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How far away from your mom do you live?



309 members have voted

  1. 1. How far from your mother do you live?

    • 0-5 miles (0-8 km)
    • 5-10 miles (8-15 km
    • 10-20 miles (15-30 km)
    • 20-40 miles (30-65 km)
    • 40-80 miles (65-130 km)
    • 80-160 miles (130-250 km)
    • 160-400 miles (250-600 km)
    • 400-1000 miles (600-1600 km)
    • 1000-2000 miles (1600-3200 km)
    • 2000-3000 miles (3200-4800 km)
    • More than 3000 miles (4800 km)

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She's obviously flying... you cannot drive from the US to Europe last I checked.


Haha! Thanks.  


You would think I would get the hint that I'm not able to think coherently enough to be discussing on a Chat Board. I'll get it, eventually. I guess these things take time to realize and accept.

Edited by LavenderGirl
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She's obviously flying... you cannot drive from the US to Europe last I checked.


well - google has apparently fixed their directions on getting between the US and UK.  it used to tell you to swim. . . . . now, it gives an airfare price.

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I live about 2800 miles from my mother. My family still lives in my childhood home, but they travel often and I get to see them 3-4 times a year. 


We live two streets away from Dh's parents, and all four of his siblings live within 15 miles. 

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She's obviously flying... you cannot drive from the US to Europe last I checked.



Even so, 4000 miles would not have to take 23 hours, if it weren't for the driving and sitting, or if we lived in a big city flying to a big city - it would take only half the time. Alas, we are 2 hours drive from the airport and have 3 legs or 2 legs + a 5 hour drive.

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We currently live about 60 miles from my mom, it's the closest we've been in the last 10-11 years(usually about 1000 miles).  We'll likely be moving again this Spring about 250-300 miles away. I'm the oldest of four and the only one who has lived more then an hour from mom for any extended period of time (both my sisters have tried to live with me but not long term).

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I really want to answer "She lives in my head and I wish she would move out." but in reality I'm 1000 miles from my mom.  I long for the type of mother I could live near. 


When DH and I were first married we lived 10 houses down from my ILs.  I wish we could live close to them again.  They are about 1100 miles away.  I would give anything to have been able to stay close to them.


My DH and I are the only family not to remain in our home state.  

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We live 50 miles from my childhood home, but my parents only live there part time. They moved 2000 miles away for me dad's job when I graduated from college, and only planned to be gone a few years. It's been 13. My mom has been living back "home" the last two and a half years because of deaths in the family and her mom needing more help. My dad comes back as often as he can and he's working toward finally retiring and coming home for good. My siblings are all about the same distance from "home" but different directions.


I grew up with my grandparents all fifteen minutes away, so an hour seems long. We're only ten minutes from DH's office and I like living further from the big city. I feel a bit claustrophobic when we're back on my inner-ring suburb hometown now.


DH's parents are a five hour drive away. I like that except for when we visit them and it means at least two nights staying there to make the trip worthwhile.

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I answered for my parents: about 5 miles, a 10-15 minute drive. My sister is the same distance, as was my other sister when she was living, my brother is an entire 12 miles away, and much of the maternal extended family is nearby as well. 


We lived in 3 different places for several years after we married, each about 10 hours away, and I think it was good for us (I'm the youngest of some forceful siblings, lol). But moving back at some point, and def before kids, was part of our unofficial marriage agreement. Family was one big aspect, but so was the area itself - I like living near a wacky, charming city with personality. 


dh's parents are 700+ hours away, about 11 hours. They are about 400 miles from his sister and 2,300 miles from his brother. While they are retired now and consider themselves settled, they always moved quite a bit, so in between that and scattered siblings, living near his family was never really a choice. 


We definitely gave up some opportunities to do it, but there are jobs to be had - you sometimes just have to gain experience first and bide your time. I moved here 6 months ahead of dh, bc my company transferred me first. 

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I live across the street from my mom currently, but have never lived more than 15 minutes from her.  We live 3 hours from DH's mom.  DH's sister lives down the street from their mom, and all the boys live hours/states away from mom.



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BOth my parents and in-laws are deceased.  When my mother was alive, I live around 600 miles away.  (My father died when I was a kid).  With my inlaws we only lived within driving distance for a total of 7 years  but it was still 400 miles exceot for two of those years when it was about 230.  By then my m-i-; was deceased and my f-i-l lived in a very bad situation of his choosing so we never visited when we were only 230 miles away.  My dh thought it wasn't safe for us to go.

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She's obviously flying... you cannot drive from the US to Europe last I checked.


I went to google maps to try to find the distance between me (Atlanta) and mom (Hawaii) but it would only give me flying time. I tried to switch it to driving, hoping it would then give me mileage but it just said it couldn't calculate any driving directions. :laugh:

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I live about 100 feet from my mom. My parents live 2 houses down from us! There are some boundary issues, but for the most part I love living this close! My kids are developing a deep relationship with their grandparents and I wouldn't change that for the world.



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I am 40 miles from my parents, who still live in my childhood home. I am 7 miles from MIL. One of my siblings lives within 30 miles from them, one sister lived with them until her unexpected death, one brother is most of the way across the country and another sister is out of state, several hours away.


Of my Dh's family, only one of six kids lives in another state, several hours by car. Everyone else lives within 10 miles, except one who is probably 20 miles. I always found that so unusual.

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I live around 4000 miles from my mom. She's in North Carolina and I'm in the UK. And my brother is 3000 miles from her in the opposite direction. I blame it in part on the fact that my parents retired down to NC while my brother and I were in college. So when we graduated from college, we didn't have 'home' to go back to. There was no real reason to go back to our hometown in NY, and  there was no real reason to go and live with my parents where we knew no one but them. So we both set up lives for ourselves wherever we wanted to. My brother was in the DC area for a while and then moved out to CA. I went down to FL for 10 years, with a year in the middle in Moscow, and then moved to the UK. Neither of us have ever lived near our parents during our adult lives. I've kind of envied people who could raise their kids near the grandparents and have built-in babysitters, but it just wasn't to be for us.


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My mother died when I was in college, but I'm currently about 10 miles from my father and stepmother, about 30 miles or so from in-laws. We are considering moving closer to the in-laws because we do more things down there regularly. I've never lived more than 60 miles from where I was born.The furthest was while I was in college, other than that, within 20-30 miles.

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I only lived that close to my mother for three or four years. The last 16 years of her life she lives near Tacoma, Washington, while I lived in San Diego and then San Jose. As an adult, my mother only lived in the same town as her mother for five or six years.

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I am about 600 miles from my mom. On purpose.


The inlaws are about 40 miles away and we love that. We were in the same city as them but moved to shorten dh's commute.


My dad was about 1500 miles away but recently moved to our area. That is going to be "interesting."

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