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Just for fun - what food do you hate that it seems like everybody else loves?


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I hate all seafood. I'm mildly allergic to shellfish, but when I'm eating fish I just think of fins and scales yuck. Eating fish just makes me feel gross. I'm super grossed out by looking at fish I dont know why.


Im also creeped out by mayonaise.


My dh eats everything except tomatoes. He has a physical reaction when he puts them in his mouth and he gags and cant help it.

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<insert whatever here> salad. Potato salad, egg salad, chicken salad, Waldorf salad. Even fruit salad. If it has the word "salad" in it, but it's not an actual salad, the sight of it is revolting. I have no idea how anyone chokes any of it down.


We made a "grilled potato salad" last week, and are making it again on the 4th, but I had to rename it in my head so I could eat it.


For me, it is barbecued anything.

*gasp* I'm offended!


Just kidding, my user name has nothing to do with actual food.

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Also eggs, though I can stand them if they're mixed with enough something else, especially if it includes a lot of cheese (omelette, quiche).  But hard/soft boiled, fried, poached.  Gag me.


Mayonnaise (unless used sparingly to hold, say, tuna salad together).  Although if I'm making it myself, I'll often use Greek yogurt instead.


Pickled cucumbers and peppers (I actually don't mind other pickled things so much).


Olives, any kind.


Egg salad, obviously, is an abomination on many fronts.


Oh, and salad dressing of pretty much any kind, unless it's the kind made with lots of ginger in an Asian restaurant.  Because ginger is the food of the gods.  Pickled ginger, for example, also heavenly.  Ginger makes everything good.



ETA: Not a big cantaloupe fan (other melons are nice).  And what is the deal with ribs.  Gnawing fatty meat off bones, no.    People keep reminding me of things. :)



Meanwhile, I eat tons of stuff other people probably wouldn't.  I've eaten jellyfish. It was good.



Edited by Matryoshka
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I don't like meat on the bone. Plus it looks like so much work for so little lol

Same here. I feel the same way about loaded potato skins. The skin is what I generally avoid with potatoes; why would I scoop out the edible part and cover it with gloppy stuff that is bad for you? People eat these two things at bars, but I'm just like, WHY???

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Well, I can choke down anything to be polite, but I actually have a long list of things I don't like. 



Beans, or anything made from beans


Yellow squash and eggplant, though zucchini is fine

Anything even remotely spicy

Pesto, or any other puree sauce thing

Black and white pepper

Some kinds of fish


I could keep going.


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LOL, I'm pretty sure tripe is on my NO list, but I don't think it qualifies as something 'everybody else loves'.  I think we can be in agreement that it is YUK. :lol:   Unless there are a lot of closet tripe-lovers in America?  Organ meat in general is not tops on my list...  liver is good if you make it into liverwurst or paté, but alone, not a fan.  But at least here in America (I'm guessing France and some other countries might have a different opinion), I think I side with the majority that organs are not tasty treats. ;)  Ditto haggis and snails.



Edited by Matryoshka
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mashed or baked potatoes, pasta, bread (I don't hate these, just dislike them - and don't get why so many people are gaga over them)




almost all kinds of fruit except for blueberries, raspberries and blackberries


dark chocolate



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Yellow squash and eggplant, though zucchini is fine



Yellow squash, eggplant, *and* zucchini can all have texture problems for me.  So slimy if cooked a certain way.  I hated them all for years until I realized that the texture problem goes away if cooked other ways.  The squashes roasted, or stir-fried, I'm fine - need to be cut thick and still a bit crunchy.  Any of them in lasagna, or eggplant in moussaka or as eggplant parm (breaded/fried, smothered with cheese and tomato sauce).


Ratatouille is like all the things with the slimy texture mixed together in a pot.  Ewwww.

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Melon, the taste of all of it is awful to me. I won't touch fruit salad with cantaloupe in it because it taints the whole thing and everything tastes like cantaloupe.


Eggplant - in any form.

:iagree: 100%, especially with the melon


Also, avocado and olives are pretty gross to me. I can only tolerate them in tiny amounts.

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I really don't like pork.  I won't buy it raw, it stinks horribly and I can't touch it.  I don't even like bacon (don't shoot me.)  I will, on very rare occasion, eat BBQ or ribs, but it has to be pre-cooked and with lots of sauce, and I won't choose it on purpose.



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I really don't like pork.  I won't buy it raw, it stinks horribly and I can't touch it.  I don't even like bacon (don't shoot me.)  I will, on very rare occasion, eat BBQ or ribs, but it has to be pre-cooked and with lots of sauce, and I won't choose it on purpose.


My dad will only eat beef ribs. If I have a choice I ask for beef. I like some pork, but don't care for pork roast. Gotta be beef for me.


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Eggs. Sometimes I can stand it if there is a breakfast burrito and the egg chunks aren't big, but generally: blech.


When I was a kid, not only would I noteat eggs, but also hated most sausage, bacon (what was I thinking) and pancakes and waffles. Needless to say, I was a joy to take out for breakfast at almost any restaurant. I ate a lot of those little boxes of overpriced cereal.

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Tomato slices or wedges (I can handle chopped tomatoes in things like salsa, guacamole, etc)


Potato salad and egg salad (but I love tuna salad and chicken salad)


Baked beans


Deviled eggs




Barbecue sauce (but I love BBQ with rubs and where you can choose your own sauce instead of the disgusting to me tomato based ones)


Ketchup on a hot dog


Coffee and beer

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Raw vegetables. Hate crunchy texture. No salads for me, although they look amazing. Can't handle the crunch. 


Then there is the bad smell group that is a deal breaker for any of it in my house: 

Fish of any type




  :ack2:  :ack2:  :ack2:


I'm getting nauseous just thinking about it. 


ETA: agreeing with boiled eggs. They smell like sulphur. Who wants to eat that?!? 

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LOL, I'm pretty sure tripe is on my NO list, but I don't think it qualifies as something 'everybody else loves'.  I think we can be in agreement that it is YUK. :lol:   Unless there are a lot of closet tripe-lovers in America?  Organ meat in general is not tops on my list...  liver is good if you make it into liverwurst or paté, but alone, not a fan.  But at least here in America (I'm guessing France and some other countries might have a different opinion), I think I side with the majority that organs are not tasty treats. ;)  Ditto haggis and snails.


Funny, I was just coming back to edit that out because after I posted I realized that one didn't qualify. :tongue_smilie:  I'm sure it was just my mom who's a tripe lover--tripe stew specifically. And for some reason she seemed to think everyone should love it as much she did. When I was a kid there were a couple restaurants that had tripe stew on their menu. :ack2:

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