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Baby of mine...update


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He's having a rough few days. Stable, but losing weight and having a hard time keeping his heart rate up. It may be an infection. Regardless his oxygen had to be increased quite a bit just to help his heart rate.

They wouldn't let me hold him today.


I know there are lots of ups and downs in the NICU. I also know I am emotionally drained and exhausted. Last night an acquaintance actually told me I was lucky I didn't have to go through the "miserableness" of the third trimester.

I would have killed for four more weeks.


I am just drained already from the pregnancy; now I just have to find the strength for a few more months.

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:grouphug:  :grouphug:  :grouphug:


Sending prayers, hugs and hope your way.  


I'm so sorry your acquaintance made that comment.  I guess they were just trying to find anything to cheer you up and didn't think it through.  I hope they weren't intentionally heartless.


You have been so strong for so long.  I wish you and your wonderful baby and your family could just enjoy each other and rest.  


:grouphug:  :grouphug:  :grouphug:

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ITA with the people who make careless remarks about the difficulties of the end of pregnancy. I would have done anything to have my kids be full term. It is stressful having a NICU baby and especially recovering from a c/s. Continue pumping milk (if you are), drink water, eat occasionally and sleep as much as you can. I pray he's just having a little off day and gets better soon. They may test for infections or do X-rays so don't be surprised if that happens. It's sometimes standard just for babies acting a little different. (Hugs).

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Still holding you and baby Caden in my thoughts. Try to slough off stupid comments. I think "we" (culturally) are so far removed from the ill and fragile, it is common to say stupid things.

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Much love to you both. I got similar comments when my oldest was born prematurely.  Sometimes, if you don't know what to say, maybe say nothing?  Sheesh. I couldn't even look at a very pregnant woman for a couple years...  Wait until someone makes an offhand comment about scheduling their c-section a 'little early because it doesn't really matter" and you want to scream "Trust me, every day inside matters and is there for a reason"


Ahem..yeah, still sensitive....


I hope you get to hold him tomorrow. Can you at least hold his hand?  I read the first three Harry Potter books to my little guy so he could hear my voice. It made his heart rate more stable.

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:grouphug:  Hoping there's somebody nearby to make you a nice cup of tea and to make :angry: faces at people who make dumb comments.


Somebody pointed out to me that if DS had arrived one more week early, we would've gotten a tax deduction for him for the previous year. I pointed out that he would've needed it spent on medical care, since that was probably the week in which he developed the ability to breathe unassisted. <_<

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I know in six months this will all be a distant memory.

Fortunately that person is really an acquaintance that I haven't even seen in like fifteen years. I am sure she just didn't know what to say. It still hurt.


And I know I am exhausted and pumping every four hours around the clock doesn't help, plus all the post partum hormones. But sometimes I just need to vent.

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I know in six months this will all be a distant memory.

Fortunately that person is really an acquaintance that I haven't even seen in like fifteen years. I am sure she just didn't know what to say. It still hurt.


And I know I am exhausted and pumping every four hours around the clock doesn't help, plus all the post partum hormones. But sometimes I just need to vent.


Can you skip a middle of the night pumping so you can sleep?  Even every other night? It will make a difference in how you feel.  Or do you wake up all uncomfortable anyway? 

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From Danestress' thread on awesome cancer cards... Hope you will overlook some inappropriate language for some humor therapy.


Third card down, signed:


"Thinking of you, Caden and all your sweet tired family, hugs & prayers, Seasider."



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I'm praying for you, Caden, and your family as well.


Thank you for sharing. I hope no one else ever has to face what you are facing now, but you are helping me learn how to better support others when they do. God be with you.

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:grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug:


Sending prayers, hugs and hope your way.


I'm so sorry your acquaintance made that comment. I guess they were just trying to find anything to cheer you up and didn't think it through. I hope they weren't intentionally heartless.


You have been so strong for so long. I wish you and your wonderful baby and your family could just enjoy each other and rest.


:grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug:

I'd bet they were just being really clunky in trying to cheer you up, too. Don't take it personally!


I'm praying for you and Caden here. Both of you need rest and strength. The NICU is a hard, hard place to be.

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He's having a rough few days. Stable, but losing weight and having a hard time keeping his heart rate up. It may be an infection. Regardless his oxygen had to be increased quite a bit just to help his heart rate.

They wouldn't let me hold him today.


I know there are lots of ups and downs in the NICU. I also know I am emotionally drained and exhausted. Last night an acquaintance actually told me I was lucky I didn't have to go through the "miserableness" of the third trimester.

I would have killed for four more weeks.


I am just drained already from the pregnancy; now I just have to find the strength for a few more months.

Oh such an insensitive comment... Hope and pray that bubs gets stronger soon.

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Medic Mom, I thought of you & your precious son when I saw this sweet photo series...


Picture series captures the 'incredible healing power of a mother's touch' with images of women cradling their babies in an intensive care unit (Daily Mail article)


NICU Photo Series Captures Mothers' Healing Touch (blog from Children's Healthcare of Atlanta)


Wishing both you & your son some happy, healing holding very soon. :grouphug:

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