocalypse!!! in less time than it takes to dip a chip in salsa. But HEB has issued a statement to calm fears. We are in no danger of running out of Texas shaped tortilla chips so everyone can chill out.:


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I noticed a major change in my news feed as soon as pro sports, NCAA, and Disney started closing. Especially on my cheer forums. The people who were "it's not fair for kids to miss these special competitions" were suddenly saying "why are we still competing this Saturday at Disney when they are closing on Sunday! I think we should stay home-better safe than sorry". 


There is still a big shift between the city, which has closed schools, and the county/municipal districts, which are reassuring parents that we are cleaning a lot and having kids wash their hands, but not much else. Having said that, I do think part of it is that the schools which are not closing yet were already closed for Spring Break starting Monday, so they may be waiting until next week sometime to make the call.  My teaching site is one that is not yet closed, so I'm preparing for a shutdown. I've been cleaning before and after each student and escorting kids to the bathrooms to wash their hands the last few weeks, but if the schools actually close, I assume we will as well. 


edit...And as of about an hour ago--yep, closed for 2 weeks, and then reevaluate. I really wonder if part of the reason for closing now before Spring Break starts is to possibly head off the likelihood of the Governor ordering schools closed for longer.

Edited by dmmetler
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4 minutes ago, itsheresomewhere said:

Just wanted to give a recommendation for saving your hands if you are having cracking hands from extra hand washing.  I bought Weleda Skin Food cream for my hands.  Hands down worth it. My hands are still happy from applying it 3 hours ago. 

That stuff is the best.  Fortunately I bought a couple tubes last time it was on sale, so have some on hand (oops, pun!). It saved my hands the year I had 3 kids in diapers... that was also a lot of,washing!

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4 minutes ago, itsheresomewhere said:

Just wanted to give a recommendation for saving your hands if you are having cracking hands from extra hand washing.  I bought Weleda Skin Food cream for my hands.  Hands down worth it. My hands are still happy from applying it 3 hours ago. 


I need something and like Weleda company.  Does it have a fragrance? I don’t do well fragrance products, never if faux chemicals impersonating florals etc, but even natural lavender and a few other such are a problem for me

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8 hours ago, Laura Corin said:

I'm hoping that it's a data led decision. It feels right emotionally to close schools, but will it actually help?

I don't think it will make much difference as far as the kids and their families are concerned.  However, as I explained to my kids, many of the teachers are higher risk.  I think it makes sense that they should not have to be exposed to every germ in the community at a time like this.

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2 minutes ago, square_25 said:

All this crowding around in stores can't POSSIBLY be the right idea... 

I am not at all claustrophobic or agoraphobic, but man I was getting there fast at the grocery store last night, when I ran in for what I thought would just be a few minutes to top off our perishables. It was insane - I kept thinking that  this is probably as exposed as I've been - should have told dh he didn't need more fresh oj.  At least I got to stand in the 12 items or less line.   I took some deep cleansing breaths as soon as I got out to the parking lot.

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5 minutes ago, Pen said:


I need something and like Weleda company.  Does it have a fragrance? I don’t do well fragrance products, never if faux chemicals impersonating florals etc, but even natural lavender and a few other such are a problem for me

I am not reacting to it at all.  I don’t smell it until I put my nose to the tube and it is very light.  On my hands, no smell.  The dog who loves fresh lotion and can notice it a room away when a tube is open, never noticed. 

Whole Foods has it on sale.

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7 minutes ago, Pen said:


I need something and like Weleda company.  Does it have a fragrance? I don’t do well fragrance products, never if faux chemicals impersonating florals etc, but even natural lavender and a few other such are a problem for me

Smells like oranges. I assume with Weleda something natural. 

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35 minutes ago, RootAnn said:

And you will become a villain in their minds for "stockpiling" and "hoarding" so there is nothing left for those who weren't "panicking". (Argg! I have actually read people's arguments saying this over the last 24 hours.)

I haven't told anyone local that I was "prepping."  Based on comments I'm still seeing on my FB feed, many are still unhappy with the inconvenience of it all and schools being cancelled.  I would be called out if I was saying get prepared.  Oh well!!!  I stocked up my house like normal (considering I have 2 teen boys that are eating us out of house and home) and then got a few extra things.  If that is stockpiling or hoarding, oh well!!!!  They shouldn't have poo-pooed it a couple of weeks ago.  It's not like people haven't heard about this!  My DH and the boys were laughing at me 2 weeks ago (they were in support, but thought I was a bit nutso).  They love me now :-)!

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