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Mother always says wear.... what? (DH and I disagree!)


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DH and I were watching an old clip from Whose Line is it Anyway last night where a girl was carried onto stage by Wayne Brady, and her skirt rode up, showing her underwear. Drew Carrey said to her afterwards,"Aren't you glad you listened to your mother?" I then muttered "Mother always says to wear clean underwear!" and my DH looked at me and said, "No, it's always wear sensible underwear!"


I had *never* heard that colloquialism worded that way, but DH insists that's the way it goes. So, is it "Mother always says to wear clean underwear." or "Mother always says to wear sensible underwear."






(and yes, this is a totally frivolous post. :lol: )

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Well, this has been decisive. :lol:


I guess he meant thongs or other types that you wouldn't want strangers to see you in. The woman was wearing what I would call "full coverage" undies.

Hmmm. I think I'd have been more embarrassed to be seen in granny panties than a thong back in my younger years. Now they'd both be mortifying. :)

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Clean underwear. Sensible shoes. He's wrong. Show him this thread and while he reads it do the I Told a You So Dance.

I'm somehow out of likes (not sure how that happened) so I had to say your post cracked me up. :)

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Agreed with the others. Clean underwear, sensible shoes. What it sensible underwear, anyway? Is he expecting someone to stare at a woman's underwear and say "well that woman hasn't got ANY sense?!" Is that a thing? (You know what, pretend I didn't ask. I think I'd rather not know the answer.  :lol: )

Edited by SproutMamaK
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What type of underwear would a man wear that wasn't sensible?!?!


oh lol, there are a lot men's undies that are definitely not sensible. 


even good old amazon has them. Just add the word s**y to your men's undies search and you can shop for lots of fun, if somewhat uncomfortable looking, stuff. 

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What type of underwear would a man wear that wasn't sensible?!?!

Speedos come to mind. Not underwear I know but I'm sure there are underwear like them!! Unless your entire body is waxed and your dancing onstage for a bunch of inebriated women.....then that's a different story. But I don't want part of that either.

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Speedos come to mind. Not underwear I know but I'm sure there are underwear like them!


wow, I didn't know people didn't consider these normal and sensible undies.  I always thought ginormous "briefs" were only for very old old men (a misnomer if ever there was one. There's nothing brief about the acres of unnecessary fabric on those things...)  

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wow, I didn't know people didn't consider these normal and sensible undies. I always thought ginormous "briefs" were only for very old old men (a misnomer if ever there was one. There's nothing brief about the acres of unnecessary fabric on those things...)

Maybe I'm just old. Boxers and boxer briefs are the norm to me, with my vast experience in men's underpants. ;)

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Clean, most definitely. 


Although I would say that "and in good shape" is also implied. My mother's generation takes the underwear thing very seriously. When dd went to the summer academy at UA last summer, my mom went to the store and bought her a week's worth of new underwear, apparently fearing that I did not take the old saying seriously enough, lol. 

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