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S/o where does your name rank?


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My name peaked in 1935.  :glare:   I think it was on a list of the 100 most popular names of all time but you wouldn't be able to convince me of that when I was in high school. 


I work for a large multi-national company with tens of thousands of employees worldwide, and there are only 3 Dorothy's working for the entire company.

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Mine was #4 the year I was born and stayed in the top 10 for awhile afterwards. I HATE my name, my husband knows he is not to ever call me by my name if he wants me in a good mood. Unfortunately the nicknames for my name are even worse. I once had 3 girls with my name in 2nd grade, it was so annoying. My mom was young and stupid, she didn't even know what my name meant or have a good reason for choosing it except that she thought it sounded nice.


None of my kids has a name above 200 on the popular name lists for their birth years. Our last name is super common too so I never wanted to saddle them with a common first and last name.

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Mine was #286 the year I was born and has been decreasing ever since.  It's not even in the top 1000 now.


It's probably a good thing.  I've never really cared for my name.  I grew up in the era of Jennifers and I always thought that was a really nice name.  I might have one myself except we never had girls and my boys probably wouldn't care for it even more than I don't like my own name.  :coolgleamA:

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I am a Jennifer Lynn born in the 70s. Enough said. 

When my daughter was born we would have liked to name her Emma after my husband's grandmother, but it was the #1 name of her year and after growing up as  Jennifer/Jenny I just couldn't do it. 

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Wayyy too high. My parents swear they didn't know anyone else who was using it, but there were four of us in my sixth-grade class (of~30 kids). It had been in the top 10 for a decade before I was born.


DH's name is also very popular, but less of a problem because 1) It's more of a classic, and 2) he has an unusual last name.


I made sure not to give DS a name in the top 20, but since he has DH's last name, I did pick one in the top 100 so he would not have to spell/pronounce/explain.

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#17 the year I was born.


#674 in 2014. 



Dh has a classic name (William). It was #6 the year he was born, and # 5 last year. I suspect it remained high on the list in the in-between years too.


Ds - 


#209 the year he was born (1997)

#491 in 2014

He was named after my father, so I checked my father's birth year to see if we gave ds an old man's name. It was more popular, but still didn't make the top 100. It was 159 that year.


While scrolling through my father's birth year, I also found several boy names that we would consider to be girl names. Seriously girl names. Ethel, Mildred, Helen, June, Dorothy, and even Margaret and Annie. Granted, they weren't high on the list, but they were there. No Sue though, for those who know what I'm talking about. ;)

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Mine was #2 the year I was born.  UGH!


DD#1's was only in the top 1000 for one year since she has been born.  It was in the 900s that year.  DD#2's first name is more common, but since we call her by her first and middle name (a double name), it doesn't feel like the same name at all.  I doubt that she will ever meet anyone that actually goes by the name that we call her.  

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My name was unheard of before the 1930's and then quickly rose in popularity.


It hit its peak, at #28, in the 60's and early 70's after Mary Martin's Peter Pan hit Broadway and was televised.


It had fallen to #90 by the time I was born in '81 and in 2014 it was ranked 782.



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#90 the year I was born and in 2014, #782. I'm not fond of my name; I would have loved to be called the name my mom originally wanted but my dad quashed.

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My name wasn't in the top 1000 names until 1998 when the show "Felicity" came out. Since then it's been between .037-.032% of births. Still no pencils with my name though. 


My kids have a mixture of common and not common-in-the-US names. 

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The best my name has done is the low 30s for a few years when I was around 10.  I rarely run into people with my name but it's familiar to people which makes it convenient.


Dh on the other hand has a name that is popular (always in the top 20 and often in the top 5).  


I've always been more attached to my last name than my first.

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Mine has been in the top 10 continuously since I was born. I like the name for what it is, but, UGH. I sometimes wish there weren't so many of us!!


The ironic thing is that my parents wanted a less-common name, and picked mine thinking they had not heard it much in recent years. Then every other little girl started popping up with the same name. 

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My name has always been in the top 20, it's often in the top 10. Fortunately, it has about a dozen nicknames so not everyone with my name actually has my name. DH's name was steady around the 300's for a long time, but took a sharp uptick in the mid 1990's thanks to a certain actor with his name. It's been in the top 10 for the past decade. DS's name has ranged from the 500's to the 30's, but hasn't been in the top 10 since before 1900. DD's name is almost unheard of in the U.S., but is popular enough in its country of origin, Sweden, that a person I met with that name last summer said she knew 15 people in her smallish (about 15,000) city that shared her name.


ETA: Having such a popular name definitely made me think about my kids' names. I didn't want to pick on in the top 10.

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mine was in the upper 200's the year I was born.  It was a top 100 name from 1969 - 1997 and is now into the 800's.

there are several common spelling variations (as well as name variations) - and I spell it. alot.


even though my surname is uncommon - there was a patient at my gyn's office with the exact same name.  I have occasionally received phone calls from someone insisting I was the person they were looking for - no, I've never lived in oregon.  I had to move from polite, "i'm not the person you're looking for" to "stop calling me, I'm not the person you're looking for, so *back off*".

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I've got a name that is way more popular now than when I was a kid, and my two girls have names that were more popular back then. So people frequently mix up my name with one of my girls' names.


Think mom Grace with daughters Lauren and Jessica and you get the idea.

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Mine was in the top 20 the year I was born, then hit number one and stayed there for a decade or more, after which it dropped to number two for a while.


Although it has dropped to 220 in the last year, it is still the third most popular name for girls from 1915 - present.


My husband's name was in the top 10 for boys for many, many years, also. 


We made very sure that our kids have names that they don't share with every 10th person they meet.

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Mine was #297 the year I was born. It's #616 now. I didn't know anyone with my name for a very long time. I know very few now.


There was a singer with my name who became very popular about a decade after I was born, and people always asked if I was named for her. Um, no. No one had ever heard of her 10 years ago. :confused1:

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My name ranked 24 the year I was born and was number 1 for the first 6 years of 2000. It is number 7 in 2014.


that's my mom's name.  named after her father, and grandmother (more formal version. mom's could have been considered the nickname).

in the 60's - it climbed into the upper 200's but even going back to 1900 - it was a popular name.

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The name I chose for myself had only 20 men with that name in my birth year and didn't hit the top 1000 until 1997. The name my parents gave me peaked (in a decade long plateau) a few years before my birth, at 94th at its most popular.

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My name peaked in 1935. :glare: I think it was on a list of the 100 most popular names of all time but you wouldn't be able to convince me of that when I was in high school.


I work for a large multi-national company with tens of thousands of employees worldwide, and there are only 3 Dorothy's working for the entire company.

I was Dorothy for a day. But when it came time to fill out the paperwork my mom vetoed that name.

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My name was 220 the year I was born.  I'm surprised it was that high.  I never knew anyone with my name growing up.  I think there was one other girl with my name who was 4 grades behind me.  Everyone used to always ask me if my name was another similar-sounding name with an extra consonant, or a similar sounding boys' name (isn't that a boy's name)?  Uh, no.  Not even the same etymology.


Then it had a surge of popularity when I was in my late teens/early twenties, and I kept being startled hearing my name being called, then realizing they meant a toddler.  It peaked at 18.   Yes, I finally got my name on pencils without custom-ordering.  Except I was a bit too old to care much anymore...  ;)


Now apparently it has sunken back to obscurity, and is even more uncommon than when I was born, waaay down in the 300's.


Interesting note, my middle name was supposed to be my first name.  Then someone told my mom that name was the most popular name given to girls at that hospital that day, so she made it my middle name instead.  Huh, looked it up, and it was 29 nationwide the year I was born (most popular must have been a very localized phenomenon), but now it's even way less popular than my first name, down in the 700's...


I remember before I had kids, I thought Emily Rose would be an awesome name - till I read that Emily was the #1 girl's name at the time, and Rose the #1 most popular middle name.  I had no idea I was so in tune!


One of my twins' names was in the high 400's when she was born, had an uptick to less than 300, now has sunk way back down to high 500's.  It's a Scandinavian name, although we know very few Americans with the name, at German Sat. School there was at least one in every grade.

Other twin has a nickname that is the nickname for a cluster of very popular similar names, so we can get her nickname (spelled wrong) on pencils.  But her actual name was not in the top 1000 the year she was born, and has never gotten higher than 862.

Youngest has a name that was all the way up at 159 the year she was born, and has declined since then to the low 400's.


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My legal name had its highest ranking in 1914 and 1917 (a tie with same ranking).  Now it is a few thousand lower.  I guess these are U.S. rankings.


When I was in graduate school, I kept hearing of little girls being saddled with the miserable [imo] name of "Buffy".  I remembered this when the "Rilla" thread was active here. 

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My name used to be more popular for boys than for girls.


In the year I was born, it was #81 for girls.


It peaked at 58 (for girls) about 10 years before that.


Now it is #2000+ for girls and #4000+ for boys.

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My name was popular from the mid 70s to late 80s. It was #9 the year I was born. Now it is very unpopular, ranked in the 800s.


Interestingly, my grandma had a doll as a child that she named my name, same first and middle name. (This had no influence on my parents' choice for naming me). It is especially surprising because my name was not very common in the 40s when she was growing up.

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