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My next home will DEFINITELY NOT.......(fill in the blank)


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Definitely not have the washer/dryer on a different floor from the bedrooms. 


Current house has bedrooms upstairs and laundry on the main floor.  I HATE having to haul laundry baskets up and down stairs.


Any house I buy in the future will probably be a single story, though, so I am hoping to avoid this issue entirely.

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I don't get to choose where I live, but if I did, it wouldn't have more than two bathrooms or be larger than 1500 sq ft and preferably it would be smaller.  It wouldn't be dark.  It wouldn't have an electric stove.  It wouldn't be in a hot, humid place.  It wouldn't have a large kitchen.  It wouldn't have any bathroom attached to a bedroom except for the master bathroom, if there is a master bath. It wouldn't all be tile. The showers wouldn't be glass especially if it has hard water.  It wouldn't have drainpipes in the living room.  It would have a sink with a plumbing in the kitchen.  The washing machine wouldn't be in the basement or in the kitchen and there would be hookups for a washing machine.  It wouldn't have bad insulation.  It wouldn't have electric heat.  It would have reliable gas, electricity, and water- they don't have to be on all the time, but they need to be on at predictable times. It wouldn't require an internet extender for the wifi to reach all the rooms.  It wouldn't be designed poorly so that it was hard to keep cool or warm.  It would face north or south- no large east or west windows.  


I guess I'm feeling testy tonight.

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In our last kitchen, there was a diagonal island and at one of the ppins on the triangular workspace the dishwasher and the refrigerator were located kitty corner to one another. That did not work out great. Had we stayed in that house I would have straightened that dumb island out...which would have led to new flooring and if we were doing new flooring we may as well rip out that wood burning stove I hated that took up a whole corner. And I really didn't like the cabinets at all. It was just easier to move. 😊

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Definitely won't be out in the country! It will be new with no fixing up required! I will never have another house on a crawl space! Brick ranch on a slab only!


Last weekend we changed light fixtures that were put up in 1977. Ack! So tired of this house! Kudos to my dh for his mad DIY skills.

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Mine will NOT have a tiny kitchen. Our current home is only 1000 sq ft total and the kitchen really took a hit. In the beginning, I thought it wouldn't be that big of a deal but 10 years later and I'm done. We're currently looking to move and that's my #1 priority in a new home. I want a decent sized kitchen with a good amount of counter space and cabinets.


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No palm tree or any tree right outside my patio. The leaves of the palm tree has invade my patio space.


I prefer a condo unit without patios but can live with it.


If not a condo than no stairs. Especially no stairs from garage to kitchen. It is too tiring to get two gallons of milk up a flight of stairs. I would need a dumbwaiter system for that.

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My house isn't horrible, just a little noisy.

I would want better sound insulation between floors/room.....and especially to get rid of these issues:


~In my current house, you can hear what ever someone is doing in the bathroom, in the living room and kitchen.

~In my current house, the air hammer was taken out of a water line (dh, didn't know what it was when he was working on some plumbing and threw it away) so when you turn the water on, there is a ver loud, wall rattling "thud".

~In my current house the bathroom plumbing is in the wall behind the living room couch.  When ever someone is taking a shower, you have to turn up the tv, because the sound of the water in the pipes is so loud.

~In my current house, ds has hardwood floors in his room, which is right above the family room.  Even with sound insulation under them, you still hear his chair rolling around at his desk, which is right above the second couch. LOL


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No white countertops, cheap laminate, weird layout that makes the space feel like 1/3 of its size, lack of dishwasher, washer/dryer in the basement (huge pain with 3 levels!), non-existent backyard, expensive HOA that does nothing, washer/dryer in the garage, huge mortgage on a falling-apart house, nasty cheap carpet, apartments in sketchy areas (even if they are close to dh's work!) and...


absolutely no more fixer-uppers!! 

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- will definitely not be so small

- be a fixer upper

- have a small yard

- lack proper storage

- lack an honest to goodness adult sized bath tub.

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Bought at the height of a real estate bubble so we could have a place with kids (though we realized there was a bubble, what could we do? Rent was just as high) and sold just in time not to declare bankruptcy, but not for enough money to even cover the costs of moving.


Maybe we will buy something simple, like land, and build on it.


I would love to have property right now and I hate that we are not really that stable. I'd give anything to be able to buy the two-story fixer-upper without a bathtub we are renting right now.

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It wouldn't be too remote for cabled internet.

It wouldn't have three finished levels.

It wouldn't be so big, with unnecessary space.

There would be no such thing as dark granite countertops.

There would be no such thing as a black ceramic cooktop.

No garden tub in the Master Bath.

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We built our house and thought long and hard about it, so there isn't much I'd really change other than maybe a guest bedroom.  


We also built on family land, so we are stuck here FOR-EVER.  However, if the stars aligned and I could miraculously choose a new location, it would NOT be here.  I would move back to the edge of the city where there are sidewalks and walking trails.

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It will not be an old house.  We're living in a home built in 1902.  My next house will be built in this century. It will not have wallpaper and I would say it would have no, or close to no carpet. I've told my dh, next time we buy a place I tell the realtor that I want a house with NO charm and NO character.



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One main bathroom that we all use and that also has to be presentable for company. We have a second bathroom in the basement, but it's not convenient to use often. I want my own space, or at least a separate powder room that's not used all the time.

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We're building our next house and my wish list is:

No more than 1800-2000 sqft

One story

Built so we can make it handicap accessible later (wide doors, no transitions, etc) keeping older parents and my bum hip in mind

Small bedrooms, larger living spaces

A SCREENED IN PORCH with ceiling fans (deep south)

Natural light throughout

Poured concrete floors

As low maintenance as we can make it - inside and out - without being a concrete block house

No formal dining room

tasteful carport (garages gather stuff....I don't want stuff...)

And, I have family and plan/lot specific storage requirements

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We're building our next house and my wish list is:

No more than 1800-2000 sqft

One story

Built so we can make it handicap accessible later (wide doors, no transitions, etc) keeping older parents and my bum hip in mind

Small bedrooms, larger living spaces

A SCREENED IN PORCH with ceiling fans (deep south)

Natural light throughout

Poured concrete floors

As low maintenance as we can make it - inside and out - without being a concrete block house

No formal dining room

tasteful carport (garages gather stuff....I don't want stuff...)

And, I have family and plan/lot specific storage requirements


Sounds wonderful.


For us, we do need garages, not just for stuff but DH wants nothing on cars, including dust.  And I would like it about 2800 sq. ft.  But the rest is very similar to what I would really like.  Low maintenance would be FANTASTIC!  

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