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Just for fun - what food do you hate that it seems like everybody else loves?


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Texture is an issue with a lot of the foods I don't like. In some cases it's taste (milk or beer or cake frosting for example) but more often it's the texture. I suspect I'm not the only one who dislikes a texture of certain foods more so than the flavor.

Exactly. But your post made me realize there is something else I hate that most love: beer. I think I had too much when I was little (don't ask) - now just the smell makes me feel queasy.

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I'm feeling validated that so many dislike avocado, hummus, hard boiled eggs, and Starbucks truly horrendous brewed coffee.


Maybe I'm not quite so weird as I thought. ;)


I'm always puzzled that so many on here seem to think hard boiled eggs are like the perfect snack food. No one here would touch them. Not even the dog recognizes them as edible.


I've only had boiled peanuts a couple of times, and those were both at a restaurant in Charleston that serves them as a complimentary appetizer. Ummm . . . no. Just no.


I think not liking hard boiled eggs definitely belongs on this list.  When we go places where there are deviled eggs (church pot lucks, parties, etc) they are always one of the first things to run out of.  When I'm at school, all of my co-workers eat them at some time or another (usually often) at lunch.  It honestly surprised me that some folks don't like them when I see them listed on this thread.  Avocado, hummus, coffee, and peanuts not so much.


Alligator isn't an uncommon menu item on some local (never chain) seafood restaurants. It's tough and chewy and despite what people say, it doesn't "taste like chicken". I've tried it more than once, but I don't like it. Dh and ds like to order alligator nuggets.


I like alligator, and no, it doesn't taste like chicken.  It has a flavor of its own just like lamb or deer isn't beef, but both are good.  We actually like both of the latter more than beef TBH.  I doubt most folks have tried - or even would try - alligator.  I think the thought scares people off.  I can understand that.  There's no way I would eat snake.  I'd eat all the squirrels out there before I would even taste snake.

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Exactly. But your post made me realize there is something else I hate that most love: beer. I think I had too much when I was little (don't ask) - now just the smell makes me feel queasy.


I'm with you in hating the taste and smell of beer. I did tolerate a little in a shandy once in England, but it still wasn't worth it. I have enjoyed the taste of some wines and mixed drinks, though I don't drink anymore. My alcohol tolerance is so low it's not worth it.

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Oh, I forgot chick peas/garbanzos. I like them in hummus, but hate them plain. So I like many things mushed up that I don't like whole....peas in pea soup are okay but not regular peas, chick peas ok in hummus but not whole, avocado is fine in guacamole but gross in chunks, and egg salad is okay but hard boiled eggs are gross when whole. 

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I'm not sure what to say about avocados, because I don't think I've ever really tried them.  My mom used to make guacamole all the time when I was a kid and I'd never touch the stuff.  How I have managed to maintain an aversion so long is a bit of a mystery, when many other things I wouldn't try when I was a kid turned out to be lovely.  I have only recently realized that there is avocado snuck into a lot of sushi rolls.  I hadn't even noticed.  Lalalalala.


I definitely hate beer.  I have tried a shandy once or twice and that is marginally less disgusting.  But no beer.  Except maybe beer-battered fish.  But that tastes different.


I don't hate typical American cake (though I'll definitely scrape most of the frosting off - a tiny bit offsets the sawdust texture of the cake, but a pile of glop is too much), but I don't like it much at all.  Ditto steak.  Why is there a big honking slab of meat on my plate?  Don't get it.  I'll eat it if served, but bleh..

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I'm not sure what to say about avocados, because I don't think I've ever really tried them.  My mom used to make guacamole all the time when I was a kid and I'd never touch the stuff.  How I have managed to maintain an aversion so long is a bit of a mystery, when many other things I wouldn't try when I was a kid turned out to be lovely.  I have only recently realized that there is avocado snuck into a lot of sushi rolls.  I hadn't even noticed.  Lalalalala.




Well if you ever decide to give them a try, stay away from the bright green ones. Those are the hard, tasteless Florida avocados. Go for Haas, which are very dark green to black. When they give a little they're ripe (kind of like ripe peaches do).

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We also have a local fast food place, The Varsity, that people only seem to like if they grew up with it.


I grew up with the Varsity but can't eat it now. It was a prom tradition so we did it, but ugh. Dd went to Georgia Tech and she really wanted to like the Varsity but never developed a taste for it, despite being born and raised in Atlanta.  But I admit, now that I love 1000 miles away, whenever an old school buddy posts a Varsity pic it brings back good memories.   Nostalgia is a funny thing. 

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I do not enjoy tiramisu.


Me neither.


I love coffee. I enjoy cake. But soggy, soggy cake because it's dripping in coffee? No. It's kind of like I wouldn't toss pieces of cake into my coffee cup & fish the pieces out w/ a spoon & eat them. But that's what tiramisu seems like to me. Lol.

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I grew up with the Varsity but can't eat it now. It was a prom tradition so we did it, but ugh. Dd went to Georgia Tech and she really wanted to like the Varsity but never developed a taste for it, despite being born and raised in Atlanta.  But I admit, now that I love 1000 miles away, whenever an old school buddy posts a Varsity pic it brings back good memories.   Nostalgia is a funny thing. 


Ok, now the next time we're in the area I'll have to try Varsity.  If I remember, I'll let you know whether you did us any favors or not... ;)

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Me neither.


I love coffee. I enjoy cake. But soggy, soggy cake because it's dripping in coffee? No. It's kind of like I wouldn't toss pieces of cake into my coffee cup & fish the pieces out w/ a spoon & eat them. But that's what tiramisu seems like to me. Lol.

I also don't like the soggy either. I used to make tons of espresso for the Italian restaurant next door for their tiramisu. I wanted to like it, but no.

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I grew up with the Varsity but can't eat it now. It was a prom tradition so we did it, but ugh. Dd went to Georgia Tech and she really wanted to like the Varsity but never developed a taste for it, despite being born and raised in Atlanta.  But I admit, now that I love 1000 miles away, whenever an old school buddy posts a Varsity pic it brings back good memories.   Nostalgia is a funny thing. 


Oh boy. Their food is bad. But, you have to go at least once. :lol:


I am not sure why people's arteries don't go into automatic lockdown just walking into that place.

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Me neither.


I love coffee. I enjoy cake. But soggy, soggy cake because it's dripping in coffee? No. It's kind of like I wouldn't toss pieces of cake into my coffee cup & fish the pieces out w/ a spoon & eat them. But that's what tiramisu seems like to me. Lol.


Actually, that sounds pretty good. And I don't like cake normally!

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I love tripe! 


It's hard to find though. 


I'm gearing myself up to hit the local Vallarta supermarket for a tripe run.


But the coffee is kicking in very sloooowly today.


I may have MaĂƒÂ±ana disease.





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Though googling it (Varsity) and getting this:




I'm not so sure it really tops my list over the many ethnic options oldest son introduced us to when we visited him...


The Varsity is about the experience (environment) not the food. :lol:


They have the greasiest onion rings you will ever encounter in your life.


The frosted orange shakes are pretty good though (if you like the taste of creamsicles).


Why am I wanting The Varsity now??? I don't even like their stuff!!!

Edited by Stacia
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The Varsity is about the experience (environment) not the food. :lol:


They have the greasiest onion rings you will ever encounter in your life.


The frosted orange shakes are pretty good though (if you like the taste of creamsicles).


Why am I wanting The Varsity now??? I don't even like their stuff!!!


Well... it's actually reading about the experience that turned me off vs on...  :leaving:

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Oh this. As a kid I hated clearing the table or doing dishes if there was anything mayo related. I still remember gagging just wiping off the rim of the jar before I could put it away. I got over the gagging just being around it working at Burger King as a teenager but those big industrial size containers of mayo about did me in my first week or so.


I can now eat something that has had the mayo scraped off of it and I might eat tuna salad with a tiny bit of mayo once a year. I still cannot share a meal with someone dipping fries in mayo.

Ha I used to work at BK too and yes ugh the mayo.

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I have to put quinoa on my list.


How could I forget to put quinoa on my list? Boiled dirt. Doesn't matter what you put on it, or in it, it takes like dirt.



I have one of my Grandma's old cookbooks (one given to her) and it has a recipe in it for Woodchuck/Groundhog.  All of the recipes in it start with real items (eg one chicken, one pumpkin, etc, nothing canned or similar). She came from NY.


It might not be normal now to eat these items, but not long ago in our nation's past it was quite common.


I have heard the woodchuck is quite good, but I've never had it. You have to be careful about cleaning it (scent glands?). I had a great-great grandmother (IIRC) who used to send her dog out to bring one home for dinner! I am not from the south, BTW. Just a rural area.


For those who had squirrel: how does it taste? Similar to rabbit? (Which is delicious)


It tastes a lot like chicken, but it has sort of sweeter flavor (very subtle sweetness). My son loves squirrel. They are inconvenient to dress for the amount of meat you get, but they are tasty. We made a stroganoff sort of recipe and some soup when we've tried them. I have wanted to try rabbit for a long time. I am glad to hear it is good. I would not be surprised if either woodchuck or squirrel or both taste a lot like rabbit (all rodents). Rabbits and woodchucks probably eat a very similar set of plants. 


Snapping turtle is amazing if you ever get a chance to try it. The different parts of the turtle all taste like different meats, but overall it's mild like pork or chicken. It's very tender. I had it breaded and pan fried.

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Buffalo chicken anything.  I do NOT like hot sauce.


Onions and peppers.  It seems like they're in every single dish.  I don't really want them in any dish, but can handle them very finely chopped as long as there aren't a lot of them.  

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Coffee is probably the biggie.  Everyone tells me if I start drinking it I'll learn to like it.  Um, no.  Not in school, not when I started working full time and it was available at the push of a button.  Nope nope nope.


Steak.  I wouldn't say I HATE it, but I don't get the big deal.  It's definitely not worth paying $$$$ for it.





I don't like meat on the bone. Plus it looks like so much work for so little lol


I agree with this.   The only food I'm willing to work that hard for is crab legs.



Hummus. Tasteless tan gunk - for dipping! Um, no.


I only eat roasted garlic hummus.  Tan gunk, but not tasteless.   :lol:


I used to think I hated a lot of vegetables.  Turns out it's how they were cooked.  Frozen spinach cooked until mushy - yuck.  Dh makes it sauteed in butter and garlic - yum!


I don't like hot spicy food.  None of it.  Actually makes me feel ill.


I also don't understand the recent trend of making all candy "sour".  Yuck. 

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That stuff is vile. My boy pleaded for us to purchase a jar of Nutella recently (he'd lever tried it), so I indulged him.


He had one bite, rejected it.  I tried one bite (to be fair) and also rejected it. It sat in the fridge until I asked if anyone would be eating it in the near-future, There were blank expressions all around, and into the trash it went.





Edited by Spy Car
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Ah yes, another addition to my list I had forgotten.  TBH, I think this is a common one.  I only know of a couple people who like it.  My youngest son is one of them, but he's since moved on from it.


I also forgot to add salted chocolates or caramels.  I love salt.  I love dark chocolate.  I love caramel.  One can mix chocolate and caramel, but one can NEVER put salt with either of those two - or watermelon - or tossed salad.  I accidentally bought salted chocolate at a fancy chocolate store once.  One bite had me gagging and even though the chocolate was super expensive, the rest got tossed.  NEVER again.



Snapping turtle is amazing if you ever get a chance to try it. The different parts of the turtle all taste like different meats, but overall it's mild like pork or chicken. It's very tender. I had it breaded and pan fried.


Turtle of any kind is another meat I will only try if there's a severe famine.


Hubby, middle son, and I just got finished watching an episode of Wild China (BBC's awesome series - on Netflix if anyone is interested).  One Chinese quote from that is they "will eat anything with legs except tables and anything with wings except planes."  I used to feel adventurous with what foods I will try and/or like (esp after this thread), but after seeing and hearing about some things... no.  I think I might be "average."  I'm glad I wasn't born in China TBH, but I really need to get there to see their fabulous landscape - I could sit and stare at much of that for hours.

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There aren't many things I don't like, but what I have found really weird is how much my tastes have changed over the last few years. I used to despise olives, and now I love them. In fact, I think I'm gonna have to grab a couple jalapeĂƒÂ±o stuffed ones to eat right now!


Probably what I really dislike most that others around here seem to love is smoked meats. I cannot STAND meat that has been on a smoker. I'm also not a huge fan of barbecue, but with a really good, homemade sauce I might tolerate it. I also don't get the buffalo chicken craze (or anything buffalo flavored).

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Ok, now the next time we're in the area I'll have to try Varsity.  If I remember, I'll let you know whether you did us any favors or not... ;)


The standard is chili dog, fries and/or onion rings, and either a jumbo frosted orange or a PC, which is chocolate milk over ice chips.   Don't forget your Lipitor. g

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For those who had squirrel: how does it taste? Similar to rabbit? (Which is delicious)


I would say that is a good comparison. I ate squirrel a lot growing up. My dad was a hunter and he had friends who also hunted squirrels who shared with him at times. I even helped him "dress" them.

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The standard is chili dog, fries and/or onion rings, and either a jumbo frosted orange or a PC, which is chocolate milk over ice chips.   Don't forget your Lipitor. g


Honestly... I don't waste space in my stomach on chili dogs.  Fries or onion rings would be fine, but they would need to be paired with something else.  If a hot dog, chances are I'll be disappointed. So many places use flavorless dogs and count on the toppings giving flavor.  I can't stand that. We live in the land of some of the best tasting hot dogs one can buy - Berks being my personal favorite.  Toppings are optional to enjoy them.  I'd never put chili on one.  I don't hate it so it doesn't go on my list for this thread, but there are just too many better things - like cheese, mustard, or just plain butter.  Still, it has to be a good tasting dog to start with and that's rare outside of our region.

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Honestly... I don't waste space in my stomach on chili dogs.  Fries or onion rings would be fine, but they would need to be paired with something else.  If a hot dog, chances are I'll be disappointed. So many places use flavorless dogs and count on the toppings giving flavor.  I can't stand that. We live in the land of some of the best tasting hot dogs one can buy - Berks being my personal favorite.  Toppings are optional to enjoy them.  I'd never put chili on one.  I don't hate it so it doesn't go on my list for this thread, but there are just too many better things - like cheese, mustard, or just plain butter.  Still, it has to be a good tasting dog to start with and that's rare outside of our region.


The Varsity chili dogs aren't good.  They're just part of the tradition.   

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Coffee stinks from here to high heaven, as do bananas. People who eat bananas in my car get scowled at, at best, prohibited, at worst.


The devil picks his teeth with cilantro. 



I also don't like sultanas, delicious looking cakes decorated with rancid nuts, or badly placed sugar. Salad dressings should not contain sugar. Nor should bread, meat or vegetables. Stevia tastes nasty too. Milk is gross. Breakfast cereal is not food.

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You cannot imagine the flack someone gets when they like well done, completely well done, steak. I do like steak that's well done, no matter what anyone says about how I shouldn't like it because it's dry, tough, whatever. It's not worth trying to justify my taste so I just don't bother to eat it or order it.

Yes, there are some restaurants where I order it "burnt" so I don't have to send it back two or three times. The ones that "very, very, very well done" doesn't seem to get the message.

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