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UPDATE post 118 Help me make hospital and NICU as good as possible


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Well, the doc says they've done everything they can do. He's still in really bad shape. My parents got to meet him, and the older children all got to see him one more time and to say goodbye to him. They're going to switch him to a different vent, and then I will be able to hold him. We are waiting for his other body systems to show signs of shutting down. Once they remove all of his support, he will not survive very long.


Thank you for praying for and loving us during this hard time.

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My heart is breaking for you. I'm so sorry you only got to love on your little man for such a brief time. I pray his remaining time is sweet and everyone gets snuggles and tons of pictures. I can't even imagine how heartbroken you are.


I'm so, so sorry. There are no words, but please vent or cry or say whatever you need to on here if it will help even a small measure.

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I'm so sorry. Sending prayers for you and your family. Take as much time as you need to make memories and enjoy snuggling your son when they change the vent. There is so much sadness mixed along with such profound joy. It is easy to overlook the joy. I hope your overwhelming love for your son is a comfort to you both.

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I am so so sorry. I dreamt about baby Nate last night, except he was my baby in the dream. I think we all feel connected to him now, and you. Please know we are loving on both of you. 


Oh, and do ask about having a photographer come...there are ones that donate their services for this exact situation. They are specially trained, and will help you preserve his memory. 

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Thanks everyone. He tolerated the vent change just fine and is sleeping peacefully on my chest. He often breathes over the vent, and he squirms and makes cute little squeaky baby noises. We are still hoping for an extreme miracle, but the doctors say they've not seen a baby come around from his point. We don't know how long he might hang on, but we're waiting for him to tell us definitively that it's time, just like he did when it was time for his birth.


He's so sweet. I've been waiting for this for six months. I could have happily waited three more, but with so much different and unfamiliar, this -- baby on my chest -- this I know.

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