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What is your favorite part of trick or treating?


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I LOVE two things about trick or treating:


1) Seeing all the kids in their costumes. Just love the variety and fun they are having.


2) Sitting outside with neighbors, handing out treats. Usually with one of the portable bonfires, some wine and lots of good laughs. We meet far more of the new homeowners doing it this way, rather than each of us on our own porch. We cluster every few houses, walk back & forth, etc. Granted, it's a relatively new townhouse community, making clustering easier while still giving out treats. Love my neighborhood! 


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Not going. Not having to go. Having kids that are older and not interested.  :coolgleamA:


And no one comes through our townhouse community anyway.


My kids are waaaaaaaaay past it. But I love it! We're in townhouses too, with a good number of kids. It's us almost empty nesters and empty nesters that are clustering while engaging with the younger ones & their parents. I think this is only the 3rd Halloween for the neighborhood, which is becoming a tight community so it's a night of real community spirit. 

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I love it all. The decorating, the weeks of elaborate costume making, the bonfire clusters and hanging out with neighbors. The kids in costumes.


We make chili and cider, and this year mulled wine. We have friends spend the night each year, the whole family.


The ToTing and the afterward when all the kids trade candy. The Switch Witch comes for DS and gives him safe candy.


This year we stuffed 450 goodie bags to pass out. Our number varies, not sure how many ToTers we will have this year, but that should be enough. :)


I adore Halloween.

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I am totally going to win this thread.


My dh serves glasses of wine to the accompanying parent.

You win!


My SIL just told me that her DH makes Jell-O shots and keeps them in a cooler for parents. I haven't had Jell-O shots since being maybe 22, but it sounded fun.


You totally win with wine. :)

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You win!


My SIL just told me that her DH makes Jell-O shots and keeps them in a cooler for parents. I haven't had Jell-O shots since being maybe 22, but it sounded fun.


You totally win with wine. :)

Last year, one little girl said, “no, mommy!! You always get goofy when you have wine!†🙄😑

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I do like seeing the kids in their costumes.


However, I dislike trick or treating. I didn't like taking my kids and I don't like handing it out.


I used to love Halloween but the bad apples spoiled the bunch in my neighborhood. Too many disrespectful of people's property. People have had their displays broken and/or pieces stolen. Smashed pumpkins.

On Halloween some kids are simply rude and disrespectful because they are not supervised. I am not talking about youthful rambunctious pretending behavior. These kids are stealing the bowl the candy is in if left on the porch. Or tossing the bowl onto the lawn. No respect for anyone or anything. I am so disgruntled I am not sure I am participating this year.

Now get off my lawn!

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I LOVE two things about trick or treating:


1) Seeing all the kids in their costumes. Just love the variety and fun they are having.


2) Sitting outside with neighbors, handing out treats. Usually with one of the portable bonfires, some wine and lots of good laughs. We meet far more of the new homeowners doing it this way, rather than each of us on our own porch. We cluster every few houses, walk back & forth, etc. Granted, it's a relatively new townhouse community, making clustering easier while still giving out treats. Love my neighborhood!

If we lived in a neighborhood, I think this second part would be very fun. We have always been those “descend upon someone else's neighborhood†people and this part always did look like fun to me.


When my kids were little, I got a lot of joy out of making them a really awesome costume. Showing off the mad creative skillz, lol.

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Duh, sorting the candy. :D

Gotta make sure it’s safe! Expecially those Butterfingers; you can’t trust those. Mom has to examine them extra-carefully.

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I used to live in townhouses in an area where everyone came--people would travel to this area for thier kids to trick or treat because the houses were so close together. I loved sitting on the porch and seeing all the costumes.


I live in a different area now and trick or treating is different because the houses are farther apart and no where near as many people offer candy as in the townhouses, but I still love taking the kids. They're 12 and 15 now. The 15yo hasn't gone in 2 years and I'm not sure if the 12 yo will go. This might be the first year where I don't ToT OR hand out candy! My house is one of the last ones on the last street in town, and I don't think any trick or treater has ever bothered to come all the way to the end of my street where I am in search of candy.


I'll have to content myself with the pumpkin carving. Love the pumpkin carving!

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I love it all! But I've been fortunate enough to not have had any bad experiences.


I grew up in the almost-country, so houses we too spread apart to do trick-or-treating. We had to drive to other neighborhoods. So with that background, one of my favorite things is seeing groups of my own neighbors hanging out together while they pass out candy. One group on a cul-de-sac even brings out a projector and plays the Charlie Brown Halloween movie. It's just so nice to see the neighborhood so alive, having fun together, keeping an eye on the kids together. Normally it's very quiet and boring, with everyone going straight home after work and keeping to themselves, except to maybe walk a dog or go for a jog. It's a real transformation to have everyone suddenly come out and have a good time. And it's spontaneous. There's none of the forced joviality like at the annual HOA-sponsored events.

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Seeing the costumes, seeing everyone so happy, hanging out with neighbors, eating the kids candy after they go to bed :)


This year we are doing a pot luck with two of our neighbors, one of whom will have her 2 yr old grandson. He's going to be adorable!  

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The community spirit.  Talking to neighbors.


My kids used to do some sort of routine at each house -- dancing, singing, one year there was a swashbuckling sword fight.  Sort of like Christmas caroling, but not confined to singing Christmas songs.  It was always so much fun!  My screensaver this month is pictures of Halloweens past, and is just full of great memories.


Some of the kids still tell jokes, which is traditional in some parts of our metropolitan area.  They're usually bad -- don't make sense or else just poorly told -- and I love them!

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I'm going to add that I love the costumes of kids all ages. I love the cute little ones - toddlers, preschoolers, school age, the dressed up babies when you know that candy is for the parents, and the teens who are holding on to one last bit of childhood.

Edited by Lady Florida.
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I love the whole thing. I love making costumes with my kids and all the excitement that leads up to the day. We are currently listening to creepy music while eating lunch, dh is dancing like a lunatic to the music just to get me to smile.


We TOT with dh's sisters, their kids, and his mom. We have dinner before hand and all go out together. The adults chat while the kids run from house to house. I love that my 8 year old wants to keep going after all the little legs are tired so I go with him and we just get to chat going door to door. I love watching them trade candies and hand the adults some of their favorites every now and then

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I really hate the addition of alcohol to TOTing. Why do parents need alcohol to deal with every single kid activity?!?!


Every year I end up with at least one lost crying child asking me to help find their parent. I seem to be the only sober adult who is paying attention in the whole darn neighborhood.


I used to like making costumes and taking pictures. Now I’m sorta over the whole thing. [emoji853]



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I really hate the addition of alcohol to TOTing. Why do parents need alcohol to deal with every single kid activity?!?!


Every year I end up with at least one lost crying child asking me to help find their parent. I seem to be the only sober adult who is paying attention in the whole darn neighborhood.


I used to like making costumes and taking pictures. Now I’m sorta over the whole thing. [emoji853]



Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


We don't need it. We enjoy sitting with neighbors with a glass of wine or a beer while giving out treats. No one is getting drunk, at least around here. No one's making someone who doesn't want a glass to have one. We love the costumes, take pictures of the ones we know... those sitting together, handing out treats, are typically parents of older kids and young adults. If you don't like it, don't partake. No need to be judgemental about those of us who do. 

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I take a candy tax.  There have been many discussions over how unfair this is.  LOL  I say, I gave you life, I paid for your costumes out of my spending money, and am spending my evening walking around neighborhoods when I want to be home reading a book, so hand over the Almond Joys.


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I'm not big on it myself, but if I have to pick a favorite part, it's seeing cute little kids dressed up and doing their unique version of trick-or-treat.


My real favorite part is saying goodbye to the last piece of candy.  If only we had a longer break between that and the next candy holiday.  :/

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Oh and I really like when people dress up and decorate like a mini haunted house for the trick-or-treaters.


Now that I am too old to trick-or-treat, I don't get to enjoy that any more.


Those were always fun. We used to go on a neighborhood hay ride (in our old neighborhood there houses were spread out and a lot of people did hay rides for ToT). Several houses did the mini haunted house. 

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yeah..no one around here is drunk to the point of losing their kids!!!

We do have beer and hot cider (with rum). We just sit together in the street and hangout with the neighbors as the TOTers come by. No one is getting drunk. Very few have more than one drink.


However, several years ago (12years I think), we did have a mom stumbling through our court from another part of the neighborhood with her boyfriend. She was wearing one of those sexy whatever costumes for adult females. Though she was thin those things are not made for someone post 40 after babies. Add in the stumbling... Her kids were 9 and 11 I think. They weren't with her. They were TOTing with neighborhood friends. She stumbled through and drunkenly chatted with all of us (about 15 adults). It was uncomfortable. Everyone already knew she had problems, but this just took away speculation. She died last year of liver disease. A couple of neighbors did as much as they could to watch out for the woman's ds through those years of his mom's decline because he was friends with the other neighbor boys.


Relaxing and having a beer with neighbors is different than being falling down drunk.

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